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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 46 毫秒
National Income and Outlay . By C olin C lark .
The Cambridge History of the British Empire . Volume VIII. South Africa .
Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande . By E. E. E vans P ritchard .
A Study of the Capital Market in Post-War Britain . By A. T. K. G rant .
The Economic System in a Socialist State . By R. L. H all .
Economic History of Europe . By H erbert H eaton . Studies in Practical Banking . By P. W. J ones .
Abolish Slumps . By A. W. K night .
Armaments Year Book of the League of Nations .
Review of World Trade , 1936. (League of Nations. II. Economic and Financial. 1937. II. A. 9.
World Economic Survey . (Fifth Year, 1935–36. League of Nations. II. Economic and Financial. 1936. II. A. 15.)
Monetary Review . (League of Nations. Money and Banking, 1936–37. Volume I. 1937. II. A. 8. 1.
Commercial Banks . (League of Nations. Money and Banking, 1937–37. Volume II. 1937. II. A. 8. 11.
Statistical Year Book , 1936–37:
Money . By R. C. MILLS and E. R. WALKER.
The Finance of Foreign Trade . By WILLIAM F. SPALDING.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Agricultural Economists .
The Colonial Problem . A Report by a Study Group of Members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs . Volume I: Problems of Nationality. By W. K. HANCOCK.
Banking and Currency . 8th edition. By E rnest S ykes , B.A. (Oxon.).
The Groundwork of Economic Theory . By J. W atson .
International Econamic Reconstruction .
The Improvement of Commercial Relations between Nations and the Problem of Monetary Stabilization .  相似文献   

Book review in this Article G. D. Ramsay . The City of London in International Politics at the Accession of Elizabeth Tudor. Gerald A. J. Hodgett . Tudor Lincolnshire. Patrick Mc Grath . The Merchant Venturers of Bristol: A History of the Society of Merchant Venturers of the City of Bristol from its Origin to the Present Day. D. C. Coleman . Industry in Tudor and Stuart England. Joyce Bankes and Eric Kerridge (Eds.). The Early Records of the Bankes Family at Winstardey. Charles Carlton . The Court of Orphans. G. B. Hindle . Provision for the Relief of the Poor in Manchester, 1754–1826. Graham Mee . Aristocratic Enterprise. The Fitzwilliam Industrial Undertakings, 1795–1857. Bruce Lenman . From Esk to Tweed: Harbours, Ships and Men of the East Coast of Scotland. D. T. Jenkins . The West Riding Wool Textile Industry, 1770–1835: A Study of Fixed Capital Formation. Francis E. Hyde . Cunard and the North Atlantic, 1840–1973. A History of Shipping and Financial Management. Paul Thompson . The Edwardians. The Remaking of British Society. S. Howson . Domestic Monetary Management in Britain, igig-38. W. J. Reader . Imperial Chemical Industries. A History. Volume II, The First Quarter-Century, 1926–52. Jerry A. Sabloff and C. C. Lamberg -Karlovsky (Eds.). Ancient Civilization and Trade. A School of American Research Book. Daniel Sperber . Roman Palestine, 200–400: Money and Prices. Harry A. Miskimin . The Economy of Early Renaissance Europe, 1300–1460. Lucie Bolens . Les méthodes culturales au Moyen-Age ?après les Traité's ?Agronomie Andalous: Traditions et Techniques. Philip D. Curtin . Economic Change in Pre-Colonial Africa: Senegambia in the Era of the Slave Trade. R. M. A. Van Zwanenberg with Anne King . An Economic History of Kenya and Uganda, 1800–1970. E. J. Hobsbawm . The Age of Capital, 1848–75. A. Milward and S. B. Saul . The Economic Development of Continental Europe, 1780–1870. Ingwer Ernst Momsen . Die Bevölkerung der Stadt Husum von 1769–1860. Versuch einer historischen Sorialgeographie. Schriften des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Kiel, vol. 31. Martin Schaffner . Die Basler Arbeiterbevölkerung im 19. Jahrhundert. Beiträge zur Geschichte ihrer Lebensformen. Ernst Schraepler . Handwerkerbünde und Arbeitervereine 1830–53. Die politische Tätigkezt deutscher Sozialisten von Wilhelm Weitling bis Karl Marx. Veröffentlichungen der Histor. Kommission zu Berlin, vol. 34; Publikationen zur Geschichte der Arbeiter-bewegung, vol. 4. Margrit Twellmann . Die Deutsche Frauenbewegung. Ihre Anfänge und erste Entwicklung, 1843–1889. 2 vols. Peter -Christian Witt . Die Finanzpolitik des Deutschen Reiches von 1903 bis 1913. Eine Studie zur Innenpolitik des Wilhelminischen Deutschland. Historische Studien, Heft 415.  相似文献   

The Use of the Chattel Mortgage in Agricultural Finance . By E. H. D. ARNDT
Some Aspects of Agricultural Finance in America . By E. H. D. ARNDT.
Economic and Legal Dictionary. English-Afrikaans . Deur Prof E. H. D. ARNDT, Prof. A. J. NORVAL, en Mm-. J. D. Louw.
The Art of Central Banking . By R. G. HAWTEEY. (Longmans, Green & Co., 1932. Pp.464. 18s.)
Methods of Social Study . By SIDNEY and BEATRICE WEBB.
South Africa's Monetary Policy . By STEPHAN VILJOEN.
The Wmck of Reparations: being the political background of the By J O ∼N WHEELER-BENNETT.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Co–operative Movement in Bengal . By J. P. Nryoor.
Portrait of a Colony . The Story of Natal. By ALAN F. HATTERSLBT.
A History of Investment Trusts in Dundee , 1873–1938. By J. C. GILBERT.
Municipal Trading . By HERMAN FINEH.
The Stoazi. An ethnographic account of the Natives of the Swaziland Protectorate . By B. A. MARWICK.
An Essay on India's National Income , 1925–1929. By V. K. R. V. RAO.
The National Income of British India , 1931–1932. By V. K. R. V. RAO.
