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<正>1996年,位于北京西城区阜成路上的万通市场以高档商城的形态开业。但是,由于定位不准,当时的经营业绩并不尽如人意。1998年上半年,周边小商品市场的兴旺、地理位置、消费群体等都促使万通市场管理层做出了由高档商城转型为小商品市场的决定。  相似文献   

王雷 《中国市场》2008,(17):19-21
<正>提起北京的小商品市场,就不能不提万通商城。它地处北京市西城区阜成门立交桥西南角,与著名的金融一条街毗邻,与阜成门华联商厦隔街而望,更有地铁2号线和多条公交线在此通过。自1999年1月15日万通商城成立发展至今,它的成绩有目共睹。某种程度上,它已成为我国小商品交易市场中的一面旗帜。  相似文献   

<正>北京小商品市场"牛"玩具只剩存货近日,记者在北京天意、万通等小商品批发市场发现,年前卖得特火的"牛"玩具目前只剩存货了。在天意批发市场,记者在位于市场一层的毛绒玩具专区转了整整一大圈,仅在三个摊位的柜台角落里找到了几款牛形象毛绒玩具。在位于市场二层的饰品挂件专区,找牛形象的挂件也需  相似文献   

<正> 位于北京西城区阜城门地区万通新世界商品交易市场,近几年发展很快。商品丰富,人流如织,物美价廉,在京城小商品市场中口碑不错。这个年仅五岁的市场为什么能赢得有如此声誉。除了市场管理严格经营得法外,更主要的是万通市场和商户们致富不忘回报社会,立足社会公益活动,在潜移默化  相似文献   

万通地产在北京房地产市场上已战功赫赫、硕果累累,先后成功开发了北京万通新世界广场、北京万通中心等知名高档商用物业项目,以及北京新城国际、北京万泉新新家园、北京亚运新新家园、北京龙山新新小镇等多  相似文献   

商业竞争的激烈与残酷,使得大型商场的关门倒闭成了人们见怪不怪的景象。在北京,销售家居用品、被誉为京城最有特色的海蓝云天商城,经营难以为继,被迫关门停业。另一家被业内人士视为最为规范、最现代化的万通新世界商城,也因美国式的管理“水土不服”,苦苦支撑了两年后,不得不改弦更张,转而经营小商品批发业务。在上海、武汉等城市,大商场同样也无力掩饰经营滑坡的窘境。国家内贸局商业信息中心日前发布的统计数据表明,今年1至10月份,全国200余家大型商场中,约66%的企业利润总额为负增长,亏损面积达29-3%。与各…  相似文献   

为了稳定商户,避免出现将非典损失转嫁给消费者的现象,前不久,北京万通商城在全市第一家实施减免商户租金的措施。据悉,万通商城采取的系列“救市”措施涉及资金将达近千万元。 万通商城总经理张国安告诉记者,商城方面采取了“自愿尽责”的方式,由商城尽可能承担经济损失,董事会通过决议,对部分商户采取减免租金一个  相似文献   

<正>8月中旬,尽管已经立秋,但北京城丝毫没有秋天的凉意,而且连续几天接近历史最高气温,使得京城的人们在这个比较舒适的暑期感受到了"秋老虎"的盛意。而此时的万通商城更是热闹非凡。8月13日和14日两天,一场别开生面的"大胃王"比赛在万通商城的五楼美食城盛情上演。13日先进行了一场喝啤酒的预热比赛,一位身材高大魁梧的中年男子用最短的时间喝完了1.5升的啤酒,最后夺冠。14日,更加热闹的吃包子大赛决出了万通商城美食节的首位"大胃王",出乎大家的想象,这个"大胃王"却是位身材个头都略显瘦小的顾客。在许多人眼里,这也许看上去只是一次十分普通的比赛活动,而事实上,里面却蕴藏着不少新颖实用的营销理念。  相似文献   

万通商城位于北京市西二环路阜成门立交桥西南角,系万通地产股份有限责任公司全资子公司。商城设有地上停车场,可停放机动车150辆,地下停车场可停放机动车300辆。30余条公交线路环绕商城周围,地铁二号线直通商城,交通十分便利。商城营业面积3.2万平方米,设有l300余个经营席位,从地下一层至地上五层经营5万余个品种。设有18部自动滚梯、中央空调、电子监控、烟感报警、自动喷淋等硬件设施,是一个集购物、休闲、餐饮、娱乐为一体的多功能商业场所。  相似文献   

