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95年前的区区一枚奖章,即便是国际上的,对于一个产品、一个品牌,按理说不会有太大的意义。那些在巴拿马万国博览会真正获得(甲)大奖章的产品或品牌,现在仍然健在的,已经寥寥无几。而且之所以生存到现在,恐怕也不是因为曾在巴拿马万国博览会上获过大奖。各地名酒厂之所以  相似文献   

《中国参与巴拿马太平洋博览会纪实》出版于1917年。陈琪于1916年6月归国,马上就开始着手该书的写作。他是中国参与该博览会的组织者、全程参与者,而且是整个博览会的高级评委之一,掌握的全部是第一手资料。可以说,这是关于巴拿马万国博览会最权威的著作。  相似文献   

巴拿马博览会全称为庆祝巴拿马运河开航太平洋万国博览会,后人简称巴拿马赛会,是美国国会为了庆祝巴拿马运河开航,在旧金山市召开的世界博览会。  相似文献   

现在许多人说汾酒的历史为1500年,其根据就是《二十四史·北齐书》的记载。其实,早在1500年前,汾清便已经成为国家名酒。而这1500年,仅仅是其成名史、名酒史。  相似文献   

This article aims to identify the cognitive factors which influence the consumer attitudes toward the purchase of the airline ticket. We refer to the comparison between the beliefs regarding self-service and the alternative service or traditional service. This study is based on a sample of 739 Spanish undergraduates and their attitudes toward buying an airline ticket. This is the best selling product on the Internet in Spain. We compare the beliefs in two segments—online consumers and offline consumers—regarding each of the two systems for air ticket purchasing: Internet versus traditional travel agency. Hence, in online consumers, control and delivery speed are observed to be differentiating cognitive factors in the use of a self-service system. However, with offline consumers, delivery speed is indicated as a particularly significant cognitive factor in the use of the traditional service system.  相似文献   

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