The Economic Basis of a Durable Peace . By J. E. MEADE.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article GREAT BRITAIN The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Somerset, Vol. IV, ed. by R. W. Dunning. Robert Ashton . The English Civil War: Conservatism and Revolution, 1603–49. Alastair J. Durie . The Scottish Linen Industry in the Eighteenth Century. J. J. Tobias . Crime and Police in England, ijoo-igoo. Ralph Davis . The Industrial Revolution and British Overseas Trade. T. W. Beastall . The Agricultural Revolution in Lincolnshire. Patricia James . Population Malthus. His Life and Times. Olive Emsley . British Society and the French Wars, 1793–1815. Royden Harrison Derek Fraser . Power and Authority in the Victorian City. J. S. HURT. Elementary Schooling and the Working Classes, i86a-igi8. IAN LLOYD. Rolls-Royce: The Growth of a Firm ROY CHURCH. Herbert Austin: The British Motor Car Industry to 1941. Leslie Hannah . The Rise of the Corporate Economy. GENERAL Nederlandsch Economisch -Historisch Arghief . Economisch- en Sociaal-Historisch Jaarboek, Vol. XLI, 1978. Thomas N. Bisson . Conservation of Coinage. Monetary Exploitation and its Restraint in France, Catalonia, and Aragon, c. 1000–1225 AD. H. Van der Wee and E. Van Cauwenberghe MICHAEL R. WEISSER. Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe. Hilary Beattie . Land and Lineage in China. A Study of T'ung-Ch'eng County, Anhwei, in the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties. CATHARINA LIS AND HUGO SOLY. Poverty and Capitalism in Pre-Industrial Europe. Trans. from the Dutch by J. Coonan. ARTHUR ATTMAN. The Struggle for Baltic Markets: Powers in Conflict, 1558–1618. Vol. 14 in the Humaniora series of Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis. J. C. BROWN. A Socioeconomic History of Argentina, IJJ6-I86O. Francois Garon . An Economic History of Modern France. Translated from the French by Barbara Bray. Theda Skocpol . States and Social Revolutions. A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China. Robert V. Kubigek . Economic Imperialism in Theory and Practice. The Case of South African Gold Mining Finance, 1886–1914. D. K. Fieldhouse . Unilever Overseas. The Anatomy of a Multinational Charles Perrings . Black Mineworkers in Central Africa. Industrial Strategies and the Evolution of an African Proletariat in the Copperbelt, ign-41. Ronan Fanning . The Irish Department of Finance, IQ22–58. Peter Fearon . The Origins and Nature of the Great Slump, 1929–32.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article GREAT BRITAIN Henry Cleere and David Crossley (Eds.). The Iron Industry of the Weald. (Leicester: Leicester University Press. 1985. Pp. xvi + 395. 74 figs. £47-50.) C. G. A. Clay . Economic Expansion and Social Change: England 1500-1700. (Cambridge, 1984. Vol. I, Pp. xiv + 268. 6 tables, 4 figs. 6 maps; Vol II, Pp. xii + 324. 15 tables, 4 figs. 5 maps. £20 each vol.; paperbacks £6-95 each vol.) Bernard Rudden . The New River: A Legal History. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1985. Pp. xiv + 335. 2 plates. 18 figs. 9 appendices. £20-00.) Norma Landau . The Justices of the Peace, 1679-1760. (Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, and London: University of California Press. 1984. Pp. xv + 422. £35-40.) Robin D. Gwynn . Huguenot Heritage: The History and Contribution of the Huguenots in Britain. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1985. Pp. xii + 220. 8 Plates. 4 Tables. 10 Maps. £15-95.) David Ormrod . English Grain Exports and the Structure of Agrarian Capitalism, 1700-1760. (Hull: Hull University Press. 1985. Pp. xii + 145. £8.95.) N. F. R. Crafts . British Economic Growth during the Industrial Revolution. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1985. Pp. 193. £19.50.) Maxine Berg . The Age of Manufactures: Industry, Innovation, and Work in Britain, M. E. Rose (Ed.)- The Poor and the City: The English Poor Law in its Urban Context, 1834-1914. (Leicester: Leicester University Press. 1985. Pp. xi + 175. 1 fig. 5 tables £22-00.) Neville Kirk . The Growth of Working Class Reformism in Mid-Victorian England. (Beckenham: Croom Helm. 1985. Pp. xiii + 369. £22.50.) Derek J. Oddy and Derek S. Miller (Eds.). Diet and Health in Modem Britain. (London: Croom Helm. 1985. Pp. vi + 326. £22.00.) Roger Middleton . Towards the Managed Economy: Keynes, the Treasury and the Fiscal Policy Debate of the 1930s. (London: Methuen 1985. Pp. xii + 244. £25-00.) GENERAL Peter Clark (Ed.). The European Crisis of the 1590s. (London: George Allen & Unwin. 1985. Pp. xiv + 324. £25-00.) L. A. Clarkson . Proto-Industrialization: The First Phase of Industrialization? (London: MacMillan. Studies in Economic and Social History. 1985. Pp. 71. £395.) Tommy Bengtsson , Gunnar Fridlizius and Rolf Ohlsson (Eds.). Pre-Industrial Population Change: The Mortality Decline and Short-Term Population Movements. (Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell. 1984. Pp. 419. S.Kr.280.) Richard Smith (Ed.)- Land, Kinship, and Life-cycle. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. Pp. xiii + 547. £40-00.) David Levine (Ed.). Proletarianization and Family History. (London: Academic Press. 1984. Pp. xii + 315. £38-50.) Robert R. Locke . The End of Practical Man: Entrepreneurship and Higher Education in Germany, France, and Great Britain, 1880-1940. (Greenwich, Connecticut and London: JAI Press. 1984. Pp. xii + 363. 31 tables. £46.50.) Harold James . The Reichsbank and Public Finance in Germany, 1924-1933: A Study of the Politics of Economics during the Great Depression. (Frankfurt am Main: Fritz Knapp Verlag. 1985. Pp. 426. n.p.) Joseph Harrison . The Spanish Economy in the Twentieth Century. (London: Croom Helm. 1985. Pp. 207. 27 tables. £1995.) Ivan T. Berend and Gyorgy Ranki . The Hungarian Economy in the Twentieth Century. (London: Croom-Helm. 1985. Pp. 316. £25.) HUGH BROGAN. Longman History of the United States of America. (London: Longman. 1985. Pp. viii + 470. £19-95.) C. Cochran . Challenge of American Values: Society, Business, and Religion. