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The purpose of this paper is to examine the behavior of real bilateral exchange rates for major currencies and test the hypothesis of real uncovered interest parity with risk premia, and forward looking expectations. It is plausible that the hypothesis of rational expectations cannot be rejected given the unit root nonstationarity of real exchange rates but it is not unlikely that unit root nonstationarity may be due to rational expectations in foreign exchange markets.  相似文献   

We fit nonlinearly mean-reverting models to real dollar exchange rates over the post-Bretton Woods period, consistent with a theoretical literature on transactions costs in international arbitrage. The half lives of real exchange rate shocks, calculated through Monte Carlo integration, imply faster adjustment speeds than hitherto recorded. Monte Carlo simulations reconcile our results with the large empirical literature on unit roots in real exchange rates by showing that when the real exchange rate is nonlinearly mean reverting, standard univariate unit root tests have low power, while multivariate tests have much higher power to reject a false null hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article analyses value changes of German stock market companies in response to movements of the US dollar. The approach followed in this work extends the standard means of measuring exchange rate exposure in several ways, e.g. by using multifactor modelling instead of augmented Capital Asset Pricing Model, application of moving window panel regressions and orthogonalization of overall market risk vis-à-vis currency risk. A further innovation lies in testing the theoretical implications of exchange rate adjustment costs (hedging costs) for firm values and economic exposure. Based on time series and panel data of German Deutsche Aktien Xchange companies, Deutsche Mark/dollar rates and macroeconomic factors, we find a rather unstable, time-variant exposure of German stock market companies. Dollar sensitivity is positively affected by the ratio of exports/gross domestic product (GDP) and negatively affected by imports/GDP. Moreover, as expected from theoretical findings, firm values and exchange rate exposure are significantly reduced by adjustment costs depending on the distance of the exchange rate from the expected long-run mean.  相似文献   

In this study, we re-examine the PPP hypothesis in the light of the new developments in the unit root testing literature. The recent theoretical findings have pointed out that the real exchange rate series exhibit asymmetric nonlinear behavior. A unit root test applied to analyze the PPP hypothesis therefore, should also take into account this asymmetry inherent in the real exchange rate. Different unit root tests that consider the presence of these data features have been developed in the time series literature. However, a true attempt to test the PPP hypothesis should take a panel data approach. To this end, we propose a nonlinear heterogeneous panel unit root test where the alternative hypothesis allows for symmetric or asymmetric exponential smooth transition autoregressive nonlinearity and provide its finite sample properties. We apply our test to the real exchange rates of the 15 European Union countries against the US dollar. While the results of the linear and symmetric nonlinear heterogeneous panel unit root tests are against the PPP hypothesis, the asymmetric nonlinear heterogeneous panel test that we propose gives support for the PPP hypothesis as expected. Therefore, the conclusions drawn from the linear panel unit root tests or the nonlinear panel unit root tests that do not take asymmetry into account might be misleading.  相似文献   

This study explores whether the long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis holds for selected real exchange rates from Turkish economy during the period 1982M1–2003M12. In addition to conventional unit root tests, five different unit root test procedures have been applied including efficient point-optimal tests, extended M tests and GLS-detrended variants of DF tests, to four monthly real exchange rate series defined in terms of both producer and consumer price indices. The countries analysed are the USA, the UK, Germany and Italy which are major trade partners of Turkey. Mixed evidence is found for the long-run PPP hypothesis when real exchange rate is defined in terms of German DM and Italian Lira. However, the empirical analysis reveals that the PPP hypothesis holds strongly in the long-run for the UK£ and US$ based real exchange rates series using either PPI or CPI. In corroboration with other studies in the literature, the bias correlated half-life estimates suggest relatively faster speeds of adjustment supporting the view that the deviations from the PPP rate dissipate rather quickly for relatively high inflation countries.  相似文献   