义乌中国小商品城国际化经营的广度与深度研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
义乌中国小商品城源于义乌小商品市场 ,经过 2 0多年发展 ,成了中国最大的小商品流通中心、信息中心和展示中心 ,市场成交额连续 1 2年处于全国集贸市场首位 ,2 0 0 2年达 2 2 9 98亿元。随着我国加入WTO和经济全球化进程 ,中国小商品城提出了国际化经营战略。本文就义乌中国小商品城国际化经营的广度和深度进行了研究  相似文献   

Segmentation of shoppers has been explored by many academic researchers and business practitioners seeking to understand shopping behaviour or to develop marketing strategies for particular customer groups. Market segmentation holds the key to successful marketing strategy as it encourages understanding of the key variables that differentiate specific segments.

The shopper taxonomy determined through this study is based on a set of variables that is relevant and appropriate for shopper segmentation and reflects the key aspects important to shoppers in motivating shopping behaviour towards a specific retail location. This taxonomy extends the proposed motivational taxonomy of Westbrook and Black (1985), derived from Tauber's (1972) earlier research. Westbrook and Black defined this taxonomy through shopping motives, and identified categories of product-oriented, experiential and a combination of product and experiential shoppers. Their research findings, however, pointed to a six-cluster typology, defining department stone shopping around seven motivations aligned with evaluating options and acquiring the products, engaging in the sales process and gaining stimulation and affiliation through the retail environment.

The “apathetic”, “shopping-processed involved” and “choice optimisation” shopper segments described by Westbrook and Black align with the “have to” “experiential” and “practical” “segments found in this study in terms of their focus on the shopping activity itself and the affiliation and stimulation motives associated with the shopping activity. Other associations between shopper segments across the two studies are less clear, and may be explained through the differing purposes for which the studies were undertaken and resulting variation in the measures used to define the motivational constructs.  相似文献   

Market area analysis has long been an important research topic in retailing, marketing, and geography. Numerous studies have been conducted in the literature to describe and understand the market area and consumers' behavior. The daily pattern of the market area, however, has not yet been fully analyzed. The market area of department stores and shopping malls is larger on weekends than on weekdays. Many shops and restaurants are closed on Christmas days, which shrinks the market area of shopping malls. To describe and grasp these patterns, this paper proposes a new procedure for analyzing the daily pattern of the market area. Three measures evaluate the difference in the market area between different days and the variation within a day group. A loglikelihood based statistical measure visualizes the spatial difference in the market area between different days. A method for detecting anomalous days on which the market areas are quite different from those of other days. The proposed procedure is applied to the analysis of the visitors of five towns in Tokyo. The results indicate the effectiveness of the procedure as well as provide useful findings for understanding the daily pattern of visitors to the towns.  相似文献   

Sequential market basket analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Market basket analysis (MBA) is a powerful and common practice in modern retailing that has some limitations stemming from the fact that it infers purchase sequence from joint-purchasing data. However, internet retailers automatically collect purchase-sequence data from their shoppers, and new technology is available for traditional (bricks and mortar) retailers to do the same, making it possible to analyze purchase sequences, rather than inferring them from joint purchases. This study first compares and contrasts traditional market basket analysis with a sequential extension, and then proposes a framework for purchase-sequence analysis, which is illustrated utilizing shopping trip data from one grocery store.  相似文献   