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1985. Pp. 147. $13.95.) Hasia R. Diner . Erin's Daughters in America: Irish Immigrant Women in the Nineteenth Century. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1983. Pp. xvi + 192. $2000; paperback $9-95.) Humbert S. Nelli . From Immigrants to Ethnics: The Italian Americans. (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1983. Pp. viii + 225. £19-50.) Martin V. Melosi . Coping with Abundance: Energy and Environment in Industrial America. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1985. Pp. xii + 355. $1095.) Carole Haber . Beyond Sixty-Five: The Dilemma of Old Age in America's Past. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985. Pp. ix + 181. Paperback, £6-95.) Ruth Schwartz Cowan . More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave. (New York and London: Harper & Row. 1983. Pp. xiv + 257. 46 plates. £19-75; paperback £8-75.) Christopher L. Tomlins . The State and the Unions: Labor Relations, Law, and the Organized Labor Movement in America, 1880-1960. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985. Pp. xvi 4- 348. £30; paperback £1095.) Gary A. Puckrein . Little England: Plantation Society and Anglo-Barbadian Politics, 1627-1700. (New York and London: New York University Press. 1984. xxiv + 235. $51.50.) Kenneth F. Kiple . The Caribbean Slave: A Biological History. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. Pp. xiii + 274. £27.50.) Linda Alexander Rodriguez . The Search for Public Policy: Regional Politics and Government Finances in Ecuador, 1830-1940. (Berkeley & London: Univ. of California Press. 1985. Pp. xv + 281. $32.50.) K. N. Chaudhuri . Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985. Pp. xiv 4- 269. 18 maps. 23 plates. £25; paperback £895.) Christopher John Baker . An Indian Rural Economy, 1880-1955: The Tamilnad Countryside. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1984. Pp. xvii + 616. 9 maps. 30 tables. 16 graphs. £28-00.) David K. Wyatt . Thailand: A Short History (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1984. Pp. xviii + 351. £27-50.) Joseph Needham (Ed.)- Science and Civilisation in China, Volume VI, Biology and Biological Technology: Part II: Agriculture by Francesca Bray. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. Pp. xxvii + 724. £50.) William D. Wray . Mitsubishi and the N.Y.K., 1870-1914: Business Strategy in the Japanese Shipping Industry. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (Harvard East Asian Monographs No. 108). 1984. Pp. xx + 672. £21-95.) Raymond W. Goldsmith . The Financial Development of Japan, 1868-1977. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1983, Pp. xv + 231. £27.00.) Raymond W. Goldsmith . The Financial Development of India, Japan, and the United States: A Trilateral Institutional, Statistical, and Analytic Comparison. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1983. Pp. xiv + 120. £1095.) Tsunehiko Yui and Keiichiro Nakagawa (Eds.). Business History of Shipping: The International Conference on Business History 11: Proceedings of the Fuji Conference. (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. 1985. Pp. xxix + 330.£ 6000.) David Mackay . In the Wake of Cook: Exploration, Science & Empire, 1880-1801. (London: Croom Helm. 1985. Pp. vi + 216. £18.95.) D. C. M. Platt and Guido Di Tella (Eds.). Argentina, Australia, and Canada: Studies in Comparative Development, 1870-1965. (London: Macmillan. 1985. Pp. xi + 237. 25-00.) Charles Lipson . Standing Guard: Protecting Foreign Capital in the Ninteteenth and Twentieth Centuries. (Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press. 1985. Pp. xvii + 332. 13 tables, 3 figs. £3325; paperback £11-25.) Bill Albert and Adrian Graves (Eds.). Crisis and Change in the International Sugar Economy, 1860-1914. (Norwich and Edinburgh: ISC Press. 1984. Pp. xii + 381. £12-00.) Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz (Eds.). A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931. (London: University of Chicago Press. 1984. Pp. xi + 681. £59-80.) E. J. Hobsbawm . Worlds of Labour: Further Studies in the History of Labour. (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1984. Pp. x + 369. £15.95; paperback £7-95.)  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: The Victoria Histories of the Counties of England: A History of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Vol. VI, ed. A. P. M. Wright. B. W. Clapp (Ed.). Documents in English Economic History: England since 1760. H. E. S. Fisher and A. R. J. Jurica (Eds.). Documents in English Economic History: Englandfrom 1000 to 1760. Edward Miller and John Hatcher . Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change, 1086–1348 (London: Longman, 1978. Pp. xviii + 302. £8.95; paperback £4.95.) Kevin Mc Donnell . Medieval London Suburbs. E. W. Ives , R. J. Knecht , and J. J. Sgarisbrick (Eds.). Wealth and Power in Tudor England: Essays presented to S. T. Bindoff. Joan Thirsk . Economic Policy and Projects. The Development of a Consumer Society in Early Modern England. Victor Skipp . Crisis and Development: An Ecological Case Study of the Forest o/Arden, 1570–1674. Michael R. Watts . The Dissenters: From the Reformation to the French Revolution. W. H. Chaloner and Barrie M. Ratcliffe (Eds.). Trade and Transport: Essays in Economic History in Honour of T. S. Willan. Colin Holmes (Ed.) Immigrants and Minorities in British Society. A. E. Musson . The Growth of British Industry. J. Simmons . The Railway in England and Wales, 1830–1914. Vol. 1: The System and its Working. Richard Perren . The Meat Trade in Britain, 1840–1914. Angus Mc Laren . Birth Control in Nineteenth-Century England. P. N. Davies . Sir Alfred Jones: Shipping Entrepreneur Par Excellence. Pat Thane (Ed.). The Origins of British Social Policy. R. J. Q. Adams. Arms and the Ministry of Munitions, 1915–16. Paul Uselding (Ed.). Research in Economic History: An Annual Compilation of Research. Vol. 1, 1976. John A. Garraty . Unemployment in History: Economic Thought and Public Policy. