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If valuations are interdependent and agents observe their own allocation payoffs, then two-stage revelation mechanisms expand the set of implementable decision functions. In a two-stage revelation mechanism agents report twice. In the first stage - before the allocation is decided - they report their private signals. In the second stage - after the allocation has been made, but before final transfers are decided - they report their payoffs from the allocation. Conditions are provided under which an uninformed seller can extract (or virtually extract) the full surplus from a sale to privately informed buyers, in spite of the buyers’ signals being independent random variables. This research was started when I was visiting the Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Venice, and continued while visiting the European University Institute in Florence. Their financial support is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

经济剩余范畴招致了诸多质疑与反对,并且,巴兰和斯威齐似乎也并未完全理解经济剩余的所有理论意涵。本文的主要目的在于从现代垄断资本主义的实际运行的角度考察经济剩余与剩余价值之间的关系。为了考察垄断资本主义制度下积累动力的决定性因素,有必要超越纯粹比较性的分析框架,采用动力学框架才有可能领会经济剩余这一范畴的重要性,并且才能理解它在马克思的资本主义发展理论中的地位。因此,文本从比较经济剩余与剩余价值的角度,探讨了资本积累(以及利润率水平) 与非生产劳动之间的关系。该方法有助于厘清与马克思的价值理论和垄断资本主义运行规律有关的一些理论难题。  相似文献   

In auctions with correlated types it is possible to design mechanisms such that full surplus extraction can be obtained as the outcome of an equilibrium in which agents use (weakly) dominant strategies. However, it is not assured that the outcome is unique. We present an example in which no mechanism can yield the full surplus extraction outcome as the unique Bayesian equilibrium outcome. Next we show that in the standard auction model the multiplicity problem can be fully resolved using sequential mechanisms, i.e., we show that it is possible to obtain the full surplus extraction outcome as the unique perfect Bayesian equilibrium outcome.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: D44; D70.  相似文献   

不完备合同与剩余控制权   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
合同的性质与交易效率密切相关,我们应该从效率的角度来讨论合同,本文也是基于这个出发点,提出了合同剩余的效率概念,定义合同剩余为C+(A+B)×(1-k),相应地,对这部分剩余的控制权即称之为剩余控制权.这种定义本身说明了合同剩余的来源,体现出合同与交易效率之间的负相关关系.  相似文献   

对抗竞争·合作竞争·超越竞争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济发展的不同阶段,企业的竞争也经历了不同的导向阶段。如今,各界对于激烈的对抗竞争已有了比较清晰的看法,提倡企业间采取合作竞争。为实现企业的持久优势,理论界也提出了超越竞争的理论。本文尝试分析从对抗竞争到合作竞争再到超越竞争这一发展主线各个阶段的优劣。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the economic surplus which agents produce in bilateral interactions is extractable by an outside party having sufficient initial resources. The third party achieves this outcome using a class of “exclusive-interaction” contracts. A basic extractability result is shown to be robust to several extensions: competition among outside parties, multiplicity of interacting agents, and a dynamic extension with repeated opportunities to interact. Finally, some connections with the economic intermediation literature are drawn. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: C79  相似文献   

剩余价值的现代发现:创造性劳动创造剩余   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱正国 《生产力研究》2004,(8):12-14,81
剥削是对他人劳动成果———剩余或利润的无偿占有。由于对劳动者更加完善的保护 ,使得利润主要不再来源于传统的剥削 ,而是来源于创造性劳动 ;由于所有者常常是主要的创新者 ,自然也常常是利润的主要获得者。由于知识产权等对创造性劳动者的保护 ,资本和传统的资本剥削制度日益遭到了新的冲击 ,并使得对创造性成果的无偿占有日益难以发生 ,而是通过竞争形成一种利润为更多的创新者所分享的分配制度。创造性劳动直接创造剩余 ,这种剩余又表现为计量价值 ,因此 ,这里仍然是劳动创造价值 ,而不存在其他要素也参与价值创造的问题。在富裕的社会中 ,在明智的现代生活中 ,人本身的发展日益受到重视 ,对创造性成果占有的无意义性也在强化。因此 ,剥削关系及其意义日益弱化 ,但必须完善各种制度。如完善资本市场 ,以有利于资本的充分竞争 ,降低传统剥削的程度 ;建立健全工会组织 ,加强市场监管 ,维护劳动者的权益 ;完善知识产权制度和创建新的合作制度等。  相似文献   

黎开颜  陈飞翔  刘佳 《经济问题》2007,339(11):10-14
在构建一个双顺差约束条件下经济增长模型的基础上,对我国的国际收支平衡状况与经济增长率之间的关系进行实证分析.研究结果表明,双顺差的国际收支结构对经济增长具有双重的效应,对经济增长是否具有积极影响取决于条件的变化.近年来我国国民经济增长与国际收支双顺差之间已经形成高度的相关性,双顺差的结构反映出经济运行过程中存在着的潜在问题,同时,经常项目顺差与资本项目顺差之间已经开始出现相互强化的关系,降低国内资源配置效率的消极作用日趋明显,将会严重地增加我国经济运行的外部风险.  相似文献   

