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To date, little is known about how working time preferences and fair wage perceptions affect employees’ entrepreneurial intentions. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, we provide first evidence that the difference between the actual and desired amount of working hours in paid employment is positively related to the propensity to switch to self-employment. Furthermore, our analysis supports the hypothesis that employees who perceive their current wage level as very unfair are more likely to have higher entrepreneurial intentions. However, the closer actual wages get to the wage levels perceived as fair, the more employees are likely to remain in their current employment situation. We also tested the interaction effect of working time preferences and fair wage perceptions. In line with our theoretical considerations, we find that employees who perceive their wages as unfair and, simultaneously, prefer different work hours have the strongest entrepreneurial intentions.  相似文献   

The influence of entrepreneurs’ career motives is examined on two alternative modes of decision-making logic; causation and effectuation. Based on Sarasvathy’s (Acad Manage Rev 26(2):243–288, 2001) seminal study, causation is defined as a decision-making process that focuses on what ought to be done given predetermined goals and possible means, and effectuation as a decision-making process emphasizing the question of what can be done given possible means and imagined ends. Analysis suggests that entrepreneurs who identify themselves with linear or expert career motives have a higher preference for causal decision-making logic. Entrepreneurs who identify themselves with spiral or transitory career motives have a higher preference for effectual decision-making logic. In addition, indications that prior start-up experience moderates the relationship between career motives and effectual decision-making logic for spiral-minded entrepreneurs is found. The overall results give ample support for the assumption that entrepreneurs’ career motives influence their decision-making.  相似文献   

We explore the relationship between inequality and entrepreneurial activity. Drawing on cross-sectional data from a largescale survey of the economic conditions of individuals across India, we develop a number of dimensions of inequality to explore empirically how inequality interacts with entrepreneurship, operationalized as self-employment or as employing other people. We find compelling evidence that there are thresholds to becoming self-employed, and even more so to assembling the combinations of resources and personal attributes required to become an employer. Greater inequality leaves more people unable to make the transition to self-employment, leaving casual laboring as the occupation of necessity. At the same time, inequality increases the number of employers in a society, by concentrating resources - particularly land and finance - enough for significant numbers of people to be able to cross this higher threshold. Lastly, greater differentiation into social or religious groups curtails the ability to cross either entrepreneurial threshold, presumably by limiting the extent and benefits of social networks of value for entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

An empirical test is provided of the effect of the degree of obsolescence on the effect of firm size and monopoly profits on a firm's ability to innovate. Recent theory suggests that innovation depends on firm size and monopoly profits only if the firm conducts product improvement as well as new product innovation. This is due to the allocation of limited entrepreneurial attention between improving current products and innovating new products. Current products are subject to obsolescence and innovation requires technological opportunities. The firm conducts product improvement as well as new product innovation only if the degree of obsolescence is sufficiently low relative to the level of technological opportunity. This theory provides an explanation for previously unexplained empirical observations. We find preliminary support for the hypothesis that product improvement reduces the positive effect of firm size on new product innovation and sufficient product improvement may reverse the negative effect of monopoly profits on new product innovations. In addition, product improvement reduces the positive effect of technological opportunity on new product innovation.  相似文献   

Failure of a prior business provides an opportunity for an entrepreneur to learn in the subsequent entrepreneurial endeavor, but learning from failure is not guaranteed. Why do some entrepreneurs learn less from failure than others? In this study, we propose that a narcissistic personality can create cognitive and motivational obstacles to learning. We further posit that the inhibiting effect of narcissism will be more salient when the costs of failure, especially social costs, are higher. Our analysis with a survey sample of startups provides the initial empirical evidence about the negative impact of narcissism on learning from entrepreneurial failure. The study adds to research on learning from failure and narcissism in entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, many nations pursued immigration policies aimed at attracting entrepreneurs who could invigorate their domestic economy. This paper examines New Zealand’s business immigration policy and contrasts it to that of Canada. Immigrant entrepreneurs explored business ventures that either did not materialise or ended in failure. Many resorted to passive investments. They had to learn to do business in the new environment. This paper suggests the policies were based on an outdated model of entrepreneurship that emphasises the attributes of the individual. The experience of business immigrants highlights the dynamics of fit in the nexus between individual and environment.  相似文献   