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie . Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village, 1294–1324. Translated by Barbara Bray. Leon Poliakov . Jewish Bankers and the Holy See from the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth Century. Translated from the French by Miriam Kochan. Hermann Freudenberger . The Industrialization of a Central European City. Brno and the Fine Woollen Industry in the Eighteenth Century. Gedalia Yogev . Diamonds and Coral: Anglo-Dutch Jews and Eighteenth-Century Trade. R. W. Unger . Dutch Shipbuilding before 1800. Charles P. Kindleberger . Economic Response: Comparative Studies in Trade, Finance and Growth. Clive Dewey and A. G. Hopkins (Eds.). The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India. Tom Kemp . Historical Patterns of Industrialization. W. Arthur Lewis . Growth and Fluctuations, 1870–1913. Robert E. Gallman (Ed.). Research in Economic History, Supplement 1, 1977: Recent Developments in the Study of Business and Economic History: Essays in Memory of Herman E. Krooss. Eda Sagarra . A Social History of Germany, 1648–1914.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Joan Thirsk (Ed.). Land, Church, and People: Essays Presented to Professor H. P. R.Finberg. H.J. Dyos (Ed.). The study of urban history. W. B. Stephens (Ed.). History of Congleton. Published to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the granting of the charter to the town. Peter H. Ramsey (Ed.). The Price Revolution in Sixteenth Century England. Dennis Rubini . Court and Country 1688-1702. H. E. S. Fisher . The Portugal Trade. A Study of Anglo-Portuguese Commerce 1700-1770. Baron F. Duckham . A History of the Scottish Coal Industry. Vol. I. 1700-1815: A Social and Industrial History. R. Burt (Ed.). Cornish Mining: Essays on the Organisation of Cornish Mines and the Cornish Mining Economy. Blanche D. Coll . Perspectives in Public Welfare. A History. Michael E. Rose . The English Poor Law, 1780-1930. J. P. P. Higgins and Sidney Pollard (Eds.). Aspects of Capital Investment in Great Britain jy50-1850: A Preliminary Survey. Report of a Conference held at the University of Sheffield, 5-7 January ig6g. F. C. Mather . After the Canal Duke: A Study of the Industrial Estates administered by the Trustees of the Third Duke of Bridgewater in the Age of Railway Building 1825- 18J2. Graham S. Hudson . The Aberford Railway and the History of the Garforth Collieries. Sheila Marriner and Francis E. Hyde . The Senior: John Samuel Swin 1825-98. Management in Far Eastern Shipping Trades. F. S. L. LYONS. Ireland since the Famine: 1850 to the present. E. P. Thompson and Eileen Yeo (Eds.). The Unknown Mayhew: Selections from the “Morning Chronicle” 1840-1850. Philip N. Jones . Colliery Settlement in the South Wales Coalfield, 1850-1926. P. E. Hart (Ed.). Studies in Profit, Business Saving and Investment in the United Kingdom, 1920-1962. Vol. II. D. C. M. Platt . The Cinderella Service: British Consuls since 1825. Alexander Gerschenkron . Europe in the Russian Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic History. L. F. Haber . The Chemical Industry 1900-1930. International Growth and Technological Change. J. S. Bromley and E. H. Kossmann (Eds.). Britain and the Netherlands in Europe and Asia. P. Barrett Whale . Joint Stock Banking in Germany. A Study of the German Creditbanks before and after the War. Joseph R. Ramos . Labor and Development in Latin America. Margaret Steven . Merchant Campbell, 1769-1846: A Study in Colonial Trade. Michael Craton and James Walvin . A Jamaican Plantation. The History of Worthy Park, 1670-1970. Pamela Nightingale . Trade and Empire in Western India, 1784-1806. Radhe Shyam Rungta . The Rise of Business Corporations in India 1851-1900. A.A.G. Bijdragen, nr. 15. Acta Historiae Neerlandica, vol. IV. W.J. Alberts and F. W. Hugenholtz (Eds.). De stadsrekeningen van Arnhem. Vol. I. J. Bayer -Lothe . Documents relatifs au mouvement ouvrier dans la province de Namur au XIXe Steele, 1849-1886. J. Beishuizen and E. Werkman . De magere jaren. Nederland in de crisistijd 1929-1939. A. Bocquet . Recherches sur la population rurale de ? Artois et du Boulonnais pendant la périods bourguignonne 1384-1477. H. Boon . Enseignement primaire et alphabétisation dans l'agglomeration bruxelloise de 1830 a 1870. W. Brulez . ‘Brugge en Antwerpen in de 15th en 16th eeuw: een tegenstelling?’ J. Charlier . La peste à Bruxelles de 1667 à 1667 et ses conséquences démographiques. Contributions à l’histoire économique et sociale, v. 1968-1969. J. De Vries . Geschiedenis van een industriële bedrijfstak. Hoogovens Ijmuiden 1918-1968. Ontstaan engroei van een basis-industrie. J. De Vries (Ed.). Herinneringen en dagboek van Ernst Heldring, 1871-1954. F. Discry . L'ancien bassin sidérurgique du Hoyoux. M. L. Fanchamps . Recherches statistiqu.es sur le probléme annonaire dans la Principauté de Liegé de 1475 à la fin du XVIe sièle. Tendances, cycles, crises. L. Genicot , M. S. Bouchat -Dupont , B. Delvaux . La crise agricole du Bas Moyen-Age dans le Namurois. ? Archéologie du village médiéval. P. Gerin . Initiation à la documentation écrite de la pèriode contemporaine: fin du XVIII siècle à nos jours. P. Harsin . Recueil ?