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There is an impressive body of empirical evidence which indicates the existence of an intraday U-shaped curve in stock prices. In an effort to shed additional light on the U-shaped curve a new procedure for U-shape testing is introduced. From careful analysis of intraday data it is observed that minimum or maximum stock prices can occur several times during the day. Here, attention is focused on the first time during the day that the maximum or minimum stock price occurred. Because of the importance of the first time during the day that the maximum or minimum stock price occurred, an attempt is made to model these two characteristics with probability distributions. The objective of this study is to use a generalized beta distribution to examine the intradaily behaviour of stocks, using closing stock prices for each one-minute interval, using data from Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). This generalized beta distribution has not been used before to model U-shaped behaviour. The results are consistent with the intraday U-shaped curves, i.e. the time to first maximum (or minimum) stock prices follows a U-shaped pattern. In addition, some potential applications of the generalized beta distribution are discussed and exemplified by analysing the relationship between herd behaviour and U-shaped.  相似文献   

Respondent uncertainty in a contingent market for carbon offsets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main objective of this paper is to provide additional empirical evidence of what explains respondent uncertainty in contingent valuation (CV) and how this in turn affects stated willingness to pay (WTP). Air travelers asked to pay a carbon travel tax to offset carbon emissions from flying were asked how likely it is that they will actually pay if the tax is voluntary. When changing the market compliance imperative from a mandatory carbon tax to a voluntary contribution, a third of all air travelers consider it unlikely they will actually pay their stated WTP amount. An ordered probit estimation approach is applied to identify the sources of respondent uncertainty. Besides the bid price, respondent sense of responsibility and belief in the effectiveness of the voluntary carbon market are among the main reasons for the experienced uncertainty.  相似文献   

Economic theory predicts a decrease in valuation as the availability of substitutes increases. This paper describes a contingent valuation (CV) survey that investigates the effect of substitutes on valuation of private market goods. Using an approach that compares willingness to pay (WTP) values elicited from a CV question that accounts for substitutes with WTP values elicited from a similar question without substitutes, we find that allowing for substitutes can moderate WTP values. For the item valued in this study, a hamburger sandwich, allowing for substitutes was associated with a reduction of from 10% to 16% in stated values.  相似文献   

银行效率与规模相关性的主成分分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
伴随经济金融全球化而来的银行业并购和混业经营浪潮引起人们质疑中小银行的生存与发展.但是银行效率与规模相关性的实证研究表明规模并不是决定银行效率的唯一标准,银行业并购的盛行并不影响中小银行在自身运作空间和生存基石上的蓬勃发展.  相似文献   

傅强  程峰  汪俊生 《技术经济》2011,30(3):77-80,127
以动态随机前沿模型为基础,采用基于吉布斯抽样的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛方法,运用1998—2007年我国银行类金融机构的基本数据对模型的各参数进行贝叶斯估计,得到我国银行类金融机构的技术效率评价结果。结果表明:我国银行类金融机构的技术效率均值为96.68%,运行效率较高,这说明我国推行的银行业改革卓有成效。  相似文献   

The study aims to estimate the impact of R&D expenditure and patenting on the performance of firms using productivity, profitability and Tobin's q ratio as the performance indicators. The study uses firm-level data of 489 high- and medium-technology firms during the period of 2000–2010. We employ relatively a new source of data particularly in the context of India, firm-level patent granted, that has not been explored earlier. The study finds that firms patenting result in productivity improvement of firms, whereas R&D expenditure does not. The study further finds the evidence of positive impact of patenting on financial performance of firm with significant differences between foreign and domestic firms.  相似文献   


This contribution investigates whether the introduction of Khul, Islamic unilateral divorce rights for women, helps to explain recent dramatic increases in women's labor supply in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries over the 1980–2008 period. It shows, using data for eighteen countries, that Khul reform increased the labor force participation of women relative to men. Furthermore, we find evidence that the effect of Khul is larger for younger women (ages 24–34) compared to older women (ages 35–55). Younger women increased their labor force participation by 6 percent, which accounts for about 10 percent of the increase in their labor force participation from 1980 to 2008.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new model to measure the risk appetite in absence of option prices. Without options transaction, traditional measurements cannot be made. This article establishes a Risk Appetite (RA) indicator by way of change measure and simulation, with two density functions, i.e. risk-neutral density and historical density. The RA indicators use the data from the Property Composite Index (PCI) and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index (SSECI). The empirical result shows that investors involved in the real estate security market have lower RA compared to those in the general security market. Particularly, RA indicators for both indices started to fall markedly in early 2008 and even more so after September 2008. The changes in RA suggest that the overall investors’ attitudes nowadays towards China's stock market are never as pessimistic as before.  相似文献   

