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德国的城市化采用了以大城市为核心、建立互补共生的区域城市圈的模式。在城市圈内,大中小城市均衡发展,中小城市是城市体系中的主体。德国的这种城市化模式保证了低房价,减少了居民上下班通勤时间和成本,完善了中小城市的基础设施和公共服务,降低了城市居民的生活成本,保持和发展了各城市独特的城市文化,形成和发展了多样化的旅游业。  相似文献   

宋慧 《企业技术开发》2005,24(10):70-72
会计信息失真的严重程度已引起整个社会的关注,近几年来国家虽然制定了各种措施予以遏制,但是会计信息失真现象仍然很普遍。文章指出,深入揭示会计信息失真的危害,研究会计信息失真的原因,从而寻找治理会计信息失真的对策,以提高会计信息的质量,使会计信息更好地服务于社会主义建设,是我们亟待解决的课题。  相似文献   

This article examines the pressures for reform in the German model of industrial relations, with particular emphasis on the sectoral bargaining system. It assesses if, how and to what extent the German model with its proven track record should be reformed. The article advocates a reform path within the parameters of the excisting system in order to strike subtle balance between stability and change.  相似文献   

德国建造规划评析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
德国城市规划体系中的建造规划(Bebauungsplan)是德国城市开发控制的传统工具,长期以来形成了较为完善的科学理论与方法,有效地促进了德国城市的可持续发展.本文从立法基础、主要内容、编制程序、实施操作四个方面详细评述了德国的建造规划,并将其同我国的控制性详细规划作了简要的对比.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of negotiated and unilaterally imposed change on employee relations in the German subsidiaries of a Finnish and a German multi‐national company (MNC). We look at how the strategies affect the sustainability of the current German model of employee relations and highlight some of the disadvantages of this model for global MNCs.  相似文献   

This paper tests symmetry and negativity of the Slutsky matrix for a system of demand functions derived from an aggregate model of multi product technology within a flexible dynamic framework. The model considers three inputs and three outputs, including imports and exports of intermediate goods. We derive a static demand model from a trans log cost function and specify the data generation process by a stationary ARX (1, 1) model. Results based on West German quarterly data indicate that the integrability conditions are not rejected when imposed on the ARX (1, 1) model, whereas they are rejected for all the less general dynamic models considered.  相似文献   

Until recently, evaluations of technology policy were rare in the Federal Republic of Germany. Activities of this type on a larger scale were not started until the early eighties. Most of the evaluations performed concerned government incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The main areas of research and development (R & D) and innovation promotion in small and medium-sized firms are the improvement of the capability and propensity to do in-house R & D, intensified cooperation in R & D between industrial firms and research establishments, the provision of more venture capital, and improved technology transfer. The underlying assumption is that these firms have bottlenecks, in particular in financing, in the personnel sector, and in obtaining information. A number of the existing support programs has meanwhile been investigated; the results of these investigations are covered in this paper. Initially, the underlying concept of impact analysis is outlined. Next, examples are presented of evaluations of general R & D funding measures, of grants for specific projects, of the debate about the most suitable instruments of promoting R & D in SME, and of technology transfer. Finally, some implications arising from the results of these analyses for technology policy in the Federal Republic of Germany are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a nowcasting model for the German economy. The model outperforms a number of alternatives and produces forecasts not only for GDP but also for other key variables. We show that the inclusion of a foreign factor improves the model’s performance, while financial variables do not. Additionally, a comprehensive model averaging exercise reveals that factor extraction in a single model delivers slightly better results than averaging across models. Finally, we estimate a “news” index for the German economy in order to assess the overall performance of the model beyond forecast errors in GDP. The index is constructed as a weighted average of the nowcast errors related to each variable included in the model.  相似文献   

Institutional change at supranational, European Union level affects national and firm level institutions in various ways. This article traces effects of liberalisation measures in the airport industry enacted in two airport firms in Germany. The study, based on qualitative empirical research, found that EU liberalisation facilitated company creation of subsidiaries (subsidiarisation) and elevated shareholder interest in corporate governance. These factors affected institutional practices and cultural norms within the German industrial context that in turn influenced significant alterations in employment and workplace relations. Considerable disruption of the German social partnership model of corporate governance and industrial relations was observed. However, in addition to patterns of convergence towards neoliberal practices and outcomes frequently observed in Anglo‐Saxon systems, the study found some elements of effective retention of cultural institutional resources of the German model. Both ‘path departure’ and social embeddedness appear to coexist.  相似文献   

德国Keller软件已在工业化国家的职业教育方面获得广泛应用,取得了较为丰富的成果,它将为我国的数控教学、轻松掌握数控技术、先进数控设备的使用以及数控加工生产全过程等带来一个全新的模式,为我国数控技术的职业教育改革和高等学校的卓越工程师教育作出巨大贡献。  相似文献   

德国城市建设中的公众参与   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
公众参与作为德国法律和政治制度在城市建设领域的重要体现,贯穿于德国城市建设的每一个环节,其中最集中体现在城市规划和城镇更新中.通过对德国城市规划法律法规的研究,系统地介绍了德国城市规划公众参与的工作阶段和工作方法,以及在城镇更新中的公众参与措施和社会规划.  相似文献   

TWICE饰品品牌创建至今不过4年,却已经在全国开了20多家直营店,10家加盟店身着黑色毛衫,说着一口流利的普通话,如果不是那双如湛蓝海水般的眼睛暴露了他的身份,任何人都会把他当成一名地道的中国人。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a factor model for short-term forecasting of GDP growth using a large number of monthly and quarterly time series in real-time. To take into account the different periodicities of the data and missing observations at the end of the sample, the factors are estimated by applying an EM algorithm, combined with a principal components estimator. We discuss some in-sample properties of the estimator in a real-time environment and propose alternative methods for forecasting quarterly GDP with monthly factors. In the empirical application, we use a novel real-time dataset for the German economy. Employing a recursive forecast experiment, we evaluate the forecast accuracy of the factor model with respect to German GDP. Furthermore, we investigate the role of revisions in forecast accuracy and assess the contribution of timely monthly observations to the forecast performance. Finally, we compare the performance of the mixed-frequency model with that of a factor model, based on time-aggregated quarterly data.  相似文献   

Academic research increasingly focuses on environmental sustainability as a specific societal mission to be addressed. However, the effects of the increasing sustainability orientation on output generation in public research organizations are largely unexplored. In this paper, we analyse the effects of the increasing importance of sustainability-oriented research topics on research and teaching efficiency in German universities in 2018. Our results are mixed. On the one hand, we find that a higher share of publications related to sustainability increases research efficiency. On the other hand, it decreases teaching efficiency. The latter negative effect seems to relate primarily to a notion of teaching efficiency associated with quantity rather than the quality of teaching output. We conclude that the tendency to focus academic research on challenge-driven sustainability orientation can have non-trivial effects on the efficiency of output generation and therefore needs to be considered ex-ante by policy-makers, administrators and university managers.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the introduction of teamwork in a British and in a German car plant owned by the same American corporation. It contributes to the current discussions about teamwork (Kochan et al., 1997; Delbridge and Lowe, 1996). Using the German concept of a 'constitutional factory' vs 'adversarial' framework, a cross-country comparison is made. The research includes interviews and surveys. Conclusions have been drawn on the actual Gestalt (form, shape) of teamwork with special attention given to the relationship between team members and team leaders. Teams in a more 'adversarial management appoints team leaders' model seem to see team leaders as a new form of supervison and split team members and team leaders into 'us and them'.  相似文献   

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