études. T. J. Kastelein . Groei naar een industriële samenleving. Korte inleiding tot 200 jaar sociale en economische Geschiedenis. P. W. Klein (Ed.). Van Stapelmarkt tot Welvaartsstaat. Economisch-historische Studien over groei en stagnatie van de Nederlandse volkshuishouding, 1600-1970. F. Leleux . A ? aube du capitalisme et de la révolution industrielle: Liévin Bauwens (1769-1822), industrielgantois. L. Liagre -de Sturler . Les relations commerciales entre Genes, la Belgique et V Outremont d'apres les archives notariales Génoises, 1320-1400. L. Linotte . Les manifestations et les gréves á Liège de Van IVà 1914. C. Michaux . La crise économique de 1840 à 1860 dans quatre villages du Sud du Hainaut. Froidchapelle, Sivry, Ranee, Montbliard. Analyse de documents. P. Moureaux . Les comptes ? une societe charbonniére à la fin de l'Ancien Régime. La société de Redmont à Haine St. Pierre-La Hestre. J. F. Niermeyer (Ed.). Bronnen voor de economische geschiedenis van het Beneden-Maasgebied. Eerste deel: 1104-1399. H. Pirenne . Histoire économique et sociale du moyen dge. L. de Saint -Moulin . La construction et la propriété des maisons, expressions des structures sociales. Seraing depuis le debut du XIXe sièle. D. Schlugleit . De Antwerpse goud- en zilversmeden in het corporatief stelsel, 1382-1798. H. Schoorl . Isaac le Maire, koopman en bedijker. G. Sivery . Les comtes de Hainaut et le commerce de vin au XIVe siècle et au debut du XVe siècle. C Smit (Ed.). Het dagboek van Sckermerhorn (geheim verslag van Prof. Dr. Ir. Schermerhorn als voorzitter der commissie-generaal voor Nederlands-Indie, 20 September 1946-7 oktober 1947-) Z. W. Sneller . Bijdragen tot de Economische Geschiedenis. E. Stevelinck and others. La comptabilitéà travers les âges. Catalogue de ? exposition organisée à occasion du premier symposium international des historiens de la comptabilite Bruxelles 1970. Introduction par le Prof. R. de Roover. Studies concerning the Social-Economic History ofLimburg. J. Theuwissen . Het landbouwvoertuig in de Etnografie van de Kempen. A. K. L. Thijs . De zijdenijverheid te Antwerpen in de zeventiende eeuw. L. Vanaverbeke . Peiling naar de bezitsstruktuur van de Gentse bevolking omstreeks 1738. H. F. J. M. van den Eerenbeemt . Van Mensenjacht en Overheidsmacht. Criminogene groepsvorming en afweer in de Meierij van‘'s-Hertogenbosch, 1795-1810. H. van der Wee and T. Peeters .‘Un modèle dynamique de croissance interseculaire du commerce mondial XIIe-XVIIIe siècle’, Annales E.S.C., xxv (1970), 100-26. J. A. van Houtte (Ed.). Un quart de siècle de recherche historique en Belgique, 1944-1968. P. C. van Traa . Geschiedenis van de economie. De evolutie in een gedachtenwereld. H. van Werveke (Ed.). Gentse Stack- en Baljuwsrekeningen, 1351-1364. Introduction by H. van Werveke. A. Verhulst .‘De inlandse wol in de textielnijverheid van de Nederlanden van de 12th tot de 17th eeuw: produktie, handel en verwerking’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen be-treffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, LXXXV, I (1970), 6-18.  相似文献   

R. A. L eeson . Travelling Brothers: The Six Centuries'Road from Craft Fellowship to Trade Unionism
A ndrew B. A ppleby
N. K. B uxton , The Economic Development of the British Coal Industry
E ric P awson
C. G. O wen . The Development of Industry in Burton upon Trent
N orman M c C ord . North-East England: An Economic and Social History.
U rsula R. Q. H enriques
R.J. M orris
D. A. F arnie
R. W. R ennison
F. B. S mith
J. H. T reble
W. J. R eader
R obert C urrie
W. A. T homas
T. C. S mout (Ed.)
P. A. U selding (Ed.)
R. S. L opez
G raeme Q uick and W esley B ochele
C enter FOR M edieval AND R enaissance S tudies , U niversity OF C alifornia , L os A ngeles
C arla R ahn P hillips
K enneth R. A ndrews
R. W. J astram
J ean -L ouis F landrin
H erve H asquin
R einhard S pree
L. H. L ees
P eter G ran
C harles W. B ergquist
P. M athias and M. M. P ostan (Eds.)
M ichael J. P iore
V era Z amagni
B. R. T omlinson
T om T raves  相似文献   

Reviewed in this article: Michael Havinden . The Somerset Landscape. D. W. CROSSLEY (Ed.). Medieval Industry. ROBERT S. GOITFRIED. Buy St. Edmunds and the Urban Crisis R. H. CAMPBELL and A. S. SKINNER. Adam Smith. Virginia Berridge and Griffith Edwards. Opium and the People: Opiate Use in Nineteenth Century England. David Goodway . London Chartism, 1838-1848. Gordon M. Wilson . Alexander McDonald: Leader of the Miners. JAMES H. JOHNSON AND COLIN POOLEY (Eds.). D. FRASER (Ed.). Municipal Reform and the Industrial City. AVNER OFFER. Property and Politics, 1870-1914: Landownership, Law, Ideology and Urban Development in England WILLIE ORR. Deer Forests, Landlords, and Crofters: The Western Highlands in Victorian and Edwardian Times. TONY DICKSON (Ed.). Capital and Class in Scotland. P. J. DRUDY (Ed.). Ireland: Land, Politics, and People. C. J. WRIGLEY (Ed.). A History of British Industrial Relations, 1875-1914. Anthony Slaven and Derek H. Aldcroft (Eds.). David French . British Economic and Strategic Planning, 1905-15- (London: Allen and Unwin. GENERAL RICHARD HODGES. Dark Age Economics: The Origins of Towns and Trade, A.D. 600-1000. JEAN GAUTIER-DALCHE. Économie el société dans les pays de la Couronne de Castile. Alberto Grohmann . Città e Territorio tra Medioevo ed Eta Moderna. J. K. J. Thomson . Clermont de Lodève, 1633-1789: Fluctuations in the Prosperity of a Languedocian Cloth-making Town. G. B. Nilsson . Banker i brytningstid: A. O. Wallenberg i svensk bankpolitik, 1850-1856. William H. Becker . The Dynamics of Business-Government Relations: Industry & Exports, 1893-1921 PATRICK MANNING. Slavery, Colonialism, and Economic Growth in Dahomey, 1640-1960. J. E. Inikori (Ed.)- Forced Migration: The Impact of the Export Slave Trade on African Societies. Richard M. Kesner . Economic Control and Colonial Development: Crown Colony Financial Management in the Age of Joseph Chamberlain. R. W. Ferrier. The History of the British Petroleum Company: Volume I. The Developing Years, 1901-1932. Gavin Kitching. Development and Underdevelopment in Historical Perspective: Populism, Nationalism, and Industrialization. Hisao Otsuka . The Spirit of Capitalism: The Max Weber Thesis in an Economic Historical Perspective (translated by Masaomi Kondo). M. F. Bywater and B. S. Yamey . Historic Accounting Literature: A Companion Guide. Angus Maddison. Phases of Capitalist Development. Mancur Olson . The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities. Craig R. Littler. The Development of the Labour Process in Capitalist Societies. Roger L. Ransom , Richard Sutch and Garry M. Walton (EDS.). Explorations in the New Economic History: Essays in Honor of Douglass C. North. D. P. O'BRIEN and A. C. DARNELL. Authorship Puzzles in the History of Economics: A Statistical Approach (London: Macmillan. 1982. Pp. xii+230. £25.)  相似文献   

The Affluent Society. By J. K. G albraith .
