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This paper explores the implications of economic and political inequality for the comovement of government purchases with macroeconomic fluctuations. We set up and compute a heterogeneous-agent neoclassical growth model, where households value government purchases which are financed by income taxes. A key feature of the model is a wealth bias in the political aggregation process. When calibrated to U.S. wealth inequality and exposed to aggregate productivity shocks, such a model is able to generate weaker positive comovement of government purchases than models with no political wealth bias. The wealth bias that matches the cross-sectional campaign contribution distribution by income is consistent with the mild positive comovement of government purchases in the aggregate data. We thus provide an empirically relevant example where economic and political heterogeneity matter for aggregate dynamics.  相似文献   

This article computes the degree of consumption insurance with respect to transitory and permanent income shocks. The lack of income–consumption data in the US surveys forces researchers to use an empirical strategy to impute consumption. This procedure is avoided by using the Spanish Household Budget Continuous Survey, which contains true panel data on consumption and income information in the same survey. We find full insurance for transitory income shocks and partial insurance for permanent shocks for some sub-groups. For the full sample, a 10% permanent income shock induces a 4.8% permanent change in consumption, with higher insurance capacity for college, home-owner and high-wealth households. We also compute the role of durables and family income transfers as smoothing devices. The comparison of insurance level when based on true consumption data versus imputed consumption data shows that the use of imputed consumption underestimates permanent insurance.  相似文献   

This paper tests the null hypothesis implied by exogenous growth that the share of government consumption in output affects the level of output but not its growth rate against the alternative hypothesis implied by endogenous growth that the growth rate is also affected. The results provide evidence that cross-country differences in income per capita result from differences in their public policies, but no evidence that differences in trend growth rates result.  相似文献   

Mahmoud Wahab 《Applied economics》2013,45(19):2125-2135
A new test specification of Wagner's Law of Public Expenditure has been formulated. The aim is to disentangle the effects of accelerating and decelerating economic growth on growth in government expenditure. Two alternative proxies for the state of the economy are experimented with. The first defines the current state of the economy by relating it to its historical mean growth rate, while the second defines it relative to a pooled time-series/cross-sectional mean growth rate. This distinction is then explicitly incorporated into an error correction model that parameterizes the bivariate relation between government expenditure and economic growth for alternative OECD country groupings. The results suggest that government expenditure increases less than proportionately with accelerating economic growth and decreases more than proportionately with decelerating economic growth. There is only a limited support for Wagner's Law.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the Granger-causal relationship between government spending (G) and income (Y) for Saudi Arabia for which G is the main driver of economic growth. Previous studies investigated two-way causality, from G to Y (Keynesian) and from Y to G (Wagnerian). This paper investigates a new explanation (post-Keynesian) that links Y to G through banks’ loan-making and deposit-creation. The latter is accompanied by an increase in statutory reserves (R). The findings are consistent with the post-Keynesian theory (from Y to R, and to G).  相似文献   

In this paper we study asymmetries in the Taylor rule for the United States during the 1970–2012 period. We show that monetary authorities have been constantly concerned with excess demand in overheated periods – when the output gap is positive or the unemployment rate falls below 7% or 7.5% – raising the interest rate aggressively in that case. However, the Fed seems more reluctant to decrease the fund’s rate during recessions. On the contrary, monetary authorities react symmetrically and forcefully to inflation in booms and busts. Finally, we provide evidence that an expansionary fiscal policy does not lead to an increase in interest rates, and thus there is not necessary a “crowding-out” effect in recessions.  相似文献   

In a Barro-type economy with exogenous consumption aspirations, raising income taxes favors growth even in the presence of lump-sum taxes. Such a policy is compatible with the behavior of private consumption, income taxes and growth rates observed in actual economies.  相似文献   