Farmers' Markets in Scotland have gradually developed since 1999 as an alternative retail outlet for consumers. Throughout the UK, shoppers have become increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of their food and as a result seek healthier, locally grown organic and non‐organic produce. Thus, the growth of Farmers' Markets is directly related to consumer demand for fresh foods, direct from source, with the high quality of products being a primary reason for shopping. Farmers' Markets are not only seen as a place to buy ‘good food’ but also as a means to express consumer values associated with food choices. Scottish Government efforts to revitalize rural economies through local enterprise initiatives is evidenced by funding the initial establishment of the Scottish Association of Farmers' Market (SAFM), formed in 2000 by market organizers to further their development. The benefits of fresh local produce for Scottish consumers, the revival of a sense of community and the concept of ‘new consumption spaces’ tied to locality means the rural economy benefits from the increase in activity and profits through direct sales. This research investigates consumption habits at farmers' markets through the use of attitudinal theories along with food behaviours and motivations for purchasing. The results demonstrate that a positive attitude is important but the influence of others and barriers are not. Consumers are particularly motivated towards resource conservation and there are distinct differences in attitude between urban and rural shoppers. This research provides a unique insight into the attitudes that influence and motivate Farmers' Market consumers in Scotland.  相似文献   

Although delivering value is the key for retailers to create new competitive advantages, the literature on consumer shopping value is fragmented and findings are inconsistent. This study aimed to understand consumer shopping value in-depth by examining consumer shopping processes and experiences in two retail formats: mass merchandisers and department stores. This study conceptualizes consumer shopping value as having two components: shopping trip value and in-store shopping value. Shopping trip value is originated by fulfillment of general shopping motivations, and in-store shopping value stems from retail elements that create in-store shopping experiences that consumers have in specific retail contexts. Five shopping trip value dimensions and six in-store shopping value dimensions are identified from the in-depth interviews. The findings highlight how consumer shopping value is a complex and context specific construct.  相似文献   

For good or bad, shopping and gifting are intertwined. This research looks at sources of gratification associated with shopping for gifts. More particularly, the roles played by general and specific shopping orientations in shaping gift shopping value and satisfaction are examined. Results from testing a theoretical model suggest that gift shopping orientations, such as agape, may dominate general shopping orientations, such as price consciousness. Also, the important role played by utilitarian shopping value is consistent with gift shopping more as a job than as a source of leisure. However, the results fall short of suggesting a negative relationship between gift shopping and hedonic shopping value. So gift shopping may be a job, but a job that is not so horrible after all. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This conceptual paper addresses the implications of the use of mobile devices in an omni-channel retail environment for consumer shopping productivity and shopping value. We reconsider the existing literature on shopping productivity and adopt the perspective of bounded rationality paradigm rather than the classical assumption of customers’ perfect rationality. It enables us to consider both maximizers (those who seek the best outcome) and satisficers (those who stop their information search as soon as an appropriate option is available). After a thorough review of shopping productivity literature, we propose a conceptualization of shopping productivity including four dimensions: time/effort savings, right purchase, money savings, and hedonic benefits from shopping. We then present a conceptual framework relating use of mobile devices in an omni-channel retail environment to consumer shopping productivity and shopping value. The type of goods and consumer tendency to maximize are included in the framework as possible antecedents of the use of mobile devices in an omni-channel retail environment and moderators of the relation between consumer shopping productivity and shopping value.  相似文献   

专业市场品牌是专业市场发展进入高级阶段的必然产物,是中国传统专业市场转型和国际化过程中极其重要和关键的一步。首先界定了专业市场品牌的内涵并分析其作用机制,接着对其与专业市场和产业集群互动的机理进行了分析。并以义乌"中国小商品城"为案例,探讨了专业市场品牌的形成路径。最后提出了打造专业市场品牌的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article takes a moderator variable perspective on the relationships between two psychological variables: shopper decision-making styles from the consumer behavior literature and the concept of time perceptions as developed in the psychological literature, and shopping behavior, defined as shopping frequency and time spent shopping. Two hypotheses about potential types of moderation are examined to determine if time perceptions moderate relationships between shopper styles and shopping behavior. The finding show that time perceptions operate as a pure moderator for shopping frequency but as a quasimoderator for time spent shopping. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

本文研究上海地区大学生网购行为的实证问题。通过调查问卷对上海地区大学生网购行为调查,来分析了解上海地区大学生网购的现状。其次分析购物群体特征和购物行为特征,对上海地区大学生网购行为中的选择商品类型、网站偏好、支配金额意愿、上网时间、网购频率、网购安全认识及网购动机进行调查。最后运用SWOT模型分析上海地区大学生网购行为,从而对上海地区大学生合理的网购提出一些建议。  相似文献   

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