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赵敏 《中国广告》2005,(5):76-79
上海大众经典车型帕萨特无疑是中高档汽车的王者,在上市近5年的时间里,为我们创下了一个又一个神话:国内中高档轿车市场的销量冠军;上市两年就已销售17万辆,2002年的销售量达到8万辆,是竞争对手广本雅阁(4.5万辆)和别克君威(3.5万辆)的总和。2003年即使遭受价格战,自5月份起,帕萨特销售持续过万辆,并在年底创造中国轿车历史一个销售纪录,单种轿车达到1.3万辆/月。这样骄人的销售业绩,使我们不禁惊叹帕萨特是如何在中国市场建立一个令人向往的品牌。  相似文献   


Brand love has received increasing attention given its potential to enhance customer engagement, brand advocacy, commitment and loyalty. Despite its relevance, few studies explore brand love per se, and existing conceptualisations remain sporadic and fragmented. The purpose of the current paper is to critically assess available work on brand love, reviewing conceptualisations, measurements and key proximal constructs. Expanding upon and synthesising earlier work and conceptualisations, we develop and propose a comprehensive conceptual framework for brand love that is innovative for the following reasons. In particular, our model takes a developmental rather than a snapshot approach to capture brand love trajectories as a function of their onset and evolution; incorporates key frameworks and as such builds on interpersonal, parasocial and experiential theories; and acknowledges the important role of brand hate. Managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

自主品牌是民族汽车企业的灵魂,也是强大我国汽车工业的基础。不可否认,在汽车工业面临全球化竞争的格局下,中国企业只有不断创新和发展自主品牌,才能主宰自己的命运,才能肩负起发展中国汽车民族工业的神圣使命。  相似文献   

Given the increasingly global nature of the hospitality industry, what will it take to allow hospitality-education programs to develop and provide useful international training?  相似文献   

While the family life cycle concept is widely used in the consumer behaviour literature, its value for explaining variation in buyer behaviour is less than it could be. The major problems with the concept as presently used are that: (1) it was borrowed from sociology without any basic revisions for consumer behaviour use; (2) it is presently generally operationalized as a static classificatory scheme and therefore cannot account for changing family structure; and (3) researchers have failed to link family life cycle to the concept lifestyle - another concept so crucial to explaining variations in buyer behaviour. The present paper focuses on these shortcomings and presents a model designed to make the concept more useful. Furthermore, a way of testing the model is offered. Data are presented which emphasize the need for any model to be able to incorporate the rapid change the American family is presently undergoing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of informal training for workers, by Australian companies and other organisations. Using survey data, it reports the prevalence of informal training and also the utilisation of different types of informal training. Differences are found by employer size, particularly for the different types. By examining qualitative responses, it is found that employers' perceptions of informal training are often not those reflected in existing literature. The paper therefore argues for a new definition of informal training which is comprehensible to employers and workers alike, so that more, and more reliable, research can be undertaken.  相似文献   

The first generation of policy coordination models was introduced some 25 years ago; it provided a rationale for policy coordination, but the gains from coordination were generally thought to be small. Now, a new generation of policy coordination models is emerging, incorporating monopolistic competition and nominal inertia. Here, we examine macroeconomic interdependence and the scope for policy coordination in a tractable second generation model with two countries and multiple sectors. Initial calibration of the model suggests that second generation models may have more scope for policy coordination than did the first.  相似文献   

春兰的汽车产业快速推进,已成为该集团经济发展新的增长极。据了解,自1997年春兰集团进入卡车行业以来,已销售春兰卡车两万多辆,成为该集团三大支柱产业之一,成为国内中高档卡车第三大生产厂家。  相似文献   


Modern medicine and surgery is historically very recent, and most interventions that are so commonly done in a hospital now are only 60 to 70?years old. Understanding of emergency care of the injured is more recent; however, for the sake of temporal convenience trauma care has become compartmentalized into phases: first aid, bystander care, prehospital care, emergency care, definitive levels of care and rehabilitation. The injured patient’s body physiology is changing continuously from the time of the impact at the injury site.. The outcome of trauma is dependent not only on what is done in the prehospital phase but also on hospital care and rehabilitation. Our understanding of the changes and the response to interventions in a trauma patient has been evolving over the years. This paper discusses the need to review recent advances in our understanding of the care process and how we need to improve it and how there is a pressing need to generate valid evidence on what we do in emergency care.  相似文献   

如何杜绝汽车相撞事故一直是尖端技术研究的目标。科学家预测,到2026年,永不相撞汽车可能粉墨登场。但是今天Volvo汽车的专家们已经在这一领域取得了重大突破,开发出新一代的碰撞警示系统,将交通事故的可能性降至最低。这一技术的核心就是让汽车能“预知”即将到来的碰撞,然后自动采取措施避免相撞。  相似文献   

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