论经济剩余与可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐佩华 《经济师》2004,1(11):9-10
经济剩余的获取固然离不开劳动 ,但自然资源的作用是不容忽视的。自然力的无偿提供是形成经济剩余的重要因素 ,它是无法用价值来加以准确衡量的。自然资源从其蕴涵的潜力和人类智慧对其的开发和利用来讲是无限的 ,但从一国拥有自然资源的总量来讲又是有限的 ,有些是无法再生的。过度的利用和盲目的开采 ,会导致自然资源的衰竭 ,人类将为此付出高昂的代价。必须善待自然 ,保护好自然资源和生态环境。经济的可持续发展才能赢得经济剩余的不断增长 ,社会财富的不断增多 ,人类社会的全面发展。  相似文献   

Given the emphasis on social provisioning in heterodox economics, two of its central theoretical organizing principles are the concepts of the total social product and the social surplus. This appears to link heterodox economics to the social surplus approach associated with the classical economists and currently with Sraffian economists. However, heterodox economics connects agency with the social surplus and the social product, which the Sraffians reject as they take the level and composition of the social product as given. Therefore the different theoretical approach regarding the social surplus taken in heterodox economics may generate a different but similar way of theorizing about a capitalist economy. To explore this difference is the aim of the article.  相似文献   

闻潜 《经济经纬》2004,(3):22-25
最近一个时期 ,我国经济运行出现增长过剩的势头。增长是好事 ,过剩则意味着诸多经济摩擦的发生。如果不加以抑制和化解 ,它对经济运行必将产生严重危害。在目前 ,生产性过剩颇令人关注。就此进行经济学的分析和评价 ,对于探讨当前我国经济运行的走向或许是有益的。  相似文献   

When production decisions are distorted by externalities, the traditional Marshallian surplus in the input markets contains, in addition to its other components, a measure of the waste (benefit) so generated. In an extreme example of the common property type, it is shown to contain nothing but waste. That suggests another reason for caution in interpreting surpluses but also opens a new way for measuring the cost of distortions.  相似文献   

盈余管理动机与审计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资本市场会计信息质量不高,盈余管理行为盛行,使得监管的难度加大,审计质量很难有保障。盈余管理的动机很多,而且在不同国家其表现形式有较大的区别,最主要的影响因素是这个国家的资本市场规则,以及政治环境等。本文研究了国内外不同的盈余管理动机,对注册会计师进一步提高独立审计的质量有所裨益。  相似文献   

The Incremental Surplus Subsidy and rate-of-return regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sappington and Sibley (1988) propose an alternative regulatory mechanism, the Incremental Surplus Subsidy (ISS), that would induce the regulated firm to set price at marginal cost and eliminate all waste. The ISS would give the firm a subsidy equal to the one-period gain in consumer surplus resulting from its pricing decision. This article shows that the ISS does not induce greater production efficiency than traditional rate-of-return (ROR) regulation. The author proposes a super-ISS mechanism that would give the firm a subsidy greater than the gain in consumer surplus resulting from its pricing decisions. This super-ISS mechanism is shown to result in greater benefits than either ISS or ROR regulation.  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力转移的出路何在   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、目前农村剩余劳动力转移中存在的问题1.民工权益屡受侵害,欠薪、遭受歧视、没有人身安全保障……有资料显示,2001年最后两个月的时间里,全国有关民工权益受到侵害的新闻报道多达1万多条,民工权益保障问题成为阻碍农村劳动力转移的一个重要因素。2.城乡二元户籍制度及由此衍生的城乡居民身份差异给农村劳动力的自由迁移设置了重重障碍。城乡居民这一身份差异增加了农村劳动力流动的成本和风险,从而导致劳动力市场的不合理配置。3.农村劳动力自身素质低下,缺乏就业竞争能力。结构调整、产业升级、第三产业的快速发展,在…  相似文献   

剩余劳动力及其转移问题的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
纪国义 《经济经纬》2003,(5):113-115
我国全面建设小康社会的关键是“三农”问题。而“三农”问题的难点在于农业剩余劳动力转移。要想使我国农业剩余劳动力顺利转移。首先必须明确农业剩余劳动力的概念,然后找出影响农业剩余劳动力转移的制约因素,只有这样才能对症下药,提出我国农业剩余劳动力转移的对策。  相似文献   

The paper provides a rigorous derivation of the 'welfare triangle approximation' (WTA), which is at the centre of cost–benefit analysis. The result is generalized by showing that the WTA is one of two dual expressions, one of which approximates the change in real consumption, the other the change in the cost of living. The result is based on a correction of a proof attempted by Hicks. Many other derivations are also given, each based on a different definition of the theoretical functions to be approximated. The final result is the following: each of the empirical variations corresponds to a range of theoretical variations. The edges of the range are theoretical Laspeyres and Paasche variations which are approximated linearly; the interior region of the range is approximated quadratically; the centre of the range is replicated exactly by the empirical measures.  相似文献   

This paper shows the effect that surplus crude oil production capacity has on short-term crude oil prices. A simple model using Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) industrial inventories and Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) surplus production capacity is introduced. This model provides improved forecasts for the post Gulf War I time period over models without the capacity variable.  相似文献   

Competition between microfinance institutions (MFIs) in developing countries has increased dramatically in the last decade. We model the behavior of non-profit lenders, and show that their non-standard, client-maximizing objectives cause them to cross-subsidize within their pool of borrowers. Thus when competition eliminates rents on profitable borrowers, it is likely to yield a new equilibrium in which poor borrowers are worse off. As competition exacerbates asymmetric information problems over borrower indebtedness, the most impatient borrowers begin to obtain multiple loans, creating a negative externality that leads to less favorable equilibrium loan contracts for all borrowers.  相似文献   

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