A Short History of Germany 1815–1945. By E. J. P assant . Economic Sections by W. O. Henderson and Contributions by C. J. Child and D. C. Watt.
An Ancient Economic History : From the Palacolithic Age to the Migrations of the Germanic, Slav and Arabic Nations. Vol. I. By F ritz M. H eichelheim .
Economic Development: Theory, History, Policy. By G erald M. M eier and R obert E. B aldwin .
Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth. By H arvey L eiuenstein .
Hobson and Underconsumption. By E. S. N emmers 8
Accounting—A Social Force in the Community. By M ary E. M urphy . (London: Cambridge University Press for Melbourne University Press, 1956. Pp. 208. Price 30s.).  相似文献   


Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN Southern History: A Review of the History of Southern England. Vol. I. Charles R. Young . The Royal Forests of Medieval England. G. D. Ramsay (Ed.). The Politics of a Tudor Merchant Adventurer: A Letter to the Earls of East Friesland. R. ASHTON. The City and the Court, 1603-43. John Stevenson . Popular Disturbances in England, 1700-1870. Ian Donnachie . A History of the Brewing Industry in Scotland. James D. Young . The Rousing of the Scottish Working Class. Malcolm Gray . The Fishing Industries of Scotland, 1790-1914: A Study in Regional Adaptation. Gerard L. Turnbull . Traffic and Transport: An Economic History of Pickfords. Frances Finnegan . Poverty and Prostitution: A Study of Victorian Prostitutes in York. Helen Belgion . Titchmarsh Past and Present. David Roberts . Paternalism in Early Victorian England. Peter L. Payne . Colvilles and the Scottish Steel Industry. C. H. Lee . British Regional Employment Statistics, 1841-1971. Sidney Pollard and Paul Robertson . The British Shipbuilding Industry, 1870-1914. James E. Cronin . Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain. Keith Middlemas . Politics in Industrial Society: The Experience of the British System since 1911. Kenneth O. Morgan . Consensus and Disunity: The Lloyd George Coalition Government,1918-1922. Paul H. Wilken . Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study. P. Burke (Ed.). The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XIII: Companion Volume. Jacques Heers . Société et économie à Gênes (XIVe-XVe sièles). B. G. Gokhale . Surat in the Seventeenth Century: A Study in Urban History of Pre-Modern India. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series no. 28. Domenico Sella . Crisis and Continuity: The Economy of Spanish Lombardy in the Seventeenth Century. James Casey . The Kingdom of Valencia in the Seventeenth Century. Jan DE Vries . Barges and Capitalism: Passenger Transportation in the Dutch Economy, 1632-1839. Franclois -Xavier Emmanuelli . La crise marseillaise de 1774 et la chute des courtiers. Jacques Verriegre . La population de ? Irlande. Charles F. Nunn . Foreign Immigrants in Early Bourbon Mexico, 1700-60. Roberto Cortés CONDE. El progreso argentino, 1880-1914. John Fogarty , Ezequiel Gallo , and Héctor Dieguez (Eds.). Argentinay Australia. Bill Albert . An Essay on the Peruvian Sugar Industry, 1880-1920, and the Letters of Ronald Gordon, Administrator of the British Sugar Company in Cañete, 1914-20. Rosemary Thorp and Geoffrey Bertram . Peru, 1890-1977: Growth and Policy in an Open Economy. T. L. Karnes . Tropical Enterprise: Standard Fruit and Steamship Company in Latin America. W. E. Cheono . Mandarins and Merchants: Jardine Matheson & Co., a China Agency of the Early Nineteenth Century. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series no. 26. Robert North . Transport in Western Siberia: Tsarist and Soviet Development. Roger P. Bartlett . Human Capital: The Settlement of Foreigners in Russia 1762-1804. Robert Eugene Johnson . Peasant and Proletarian. The Working Class of Moscow in the Late Nineteenth Century. Robert Lewis : Science and Industrialisation in the U.S.S.R.: Industrial Research and Development, 1917-40. Norbert Horn and Jurgen Kocka (Eds.). Recht undEntwicklung der Grossunternehmen im i9, und frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Law and the Formation of the Big Enterprises in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Karl Laurmer (Ed.). Studien zur Geschichte der Produktivkräfte. Deutschland zur Zeit der Industrietllen Revolution. Rainer Fremdling and Richard H. Tilly (Eds.). Industrialisierung und Raum: Studien zur regionalen Differenzierung im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts. B. Weisbrod . Schwerindustrie in der Weimarer Republik. Interessenpolitik zwischen Stabilisie-rung und Krise. Ljubo Sirc . The Yugoslav Economy under Self-Management.  相似文献   

Western Civilization and the Natives of South Africa: Studies in Culture Contact . By Professor I. S chapera
The Portuguese Bank Note Case . By S ir
Unbalanced Budgets. A Study of the Financial Crisis in Fifteen Countries . By H ugh D alton , B rinley T homas , J. N. R eedman , T. J. H ughes and W. J. L eaning .
