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将ISO9000I、SO1400和SA8000统一起来分析,可以看出它们所包含的“人文化”的内容有不断增强的趋势。国际认证标准的“人文化”增强的趋势,既同社会经济协调发展相关;又是国际市场竞争关系失衡的产物。分析国际认证标准的“人文化”趋势及其两重性特征,有利于提出更有针对性的应对措施。  相似文献   

11月1日,国际标准化组织(ISO)在瑞士日内瓦国际会议中心举办了主题为“共担责任,实现可持续发展”的社会责任指南标准(ISO26000)的发布仪式。以此发布仪式为标志,近10年来众说纷纭的ISO26000终于浮出水面。  相似文献   

2010年11月1日,国际标准化组织(ISO)正式发布ISO26000:2010《社会责任指南》国际标准。此后两年期间,不少国家都在研究、翻译、转化该标准,ISO中央秘书处也召开了一系列区域性标准的培训和应用经验交流会。在这些活动的基础上,ISO决定召开一次国际研讨会,研究总结ISO26000社会责任标准发布以来的经验和问题,研究ISO26000的下一步发展。  相似文献   

21世纪被称为“质量的世纪”,世界各国第三产业纷纷采用ISO国际质量标准申请认证。为了使我国的教育,特别是高等教育早日达到“世界级质量”标准,满足经济社会发展对人才的迫切需要,我国应当宣传、贯彻、实施《ISO9001:2000》族国际标准,建立起科学、有效的ISO教育服务质量体系及与之配套的教学质量控制体系。本文将对ISO体系与我国教育质量管理问题进行相关的探讨。  相似文献   

汤娟 《现代商业》2007,(26):122-122
ISO9000标准是国际通用的质量管理和质量保证的标准,它以科学、适宜、有效的方法,为企业管理提供了管理模式,掌握并应用好ISO9000标准,可成为企业提高产品质量、增强市场竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   

从2003年起,成都市委、市政府提出打造“规范化服务型”政府的目标,探索政府职能转化的新途径。我们成都市工商局作为试点单位,提出“以人为本,以客为尊”的服务理念,在具体工作中引入ISO9001国际质量管理标准,经过不懈努力,初步实现了“服务人性化、流程标准化、执法阳光化、工作精细化”的工商工作新模式。一、牢固树立“以人为本、以客为尊”的服务理念,建立质量管理的制度保障体系2003年,我们围绕行政审批体制改革作了有益的探索,2004年在系统导入ISO9001国际质量管理标准,按照“以人为本,以客为尊”的政府服务理念,进行工商职能整合…  相似文献   

11月1日,国际标准化组织(ISO)在瑞士日内瓦国际会议中心举办了主题为"共担责任,实现可持续发展"的社会责任指南标准(ISO26000)的发布仪式.以此发布仪式为标志,近10年来众说纷纭的ISO26000终于浮出水面.  相似文献   

随着世界各国贸易活动和经济合作的日益频繁,一个国际统一的质量管理与认证标准对各国企业保证其产品质量有着越来越重要的意义。1987年,国际标准化组织发布了《质量管理和质量保证》ISO9000系列标准,使企业建立质量体系有了一个国际统一的依据和评定标准。自该系列标准发布以来,受到越来越多国家的高度重视,实施ISO9000系列标准已经成为世界性潮流。我国于1989年等效采用了ISO9000系列标准,又于1994年等同采用了ISO9000系列标准,编号为GB/T19000—ISO9000,这对我国企业完善质量体系,提高产品质量和企业素质,促进质量管理国际化,规范化,扩大出口,发展外向型经济,参与国际市场竞争,都产生了积极作用和深远影响。目前,我国船舶工业面临看难得的发展机遇和日趋激烈的市场竞争,随着船舶及其配套工业、非船贸易的不断扩大,对质量提出了越来越高的要求。GB/T19000—ISO9000族标准总结了当代世界各国质量管理和质量保证的成功经验,是先进科学技术与现代化管理的结晶。实施该族标准可使企业质量工作科学化、规范化、制度化、程序化,对于提高船舶行业企业全员质量意识和综合素质,促进企业开展国内外贸易,转换经营机制,提高经济效益,实现两个根本转变具有现实意义。因此,宣传贯彻实施GB/T19000—ISO9000族标准势在必行。本刊将从1997年第1期开设“ISO9000族专栏”,陆续介绍GB/T19000—ISO9000族标准、世界主要国家的质量认证组织以及船舶物资企业、部门采用ISO9000标准的成功经验,使物资行业的全体员工更好地掌握并贯彻实施此标准,进一步提高物资购销与物资管理水平,提高产品质量,促进整个行业发展。  相似文献   