住房消费、收入分配与中国的消费需求不足   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消费需求不足是中国目前经济增长结构的基本特征。本文通过对中国的居民消费支出率的重新度量,发现近年来中国的居民支出占GDP的比重相当稳定。在关于消费需求与劳动者报酬率的地区、城乡结构性特征分析的基础上,论文提出了提高劳动者报酬率、促进中国需求导向型经济增长必须要处理好的四个基本关系。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that, under certain circumstances, the optimal consumption strategy of an individual with constant absolute risk-aversion, facing income uncertainty, is linear in wealth. Comparative static results are derived, and the paper concludes with a conjecture about other classes of utility functions.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critique of techiniques for estimating distributional weights using the revealed preference (imputational) approach. Stochastic versus deterministic methods are contrasted and a preference for the stochastic methodology is indicated. It argues that Probit is the most appropriate technique. This allows both decision-marker error (an inability to make full interpersonal income comparisons, as suggested by Basu) and the imputer's error (an inability to observe all components in the utiliy function, as suggested by McFadden) to be incorporated in the estimation equation. The implications of using Probit are discussed in the context of UK railway closure decisions.  相似文献   

The equity premium puzzle is found during the test of the Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) with aggregate consumption data. Because of income disparity, many consumers lack financial assets to intertemporally allocate their consumptions under income constraints. Thus, it is likely to lead to a specification error by employing aggregate consumption data to test the CCAPM. This paper examines the impacts of the economically constrained (low-income) consumers and unconstrained (high-income) consumers on the CCAPM using urban consumption expenditures in China delineated by consumer income, and tests the income constraint hypothesis. The empirical results show that the CCAPM is not more consistent with the consumption pattern of the higher-income consumers. Including the income constraint into the analyses of the consumption and asset returns does not unravel the equity premium puzzle.   相似文献   

This article offers several models that test concepts of optimum population and consumption: classical or utilitarian models, contractual models, and generation-relative ethical models. This article is based on a lecture presented in August 1995, at a conference organized by the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences. It is posited that classical utilitarianism casts the optimum population and consumption problem as a Genesis Problem. The authors argue that the Genesis problem is the wrong problem to study because there are no actual people. The Genesis problem asks how many people there ought to be ideally at what living standards. The unborn are not a class of people, just as mud on a river bank is not a mud hut. Actual persons and potential persons are categorically different. Actual persons have a claim that potential persons do not have. An overall ethical ordering over alternatives can only be conceived for each generation of actual people. The ethical point of view inevitably changes over time. For example, a generation in the first period consumes what they are given to consume by the older generation. In the second period, the younger generation is now the older generation who decide how many children to have and how to share nonstorable, all purpose consumption goods among themselves and future generations. Procreation is a means of making one's values durable. Human development is unfair. Those who live later benefit from the labor of their predecessors without paying the same price. Procreation and ecological preservation are a matter of ethics.  相似文献   

In an intertemporal equilibrium setting, temporary government purchases may affect the real interest rate. A temporary change in the level of government spending does not affect the optimal intertemporal allocation of rational consumers, who will therefore try to maintain their consumption plans. Assuming no change in the supply of goods, there is an excess demand for goods and in a closed economy the real interest rate has to rise to maintain equilibrium at the goods market. In this paper it is examined whether predictions of intertemporal substitution models hold up to the experience of the Netherlands. We extend Barro's empirical work in three ways. First, we construct a new measure of temporary government outlays. Second, we take the time series behaviour of the data concerned into account and employ a less restrictive specification for the equation to be estimated. Third, we examine the intertemporal substitution effect of government purchases onreal interest rates. Our results provide only mixed support for the hypothesis that temporary government purchases raise real interest rates. It turns out that only temporary military outlays affect the nominal and real interest rate.  相似文献   

