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In this paper we explore the statistical properties of the distributions of consumption expenditures for a large sample of Italian households in the period 1989–2004. Goodness-of-fit tests show that household aggregate (and age-conditioned) consumption distributions are not log-normal. Rather, their logs can be invariably characterized by asymmetric exponential-power densities. Departures from log-normality are mainly due to the presence of thick lower tails coexisting with upper tails thinner than Gaussian ones. The emergence of this irreducible heterogeneity in statistical patterns casts some doubts on the attempts to explain log-normality of household consumption patterns by means of simple models based on Gibrat’s Law applied to permanent income and marginal utility.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the valuation of some negative external effects arising from agricultural production in Italy. External effects are treated in a transformation function as a bad output additional to the normal output of a production activity. In this case we can distinguish a price component or shadow price of the external effect and a quantity component and estimate them separately. In order to calculate the price component of the external effects we first estimate one point on the marginal external costs curve and then try to obtain the whole curve, i.e. external costs associated to different levels of emissions in different years. As to the quantity component, net emissions of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium have been estimated. The aggregate value of external effects is then calculated for thirty years from 1961 to 1991 and deducted from the value added of the agricultural sector, as a first step towards the correction of national accounting aggregates to take environmental degradation into account.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of town size on the Spanish demand for food. The methodological approach followed in the study is to use panel data built from the Spanish Quarterly National Expenditure Survey to estimate a demand system. The use of this type of data allows control for unobserved time invariant heterogeneity as well as to take into account the time and the cross-section dimension of data. Four locations are distinguished: (1) less than 10000 inhabitants; (2) between 10000 and 100000 inhabitants; (3) between 100000 and 500000 inhabitants; and (4) more than 500000 inhabitants. Eight broad food categories are considered: (1) cereals and potatoes; (2) meat; (3) fish; (4) dairy products; (5) fats and oils; (6) fruits; (7) vegetables; and (8) other food. Income and price elasticities are calculated for each location. In general terms, two general conclusions can be drawn. First, results indicate that only slight changes in tastes have taken place during the analysed period; second, income and price elasticities use to decrease as town size increases.  相似文献   

The literature on sustainable consumption and environmental regulation of household behavior is dominated by conceptual and normative approaches. As a result, many suggestions lack a firm empirical basis. To overcome this deficiency, econometric studies in three areas of environmentally relevant activities of households are reviewed: residential use of energy, generation of solid waste and recycling, and residential use of water. Next to price and income elasticities, attention is devoted to individual socio-economic features and psychological factors, such as attitudes, knowledge, perceptions and values. Potential psychological determinants and related insights are further examined by discussing a range of representative and illustrative statistical–psychological studies of environmental behavior. One important general finding is that there are very few empirical studies that systematically combine socio-economic and psychological determinants. A range of insights for environmental policy is derived, and research recommendations are offered.  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the recent impact of fiscal decentralization in Europe on total expenditure for specific government functions as well as on total government size. A panel data set for the years 2000–2009 for European countries has been constructed from EUROSTAT data. The effects of decentralization interact with the degree of vertical imbalances and tend to be negative as predicted by the Leviathan view of government. Effects vary strongly across government functions and are strongest in relative terms for social spending and infrastructure. Moderate restraining effects are found for education, while health spending is not significantly affected. This is consistent with competition between subnational entities, which try to attract taxpayers and shift expenses away from policies that benefit neighbouring jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Research on tipping has been limited to restaurants, tourism and taxis. This study investigates the economic and demographic factors that influence whether a person tips and the amount tipped for a haircut in a beauty salon. Using a two-step model, it is found that both economic and demographic factors influence tipping behaviour. A person is more likely to tip if he/she has long hair, attends to grooming on a frequent basis, has a lower income, and is male. Price, gender, age, and the use of appointments are factors that influence the amount that one tips.  相似文献   

In this paper it is tested whether increasing child allowances will affect the intra-household allocation of consumption, measured by child and adult goods, holding total household resources constant. The analysis is based on household survey data collected in Romania, where cash payments are made to families according to the number and age of children. Selectivity is controled for since there is the potential for self-selection bias in terms of the level of child allowances received. The findings suggest that holding total household resources constant, child allowances increase demand for child goods and calories and reduce demand for adult goods.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate whether increases in public education expenditures lead to reductions in private school enrollment. In order to deal with the endogeneity of public expenditures, I use as a natural experiment the 1998 FUNDEF reform in Brazil that caused exogenous variations in local public school funding. Using data from Brazilian School and Population censuses, I show that public education expenditures increases are associated with reductions in the share of private school enrollment for grade 1. However, the effect is smaller for grades 2 to 4, which is consistent with the existence of costs associated with switching schools.  相似文献   