Despite revisions to bank capital standards, fundamental shortcomings remain: the rules for setting capital requirements need to be simpler, and resolution should be an essential part of the capital requirement framework.We propose a revised system of capital regulation that addresses these needs by making changes to all three pillars of bank regulation: only common equity should be recognized as regulatory capital, and risk weighting of assets should be abandoned; capital requirements should be assigned on an institution-by-institution basis according to a regulatory (s, S) approach developed in the paper; a standard for prompt, corrective action is incorporated into the (s, S) approach.  相似文献   

Taxes are a complicated and influential category affecting all the economic phenomena and financial processes. To ensure a stable flow of funds to the state and local budgets, all the participants of the tax legal relations should properly perform their obligations before the state and observe the applicable legislation. The aim of the paper is to make an analysis of the positive experience of European countries in the field of taxation and their possible application in developing countries. The considered practice in the part of the luxury tax showed that almost all the developed foreign countries introduced this kind of tax, however, in some of them, it has not been established for some reasons. The experience of the majority of countries shows that social contributions are paid in the majority of cases both by the employer and the employee in a compound and in some cases – by the employee and the employer separately. In the sphere of taxation of transport, the authors suppose that the experience of the foreign states is rather progressive and has a number of positive peculiarities.  相似文献   

Firms have tendency to window dress their financial statements by reporting earnings to achieve reference points represented by N × 10 k . Such practice of reporting rounded earnings is likely due to (1) firms may believe that investors perceive a reported earnings of $1.99 million to be significantly less than $2.0 million; and/or (2) contracts between firms and stakeholders are likely to express earnings in round numbers. Auditors have employed more sophisticated digital analysis such as Benford's law, as part of their fraud detection processes. This study investigated the window dressing behaviour among firms in the US marine industry. The findings of the study suggest that window dressing is a significant practice among the marine firms. However, the extent of the pervasiveness of such behaviour is less severe among marine firms than among all publicly-listed firms in the entire US economy, suggesting that the quality of financial statements of marine companies is higher than the overall population of public companies.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to analyze the relation between foreign asset formation (FAF) and terms of trade (TOT) in countries characterized by unbalanced productive structures (UPS). This is done by modifying the structuralist thesis about the (overstated) positive effects of a rise in TOT on the balance-of-payment equilibrium gross domestic product growth rate. The theoretical analysis follows Thirlwall’s law and its subsequent modifications. The paper’s main contribution will be to explain and formalize the low—and even null—effects of TOT on balance-of-payment constraints due to the quasi-rent generated in the export sector of a UPS. To reinforce this idea, the empirical section econometrically shows the existence of a significant and positive relationship between TOT and FAF in developing countries.  相似文献   

The paper develops a three-sector full-employment general equilibrium model for a small open developing economy with exogenous labour market imperfection and a non-traded sector providing healthcare services, the consumption of which generates positive externalities. Our main objective is to show that the optimal consumption subsidy to healthcare, if solely judged from the standpoint of economic growth, is strictly positive (zero) when the production technology of the healthcare sector is of the variable (fixed) coefficient type. However, in the variable coefficient case, the optimal per capita expenditure on healthcare crucially hinges on the degree of labour market imperfection and the quality of services provided by the healthcare sector. The latter result can possibly be considered as a theoretical justification why the magnitude of per capita public spending on healthcare services is significantly lower in the developing countries compared to that in the developed nations. Besides, using the Sen's (1974) index of social welfare that takes into consideration both the growth and income inequality aspects, we have proved that the optimal health subsidy is positive irrespective of the nature of production technology of the healthcare sector. Furthermore, most of these results are found to be valid even in the presence of Harris-Todaro type unemployment. Finally, the results lead to a few important policy implications in the context of the developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between bribery and firm survival when facing different levels of market competition, credit constraints, and other institutional limitations. Using panel data from surveys of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam over a 10-year period and a semi-parametric Cox proportional hazards model approach, we provide empirical support for the “greasing-the-wheels” hypothesis of firm survival. Effects are found to be more pronounced for formally registered and larger firms, explained by their greater bargaining power vis-à-vis public officials. Moreover, bribery as a “risk-of-exit” reducing strategy is found only for firms not institutionally or financially constrained and for firms operating in sectors with low levels of competition.  相似文献   