This article tests for the validity of the Purchasing power parity (PPP) theory using both the black market and the official exchange rates for panels with cross sectional dependency. The test is conducted using a newly developed, nonlinear IV panel unit root test that properly handles cross-sectional dependency for thirty-seven developing countries. We find that the null of joint unit root hypothesis is rejected for the whole panel, using the black market exchange rate, and for sub-panels of African and high inflation countries, using either exchange rate. The black market-based real exchange rates are, therefore, shown to provide stronger evidence for the purchasing power parity theory than do the official rates. This finding is consistent with the observation that black market exchange rates better represent market forces and thus are more relevant when testing for the validity of the PPP theory in developing countries.  相似文献   

It is now a common practice to establish stationarity of the real exchange rate as a sign of purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis. In this article, we consider the real effective exchange rates of 29 African countries. When we apply conventional linear unit root tests, we find support for the PPP in eight countries. However, when we shift to the newly introduced non-linear quantile unit root test, support for the PPP increases to 15 countries.  相似文献   

This paper provides additional empirical evidence on the topic of the effectiveness and the impact of Federal Reserve intervention on U.S. exchange rates. Using a daily measure of exchange rate intervention in the yen/dollar and mark/dollar exchange markets for the period January 3, 1985 to March 19, 1997, this paper finds a statistically significant impact of intervention on spot rates. A generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity exchange rate equation is used to measure the impact of intervention on exchange rate uncertainty. This study finds that intervention is associated with a significant increase in the interday conditional variance (uncertainty) of both bilateral spot exchange rates. This supports the view of Friedman and Schwartz that exchange rate intervention serves to destabilize the foreign exchange market by introducing additional levels of exchange rate uncertainty.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to examine the hypothesis of real interest rate parity by contrasting real interest rates across traded and nontraded goods under flexible exchange rates. We employ panel unit root tests to investigate the stationarity of real interest rate differentials. In particular, empirical results support the mean‐reverting property of real interest rate differentials for interest rates measured in terms of traded goods.  相似文献   

We use several popular tests to test the validity of the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis. In particular, we analyze four classes of tests??standard univariate unit root tests, co-integration, panel unit root tests, and unit root tests for nonlinear frameworks??for a dataset consisting of 20 bilateral exchange rates. Through this approach, we ascertain the effectiveness of each methodology in assessing the validity of PPP. Overall, our results suggest little evidence to support PPP. Among the conducted tests, the Panel Analysis of Nonstationarity in the Idiosyncratic and Common components (PANIC) provides the richest insights by disentangling the possible sources of non-stationarity of real exchange rates. The relevance of using price indices with different characteristics is also pinpointed.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper, we showed that bilateral exchange rates are important determinants of multinational activity of both the US and Japan and that increases in the bilateral and third‐country exchange rates exert opposing effects on bilateral multinational activity. Furthermore, the signs of the exchange rate coefficients differ between Japan and the US. In this paper, we formulate a three‐country model with coexisting exporters and multinational firms that engage in Cournot competition to rationalize these effects. In this model, we identify two counteracting effects which govern the bilateral and third‐country effects of an exchange rate increase on bilateral multinational activity. Our theoretical framework is flexible enough to explain the Japanese as well as the US patterns of exchange rate effects and it allows us to identify those factors that are responsible for the respective differences.  相似文献   

The long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis is tested for nine bilateral sterling exchange rates, using recently developed techniques on cointegration and seasonal integration. The empirical findings show that none of the exchange rates and relative prices contain seasonal unit roots, but all have an autoregressive unit root. The cointegration tests overwhelmingly reject the PPP hypothesis as a long-run equilibrium condition for all countries concerned.  相似文献   