Human capital accumulation and endogenous public expenditures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we present an overlapping-generations model, where individuals accumulate human capital through formal schooling. We model the role of the public sector in schooling as one of collecting taxes from households and providing inputs to the learning technology. Public expenditures on schools are determined endogenously. Under plausible restrictions, our model's predictions qualitatively match the observations on schooling, public expenditures on education, and student-teacher ratios. JEL Classification: E13, E62.
Accumulation de capital humain et dépenses publiques endogènes. Dans ce mémoire, les auteurs présentent un modèle de générations qui se chevauchent où les individus accumulent du capital humain via l'éducation formelle. Le rôle du secteur public dans l'éducation est défini comme celui de collecteur d'impôts auprès des ménages et de fournisseur d'intrants dans la technologie d'apprentissage. Les dépenses publiques en éducation sont déterminées de manière endogène. A partir de restrictions plausibles, les prédictions du modèle s'arriment qualitativement aux observations sur le monde scolaire, aux dépenses publiques en éducation, et aux ratios élèves/enseignants.  相似文献   

The sources of growth in government revenues and expenditures in 22 OECD countries is addressed. The question of whether the revenue constraint is binding on the growth of government expenditures, or whether the ‘displacement’ effect of expenditure growth is binding is considered. Controls for the effects of the output gap and inflation rate on government revenues and expenditures in each of the 22 countries are presented. A major conclusion is that reductions in spending are essential to reducing budget deficits and controlling government size.  相似文献   

We investigate if participation in the Indian Self Help Group (SHG) program results in reducing poverty and vulnerability. The theoretical framework examines the mechanisms through which the pecuniary and non-pecuniary effects of the SHG impacts the households’ ability to manage risk. We use a vulnerability measure that quantifies the welfare loss associated with poverty and different types of risks, on an Indian panel survey data. Our results show that SHG members are less vulnerable compared with a group of non-SHG (control) members. About 80% of the vulnerability faced by the households is poverty related.  相似文献   

Most farms are family business, both in developed and developing countries. Labour allocation choices of farm household members are therefore relevant both for production choices in the farm and for rural labour markets. In particular, off-farm work and combination of on- and off-farm work (pluriactivity) are viewed as an efficient allocation of household labour resources. Moreover, labour choice of the children of the farm household is relevant for farm succession. In this article, we extend previous literature by estimating in an unified framework labour participation choices both for on- and off-farm work for operators, spouses and their eldest children in working age, using a five equation multivariate probit.  相似文献   

The basic premise of this paper is that a household receives utility directly from the status of a food composite good which is created by combining a household's skill and creativity in preparing foods, other inputs, and the kinds and amounts of foods available. We proceed to investigate the factors influencing the demand for and prodcution of this composite good. The demand for food status in influenced most by the following characteristics: race, education, houshold size, homeownership, region of household residence and income. Direct price effects were minor. Estimates of a food status production function imply that the production of food status is not much a matter of the quantities of foods consumed but rather the types of food purchased (variety) and the creativity of the homemaker.  相似文献   

