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Residential Choice, Mobility, and the Labor Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is substantial evidence suggesting that the process of suburbanization creates new job opportunities that are not equally exploited by all workers. In order to explain this phenomenon, a simple model is developed which incorporates borrowing constraints as an important restriction on moving decisions, obstructing the necessary labor flows between jurisdictions required to equalize (net) wages. In essence, people who cannot borrow will be restricted in terms of their capability of changing residence location and therefore will have limited possibilities of working in distant labor markets, or they will be subject to excessive commuting. Furthermore, the labor allocation induced by households' behavior facing these constraints affects consumer welfare, production, and producers' profits. The outcomes with perfect credit markets and with borrowing restrictions are calculated and the economic welfare levels are compared. As wages are flexible, they adjust to reflect the relative scarcity of workers present in each jurisdiction. Consequently, some of the negative effects of the borrowing constraints are compensated, so the outcomes cannot be easily compared. Some numerical examples are constructed to have an idea of the possible outcomes under different conditions. Finally, it is found that allowing for moving cost deductions from taxable income may help to alleviate the problem.  相似文献   

Although networks have long governed economic relations, they assume even more importance in a knowledge‐based economy. Yet, some argue that because of the lack of social networks and human capital, some groups are permanently ‘switched off’ the networks of the global economy. Evidence presented in this article suggests that instead there is latent potential for access to the network, due to the rise of networked community‐based organizations and the increasing accessibility of technology. Based on surveys and in‐depth interviews with almost 700 workers and training providers, I show how the switched off are entering jobs in information technology through network ties and the acquisition of soft skills, or communication and interaction skills. Although community‐based training providers are best positioned to help disadvantaged jobseekers enter the network society, changes in the US workforce development system are reinforcing network exclusivity, rather than facilitating this upward mobility.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use data from a new survey of employers in four large metropolitan areas to analyze the flow of black applicants to different kinds of employers and the extent to which these applicants are hired. The results show that less-educated black workers apply less frequently for jobs in the suburbs than in the central cities, especially at smaller establishments. Their lower tendency to apply for suburban jobs seems to be mostly accounted for by factors associated with higher costs of applying and/or lower information flows. Black applicants, especially less-educated black males, are also less likely to be hired at suburban establishments. These results suggest the need for policies to improve the access of less-educated blacks to suburban employers, and also more effective enforcement of antidiscrimination laws in suburban establishments.  相似文献   

Recent events have focused attention on international labor standards, with some special attention being paid to child labor. The diverse forms of child labor are often merged into one: a stereotype of "children sewing Nikes," although the situation varies widely from that model. Certain forms of child labor are not substitutable by adult labor; others are more appropriately modeled as a form of apprenticeship. A simple family utility function helps elucidate the reasons. The ultimate purpose of the paper is to challenge the policy ambiguity—we cannot tell whether restrictions on child labor are good or bad—that was a result in Basu and Van's earlier (1998) modeling of child labor  相似文献   

This paper estimates treatment effects of two active labor market policies – a training program and a wage subsidy scheme – on participants' employment probabilities. The analysis is based on unique data from the 18th wave of the Polish Labor Force Survey containing detailed and extensive individual labor force status histories. We discuss two variants of an exact covariate matching procedure adapted to the specific nature of the data. Our study confirms and reinforces a point raised in recent research [Heckman, J.J., Smith, J.A. The Pre-programme Earnings Dip and the Determinants of Participation in a Social Programme: Implications for Simple Programme Evaluation Strategies. The Economic Journal 1999; 109; 313-348., Heckman, J.J., Smith, J.A. The Determinants of Participation in a Social Program: Evidence from a Prototypical Job Training Program. Journal of Labor Economics 2004; 22; 243-298.], that pre-treatment labor force status dynamics play a decisive role in determining program participation. We implement a conditional difference-in-differences estimator of treatment effects based on these individual trinomial sequences of pre-treatment labor market status. The estimator employs a “moving window” technique that nicely controls for changes in the macroeconomic environment over time. Our findings suggest that training raises individual employment probability, while wage subsidies display negative treatment effects for participants in the Polish case.  相似文献   

