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Aquaculture satisfies a growing global demand for fish but also consumes an increasing share of the world’s wild fish resources. This has led to a concern that increased aquaculture production poses a threat to the sustainability of capture fisheries. We use a shrinkage estimator to estimate fishmeal demand from countries with different make‐up of meat and farmed salmon production. Although we are not able to identify structural differences between these sectors, the empirical results show that fishmeal demand is price inelastic. Technological change, however, is reducing fishmeal usage in feeds, suggesting that strong demand pressure on pelagic fish resources targeted for fishmeal is a temporary phenomenon.  相似文献   

文章以鱼粉、工业饲料以及养殖业等统计数据为依据,分析了我国鱼粉消费量居高不下的原因和消费特征,发现下游无论是饲料生产企业还是终端养殖(户)企业都存在严重的鱼粉低效率使用问题,同时我们发现鱼粉消费特征与我国养殖业特征存在一致性。当前,面对如何解决我国鱼粉市场需求增长过快造成的供不应求问题,宏观层面,政府部门需加强对渔业捕捞和海洋环境保护的规范管理,同时制定正确引导养殖业发展的政策,以及尽早建立鱼粉配方衡量指标的标准化体系;微观层面,处于鱼粉行业产业链中从生产到最终消费每一环节的参与者都需要更加理性地对待采购和使用。  相似文献   

论文总结了2011年国家出台的《十二五规划纲要》中涉及渔业生产生活发展的规划,并重点从渔业历史发展的角度对水产养殖、捕捞等生产性渔业政策进行了总结回顾。我国实行积极的、不断完善的、因势利导的渔业生产性政策,使得渔业生产总量持续稳定增长,渔业产业结构不断优化,渔业效益和“三渔”发展不断提高。分析表明,渔业生产性政策对渔业产业生产、结构调整和效益增减具有重要影响。为此,论文在总结我国渔业产业发展趋势基础上提出了提高水产品发展质量、加快现代化渔业建设和培育新型渔业经营主体等对策建议。  相似文献   

根据调查资料,描述了渔民一般性生产需求类型分布和渔民对渔业技术需求的强度和类型,从渔业技术用户角度分析渔民学习渔业技术的途径及影响渔民对渔业技术需求的主要因素,分析认为:渔民需求最大的是市场信息、市场服务、渔业生产技术和资金等;渔民获取渔业技术的主要渠道是渔业技术人员技术指导、新闻媒体和邻里效应;在影响渔民对渔业技术需求的主要因素中,资金不足、自然条件差、收益小、投资风险大、技术推广缺位、劳动力不足、政策不到位等因素较为突出,但是不同生产状况的渔民对渔业技术需求的强度与需求类型有较大的差异,因此必须针对不同层次渔民的实际情况,解决其投资渔业生产项目、学习渔业生产技术的制约因素。  相似文献   

论文在河北省水产品供给与需求分析基础上,选择时间序列数据,运用线性回归模型和灰色预测模型对2010~2014年的水产品市场供给与需求趋势进行了预测。预测结果显示,"十二五"期间河北省水产品市场的供求状况将由供给大于需求向需求大于供给转变。随着城乡居民消费和水产品加工消费的增加,2012年将达到供需均衡,2013年后将出现需求大于供给的形势。根据对未来水产品市场的均衡分析,提出应选择政、产、学、研相结合的开发模式,实现科技兴渔和产业化发展;提高水产品加工效率,提升产业附加值;大力加强渔业流通和服务业等渔业经济发展等建议。  相似文献   

After Taiwan became a member of the WTO in 2002, its tariff rates for fishery products decreased by an average of 35.5% from the level in 2001. Direct imports of fishery products from China would be allowed in 2004. These tariff reductions and the relaxation of import restrictions will have a strong effect on Taiwan's fishery sector. In this paper, we present an analysis of how fishery production, prices, input usage, and welfare distribution might react to trade liberalization. In addition to evaluating the overall impact of tariff reduction on Taiwan's fishery sector, we assess the effects of China's WTO accession on the Taiwanese market. We use a fishery sector equilibrium model in which 40 products and 68 fishing activities are identified. The model also includes an import–export subsector, a factor input subsector, and a supply–demand equilibrium condition to analyze the distributions of social welfare due to trade liberalization. Three simulations are conducted to investigate the impact of tariff reductions in 2004, 2 years after Taiwan has jointed the WTO. The results indicate that Taiwan's fishery sector will be adversely affected when it encounters the extremely low import prices of certain fishery products from China. The total production of the fishery sector and its value are predicted to decrease by 4.03% and 9.96%, respectively, in 2004. Aquaculture would suffer the heaviest loss with a 7.48% reduction in the production and a 19.23% reduction in its value. The demand for labor will decrease by 8.71%. The effect is most pronounced in aquaculture in which the demand for labor will go down by 11.40% and the wage rate will decline by 14.28%. To meet the challenge of globalization, the Taiwanese fishery industry will have to diversify, and improve its operational efficiency as well as production and distribution structures for a sustainable development.  相似文献   