<正> 伴随全球经济一体化浪潮的波澜迭起,许多企业幡然悟出:商品价格不再是衡量竞争能力的唯一砝码,只有追求市场公认的产品质量,才能在国际竞争中稳操胜券。于是,在企业界到处听到ISO9000这一悄然兴起的国际浪潮愈来愈急促的拍击声。 然而,沿海某纺织机械厂厂长在与外商签订供货合同时,竞将“ISO”中的“O”读成“零”,外商随即摇了  相似文献   

2010年11月1日,国际标准化组织在瑞士日内瓦,以"共担责任、放飞可持续发展梦想"为主题,面向全球发布了社会责任国际标准《ISO26000:社会责任指南(第一版)》。以2001年4月提出社会责任标准议题为起点,ISO26000是一项历时十年,由来自90多个国家、40多个国际组织的500多位专家的共同参与完成的浩大工程。如何看待它的出现,如何理解它所指示的时代,需要常说常新。一、ISO 26000指向着新的时代、新的未来作为全球范围内首个完整意义上的社会  相似文献   

Firms use environmental management standards such as ISO 14001 to reduce the impact of business activity on the natural environment. Though these standards are widely celebrated on moral and ethical grounds, their implication for financial performance and competitiveness is equivocal. Drawing on neo-institutional theory, we conceptualize ISO 14001 as a nonmarket strategy and examine its impact on firm performance within the contexts of three highly polluted emerging markets – China, India, and Pakistan. Employing a rigorous event-study approach, we find that ISO 14001 certification has a negative impact on firms’ operating profitability and market value in both short and long runs. This negative impact appears to be stronger in contexts with weak institutions and poor environmental protection regimes. Further multivariate analyses show that the negative impact of ISO 14001 on firm performance is weaker among socially responsible firms and stronger among politically connected firms. These findings contribute to the environmental management literature. They also have practical implications for managers.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined the determinants of training in developing countries but few have paid attention to the potential importance of international standards such as ISO 9000 or ISO 14000 on the firm's training decision. This article examines training determinants using recent employer surveys for five developing countries: Ethiopia, Honduras, Indonesia, Morocco and Nicaragua. It finds that ISO certification status is an important determinant of training, even after controlling for other characteristics such as workers’ formal schooling, firm size, industry and foreign ownership. This points toward the importance of international standards, including product quality and production standards, for firm training. The article also discusses policy implications related to the findings and provides directions for further research.  相似文献   

本文研究比较了目前国际、国内采用的GB、ISO、API容积式流量计检定主要标准的技术内容及流量计仪表系数的计算模型,应用计算机分析技术计算不同标准体系所采用的标定过程及参数修正方式的差异和不同密度、温度、压力、压差、温差对仪表系数计算结果的影响程度和规律,为国际交接环境下协商选择和建立一致的流量计校准方法以及中哈原油管线流量计日常监控和结果评价提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

According to the literature on entrepreneurial orientation (EO), proactive firms are more likely to achieve first-mover advantage and higher performance. The neoinstitutionalism, however, suggests that enterprises with more legitimacy will acquire more growth opportunities. Usually, the first mover might face more legitimacy obstacles. To date, there has been little research on how proactive firms cope with legitimacy constraints and achieve firm growth. Integrating the legitimacy perspective and the EO literature, this research examines the roles of ISO certification as a strategy for seeking legitimacy of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies, and the relationship between proactiveness and firm performance. In particular, it hypothesizes that ISO certification has a mediating effect on the relationship between proactiveness and firm growth. We test the hypothesis using a sample of 632 firms collected from a nationwide survey on SMEs conducted by the Chinese SME Association. The results reveal that ISO certification partially mediates the relationship between proactiveness and firm growth, suggesting that proactive firms tend to use legitimation via ISO certification to enhance firm growth. Our paper contributes to the literature by shedding light on the important relationship between seeking legitimacy, entrepreneurial orientation and firm growth in SMEs in an emerging economy.  相似文献   

