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The possible roles of the Durbin Equation and the first observation correction in improving the efficiency of parameter estimates in the lagged dependent variables-serial correlation model are examined. Unconstrained estimation of the Durbin Equation results in an estimate of ρ which is inefficient and its use in feasible generalized least squares does not provide asymptotically efficient estimates. Evidently, the first observation correction is a very important determinant of small sample properties in the present model. Asymptotically inefficient estimators which use a first observation correction frequently outperform Hatanaka's asymptotically efficient estimator in finite samples, essentially because it does not use the first observation.  相似文献   

The paper gives (necessary and sufficient) conditions for the local identifiability of dynamic regression models with autocorrelated errors in the variables. The conditions are simple counting rules combining the order parameters of a model and directly generalize the results of Maravall and Aigner. A new method of identification is presented allowing a compact derivation of the results.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with inference on the coefficient on the endogenous regressor in a linear instrumental variables model with a single endogenous regressor, nonrandom exogenous regressors and instruments, and i.i.d. errors whose distribution is unknown. It is shown that under mild smoothness conditions on the error distribution it is possible to develop tests which are “nearly” efficient in the sense of Andrews et al. (2006) when identification is weak and consistent and asymptotically optimal when identification is strong. In addition, an estimator is presented which can be used in the usual way to construct valid (indeed, optimal) confidence intervals when identification is strong. The estimator is of the two stage least squares variety and is asymptotically efficient under strong identification whether or not the errors are normal.  相似文献   

In this paper consistent and, in a well–defined sense, optimal moment–estimators of the regression coefficient in a simple regression model with errors in variables are derived. The asymptotic variance and other asymptotic properties of these estimators are given. As is known for a long time, serious estimation problems exist in this model. There are two ways out of this problem: using either additional assumptions or additional information in the data. A lot of attention has been paid to the use of additional assumptions. However, quite often this leads to rather unrealistic models. In this paper we use additional information in the data. That means here that, besides first and second order moments, third order moments are formulated as functions of the model parameters. Besides theoretical derivations a small study with generated data is discussed. This study shows that for samples larger than 50 the estimates we consider behave nicely.  相似文献   

This paper attempts a replication of the Cornwell and Rupert (1988) study—hereafter CR. The CR study investigated the efficiency gains in a returns to schooling example by applying alternative sets of instrumental variables estimators for panel data regressions proposed by Hausman and Taylor (1981), Amemiya and MaCurdy (1986), and Breusch, Mizon, and Schmidt (1989). Corrections on the CR data set lead to changes in the legitimate set of instruments, when the time dummies are excluded from the regression, and to much lower empirical gains in efficiency than those reported in CR. If the time dummies are retained in the wage equation, the experience coefficient is not estimable by the within regression, and the empirical gains in efficiency from using the IV procedures are not limited to the time-invariant education coefficient.  相似文献   

This paper examines the possibilities of moment estimators of regression coefficients in the errors-in-variables problem suggested by Geary (1942) and others [Scott (1950) and Drion (1951)]. This approach yields consistent estimators of regression coefficients based on uni- and bi-variate moments (or cumulants) of third or higher order. These are computationally simple and need milder assumptions than the standard techniques, viz., ML and IV estimation. After a review of past investigations, this paper proposes new moment estimators and compares the asymptotic efficiencies of six estimators proposed earlier or here and of the OLS estimator. The case where the true regressor is lognormally distributed receives considerable attention in this communication.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new instrumental variables estimator for a dynamic panel model with fixed effects with good bias and mean squared error properties even when identification of the model becomes weak near the unit circle. We adopt a weak instrument asymptotic approximation to study the behavior of various estimators near the unit circle. We show that an estimator based on long differencing the model is much less biased than conventional implementations of the GMM estimator for the dynamic panel model. We also show that under the weak instrument approximation conventional GMM estimators are dominated in terms of mean squared error by an estimator with far less moment conditions. The long difference (LD) estimator mimics the infeasible optimal procedure through its reliance on a small set of moment conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make a Bayesian analysis of the switching (two-phase) regression model when the subset of the regression coefficients shifts and the error terms are generated by a first-order autoregressive process. The posterior distributions of the shift point and other parameters are derived, and some numerical studies are performed. From the numerical studies, we see that the shift point is accurately estimated when the shift of the regression coefficient is relatively large. Also, the conditional distributions of the autocorrelation and regression coefficients on the shift point are compared with the marginal ones.  相似文献   

Dr. M. Deistler 《Metrika》1975,22(1):13-25
The paper consists of two main parts. In the first part we derive the solution of systems of linear stochastic difference equations by means of thez-transform. In the second part thisz-transform is used to treat the problem of identification of linear econometric systems (the term econometric is used to stress the special aspects of the identification problem dealt with in econometrics). It is shown, that under suitable restrictions observationally equivalent structures are related by unimodular matrices. Using this result, we state (rank-) conditions which ensure, that the unimodular matrices are constant, such that the classical econometric identification theorems can be applied. These conditions are given for stationary errors in the general case as well as in the MA, AR and ARMA case.  相似文献   