In this article, whether an increase in government spending will crowd out the private consumption is re-examined. This article augments the empirical literature by extending this issue to panel data. The empirical framework applies the panel cointegration model, dynamic OLS (DOLS), proposed by Kao and Chiang [On the estimation and inference of a cointegrated regression in panel data. Working Paper, Economics Department, Syracuse University, 1999.]. Evidence from 24 OECD countries indicates a significant degree of substitutability between government spending and private consumption when the real disposable income is included, which rejects the permanent income hypothesis. The existence of crowding out renders the Keynesian plea for expansionary fiscal policy unconvincing.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two questions in the economics of intertemporal choice. First, what are the key factors that drive fluctuations in income and what are the time paths of their effects? Second, how do consumers respond to these factors? We answer these questions by estimating dynamic factor models of consumption, hours, wages, unemployment, and income that account for measurement error and the fact that variables used in the study are measured at different time intervals and/or are aggregates for the calendar year. We pay special attention to a dynamic factor representation of a joint life cycle model of consumption and labour supply, which permits us to quantify the effect of wages, unemployment, and other factors on the marginal utility of income as well as to estimate the substitution effects of wage changes on labour supply and consumption.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodological extension of Deaton's (1990) model for estimating price elasticities, by pooling Tunisian data from several surveys to improve the inter-cluster variability of unit values which is one of the key elements used in the derivation of these elasticities. Since the surveys cover a relatively long period, possible structural changes in consumption behaviour occurring over time are accounted for by postulating that certain response coefficients of the basic model vary from one survey to the other. The own price and cross price elasticities calculated using appropriate estimates of the extended model are satisfactory both from the economic point of view of their sign and the statistical point of view of their significance and superior to those obtained using a single survey. First version received: April 2000/Final version received: June 2001 RID="*" ID="*"  The authors would like to thank Angus Deaton and anonymous referees for useful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

This paper opens by expressing disappointment in the disparities between published estimations of the effectiveness of foreign aid to developing countries and effectiveness data which arise from the application of complex econometric methods. The new dilemmas for aid policy include the fact that aid increasingly devoted to human development at the expense of productive activity is unlikely to create the material development which will allow maintenance of human development targets. The second part of the paper presents comparative statistics on gross national product, official development assistance, and savings growth which paint a disturbing picture because the growth of domestic savings has been negative in the period 1967-87 in nine of the 11 less developed countries with data available. Section 3 covers the shortcomings of econometric experiments which neither confirm nor deny the findings of other studies on the effectiveness of aid. The fourth section describes constraints to the growth of income imposed by the foreign exchange, the rate of return on investment, and the growth of labor productivity and presents statistical evidence supporting aid policy which would 1) take advantage of opportunities to rehabilitate output growth in traditional industries without the addition of a great deal of capital, 2) direct attention to increasing the absolute gross national product (GNP) to raise the growth of per capital income, and 3) strategically reorient the structure of aid to increase the absolute GNP faster to accelerate reversal of the negative savings pattern and speed the reduction of fertility. Section 5 considers suggested shifts in aid policy orientation dealing with 1) population growth, income level, and food security; 2) reconstruction and structural adjustment; 3) rationalizing aid for social, institutional, and human development and technical assistance. The concluding section notes that the suggested strategic reorientation of the structure of aid should result in reduced population growth.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the nature of seasonal fluctuations in quarterly observations for Austrian consumption and income data. We begin with univariate tests of the order of integration and then move on to tests of cointegration. Seasonally adjusted as well as raw data are used in these tests. in univariate tests, the outcome for seasonally adjusted and raw data is in line. The unit roots at the zero frequency found in the seasonally adjusted series are also present in the raw data. In bivariate tests, the results for seasonally adjusted and raw data differ. While we find cointegration at the zero frequency between consumption and income for seasonally adjusted series, this hypothesis is generally rejected for the raw data.  相似文献   

This paper compares the effects of government consumption and government debt on economic growth using data from 83 countries, including both developed and developing markets, over the period from 1960 to 2014. Linear regressions reveal that the negative effects of government consumption are relatively higher than the negative effects of government debt. A nonlinear investigation further suggests that the restrictions on government expenditure to prevent negative growth are more important for countries with lower trade openness, lower inflation, or greater financial depth, whereas the restrictions on government debt are shown to be more important for countries with higher trade openness, lower inflation or greater financial depth.  相似文献   

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