We investigate the choice of compensation scheme by firms. Our basic model shows that the unique equilibrium choice for profit maximizing duopsonists in a labor market is for one firm to offer a wage rate and for the other to offer a piece rate. This result arises because the firms recognize that, by offering different compensation schemes, they induce self-selection among workers, which thereby decreases the intensity of competition in the labor market. We find this asymmetry to be robust to allowing for firing, free entry, and a class of more general compensation schemes. When we broaden our model to permit firms to be differentiated in the eyes of workers (either geographically or by "other working conditions," e.g.), we find that our results are preserved when differentiation is low, but that both firms choose to offer a piece rate when differentiation is high.  相似文献   

A bstract . Male and female workers' labor segment location and intersegment mobility processes are compared to assess the existence and nature of inequalities in the structure of labor market opportunity. Findings indicate significant differences in segment location, upward occupational mobility and opportunity structures across gender groups.  相似文献   

以2008-2012年中国民营上市公司为样本,研究发现:经营风险较高的民营企业对管理才能的需求较大,更愿意从外部聘用高管以补充管理才能;内部管理才能供给越丰富,民营企业越不愿意从外部聘用高管;经理人市场发育程度与外聘高管比例显著正相关,与外聘CEO比例弱正相关,而与外聘董事比例的正相关关系不显著。进一步研究发现,在经理人市场发育程度较低的地区,经营风险、内部管理才能供给对外聘高管规模的影响更加显著;经理人市场发育程度对民营企业外聘高管规模的显著正向影响仅在经理人市场发育程度较高的地区发挥作用。  相似文献   

预期城乡收入差距及其对我国农村劳动力转移的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是在当前“用工荒”的社会背景下,以托达罗模型为理论基础,在比较优势的框架下,采用CHNS(中国健康营养调查)的微观数据,分析了我国农村劳动力转移的影响因素。具有内生选择的转换模型表明:①预期城乡收入差距是影响我国劳动力转移的最重要的因素; ②劳动力转移增加了农村劳动力的预期收入,从而在一定程度上缓解了城乡收入差距;③调查的我国农村劳动力数据存在自选择问题,因此在分析转移劳动力收入时应该考虑自选择的影响;④教育是影响我国农村劳动力收入的重要因素。  相似文献   

Abstract . We discuss the effects that the emergence of the new postindustrial form of flexible capitalist organization has on the Spanish labor market and, by extension, on the working life of two representative groups of employees characterized by their casual and stable working conditions. This brings a growing duality in the labor market, where individuals who cannot escape casual employment coexist with those enjoying long‐term contracts. This concern includes how these changes affect the nature and the ways in which these particular groups understand quality of life and standard of living, which in turn serves to call into question the “end of work” and the expected “leisure society.” In addition, we highlight several circumstances that illustrate a decay in job quality and working conditions, particularly the increase in working hours. Parallel to this process we identify a work‐and‐spend behavior, resulting in overspent families that exhibit financial fragility and give up quality of life, associated with more free time, for higher living standards, which demand an increasing job commitment. Free time from work has become a scarce resource in Spain, and for those individuals belonging to what is known as the “new leisure class,” it is associated with high‐spending leisure activities, which has increased the economic importance of leisure industries.  相似文献   

Abstract . It seems there is a pessimistic view about the need and effectiveness of industry policy in an era of unprecedented globalization. The discussion about industry policy has been mostly on the fiscal, credit, and tariff measures, which are generally designed to favor particular activities. However, the rationale for industrial policy does not have to be the infant industry argument or market failures and knowledge spillover. In advanced industrial countries, the rationale for industry policy arises from the need to constantly restructure their economies to maintain competitiveness. The lesson that mature democracies can learn from East and Southeast Asia is the importance of consensual policy making, especially in the realm of the labor market. Such policies have not only helped them maintain macroeconomic stability but also accelerated industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

This paper explores the functions and limitations of democratic governance by analyzing the allocation of decision-making authority in colleges and universities. Contrary to the conventional perception that large numbers and heterogeneity of voters and issues undermine the efficiency of democratic decision making, data on the allocation of authority for thirty-one decision areas in 826 US colleges and universities show democratic governance to be more prevalent in larger, "full-service" research universities than in smaller liberal arts colleges and special-curriculum institutions. State- and church-affiliated institutions, meanwhile, tend to be governed more like firms. The results overall are consistent with economic theories of political organization that view democratic governance primarily as a means of enhancing the credibility of commitments rather than as a method of aggregating preferences.