ISO9000标准体系科学地总结了世界各国对质量管理的基本规律.已成为国际上通用的质量管理标准体系。该标准体系在我国企业质量管理中发展迅速、研究甚多,但在我国教育质量管理中发展很慢,研究甚少。为了促进我国成人高等教育教学质量的快速提高,对我国成人高等教育教学评估体系构建中引入ISO9000标准的必要性和可行性进行了分析。  相似文献   

Quality is essential to customer satisfaction and competitive success. Unfortunately, resource constraints can place the small-firm manufacturer at a quality disadvantage. This paper considers the benefits and barriers to International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000 certification among small-firm manufacturers. An empirical study explores whether small manufacturers can successfully implement and benefit from a standardized and resource-intensive program such as ISO 9000. The answer is yes if management can internalize core ISO practices. Keys to success include inculcating a quality culture, reducing behaviors that inhibit ISO adoption, performing a readiness analysis that helps tailor the ISO program to company needs, and leveraging a dynamic environment to drive quality consciousness.  相似文献   

Over 1.5 million ISO 9001 certificates are in effect worldwide, 30 years after this quality management standard was launched. As the factory of the world, China is by far the leading country for ISO 9001, in terms of both absolute and relative numbers and growth. Nevertheless, practitioners have cast doubts on the reliability of adopting ISO third-party quality certification in this country. In-depth interviews with 40 senior quality managers, consultants, and auditors with broad field experience and other complementary methods paints a disturbing picture. The widespread prevalence of fake ISO 9001 certificates is indicated, together with an eroded credibility of the process of third-party certification. We discuss the profound implications of the study—including whether or not the phenomenon is restricted to China—and introduce suggestions for managers and other stakeholders, as well as avenues for further research.  相似文献   

Obtaining environmental certification (such as the ISO-14,001) has become a status symbol for adopting greener practices for the corporate sector in emerging economies. Such certification can help improve the global visibility of firms and is mandated in international trade. This paper attempts to examine the impact of such certifications on technical efficiency of firms belonging to the manufacturing sector in India. In analyzing the impact of ISO Certification on technical efficiency, this paper uses data from the CMIE Prowess from 2007 to 2012. In the first step, the paper estimates technical efficiency for the sample firms and then examines the determinants of inter-firm differences in technical efficiency using firm specific characteristics. The results of this study conclude that there are substantial inter-firm differences in technical efficiency and they are systematically different based on firm age, firm size, debt capital, MNE affiliation, and ISO certification. ISO certification, especially maintaining the standards associated with it, turned out to be an important factor in making the firms achieve higher technical efficiency. In addition, the results of this study also confirm that firms that are ISO certified and doing R&D are better off in technical efficiency as compared to others.  相似文献   

Strategic Explanations for the Early Adoption of ISO 14001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are two different, and somewhat competing, strategic explanations for why firms certify for ISO 14001. On the one hand, firms may seek to reinforce their present strategies thereby further enhancing their competitive advantage. On the other hand, firms may use ISO 14001 as a mechanism to reorient their strategies, so that a clear signal is sent about the firm's change in strategic positioning. This paper aims to identify the most likely explanation for early adopters of ISO 14001.Using a matched pair design, we test these alternative explanations on a sample of US firms that certified for ISO 14001 in the first two years after its introduction. In particular, we tested whether ISO 14001 was used to reinforce or reorient firm strategies in respect to the natural environment, corporate social responsibility, quality, and internationalization.We found that firms that certified early for ISO 14001 had considerable environmental legitimacy and a strong international presence. We also found that the firm's commitment to corporate social responsibility and quality were not significantly different between certified and non-certified firms. These findings suggest that early adopters of ISO 14001 leaned towards reinforcing rather than reorienting their firm strategy, which calls into question the ultimate reach of ISO 14001.  相似文献   

Several studies have analyzed the exporting pattern and performance of firms located in a developing country. However, there is limited work on the impact of standards on the performance of developing country exporting firms. This paper uses data from Pakistan to assess the effects of ISO 9000 certification on export sales and share of exports (relative to domestic and export sales) for textiles and the agro-food sector. As certification is not randomly assigned but there is ‘self-selection into treatment’, we use propensity matching methods to estimate the causal effect of certification on the change in the firms' value of export sales between 2000 and 2004. The results show that export performance is positively correlated with ISO 9000 certification.  相似文献   

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