作为国家贝类产业经济研究的系列成果之一,本文首先把贝类作为一个整体,从全球尺度上,考察了贝类总产量、养殖产量、捕捞产量变化趋势和各期增减情况;从国别尺度上考察了各主要国家贝类总产量、捕捞产量的变化趋势和各期增减情况,分别从全球和国别尺度上考察了选定年份按总产量、捕捞产量高低排序的全球前五大主产国(或地区);随后沿用同样的研究方法,分别梳理了各主要物种组养殖产量、捕捞产量的变化趋势和各期增减情况,以及选定年份各主要物种组养殖产量、捕捞产量的构成情况。基本理清了世界贝类产量变动趋势及特征,以便进一步动态观察、研究、预测世界贝类产业的发展走向。  相似文献   

论文以宁波传统海洋捕捞渔村为调查对象,研究了我国东南沿海海洋渔村的经济社会现状.主要研究结果有:①调查样本中,1991~2012年间,2006~2010年渔船增长比例最高,占53%;②吨位200吨以上的渔船占总样本数的77.6%,渔船的平均功率为377马力;调查渔村的双拖网渔船占68%,单拖网渔船占32%,实际作业时间229~331天,作业渔场主要在外海渔场;③渔区劳动力市场具有以下特点,即来自内陆的渔业劳动力数量远大于本地劳动力、雇工工资逐年上涨、工薪结算方式多样化、年轻普通渔业劳动力主要来自内陆、渔民受教育水平偏低等;④宁波海洋捕捞渔民对海洋捕捞生产的依赖性有增强趋势;⑤海洋捕捞产业的经济效率在下降.提出的主要建议有:加强渔业管理与制度建设;加强对海洋捕捞渔业人力资源的教育投入、生存发展环境建设投入、渔村渔区社会建设的投入,实现海洋渔业的可持续发展;减少春夏季作业时间,延长休渔期有助于提高捕捞效率.  相似文献   

发达国家渔业现代化建设始于20世纪50年代,其基本做法:一是以机械、电力、石油为主体的现代工业装备渔业,二是以化工、建材、饲料、探测、生物技术为主的新技术广泛应用于渔业,三是现代企业制度为渔业现代化提供了高效的生产主体。本文还综述了当代渔业发达国家在水产养殖、捕捞与加工方面的发展水平  相似文献   

北京市休闲渔业发展探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
休闲渔业发展对于我国渔业产业结构调整、渔业资源充分利用、促进农(渔)民增收等具有重要意义。本文从休闲渔业在我国的发展现状出发,从观赏鱼产业和休闲生活渔业等方面阐述了北京市休闲渔业的发展现状,并对其发展模式进行了归纳总结,同时提出北京市发展休闲渔业的五个创新模式:工厂化循环水——人工湿地科普养殖模式、工厂化循环水观赏鱼养殖休闲模式、工厂温流水休闲养殖模式、流水仿生养殖观光模式、设施渔业休闲综合模式。  相似文献   

罗非鱼是联合国粮农组织特别推荐养殖的优良鱼种,罗非鱼自身的特点决定了罗非鱼非常适合大规模人工养殖。我国已经成为最大的罗非鱼养殖国家。由于市场因素、国际金融危机等因素,使我国罗非鱼养殖产业出现了增产不增收的恶性循环现象。本文通过分析罗非鱼养殖和加工现状、罗非鱼系列产品开发、罗非鱼废弃物综合利用、政府制定优惠政策、培育规范的罗非鱼国内销售市场等,提出了切实可行的促进我国罗非鱼产业快速发展的途径,为我国罗非鱼产业的快速发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

"渔民、渔业、渔村"问题,随着渔业生产力发展,渔区体制改革,捕捞渔区的渔民就业结构、渔业的产业升级、渔村的新社会主义农村建设等,发生了根本性的变化。以历史唯物主义的观点来考察新渔区的一系列生产力基础变化,厘清"渔民、渔业、渔村"逻辑关系,对于渔业现代化的政策选择是很重要的。本报告以福建省龙海市浯屿村渔业为例,进行社会学调查,分析了渔民与渔业、渔业与渔村、渔村与渔民之间的关系,讨论了渔业劳动者称谓,渔区阶层分化,新一代捕捞劳动者的断裂和捕捞业渔区的孤岛现象。研究结果认为,社会主义市场经济进程中,渔民、渔业、渔村这三者的逻辑关系已明显断裂,政府作为弥补市场经济的缺陷,要重视新渔区出现的社会微观基础变化,以政府导向,政策取舍,进一步不断探索出台适合现阶段渔区发展中渔民、渔业、渔村非必然逻辑关系的政策与措施。  相似文献   

Overcapacity (OC) and excess capacity (EC) are serious obstacles affecting the sound management of commercial fisheries around the world. The use of individual fishing quotas (IFQs) has been proposed as a promising management tool to cope with these challenges. However, the empirical evidence on the efficacy of this instrument is scarce. Drawing on a stochastic distance frontier analysis, we investigate the impact of the US Gulf of Mexico red snapper IFQ program on fishing capacity, capacity utilisation (CU) and OC. The paper also offers an alternative approach to compute species‐specific capacity measurements for multispecies fisheries. Our findings show that following the introduction of the IFQ program, fishing capacity decreased, primarily due to the exit of a large number of fishing vessels. CU increased marginally indicating modest decreases in EC. Conversely, we find that OC remains high. Our estimates suggest that about one‐fifth of the actual fleet could harvest the entire quota.  相似文献   