An econometric model consisting of an inverse demand system and a set of lagged supply response relationships; for major categories of US personal consumption expenditures is formulated. The model is capable of sequentially forecasting per capita personal consumption expenditures and their expenditure shares in the long run.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Konsumausgabedaten aus der Haushaltserhebung der Wiener Arbeiterkammer werden für eine empirische Analyse des Konsumverhaltens nach der neoklassischen Nachfragetheorie verwendet. Unter der Annahme, daß Arbeiter und Angestellte den gleichen Konsumpreisen — gemessen am Verbraucherpreisindex — gegenüberstehen, wird ein empirisch anwendbares Modell in der Tradition der Rotterdam-Schule formuliert, das getrennt für Arbeiter und Angestellte die Schätzung von Einkommens- und Preiselastizitäten ermöglicht, ohne spezielle Annahmen über Nutzenfunktionen (wie z.B. beim linearen Ausgabensystem (LES)) machen zu müssen.Diese Untersuchung soll einerseits zeigen, inwieweit die Rationalitätshypothese der neoklassischen Nachfragetheorie für einen durchschnittlichen Arbeiter- oder Angestellen-haushalt aufrecht erhalten werden kann, und andererseits, welche Unterschiede im Verhalten von Angestellten und Arbeitern hinsichtlich ihrer Preis- und Einkommensreaktionen sowie ihrer Rationalität nach der Theorie bestehen.Größere Unterschiede in der Einkommensreaktion zeigten sich in den Gruppen Tabak, Heizung/Beleuchtung, Bildung, Unterhaltung und Erholung; sehr ähnliche signifikante Reaktionen wurden für Einrichtungs- und Verkehrsausgaben festgestellt. Hinsichtlich der Preisreaktionen sind bei Nahrungsmitteln und Bekleidung Ähnlichkeiten im Verhalten bezüglich direkter (eigener) Preisänderungen festzustellen. Divergenzen zeigen sich hier bei Tabak, Körper- und Gesundheitspflege sowie Haushaltsführung. Signifikante Divergenzen in der Charakterisierung der Gütergruppen als Substitute oder Komplemente wurden für die Paare Tabak, Heizung/Beleuchtung sowie Wohnungsnutzung und Körper-/Gesundheitspflege einerseits und andererseits für Körper-/Gesundheitspflege, heizung sowie Kleidung und Haushaltsführung gefunden. Schließlich legten die Testergebnisse den Schluß nahe, daß rationales Verhalten bei beiden typen als Hypothese nicht abgelehnt werden kann. Einige Ergebnisse weisen auch darauf hin, daß Angestelltenverhalten eher zur Rationalität neigt als Arbeiterverhalten. Insgesamt ist aber die Frage des Rationalverhaltens wegen der geringen Beobachtungsanzahl nur unscharf zu beantworten.  相似文献   

This study uses new theories of capital accumulation and fertility in a comparative framework to test predictions with time-series data for Germany, Italy, the UK, and the US. The exogenous-fertility model is based on models of Barro and Becker. The endogenous-fertility models are based on models of Veall and Nishimura and Zhang. It is assumed that life cycle periods are youth, middle age, and old age. Several theoretical frameworks are tested with endogenous and exogenous fertility and altruism and nonaltruism. Data are obtained during 1950-90. Dependent variables are the total lifetime fertility rate and real per capita household savings. Explanatory variables include social security, the real social security deficit per capita, the real rate of interest, the real per capita disposable income, the average male real wage rate, the average female real wage rate, and the real child benefit rate. The explanatory variables are individually graphed to show differences by country over time. Findings suggest that fertility is endogenous in a nonaltruistic model. The only model not rejected by the data was the model in which fertility and intergenerational transfers were explained by nonaltruistic concerns. Fertility was positively affected by the male wage rate in all countries. Fertility was negatively affected by the female wage rate in all countries. Disposable income was insignificant in the UK and Germany and positive and significant in Italy and the US. The interest rate was significant in only 1 model. Child benefits had a positive and significant effect on fertility in the UK. In savings models, disposable income was significant and positive, and child benefits and wage rates were insignificant. Social security coverage had a negative effect on fertility and a positive effect on savings, except in Germany. Findings indicate that saving and fertility are jointly determined.  相似文献   

Since the late 1970s, pharmaceutical R&D has grown at a rapid rate relative to sales and other variables. In this paper, we examine the determinants of pharmaceutical R&D using a pooled data sample of 11 major drug firms over the period 1974 to 1994. We find that expected returns and cash flows are important explanatory variables of firm research intensities during this period. This is consistent with our results for an earlier sample period characterized by very different growth patterns on R&D.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model in which habit formation is present in a relatively general but tractable way. The consumer's problem is transformed into a sequence of two-period Fisherian problems by introducing a “reduced utility function” to ensure full dynamic rationality of the consumer. By making preferences dependent on past real expenditure levels rather than past consumption bundles, it is possible to characterize the long-run behavior of the consumer. Stability analysis is performed. The cases of “immediate habit formation” and “delayed habit formation” are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper shows that aggregate investment expenditure shares on tradable and nontradable goods are very similar in rich and poor countries, as well as in different regions of the world. Furthermore, the two expenditure shares have remained close to constant over time, with the average expenditure share on nontradables varying between 0.54–0.62 over the 1960–2004 period. The results of this paper offer a new restriction for two-sector models of the aggregate economy. Combined with the fact that the relative price of nontradables correlates positively with income and exhibits large differences across space and time, our findings suggest that tradable and nontradable goods in investment can be modeled using the Cobb–Douglas aggregator.  相似文献   

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