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近年来,食品安全事故不断发生,对消费者的身体健康造成了极大的危害,食品安全事件暴露出政府在治理过程中存在职责缺失问题。因此对食品安全治理中政府职责问题进行研究,对如何提髙我国食品安全相关部门的工作效率、解决我国目前食品安全面临的问题、提高我国食品安全质量等都具有重大意义。  相似文献   

我国不断发生的食品安全问题表明,相关法律制度及管理机制的不健全和缺失是问题不断引发的根本原因,因此,我国食品安全问题要得到根本性的治理,制度的完善和建设是关键。其中,《食品安全法》和食品的统一标准的建立、政府在食品管理体制上变革和食品安全信用体系的健全是当前我国治理食品安全问题亟需解决的制度问题。  相似文献   

张炜达  李伟 《现代商业》2014,(22):50-51
近年来食品安全事件频有发生,食品安全形势不容乐观,单靠政府监管已难以解决食品安全日益恶化的趋势。要解决好食品安全问题,需要多元参与、协同治理。通过对食品安全监管多元参与生成依据进行论析,为食品安全社会共治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

解决食品安全监管问题,需要不断完善食品安全监管机制的约束、政策法律的调控,更需要对企业生产道德建设常抓不懈。本文主要从食品安全监管与企业生产道德建设的区别性、互联性和重要性来分析和阐述二者的关系。  相似文献   

近年来相继发生"毒奶粉"、"瘦肉精"、"地沟油"、"染色馒头"等事件,这些恶性的食品安全事件足以表明,食品安全已经到了何等严重的地步。解决中国的食品安全问题,宏观上和长远上看,需要加强道德建设,完善体系建设,就具体实施上说,可通过组织开展咨询宣传活动,在社会上普及食品安全知识,提高企业和消费者的食品安全意识。  相似文献   

中国人口过多,市场需求巨大.食品行业中过分重视数量的提升,致使许多食品质量出现重大问题,食品安全已成为当代中国的一个社会问题.本文从近五年发生的几起典型食品事例出发,分析了中国的食品安全和监管问题,进而从产量、道德、监管等方面对这些问题的解决提出了一些构想.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的日益提高,人们对食品的要求也越来越高。但是近几年里食品安全问题却一直困扰着社会大众,层出不穷的食品安全事件让人谈"食"色变。在风险社会理论下,食品安全问题到底该由谁负责,在监管治理上也面临众多困境。本文以云南省为例,探讨食品的整体性治理,提出合理建议,希望为解决我国食品安全问题提供参考与启示。  相似文献   

食品安全与每个人的生命健康息息相关,但我国食品安全问题形势严峻,其主要原因包括食品安全问题涉及环节多,法律法规建设滞后及监测不力,生产经营者道德缺失,政府用于食品安全的财政投入少,消费者自身食品安全与维权意识薄弱,信息不对称和信用档案建立不完善。要同时正视食品添加剂和慎重发展转基因食品,健全法律法规与加强管理监测,加强道德约束与建立诚信体系以应对食品安全问题。  相似文献   

近年来,区域性、系统性重大食品安全事件频发,虽然根源是企业唯利是图、道德缺失,但同时也暴露出监管部门的诸多问题与不足。本文通过对重大食品安全事件的特点、发生原因进行分析,提出一些预防对策。  相似文献   

张晶 《商》2014,(30):31-31
近几年食品安全问题一直是全世界人们共同关注的热点话题,从诸如“地沟油”等“问题食品”中不难看出在经济社会快速发展的条件下人们诚信道德的缺失。本文主要论述了食品安全问题中企业诚信与道德缺失的现状、食品安全方面存在的主要问题,并在此基础上分析了人们诚信道德缺失的原因,最后给出了重塑企业诚信道德的建议。  相似文献   

The issue driving this paper is ‘Why don’t people, in their consumer role, have a well developed moral conscience?’ To address this compelling question, the paper explores the moral consciousness of consumption behaviour (or lack thereof). The first part of the paper provides brief overviews of: (1) moral consciousness applied to consumption, (2) the essence of morality and ethics, (3) four facets of the field of ethics, (4) two moral development models, and (5) the affective domain of learning. The intent is to prepare the reader for a discussion of an approach to understanding the moral consciousness of consumption that integrates particular concepts drawn from the theory of ethics and morality with the moral development models and the affective domain of learning.  相似文献   

The public debate on climate change is filled with moral claims. However, scientific knowledge about the role that morality, ethics, and values play in this issue is still scarce. Starting from this research gap, we focus on corporations as central decision makers in modern society and analyze how they respond to societal demands to take responsibility for climate change. While relevant literature on business ethics and climate change either places a high premium on morality or presents a strong skeptical bias, our sociological model depicts morality as an indeterminate force: it can lead to both workable solutions or merely reinforce the status quo, depending on what different corporations make of it. We describe, on the one side, the diffusion of moral values in the media discourse on climate change and, on the other side, the specific responses of corporations. While the media discourse generates a pressure on corporations to act responsibly, their moral claims do not provide clear advice for action. As a result, morality becomes available to organizations as a medium that can be re-specified according to their internal dynamics. Corporations transform moral values into something compatible with their own structures through a variety of different responses: introducing formal ethical structures (e.g., codes of conduct), initiating value-oriented projects, or developing informal moral norms, and so on. In some occurrences, morality becomes a mere façade, while in others it serves as a decision-making criterion and deeply influences core activities in firms.  相似文献   

