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Purchasing Power Parity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper provides a selective and critical review of the literature on purchasing power parity and real exchange rates, with special reference to the literature of the last two decades.  相似文献   

We examine long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) using panel data methods to test for unit roots in US dollar real exchange rates of 84 countries. We find stronger evidence of PPP in countries more open to trade, closer to the United States, with lower inflation and moderate nominal exchange rate volatility, and with similar economic growth rates as the United States. We also show that PPP holds for panels of European and Latin American countries, but not for African and Asian countries. Our findings demonstrate that country characteristics can help explain both adherence to and deviations from long-run PPP.  相似文献   

This article presents three different unit root tests for panel data, the main objective is to find the level of internal integration market through the purchasing power parity (PPP) evidence, based in the Balassa–Samuelson approach. Thus, eight kinds of markets, as tradable and nontradable goods for 16 main Mexican cities during a 21 year period have been contrasted. While two tests showed the PPP validity for seven markets, the other rejected it. The results obtained moreover feed the present controversy about which test is most appropriate to test the PPP, as soon as it is highlighted new elements emerge to explain the half-life analysis.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to study long-run Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for a panel of 21 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries from the end of the Bretton Woods era by applying a wide range of the econometric techniques available. This will allow us to present a comprehensive up to date examination of the empirical validity of PPP, covering the weak and strong versions of the hypothesis with individual and panel analysis, including the absence or presence of cross-dependency, the linear or nonlinear behaviour of the real exchange rates and the degree of persistence. Overall, the results provide evidence in favour of PPP.  相似文献   

In this paper we test for the existence of a stable long-run savings–investments relationship in 18 OECD economies over the period 1970–2007. Although individual modelling provides only very weak support to the hypothesis of a link between savings and investments, this cannot be ruled out as individual time series tests may have low power. We thus construct a new bootstrap test for panel cointegration robust to short- and long-run dependence across units. This test provides evidence of a long-run savings–investments relationship in most of the countries, with USA the most notable exception. However, the elasticities generally smaller than 1 suggest that market imperfections mostly cause only partial home biases.  相似文献   

The effect of the single currency on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis is examined in this study for the 15 EU countries, vis a vis the US dollar, before and after the advent of the euro. Standard as well as nonlinear unit root tests are employed on the time series dimension. Unit root tests reject PPP and the highest half-lives are observed after the introduction of the single currency. Panel unit root (Pesaran, 2007) and stationarity tests (Hadri and Kurozumi, 2008) that take into account cross-sectional dependence are also estimated. The results remain inconclusive as panel stationarity tests fail to support PPP whereas panel unit root tests fail to reject PPP for the whole sample and for the period before the introduction of the single currency.  相似文献   

In this article, we re-investigate the validity of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for a sample of 10 East-Asia countries over the period of January 1987 to June 2005, using a recently developed econometric technique of the panel stationary test with multiple structural breaks, proposed by Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. (2005 Carrion-i-Silvestre, JL, Del Barrio, T and López-Bazo, E. 2005. Breaking the panels: an application to the GDP per capita. Econometrics Journal, 8: 15975. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This test considers multiple structural breaks positioned at different unknown dates and a different number of breaks for each individual. Empirical evidence shows that the PPP holds true for half of 10 East-Asia countries during the research period. Our results have important policy implications for these 10 East-Asia countries under study.  相似文献   

Simulations demonstrate that when unit-root behavior is rejected in a Levin and Lin panel test, it is incorrect to infer that all series are stationary. Recent tests proposed by Im, Pesaran and Shin, and by Sarno and Taylor, are also incapable of determining the mix of I (0) and I (1) series in a panel setting. This paper introduces a new unit-root test that allows the researcher to discern which series are I (0) and which ones are I (1). The test has double to triple the power of single-equation augmented Dickey–Fuller tests.  相似文献   

We introduce a dynamic panel threshold model to estimate inflation thresholds for long-term economic growth. Advancing on Hansen (J Econom 93:345–368, 1999) and Caner and Hansen (Econom Theory 20:813–843, 2004), our model allows the estimation of threshold effects with panel data even in case of endogenous regressors. The empirical analysis is based on a large panel-dataset including 124 countries. For industrialized countries, our results confirm the inflation targets of about 2% set by many central banks. For non-industrialized countries, we estimate that inflation rates exceeding 17% are associated with lower economic growth. Below this threshold, however, the correlation remains insignificant.  相似文献   