Abstract  The problem considered here, is that of finding suitable conditions for dynamic economic systems that exclude the existence of observationally equivalent structures. Here observational equivalence refers to equality of distributions or first and second moments of a small finite sample from the observable process. It is shown, that under these conditions we may act as if the lagged endogenous variables are nonrandom exogenous variables, when global identifiability is investigated.  相似文献   

Generalized least squares estimators, with estimated variance-covariance matrices, and maximum likelihood estimators have been proposed in the literature to deal with the problem of estimating autoregressive models with autocorrelated disturbances. In this paper we compare the small sample efficiencies of these estimators with those of some approximate Bayes estimators. The comparison is done with the help of a sampling experiment applied to a model specification. Though these Bayes estimators utilize very weak prior information, they out-perform the sampling theory estimators in every case we consider.  相似文献   

This paper proposes several tests of restricted specification in nonparametric instrumental regression. Based on series estimators, test statistics are established that allow for tests of the general model against a parametric or nonparametric specification as well as a test of exogeneity of the vector of regressors. The tests’ asymptotic distributions under correct specification are derived and their consistency against any alternative model is shown. Under a sequence of local alternative hypotheses, the asymptotic distributions of the tests are derived. Moreover, uniform consistency is established over a class of alternatives whose distance to the null hypothesis shrinks appropriately as the sample size increases. A Monte Carlo study examines finite sample performance of the test statistics.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,124(2):335-361
This paper discusses estimation of nonparametric models whose regressor vectors consist of a vector of exogenous variables and a univariate discrete endogenous regressor with finite support. Both identification and estimators are derived from a transform of the model that evaluates the nonparametric structural function via indicator functions in the support of the discrete regressor. A two-step estimator is proposed where the first step constitutes nonparametric estimation of the instrument and the second step is a nonparametric version of two-stage least squares. Linear functionals of the model are shown to be asymptotically normal, and a consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix is described. For the binary endogenous regressor case, it is shown that one functional of the model is a conditional (on covariates) local average treatment effect, that permits both unobservable and observable heterogeneity in treatments. Finite sample properties of the estimators from a Monte Carlo simulation study illustrate the practicability of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a rank-based test for the instrumental variables regression model that dominates the Anderson–Rubin test in terms of finite sample size and asymptotic power in certain circumstances. The test has correct size for any distribution of the errors with weak or strong instruments. The test has noticeably higher power than the Anderson–Rubin test when the error distribution has thick tails and comparable power otherwise. Like the Anderson–Rubin test, the rank tests considered here perform best, relative to other available tests, in exactly identified models.  相似文献   

Choosing instrumental variables in conditional moment restriction models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Properties of GMM estimators are sensitive to the choice of instrument. Using many instruments leads to high asymptotic asymptotic efficiency but can cause high bias and/or variance in small samples. In this paper we develop and implement asymptotic mean square error (MSE) based criteria for instrument selection in estimation of conditional moment restriction models. The models we consider include various nonlinear simultaneous equations models with unknown heteroskedasticity. We develop moment selection criteria for the familiar two-step optimal GMM estimator (GMM), a bias corrected version, and generalized empirical likelihood estimators (GEL), that include the continuous updating estimator (CUE) as a special case. We also find that the CUE has lower higher-order variance than the bias-corrected GMM estimator, and that the higher-order efficiency of other GEL estimators depends on conditional kurtosis of the moments.  相似文献   

Summary As is well known, least squares estimates of regression coefficients are inconsistent if the variables are measured with random errors. In the classical case of known variances and covariances for these error variables, consistent estimates can be derived. It is shown that these estimators generally have a joint asymptotic normal distribution, the covariance matrix of which is derived. No use is made of normality assumptions, but knowledge of the third and fourth moments of error variables is utilized.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with developing uniform confidence bands for functions estimated nonparametrically with instrumental variables. We show that a sieve nonparametric instrumental variables estimator is pointwise asymptotically normally distributed. The asymptotic normality result holds in both mildly and severely ill-posed cases. We present methods to obtain a uniform confidence band and show that the bootstrap can be used to obtain the required critical values. Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the finite-sample performance of the uniform confidence band.  相似文献   

Pre-test estimators (PTE) are considered which are optimal under a Bayes risk among PTE with general measurable sets as “regions of significance” for the test statistic t associated with the estimate of a given regression coefficient. Asymptotic and some finite sample results are stated and numerical experiments are commented on.  相似文献   

We show that the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation problem in instrumental variable quantile regression (IVQR) models can be equivalently formulated as a mixed‐integer quadratic programming problem. This enables exact computation of the GMM estimators for the IVQR models. We illustrate the usefulness of our algorithm via Monte Carlo experiments and an application to demand for fish.  相似文献   

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