The key to moral behavior is often perceived to consist of ignoring rational self-interest and instead following norms recommended by religious tradition and moral philosophy. A central issue is the connection between these ambitions and actual behavior. Are an idealistic mood and an ethics of ambition the way out of an iron cage of individualistic rational behavior? Or is ethics best served by rules and incitements in harmony with rationality? The article discusses morality from the perspective of compliance. A normative suggestion in the Prisoner’s Dilemma exemplifies the case of prudent morality. The player should contribute if the expected value of that choice exceeds his payoff of mutual defection. The article questions the value of an absolute morality and suggests a morality that is more of a prudent policy than a categorical imperative. A conviction favoring a good average result in the long run is the most relevant argument for complying with a rule. The structure of economic games can give useful insights about problematic situations and consequences of different strategies. Being prudent rather than doing good might be a better policy not only for the agent, but also for organizations and society.  相似文献   

The issue of whether religious belief should be an appropriate grounding for business ethics raises issues very similar to those raised in asking whether religious belief should be an appropriate grounding for political morality. In light of that fact that writings in political morality have been a common resource for contemporary business ethics, this paper presents contemporary arguments about the role of religion in political morality while noting the relevance of these debates for business ethics.The paper takes the position that rather than excluding religion from public morality, political morality (and business ethics) ought to take an inclusive, ecumenical approach. To argue this position and to present fully a range of literature normally not studied in business ethics circles, the paper presents and critiques the major contemporary authors in the field of political morality and contrasts them with the inclusionists who seek to keep public grounds open for all moral perspectives.  相似文献   

Food Safety     

Food safety in the foodservice industry is an issue that is a priority at the federal level. In 1999 the National Food Safety System formed the Coordinating Committee to combat the problem. Since the formation of this group, outreach programs have extended globally to assist other countries with this issue. According to Susan Alpert, national leader on the Food Safety Initiative, many states are experiencing the same food safety challenges. Programs and standards have been established for each state; however, the problems of state implementation of a high quality food safety program is becoming a growing issue. This study investigated the importance of food safety training for food handlers and compares the current training and inspections for those who manage foodservice establishments. Data is presented from one high tourism state serving as an example of the violations to and the training given on food safety. The study presents the food safety training program required, inspection form used, and categories of violations most often experienced. Issues related to combating food safety are presented as well as suggestions for improving food safety training and inspection process.  相似文献   

We examine the use of Confucian relational morality as an alternative reference point to that of modernist morality in judging workplace ethical conduct. A semi-structured interview based study involving 46 ethnic Chinese managers and 30 non-Chinese expatriate managers in Singapore, provided evidence of the use of traditional guanxi-linked morality as a moral resource by some of the former group in judging workplace ethical dilemmas. While such morality played only a minor role in moral reasoning, and was largely overshadowed by modernist morality, the research nonetheless demonstrates that moral reasoning reflects wider cultural heritage, and is not merely a function of corporate culture and individual moral development.  相似文献   

食品安全问题涉及供应方、需求方、监管方三方利益相关者,健全食品安全保障体系,食品供应方需要提高责任、法律和道德意识,规范生产经营水平,从源头上杜绝有害食品产生;食品需求方需要提高食品安全知识和自我保护能力,积极参与对食品安全的社会监督;食品监管方需要完善法律法规,增强行政监管能力,提高技术监管水平,提高食品安全违法成本,构建完善的安全监管体系.  相似文献   

Kierkegaard’s theory of pre-ethical, aesthetic, ethical, and religious spheres of moral reasoning was applied to the case of an individual rejected for promotion to full professor. The evaluators seemed to represent the public morality of the profession, assumed that they represented the highest level of moral reasoning, and judged that the candidate represented a private morality based on a lower level of moral reasoning. The article questioned the view that moral reasoning could be discerned from one’s actions. It was paradoxical that different spheres seemed to produce similar kinds of actions, though for differing reasons, making identification difficult. It was easy for the evaluators to confuse spheres representing private moralities and to conclude, based on the candidate’s research record, that she/he was unsuitable for promotion. It was equally difficult for the candidate to discern whether the evaluators’ moral reasoning represented the public morality of the profession, or a pre-ethical need by the evaluators to appear in solidarity with the public morality. This made it difficult for the candidate to know whether the evaluators’ recommendations represented absolute standards that would be applied to any future re-application, or not. The article’s contribution was the identification of different spheres of moral reasoning, the interactions between spheres, and the paradoxical indeterminacy of gauging moral reasoning from moral action. It supported Kierkegaard’s view that the highest truth attainable by an individual was “an objective uncertainty” and that this truth was lost in self-deception when one claimed to have been able to solve the paradox.  相似文献   

The focus of the present study was the rationality of moral behaviour and moral conviction. Assumptions like "morality pays" or "good ethics is good business" are not a priori right. Whether morality as personal conviction is also economically rational or not depends in large part on the institutional setting of a society and the likelihood that immoral behaviour will be sanctioned. The systematic approach to morality thus appears to be political economy and the institutional setting: rules and laws. However, the conditions for morality depend not only on the formal structures but also on the informal structures of rules and sanctions. Hence, the systematic approach to morality is most closely linked with the culture of a society; the efficiency of individual morality depends on social conditions. It is costly for individuals and societies to establish and entertain conditions that set clear incentives for moral behaviour. In this context, moral competencies, learning, and education play a crucial role.  相似文献   

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