The entrepreneurial ecosystems literature has increasingly explored network relationships between different stakeholders, as well as the role of context. This article addresses the challenge of including a sport context in the entrepreneurial ecosystem literature thereby contributing to the sport entrepreneurship literature by bringing insights from entrepreneurship ecosystem research. In‐depth interviews of football stakeholders in the sport entrepreneurship ecosystem are conducted in terms of understanding the emergence of digital sport start‐ups. The issues raised help explore the changing nature of digital entrepreneurial ecosystems to take into account new sport technological advances. Mixed embeddedness theory is used as the conceptual foundation to understand sport digital entrepreneurial ecosystems. Key management practices are identified in terms of sport start‐ups participating in entrepreneurial ecosystems. The article concludes by making suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The motivation for this special issue came from the growing attention and debate on what constitutes Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM). Research in EM was first pursued collectively by the Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association about three decades ago. Recently, there is widespread recognition of the significance of entrepreneurship and innovation to marketing, and indeed the importance of marketing in successful entrepreneurship. Whereas many scholars view that EM is more suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), there is also now a growing recognition of the important role of entrepreneurs in any marketing activities including at the corporate, community and social level. In light of this, it is not surprising that the government, industry and academics are recognising the contribution of EM to explain a range of issues. Although entrepreneurship and marketing are individually acknowledged as a major element in improving firm performance, their dynamics are still an area with limited theory and empirical work being undertaken. These issues have been highlighted in many international marketing and entrepreneurship conferences in the last 10 years. Indeed this special issue was proposed after EM special sessions held at the 2013 AMS WMC (Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress) in Melbourne and ANZMAC 2013 (Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference) in Auckland, New Zealand. The collection of papers presented in this Special Edition of Journal of Strategic Marketing was selected from the papers submitted at the close of the call for papers and following double blind review process. From the review process, authors of five submissions were selected and compiled into this [special issue on the Anatomy of Entrepreneurial Marketing]. It is our intention that this special issue becomes a valuable resource for both scholars and practitioners alike.  相似文献   

This article focuses on valuation issues and methods that are related to a closely held entrepreneurial enterprise. This focus is motivated by the fact that the number of small, closely held business start-ups, which we refer to broadly by the term “entrepreneurial enterprises,” continues to grow year on year, and new business ventures remain the primary source for employment growth in the USA and most industrialized nations. Also, the topic of valuation of entrepreneurial enterprises has for the most part been ignored. The traditional approaches to valuation of small, closely held entrepreneurial enterprises are, in our view, wanting in a number of important respects. Simply, traditional valuation methods are modeled in a manner that is applicable to a going-concern business with a history of sales and revenues. That is not the case for an entrepreneurial enterprise as we define it, and thus use of traditional valuation methods is questionable.  相似文献   

The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A significant gap exists in the conceptualization of entrepreneurship in the digital age. This paper introduces a conceptual framework for studying entrepreneurship in the digital age by integrating two well-established concepts: the digital ecosystem and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The integration of these two ecosystems helps us better understand the interactions of agents and users that incorporate insights of consumers’ individual and social behavior. The Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem framework consists of four concepts: digital infrastructure governance, digital user citizenship, digital entrepreneurship, and digital marketplace. The paper develops propositions for each of the four concepts and provides a theoretical framework of multisided platforms to better understand the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem. Finally, it outlines a new research agenda to fill the gap in our understanding of entrepreneurship in the digital age.  相似文献   