Studies in World Economics . By G. D. H. C ole .
Social and Economic Reconstruction in the United States .
Strategic Factors in Business Cycles . With an Introduction by The Committee on Recent Economic Changes. By J ohn M aurice C lark .
British Public Utilities and National Development . By M arshall E. D imock .
The Foundation of Agricultural Economics . By J. A. V enn .
German Business Cycles , 1924–1933. By C arl T. S chmidt .
The Nemesis of Economic Nationalism . By J oseph J ohnston , M.A.
The Foundation of Industrial Stability . By E. M. D altroff .
Promise to Pay . By R. M c N air W ilson .  相似文献   

The Theory of Gold Supply with Special Reference to the Problems of the Witwatersrand . By W. J. B usschau , D.Phil.
The Development of the Business Corporation in England , 1800–1867. By B ishop C arleton H unt .
Economists and the Public . By W. H. H utt .
The Ethics of Competition . By F. H. K night .
Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations (1935/36).
Men, Money and Markets . By M. D. R. L eys .
An Essay on Economy and Value . By A lec L. M acfie .
Paris as a Financial Centre . By M argaret G. M yers .
Survey of International Affairs , 1935. By A. J. T oynbee , assisted by V. M. B oulter . Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.  相似文献   

W. H. Chaloner and R. C. Richardson (Comps.). British Economic and Social History : A Bibliographical Guide. (Manchester: The University Press. 1976. Pp Pauline Gregg . Black Death to Industrial Revolution. A Social and Economic History of England. (London: Harrap. 1976. Pp R. G. Parker . Coke of Norfolk. A Financial and Agricultural Study, 1707-1842. (London: The Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp T. M. Devine . The Tobacco Lords. A Study of the Tobacco Merchants of Glasgow and their Trading Activities, c. 1740-90. (Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd. 1975. Pp M. W. Flinn and T. C. Smout (Eds.). Essays in Social History. (London: The Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, for the Economic History Society. 1974. Pp Jean Lindsay . The Scottish Poor Law. Its Operation in the North-East from 1745 to 1845. (Ilfracombe: Arthur H. Stockwell Ltd. 1976. Pp A. Allan Maclaren (Ed.). Social Class in Scotland: Past and Present. (Edinburgh: John Donald. 1976. Pp A. Temple Patterson . A History of Southampton, 1790-1914. Vol. III: Setbacks and Recoveries, 1868-1914. Southampton Records Series, vol. XVIII. (Southampton: The University Press. 1975. Pp Eric J. Evans . The Contentious Tithe: The Tithe Problem and English Agriculture, 1750-1850. (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1976. Pp Thomas Mc Keown . The Modern Rise of Population. (London: Edward Arnold. 1976. Pp Derek Oddy and Derek Miller (Eds.). The Making of the Modern British Diet. (London: Croom Helm. 1976. Pp Derek Fraser (Ed.). The New Poor Law in the Nineteenth Century (London: Macmillan. 1976. Pp William A. Green . British Slave Emancipation: The Sugar Colonies and the Great Experiment, 1830-65. (Oxford: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1976. Pp G. A. Phillips . The General Strike: The Politics of Industrial Conflict. (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1976. Pp Sean Glynn and J ohn Oxborrow . Interwar Britain: A Social and Economic History. (London: George Allen & Unwin. 1976. Pp J. M. Winter (Ed.). War and Economic Development: Essays in Memory of David Joslin. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1975. Pp M. I. Finley (Ed.). Studies in Roman Property. By the Cambridge University Research Seminar in Ancient History. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1976. Pp E. Ashtor . A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages. (London: Collins. 1976. Pp Robert S. Lopez . The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950-1350. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1976. Pp Carlo M. Cipolla . Before the Industrial Revolution. European Society and Economy, 1000-1700. (London: Methuen. 1976. Pp Hermann Kellenbenz . The Rise of the European Economy. An Economic History of Continental Europe, 1500-1750. (London: Weidenfeld. 1976. Pp T. Evergates . Feudal Society in the Bailliage of Troyes under the Counts of Champagne, 1152-1284. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1976. Pp N. J. G. Pounds . An Economic History of Medieval Europe. (London: Longman, 1974. Pp Richard Tilden Rapp . Industry and Economic Decline in Seventeenth-Century Venice. (Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press. 1976. Pp W. O. Henderson . The Rise of German Industrial Power, 1834-1914. (London: Temple Smith. 1975. Pp G. L. Barrow . The Emergence of the Irish Banking System, 1820-45. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. 1975. Pp M. Moynihan . Currency and Central Banking in Ireland, 1922-60. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan with the Central Bank of Ireland. 1975. Pp Thomas S. Fedor . Patterns of Urban Growth in the Russian Empire During the Nineteenth Century. (Chicago: The University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 163. 1975. Pp Gilbert Rozman . Urban Networks in Russia, 1750-1800, and Premodern Periodization. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1976. Pp Peter Duignan and L. H. Gann (Eds.). Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960. Vol. 4: The Economics of Colonialism. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1975. Pp J. Forbes Munro . Colonial Rule and the Kamba: Social Change in the Kenya Highlands, 1889-1939. (London: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp Peter Temin . Did Monetary Factors Cause the Great Depression? (New York: W. W. Norton & Co. 1976. Pp  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
COLEMAN, D.C. and MATHIAS, P. (eds). Enterprise and History: Essays in Honour of Charles Wilson . F. Stuart Jones
CROUZET. F. The First Industrialists: The Problem of Origins ., F. Stuart Jones
EDWARDS, C. The Fragmented World. Competing Perspectives on Trade, Money and Crisis T. C. Mall
FISHER, F. M. Disequilibrium Foundations of Equilibrium Economics H. Abraham
KALDOR, N. Economies Without Equilibrium J. H. Runde
MOSKOFF. W. Labour and Leisure in the Soviet Union . A. L. Müller
COLEMAN, D. C. and MATHIAS, P. (eds). Enterprise and History: Essays in Honour of . Charles Wilson.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
A lison H anham . The Celys and their World .