This article examines the validity of the capital-enhanced equilibrium exchange rate (CHEER) approach using quarterly data ranging from 1993Q1 to 2016Q2. Using unit root break test and structural break cointegration technique, our overall results indicated that the CHEER is invalidated once a structural break is accounted for in the cointegration relationship. The rejection of the validity could be attributed to the asymmetry in the capital flows and exchange rates being not fully flexible.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the empirical evidence of purchasing power parity under the current float by recursive mean adjustment (RMA) proposed by So and Shin (1999). We first report superior power of the RMA-based unit root test in finite samples relative to the conventional augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test via Monte Carlo experiments for 16 linear and nonlinear autoregressive data generating processes. We find that the more powerful RMA-based unit root test rejects the null hypothesis of a unit root for 16 out of 20 current float real exchange rates relative to the US dollar, while the ADF test rejects only 5 at the 10% significance level. We also find that the computationally simple RMA-based asymptotic confidence interval can provide useful information regarding the half-life of the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the mean stationarity of real exchange rates by using new time series methods and new tests. The question whether the real exchange rates have a unit root or are level reverting is set in the general and flexible framework of fractionally integrated processes. The estimations and tests sustain the claim that real exchange rates may be nonstationary and not revert to any short-run parity. However, estimations also suggest that real exchange rates behave differently on the short and on the long run and that they may revert to parity in a century-long period.  相似文献   


The paper considers nonlinear logistic smooth transition autoregressive (LSTAR) process and aims to detect the unit root under the null hypothesis of a random walk process against the alternative of a stationary LSTAR process and to estimate the parameters of the process in Bayesian framework using MCMC. The simulation study is carried out for investigating the performance of the Bayes estimators for parameters and Bayesian unit root test and it has been observed that the estimates of parameters of the LSTAR process are close to the true parameter values. It has been observed that the Bayesian unit root test performs well and the power of the test is high even for the boundary cases having root close to unity, at least when the sample size is large. Since the LSTAR models are widely applied for real exchange rate modeling, the theoretical results are illustrated empirically for the real exchange rates of ten OCED countries.


Real interest rate is a crucial variable that determines the consumption, investment and saving behavior of individuals and thereby acts as a key policy tool that the central banks use to control the economy. Although many important theoretical models require the real interest rates to be stationary, the empirical evidence accumulated so far has not been able to provide conclusive evidence on the mean reverting dynamics of this variable. To resolve this puzzle we re-investigate the stochastic nature of the real interest rates by developing unit root tests for nonlinear heterogeneous panels where the alternative hypothesis allows for a smooth transition between deterministic linear trends around which stationary asymmetric adjustment may occur. When the newly developed panel unit root tests are applied to the real interest rates of the 17 OECD countries, we were able to uncover overwhelming empirical support in favor of mean reversion in the short-run and long-run real interest rates. Therefore, these results show that the conclusions drawn from a miss-specified test that ignores the presence of either nonlinearity, structural breaks or cross sectional dependence can give quite misleading results about the stochastic behavior of the real interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper applies a unit root test with a non‐linear threshold to examine whether labour force participation rates are mean reverting for G7 countries using annual data over a 130 year period. We find some evidence of mean reversion for just over half the sample; however, this result is sensitive to regime shifts. We also examine whether the labour force participation rate is trend reverting through employing a lagrange multiplier (LM) unit root test with one and two structural breaks in the intercept and slope. The LM unit root test provides no additional evidence in support of stationarity. On the basis of the unit root tests for mean reversion we conclude that there is at best mixed evidence that long‐term changes in unemployment rates translate into long‐term changes in employment rates and that the unemployment rate is a useful indicator of joblessness.  相似文献   

One of the major anomalies in International Macroeconomics is the persistent finding that the exchange rate has no empirical relationship with a variety of macroeconomic fundamentals. Dubbed the ‘exchange rate disconnect puzzle’, this article examines this issue for five Australian dollar bilateral exchange rates, using quarterly data for the period 1984:1–2015:4. A novel feature of this article is that it departs from the extant literature by using a different approach to testing for cointegration. The results show that the exchange rates and fundamentals move together in the long run. Furthermore, the results show that fundamentals Granger cause exchange rates, both in the short run and the long run.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》1986,22(4):375-380
Empirical studies that have tested for unit roots in foreign exchange rate data have assumed independent and identically distributed errors in order to apply Dickey-Fuller test procedures. This assumption ignores the temporal dependence of the error sequence present in many simple efficient market tests, as discussed in Hansen and Hodrick (1980), as well as Krasker (1980). In this paper we apply unit root test statistics that allow for heterogeneously distributed and mildly dependent error processes, and thus provide superior tests of the unit root hypothesis in the case of foreign exchange rates.  相似文献   

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