Using four waves of data from the Participation Labour Unemployment Survey, a database of information on the Italian labour market supply, we address the question of earnings dispersion by applying a ‘nested’ decomposition procedure of the Theil inequality measure, which combines into a unified framework the standard decompositions by population subgroups and income sources. The empirical evidence obtained points to the key role played by the self-employees in shaping labour income inequality, especially at the upper extreme of the earnings distribution, and the emergence of non-standard forms of employment as an important feature of the contemporary workplace.  相似文献   

The analysis of a price war strategy under market demand growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use the finite repeated Prisoners' Dilemma game model herein to discuss how firms choose their optimal strategy under a price war with market demand growth. This model has two players: one is an R-type player and the other is a TFT-type player. Each player has two strategies to choose from: a preemption strategy and a “wait” strategy. Our results indicate that: (i) if the probability that the opponent is an R-type (TFT-type) player is high, then the time when the opponent adopts a preemption strategy will be early (late); (ii) Market demand growth is an incentive for cooperation among firms; (iii) if the market demand growth rate is high, then the R-type player will not have an evolutionary advantage. We use the competition between cell phone manufacturing firms Nokia and Motorola in China as an example. When Nokia is an R-type player and adopts a preemption strategy, Motorola should preferably use a preemption strategy rather than a “wait” strategy. However, as a TFT-type player, this will benefit Motorola under the situation of market demand growth.  相似文献   

We estimate Okun's relationship for four European countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain) with a nonparametric procedure, without imposing a previous specific functional form. We apply the non parametric MARS methodology that endogenously detects multiple thresholds and therefore is able to identify multiple possible regimes. In addition, we control for the Euro area crisis to capture possible effects of the economic activity of neighbour countries on domestic unemployment rate variations. Our results confirm the existence of two regimes in each country but significantly different thresholds across countries. The form of Okun's relationship for Germany, France and the Netherlands are similar and quite different from Spain where it is much steeper. Differences between Okun coefficients below and above the threshold are consistent with the “firm's risk aversion hypothesis”, but different thresholds across countries may be related to the “labour hoarding hypothesis”. The negative value of the threshold in Spain may reflect the “institutional rigidity hypothesis”. Finally, the fact that the Euro area crisis may affect the domestic Okun's law is consistent with decision makers with risk aversion who use information from the economic area they are operating in. These results not only potentially enrich Okun's law estimations but also open the debate over how the different theoretical hypothesis intervene and shape Okun's law for each country.  相似文献   


This paper tests the Wagner’s assumption of the one-sided directional flow moving from economic growth to public spending considering an international database over the 1996–2012 period. By using indicators on the level of country control of corruption, government effectiveness, political stability, rule of law, regulatory quality and voice and accountability, the paper analyses the economic performance-public spending nexus controlling for the quality of the institutions. The empirical evidence supports the existence of the Wagner’s law, showing that, in the short-run, public spending positively reacts to a positive shock in national income, with a lower magnitude for democratic countries. In the long run, the error-correction model shows the convergence between public spending and national output occurring less quickly for non-democratic, low-income and to a smaller extent for non-OECD countries. Institutional quality, such as effort in controlling corruption and the presence of regulations that permit and promote private sector development, may help reducing the amount of per capita public spending and making it more productive. Higher expenses in compositional amenities such as public services for the elderly may explain why public spending per capita will increase the most in economies with a higher share of the population that need healthcare facilities.  相似文献   


The paper examines the pro-work doctrines of four writers who were connected with the ‘utopian’ and ‘romantic’ critique of classical economics in the nineteenth century. These authors are Charles Fourier, Thomas Carlyle, John Ruskin, and William Morris. All four argued that the problem of work aversion stemmed from the existing institutions of capitalist society, and could be overcome by the creation of an alternative system of production. Their aim was to create a future society in which work could be experienced as a positive activity. The paper argues that the views of the aforementioned authors provided an important counterchallenge to the classical economists' conception of work as a disutility.  相似文献   

We study the effect of a change in electoral rules on political competition, measured by the number of candidates and their political experience. We explore the effects of a change in legislation, introduced a year before the gubernatorial elections in Peru on the number of parties that participated in these elections. We also investigate how the legislative change affected the political experience of the candidates. Given that the legislative change did not apply to elections for provincial mayors, we use those elections as a control group, in a difference-in-differences design. Our estimates show the number of parties registered increased by a margin of around 2.2 after the legislative change. The change also increased the candidates' years of accumulated political experience, particularly in the subsequent gubernatorial elections.  相似文献   

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