This paper uses the 2010/2011 Christchurch earthquake and re-development efforts as an exemplar to explore how entrepreneurial marketing processes combined with entrepreneurial self-efficacy can be leveraged to help a community reduce its vulnerability to natural disasters and enhance its resilience. Manyena's (Manyena, S. B. (2006). The concept of resilience revisited. Disasters, 30, 433–450; Manyena, S. B. (2012). Disaster and development paradigms: Too close for comfort? Development Policy Review, 30, 327–345) vulnerability–resilience theory is used as the conceptual framework to delineate the prophylactic benefits of building a community's entrepreneurial marketing process capabilities and the notion of entrepreneurial self-efficacy as defensive mechanisms to mitigate the effect of disasters. This work has resulted in an augmented disaster risk equation that considers: (1) the risk that a natural disaster poses on a community (as a function of the vulnerability of the community's tangible assets); (2) the hazard potential of the disaster; and (3) the resilience of its social and economic systems. This paper develops a measure of the symbiotic interrelationship of a community's entrepreneurial marketing process capabilities and community-level entrepreneurial self-efficacy to illustrate how leveraging the entrepreneurial, marketing, social, and engineering educational resources of a community can create a less vulnerable and more resilient community. In doing so, the paper develops a set of research propositions to guide future research and policy.  相似文献   

作为新兴的经济学分支学科,老年经济学和老龄化经济学还有一些基础理论方面的问题需要研究.老年经济学和老龄化经济学是两个彼此独立又相互联系的经济学分支学科,它们彼此之间在研究对象、研究内容、基本假设和原则,以及理论支持体系等方面都存在着差别.对这些差别的认识将有助于我们对老年经济学和老龄化经济学分析的深入.  相似文献   

老年经济学与老龄化经济学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为新兴的经济学分支学科,老年经济学和老龄化经济学还有一些基础理论方面的问题需要研究.老年经济学和老龄化经济学是两个彼此独立又相互联系的经济学分支学科,它们彼此之间在研究对象、研究内容、基本假设和原则,以及理论支持体系等方面都存在着差别.对这些差别的认识将有助于我们对老年经济学和老龄化经济学分析的深入.  相似文献   

Ageing in Europe     
For many people all over Europe, there is an understanding and an expectation that in old age they will be taken care of by the state. High social security contributions throughout the three or four decades of a working life are rationalised by the prospect of a straightforward transition out of the labour force when the time comes. While this was a reasonable expectation in decades past, a number of factors have combined to cause people all across the continent to feel very anxious about what awaits them once it is time to exit the labour force into retirement. The well-documented demographic transition of many rich European countries is a big factor, as greying populations start to weigh on the sparser younger generations, leading to increasing dependency ratios that would cause any social security system to buckle. The Great Recession has not helped matters, and the austerity measures still crippling many vulnerable European nations will not make anyone in these countries feel optimistic about their post-working lives. The following papers look at different threads of the new reality of ageing in Europe, from pension reform and prolonging the working life to more qualitative aspects such as an analysis of the quality of life of the elderly across Europe. They serve to inform and advise on an important issue that will affect everyone in Europe at some point in their lives.  相似文献   

Drawing on Bem's psychological theory of self-perception, this paper presents and tests a model that examines the impact of business accomplishments and gender on entrepreneurial self-image and explores the definition of entrepreneurship according to Vesper's entrepreneurial typology. Regression techniques are used to identify those business accomplishments that university alumni associate with self-perceptions of entrepreneurship. Experience as a small business person (founding, running, and/or owning a small business) most clearly predicts entrepreneurial self-image. Results also support predictions of both direct and indirect effects of gender as well as direct effects of education and business degree. Results of a separate expert panel study are used to rank business accomplishments according to degree of entrepreneurship. Results of both studies reveal stark contrasts in the implied definition of entrepreneurship between entrepreneurship experts (academic and practitioner alike) and the general business community (as represented by the alumni). This raises questions about the meaning of the term “entrepreneurship”, what the word “entrepreneur”, in particular, conveys to the general public, and the implications for practice and future research.  相似文献   

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