This article examines the Japanese market for salmon. This market is of interest, since it is the largest and most diversified salmon market in the world with wild and farmed species, from Europe and South and North America, competing in the same market. In contrast to the European Union (EU)‐ and U.S.‐markets, there have been neither trade conflicts nor trade restrictions. The Japanese market can hence provide information about the impact of bringing substantial quantities of a new product into a market, and the effect of large‐scale aquaculture on traditional fisheries. In this article, market integration between wild and farmed salmon on the Japanese market is examined, using both bivariate and multivariate cointegration analysis. Tests for the Law of One Price are also conducted. The results indicate that the species are close substitutes on the market, and that the expansion of farmed salmon has resulted in price decreases for all salmon species.  相似文献   

Rock lobster fisheries are Australia's most valuable wild fisheries in terms of both value of production and value of exports. Different states harvest and export different lobster species, with most of the landings being sent to the Hong Kong market. A perception in the Australian lobster industry is that the different species are independent on the export market, such that a change in landings of one species has no impact on the price of the others. This study investigates the market integration of Australian exports to Hong Kong for the four species and different exporting states. Our results indicate all four species and producers/export states are perceived to be substitutes for one another, so that, in the long run, prices paid to operators in the industry will move together. The integrated nature of the Hong Kong export market for Australian lobster suggests that the potential impacts of alternative fisheries management and development strategies at state and species levels cannot be considered in isolation, at least from an economic perspective. In addition, impacts of external shocks affecting production in one state (e.g. climate change) can be expected to affect all Australian lobster fisheries.  相似文献   

Illegal foreign fishing for sharks in Northern Australia has increased substantially over the last two decades. This has likely resulted in declines of shark species abundance, with potentially far‐reaching impacts on the ecosystem. This, in turn, could also have indirectly affected the legal prawn, shark, and other fisheries in the region through changed predation patterns and direct removal of targets. The prawn fishery in Northern Australia is currently one of Australia's most valuable fisheries. Sharks themselves are also a major target species by many Queensland and Northern Territory fishers. In this article, an ecosystem model developed in the Ecopath with Ecosim framework is used to estimate the impacts of illegal shark fishing on the remaining system, and the potential economic impacts on commercial fisheries in the region.  相似文献   

我国大菱鲆市场影响因素的考察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大菱鲆是目前我国鲆鲽鱼类养殖的主要品种,而市场滞怠是该产业目前面临的瓶颈问题之一。影响大菱鲆市场的原因有哪些?如何进一步拓展市场?本文以主产地和主消费地考察为基础,从养殖生产、中间物流及消费地市场等产业链中各节点的价格增量分析入手,对影响该市场的因素进行了搜集、梳理和分析。并顺沿其脉络,对其背景的成因及应对策略进行了分析和探讨,以便为相关产业界决策提供参考。  相似文献   

浅析新形势下我国渔业经济政策调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了我国渔业经济发展现状,探讨了加入WTO后中国渔业经济政策调整的必然性和可能性,提出了政府应增加对渔业科研、技术推广、市场价格信息系统和基础设施建设的支持力度,重视促进水产品质量标准化和渔业行业组织化建设的建议.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the culture of flounder because of its high retail market value, the established worldwide market for flatfish, and the ability of flounder to grow in fresh or brackish water. The author assesses the U.S. market potential for a cultured flounder, Paralichthys sp., industry. Regression analyses were used to estimate both the price and income elasticity of demand for flounder. Demand forecasting was used to predict effective annual future demand for flounder. Although the U.S. flounder market is large and expanding, there are indications of excess supply suppressing prices below profitable levels for aquaculture producers. Demand is price inelastic, so an increase in supply from aquaculture production will produce a disproportionately large decrease in price, reducing total producer revenue. Unless niche markets are targeted or an export market is developed, the outlook for large-scale flounder aquaculture in the United States is not economically promising.  相似文献   

Aquaculture presents a radically different way of producing fish that aims to transcend the limitations of capture fisheries but that in turn creates new forms of agrarian and ecological transformations. Using the case of Laguna Lake, the paper probes how aquaculture production and corresponding agrarian transformations are inextricably tied to dynamics in capture fisheries in multiple ways. It emphasizes the fundamentally ecological nature of the relations between aquaculture and capture fisheries through a discussion of three interrelated features of agrarian change: commodity widening through the production of a commodity frontier, aquaculture producer strategies of working with materiality of biophysical nature, and the attendant consequences of these processes for agrarian configurations. By examining the appropriation of nature in commodity frontiers and situating relations between aquaculture and capture fisheries as historical‐geographical moments in commodity widening and deepening, the paper highlights the centrality of nature in agrarian change.  相似文献   

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