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银团贷款是目前国际金融市场中一种重要的信贷模式,特点是筹资金额大、期限长,可以分散贷款人风险,加速资金周转,且有利于树立借款人的市场形象和声誉,在一些市场经济发达国家已经占到全部信贷融资额的20%,而我国目前所占尚不足各项贷款余额的4%。究其原因,除了商业银行银团理念与合作意识需要增强以外,更需要借款人对这一新兴信贷模式的理解和认可,同时需要政府经济管理、金融监管及社会各界的倡导和支持,为其创造适宜的发展环境和舆论氛围,促进其能够在更大的范围、更多的项目、更广的范围和企业融资中运用,如此对于有效发挥信贷杠杆作用,减少商业银行贷款风险,提高资金使用效益,促进经济平稳较快发展意义重大。  相似文献   

银团贷款作为国际金融市场普遍采用的一种贷款方式,在分散银行信用风险,强化对借款制约,体现银行与企业平等,增加金融业务回报,降低企业融资成本等方面都明显优于其他贷款方式,但是近年来却发展迟缓.本文以河北省银团贷款业务发展情况为例,分析了银团贷款发展缓慢的原因,并提出对策建议.  相似文献   

银团贷款的中国瓶颈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从目前来看,银团贷款的数量和规模与去年同期相比,都有明显的增长。来自道琼斯的数字也证明,今年亚洲银团贷款预计将增长10%-20%,而中国的增长速度将尤其迅猛。在“2005中国经济高峰会”上,已经有多家银行明确表态,将积极介入瓶颈领域,推动区域经济发展,并继续构建跨地区的联合融资平台,也许,真如外界所预测的那样,2005年注定要成为一个名副其实的“银团年”  相似文献   

银团贷款是指在一笔贷款的交易中,由数家、甚至数十家银行或其他金融机构组成贷款银团,基于相同的贷款条件,采用同一贷款协议,共同向同一借款人提供的贷款。这一业务起源于20世纪60年代的美国,由于其具有分散信贷风险、转变盈利模式的独特优势,发展至今其已成为国际先进商业银行最具竞争力的核心业务之一。我国于20世纪80年代引进银团贷款,经历20多年的发展,目前已初具规模,但其发展中还存在不少制约因素,需要不断克服。  相似文献   

银团贷款是国际金融市场普遍采用的一种贷款方式。目前河北省银团贷款在发展规模、服务对象、辐射范围、增长速度等方面还存在着不适应经济发展要求的问题,应在不断强化银团理念的基础上,采取切实措施,充分发挥银团贷款在分散风险、强化借款人制约、实现银企平等、增加业务回报、降低企业融资成本等方面的优势。  相似文献   

我国银行业金融机构银团贷款与发达国家相差甚远,城市商业银行银团贷款规模更是微乎其微。本文对城市商业银行发展银团贷款的必要性、发展建议、应防范的风险等方面进行了一些探讨,以促进城市商业银行银团贷款业务的发展。  相似文献   

周华  赵志华  黄建 《海南金融》2009,(10):32-34
作为分散集中度风险的措施之一,银团贷款一直是银监会首推的方式。2007年以来,海南省银团贷款取得了一定的突破,但进展仍然缓慢,主要原因在于主体意愿不强、银团市场消沉、引导协调机制不畅等。本文针对海南省银团贷款存在的问题提出了相应地对策建议。  相似文献   

国际银团贷款市场发展趋势 银团贷款(syndicated loan)普遍存在于国际主要金融市场中,通常指两家或两家以上的银行,依据同样的贷款条件,并使用共同的贷款协议,向借款人发放并由一家共同的代理行管理的贷款.  相似文献   

Announcements of syndication loans increase borrowers' shareholder wealth if they are revolving credit agreements but not if they are term loans. Share price responses to revolving credit announcements are positive and significant, whereas the wealth effect for term loans is negative and significant. The results show that announcements from both the financial press and commercial information providers can affect borrower share price reaction. Overall, single syndication announcements appear to be more newsworthy than multiple announcements reported in the financial press, and we find evidence of information leakage, post‐announcement drift, or both.  相似文献   