This study revisits Purchasing Power Parity theory (PPP) in the 34 OECD countries during January 1994–August 2013. We use a new panel stationary test with both sharp breaks and smooth shifts, a novel approach to panel unit-root testing, proposed by Bahmani–Oskooee et al. (2014). The results indicate that the PPP holds in half of the 34 OECD countries. These results indicate the importance of proper modelling of both sharp breaks and smooth shifts in real effective exchange rate series of OECD countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relevance of applying nonlinear panel unit root test to examine the non-linear mean reversion behaviors of real exchange rates. We find that nonlinear panel unit root test may achieve lower power performance as compared to its alternative of linear panel unit test when the data generating process does not contain significant non-linear components. This finding post cautions to researchers in modeling and testing real exchanges behavior. We also develop a modified series-specific nonlinear panel unit root test and find evidence in favor of purchasing power parity hypothesis for China's four ASEAN trading partners in the period of February 1997 to August 2009.  相似文献   

This study applies the Sequential Panel Selection Method (SPSM), proposed by Chortareas and Kapetanios (2009) to test the validity of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for a sample of 14 transition countries, using real effective exchange rates, from 1994 to 2012 (for both monthly and quarterly data). SPSM classifies the whole panel into a group of stationary series and a group of non-stationary series. In doing so, we can clearly identify how many and which series in the panel are stationary processes. Empirical results from the SPSM using the Panel KSS unit root test (Ucar and Omay, 2009) with a Fourier function indicate that PPP holds true for most of these transition countries studied. Our results have important policy implications for these transition countries under study.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(12):1223-1228
In this study, the panel Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Augmented Dickey–Fuller (SURADF) tests advanced by Breuer et al. (2001 Breuer, J. B., McNown, R. and Wallace, M. S. 2001. Misleading inferences from panel unit-root tests with an illustration from purchasing power parity. Review of International Economics, 9: 48293. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) are used to test the validity of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for G-7 countries over the period 1980M1 to 2008M5. The empirical results from several panel-based unit root tests indicate that PPP does not hold for G-7 countries under study; however, Breuer et al.'s (2001 Breuer, J. B., McNown, R. and Wallace, M. S. 2001. Misleading inferences from panel unit-root tests with an illustration from purchasing power parity. Review of International Economics, 9: 48293. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) panel SURADF tests unequivocally indicate that PPP is valid for half of the G-7 countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) doctrine in Brazil. Historical data for the period 1855–1996 are considered. The period 1855–1990 is also analysed in order to compare the results with those obtained by Zini and Cati (1993) using the conventional cointegration analysis. This article uses fractional cointegration analysis, a flexible methodology which allows for more subtle forms of mean reversion. The tests performed are those of Geweke and Porter-Hudak (1983), and of Hurvich and Ray (1995). The critical values for both tests are generated by simulation because they are non-standard. The empirical results do not support the absolute PPP hypothesis but the relative PPP holds in the long run.  相似文献   

本文基于购买力平价理论,通过实证分析的方法,对1980-2008年的人民币兑美元汇率与中美消费物价指数的数据进行研究分析,以探究购买力平价理论与人民币汇率之间存在的关系.  相似文献   

购买力平价说是一种基本的汇率决定理论,但影响购买力平价关系成立的短期或长期经济因素众多,从而使得实际汇率经常偏离平价关系.本文对有关文献中各种购买力平价偏离模型进行了综合分析,阐明了生产率、政府支出、货币供给、偏好需求和定价策略等基本因素作用于实际汇率的经济机制.  相似文献   

The basic theory of the purchasing power at par refers to the rate of one country's currency to U.S. dollar while purchasing "a basket" goods and services in the same quantity and quality respectively in this country and U.S.A. This paper gives out calculation method of purchasing power conversion coefficient at par and how to calculate the non-base year purchasing power at par.  相似文献   

This article develops a threshold panel data nonlinearity test for poverty traps. The new testing strategy extends the work on nonlinearity tests for panel data by considering threshold nonlinearities in the fixed-effects components. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to evaluate the finite-sample performance of these tests. The tests are applied to the relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and capital stock per capita. Our application to a panel of countries for the period 1973 to 2007 uncovers the presence of two regimes determined by the level of capital stock per capita. The conclusions from our test also support the existence of a poverty trap determined by a capital stock per capita level at the 11% quantile of its pooled worldwide distribution.  相似文献   

Adapting a methodology proposed in Das et al. (2011), this paper uses panel refreshments as a natural experiment to determine whether trends in stated utility measures observed in panel data are genuine or rather caused by measurement issues.  相似文献   

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