G eorge F. S teckley (Ed.). The Letters of John Paige, London Merchant, 1648-1658 .
R. A. HOUSTON. Scottish Literacy and the Scottish Identity .
G eorge R udé . Criminal and Victim: Crime and Society in Early Nineteenth-Century England .
L. R ichmond and B. S tockford (Eds.). Company Archives: The Survey of the Records of woo of the First Registered Companies in England and Wales .
L ucy B rown . Victorian News and Newspapers .
I an I nkster (Ed.)- The Steam Intellect Societies-Essays on Culture, Education and Industry, circa 1820-1914 .
H. G. A. V issink . Economic and Financial Reporting in England and the Netherlands: A Comparative Study over the Period 1850 to 1914 .
H. A. C legg . A History of Trade Unions since 1889 . Vol. II: 1911-1933.
R aymond G illespie . Colonial Ulster: The Settlement of East Ulster, 1600-1641 .
J ames D. T racy . A Financial Revolution in the Habsburg Netherlands: Renten and Renteniers in the County of Holland, 1515-1565 .
J ohn D. P ost . Food Shortage, Climatic Variability, and Epidemic Disease in Pre-industrial Europe: The Mortality Peak in the Early 1740s .
K athryn N orberg . Rich and Poor in Grenoble, 1600-1814 .
J udith E. T ucker . Women in Nineteenth-Century Egypt .
P eter G atrell . The Tsarist Economy, 1850-1917 .
M oshe L ewin . The Making of the Soviet System: Essays in the Social History oflnterwar Russia .
H arold G. V atter . The U.S. Economy in World War II .
A llan G reer . Peasant, Lord, and Merchant: Rural Society in Three Quebec Parishes, 1740-1840 .
M. S. T eitelbaum and JAY M. W inter . The Fear of Population Decline .
A. J. B rown . World Inflation Since 1950: An International Comparative Study .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article GREAT BRITAIN R. H. Hilton and T. H. Aston (Eds.). The English Rising of 1381. Paul Slack . The Impact of Plague in Tudor and Stuart England. Anthony Fletcher and John Stevenson (Eds.). Order and Disorder in Early Modern England Barry Reay L. Charles and L. Duffin (Eds.). Women and Work in Pre-industrial England. David Large Eric Richards . A History of the Highland Clearances. Volume 2: Emigration, Protest, Reasons. David Thoms and Tom Donnelly . The Motor Car Industry in Coventry since the 1890s. John Benson Trevor Lummis . Occupation and Society: The East Anglian Fisherman, 1880-1914. Cambridge: C.U.P. 1985. Pp. XII + 210. £22.50.) L. Margaret Barnet t. British Food Policy during the First World War. Cyril Ehrlich . The Music Profession in Britain since the Eighteenth Century: A Social History. G. C. Baugh Alan Booth and Melvyn Pack . Employment, Capital and Economic Policy: Great Britain, 1918-1939. Forrest Capie and Alan Webber . A Monetary History of the United Kingdom, 1870-1982. Vol. I: Data sources and methods. GENERAL Leslie Bethell Nicholas Bullock & James Read . The Movement for Housing Reform in Germany and France, 1840-1914. Mark Harrison . Soviet Planning in Peace and War, 1938-1945- R. W. Davies Stephen Epstein . Wills and Wealth in Medieval Genoa, 1150-1250. Michel Morineau . Incroyables gazettes et fabuleux métaux: les retours des trésors americains ?après les gazettes hollandaises Francois Crouzet. De la supériorité de ?Angleterre sur la France: ?économique et ?imaginaire XVII'-XX’siècle. J. R. Ward . Poverty and Progress in the Caribbean, 1800-1960. S. H. F. Hickey . Workers in Imperial Germany: The Miners of the Ruhr. G. R. Hawke . The Making of New Zealand. Tarif Khalidi David Nicholas . The Domestic Life of a Medieval City: Women, Children and the Family in Fourteenth-Century Ghent. Frederic C. Lane and Reinhold C. Mueller . Money and Banking in Medieval and Renaissance Venice. Volume I. Coins and Moneys of Account. P. J. Drudy David E. Nye . Image Worlds: Corporate Identities at General Electric, 1890-1930. Ruth Milkman G. Clarence -Smith . The Third Portuguese Empire, 1825-1975: A Study in Economic Imperialism. Lewis R. Fischer and Gerald E. Panting (Eds.). Change and Adaptation in Maritime History: The North Atlantic Fleets in the Nineteenth Century. Manuel M. Fraginals , Frank M. Pons and Stanley L. Engerman (Eds.)- Between Slavery and Free Labour: The Spanish Speaking Caribbean in the Nineteenth Century Claude Markovits . Indian Business and Nationalist Politics, 1931-1939. N. J. G. Pounds . An Historical Geography of Europe, 1800-1914. Barry Eichengreen The Gold Standard In Thoty And Histoty.  相似文献   

Book Review in this Articles
Victoria County History of Wiltshire , vol. 11, ed. R. B. P ugh and E. G rittall .
The Victoria County History of Leicestershire , vol. 11, ed. W. G. H oskins .
L. F. S alzman . Building in England down to 1540 .
G. de P oerck . La draperiè médiévale en Flandre et en Artois: technique et teminologie .
E. M. C arus -W ilson . Medieval Merchant Venturers. Collected Studies .
D om D avid K nowles . The Religious Orders in England
J ean S chneider . Recherches sur la vie économique de Metz au XVe siècle: le livre de comptes des merciers messins Jean Le Clerc et Jacquemin de Moyeuvre (1460–1461 ).
F rank T histlethwaite . The Great Experiment: An introduction to the history of the American people .
W. H. B. C ourt . A Concise Economic History of Britain, from 1750 to Recent Times .
C. H adfield . The Canals of Southern England .
M ilton S ydney H eath . Constructive Liberalism: the Role of the State in Economic Development in Georgia to 1860 .
Men in Business: Essays in the History of Entrepreneurship . Ed. W illiam M iller .
E. L ouise P effer . The Closing of the Public Domain: Disposal and Reservation Policies, 1900–1950 .
H. D uncan H all . North American Supply .  相似文献   

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