"Educational systems, like governments, apparently can never be rational,never a logical and economical means to a definite end.Rather must they be always makeshifts."
— J.P. Munroe (1899)  相似文献   

We used data from the Chinese stock market to quantify the amount of time for the market to converge to efficiency. Order imbalance may predict returns when there is no designated market maker. In spite of availability of the direction of trade information in the Chinese stock market, it takes longer for information regarding order imbalance to be incorporated into stock prices in China than in the USA. With information on past returns and order imbalance, it takes between 15 and 30 min to converge to efficiency in the Chinese stock market. The process of converging to efficiency depends highly on liquidity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract . Wage loss and reemployment following involuntary Job loss are examined, using a nationally representative sample of young men and women in their late twenties. Workers with increased human capital are less likely to suffer wage loss and unemployment after job termination. Workers characterized as having little commitment to the labor market—low skill levels, clerical and sales workers, females, and low contributors to family income—are more likely to suffer unemployment and wage loss after job loss. This suggests that human capital characteristics serve as a signal of desirable, or undesirable, worker traits to a new firm.  相似文献   

Abstract . AN empirical test with Canadian data was made of the relative income hypothesis which states that fertility and labor force participation depend upon relative income, where relative income refers to the current family income level relative to the family's desired income level. The interpretation of the desired income level is modified slightly to mean that it is determined not by the past parental income, as originally formulated, but by contemporaneous income levels of other age groups. An empirical model of labor force participation is estimated for the post-war period. The results on the whole tend to provide empirical support for the relative income hypothesis. The post-war baby boom, which led to a decline in the income of young adults relative to that of older age groups, had the effect of increasing participation rates of young adults, especially of young (married) women.  相似文献   

We introduce a managerial delegation contract into the mixed duopoly model and examine its influence on price setting in a mixed duopoly in the context of the endogenous‐timing problem. We obtain the result that owners of a public and a private firm prefer to delay the setting of the prices of their products as much as possible. Thus, in equilibrium, the firms choose their prices simultaneously in the latter stage of the game. This is in contrast to the findings of the entrepreneurial case, according to which firms choose prices simultaneously in the former stage. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

全球气温变暖使得减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排放变得十分必要,由《京都议定书》催生出来的以交易温室气体排放权为主的国际碳市场就是解决这一问题的有益尝试。本文从经济理论出发,分析了国际碳市场的形成基础和运行条件,通过对该市场现状的研究,指出了其存在的问题和今后的发展前景,并对我国如何发展碳市场提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Hamburg currently exemplifies the departure from a straightforward neoliberal urban track. The city's neoliberal path only moved into full swing in the first decade of the 2000s. During this period, urban development was primarily subject to property market mechanisms—with projects being granted to the highest bidder—prompting effects such as rapidly rising rents, deepened social segregation and increased property‐led displacement. Since 2009, however, the city's entrepreneurial urban policy encountered comprehensive resistance movements that eventually led to the rediscovery of a political will for a new housing policy and interventionist policy instruments. This article focuses on the turning point of neoliberal policies and examines the wider scope of the contemporary urban agenda in Hamburg. We first conceptualize potential limits of the neoliberal city in general and then discuss three momentous local policy experiments—the International Building Exhibition, promising ‘improvement without displacement'; the rediscovery of housing regulations through the ‘Social Preservation Statute'; and the ‘Alliance for Housing', aiming to tackle the housing shortage. We discuss these approaches as funding, regulation, and actor‐based approaches to limiting the neoliberal city.  相似文献   

A direct focus on social class has largely disappeared from questions concerning spatial divisions. Instead, studies on residential segregation usually focus on ethnicity, education or income; seemingly the common perception is that people are now divided by such factors and that class divisions belong to the past. Although the structures of inequality have changed in recent times, little is known about how they affect spatial divisions. Here, we investigate these issues by analysing the developments of class segregation in Norway's capital, Oslo, during a period of great societal change and welfare state expansion. We analyse both vertical segregation, between the upper class and the working class, and horizontal segregation, between class factions possessing a high level of mainly cultural or economic capital. We apply a Bourdieu‐inspired classification scheme to capture data on the parents of full cohorts of children aged 13–15 years in 1970, 1980 and 2003. The results support the idea of a changed class structure, with segregation levels between the upper and working classes having increased during this period. Moreover, there are also moderate and slightly increasing levels of horizontal segregation between top class factions based on cultural and economic capital.  相似文献   

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