关于银团贷款中银团的法律性质和法律地位,目前尚存在着较大的争议,国际和国内学者的主要观点有合伙关系、合资关系和信任关系三种.银团贷款在国内是近几年才被普遍接受的一种贷款方式,国家规范经济生活的基本法律还没有对银团贷款中的各种行为进行法律规范,所以,在基本经济法律中增加规范银团贷款的内容、提高银团贷款相关规定的法律层次将十分必要.  相似文献   

We show that small firms using syndicated loans for their mid- and long-term financial needs have significantly higher leverage than firms that do not borrow in this market. This difference cannot be attributed to firm characteristics like the availability of growth opportunities, asset tangibility, R&D spending, profitability and net sales that are known to influence capital structure. We also find that the capital structure of other firms that borrow in the syndicated loan market is not different from those that do not. We show that already highly leveraged small firms are more likely to borrow in the syndicated loan market than other firms. The higher debt in the capital structure of small firms that rely on syndicated loans consequently can be attributed to the availability of capital rather than demand for capital, as shown more generally by Faulkender and Petersen (Rev Financ Stud 19(1):45?C79, 2006).  相似文献   

在银团贷款实践中,贷款行通常要求在银团贷款协议中规定交叉违约条款。之所以如此,是因为交叉违约本质上属于一种预期违约事件,交叉违约条款具有防范债务风险、保障贷款行在向借款人追索债务时能与其他贷款人处于同等地位的功能。但贷款行在与借款人商谈该条款的内容时,应认清缔约时的客观经济形势,遵循诚实信用原则,并充分考虑适用该条款可能产生的经济后果。相应地,应从债务的性质、债务不履行的主体及其性质等方面入手设定交叉违约条款的内容,以平衡贷款行与借款人的利益。  相似文献   

We reject the hypothesis that investment and commercial banks have identical loan-pricing policies. We find that compared to commercial banks, investment banks lend to less profitable, more lever aged firms, price riskier classes of term loans more generously, and offer relatively longer-term credits, usually with term, not commitment contracts. Investment banks typically establish higher credit spreads, although the premium declines when a commercial bank joins as syndicate co-arranger. Investment banks also price riskier classes of term loans more generously to borrowers than do commercial banks. Commercial-bank funding advantages do not appear to be a source of the pricing differences.  相似文献   

This paper investigates, both theoretically and empirically, how interactions among potential lenders may influence contract terms via informational cascade in the syndicated loan market. Our model shows that the ex‐post observed interest rate is higher and the probability of syndication failure is lower when potential lenders can only observe the decisions of their predecessors versus when they can freely communicate with each other. Empirical tests confirm the model's predictions and the existence of a cascade effect on lending conditions. Using relational distance to proxy for the segmentation of communication, we find that relational distance is positively related to the loan spread and the requirements for collateral and guarantees, but negatively related to the probability of syndication failure.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延,引发市场对企业经营、融资等问题的担忧。为进一步做好金融支持疫情防控工作、维护疫情期间金融市场稳定,本文通过研究历史视角下疫情对企业融资的影响机制,提出疫情防控期间金融支持相关的政策建议。本文利用1990-2018年汤森路透Dealscan数据库公布的企业银团贷款数据和手工收集全球重大疫情数据,实证研究了疫情对企业银团贷款的影响机制。研究发现:疫情发生后,企业银团贷款利率和贷款额度均显著增加,而银团贷款期限没有表现出显著变化。在考虑不同期限疫情观测时间窗和政策利率的滞后性影响等因素后,该结论依然成立。疫情对企业银团贷款的影响渠道包括避险情绪和融资流动性等。进一步研究发现,疫情期间政策利率调控效果有限,不同国家和地区的企业融资受疫情的影响存在差异。基于此,本文认为金融监管部门应进一步加大对企业信贷利率支持力度,完善货币政策有效性评估及动态调整机制,及时疏通货币政策传导,约谈恶意抬高信贷利率的金融机构,同时强化与财政、产业等政策的协调机制,合力支持疫情防控,维护经济金融稳定。  相似文献   

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