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王治 《财贸研究》2011,22(1):136-143
G20领导人2009年呼吁国际会计准则委员会和美国会计准则委员会加倍努力,在2011年6月之前通过其独立的准则制定程序,形成一套单一的高质量的全球会计准则。新准则的核心无疑是公允价值会计的应用问题。大量涌现的价值相关性研究并未成为准则制定的依据,因而也不能成为扩大公允价值会计应用范围的现实证据。以异质信念为切入点,从公允价值会计的"奋斗目标"出发,深入分析其固有缺陷所导致的不完美性,并结合对中美公允价值会计的历史反思,以中国哲学的中庸思想为指导,提出公允价值会计的哲学定位,并基于这一思想,对公允价值会计在中国的具体应用做出进一步思考。  相似文献   

A transnational model of global strategy suggests that multi-national enterprises generally rely on proven global capabilities to adapt existing business models. Alternatively, this paper argues that the transnational model needs to be amended to allow for a hybrid approach that balances local and global strategies for multi-national gold (MNGs) firms working in developing nations. This is illustrated by Newmont Mining's efforts to develop local legitimacy through contributions to community development around its gold mining operations in Peru. We then compare the Newmont case with corporate social responsibility (CSR) at other MNGs. We have found that there appears to be an industry-wide institutional environment developing which includes local CSR projects in an attempt to balance the effects of capitalism between global markets and developing nations.  相似文献   

Transnational entrepreneurship has emerged as a form of migrants' participation in the social, economic, and political lives of both their countries of origin and of residence. Leveraging increasing evidence about migrants' involvment in transnational social enterprises, we examine the multi-level processes through which organizational legitimacy is molded by transnational entrepreneurs to reflect country-level institutional settings, and how organizational-level legitimacy affects entrepreneurs' social status. We longitudinally examine the multi-level processes of legitimation in a transnational social enterprise operated by Ghanaian migrants across Italy and Ghana. We analyze secondary and ethnographic data for two years, observing how transnational social enterprises harvest moral and pragmatic legitimacy from the institutional contexts in which they operate. We study how entrepreneurs construe their social status through pragmatic legitimacy obtained from their transnational ventures, and their institutional environments inspired by micro- and meso legitimacy reconfigurations. We discuss theoretical implications for social and transnational entrepreneurship and practical contributions for policy-making.  相似文献   

Due process is the means by which ethical constraints are placed on administrative decision-making. I have developed a model of variation in due process and use this model to explore the implementation of “due process” norms by three standard-setting bodies that are created, funded, and overseen by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants – the Accounting Standards Board, the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, and the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board. I conducted two analyses: a comparative analysis of the implementation of due process norms based on differences among the three cases; and, a critique of the due process norms followed by these boards based on their internal logic and a set of best practices identified in other contexts for due process by standard setters. I have presented evidence that due process norms are more fully developed, where standards are enforced by the state and the heterogeneity of users is greatest.  相似文献   

This article aims to advance the discussion of how multinational companies manage the tension between global integration and local responsiveness in their corporate social responsibility (CSR). In particular, it studies the relationships between headquarters and subsidiaries in a transnational CSR strategy and the types of coordination mechanisms used. Building on a qualitative study of a multinational bank, we find that in addition to formal and informal coordination mechanisms, a transnational CSR strategy cannot be fully understood without considering lateral learning and participatory decision making. Further, we suggest that discussions about the transnational approach to CSR should not be disentangled from the question about a company's CSR orientation. Finally, we propose some characteristics of transnational CSR and discuss its theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Firms worldwide are increasingly required to disclose (and make efforts to reduce) their carbon emissions due to the environmental damage associated with climate change. Because there has been no previous literature focusing on the determinants of corporate carbon disclosure integrating environmental legitimacy and green innovation, the present study attempted to develop an original framework to fill the research gap. This study explored the influence of environmental legitimacy (an external informal mechanism) on corporate carbon disclosure, and investigated the role of green innovation (an internal formal mechanism) as a mediator. With the samples of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in China from 2008 to 2012, the results demonstrate that environmental legitimacy significantly negatively influences the likelihood of corporate carbon disclosure, and that green process innovation mediates the relationship, while green product innovation has no significant mediating effect. It means that environmental legitimacy not only directly affects the likelihood of corporate carbon disclosure, but also indirectly affects it via green process innovation. Hence, companies must increase both informal and formal mechanisms, i.e., external environmental legitimacy and internal green process innovation, to engage in carbon information disclosure and ensure sustainability.  相似文献   

This research investigates internal and external drivers that push multinational companies to establish anticorruption policies. The authors build on institutional theory, in particular on the concept of legitimacy, to examine how corporate headquarters design anticorruption policies. They conducted case studies based on semi-structured interviews with managers of Italian multinationals. The findings show how internal and external drivers interplay to affect anticorruption policies at the headquarters level. They suggest that multinational companies align their anticorruption policies to achieve global legitimacy. The study shows how internal and external pressures influence the process of gaining legitimacy.  相似文献   

现代行政决策是动态的政治化过程,表现为不同主体之间的意见综合和利益权衡。传统行政决策合法化分析框架局限于形式合法化分析,无法充分解释和评价地方政府做出重大行政决策的科学性和民主正当性。从决策的法治化、科学化和民主化来说,特定区域内的重大行政决策应引入结合形式合法性、科学理性和民主正当性三个要素的复合式合法化分析框架,分析决策的正当性、合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

Fraud: who polices Europe?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fraud in Europe is complex and well organised: it crosses organisational and geographic boundaries. The policing of fraud, on the other hand, is characterised both at national and transnational levels by fragmentation and divided accountability. This paper considers the issues involved in combating fraud in European institutions and spending programmes. It discusses the roles of those bodies with transnational responsibilities such as UCLAF (now OLAF), the European Fraud Prevention Office and the European Court of Auditors. The paper considers the difficulties associated with the Corpus Juris proposals for a single European legal area to facilitate the fight against fraud related to the European Budget. It concludes that the task of policing Europe is hampered not only by the diversity of national political and jurisprudential systems, but also by the weakness and lack of independence of the transnational institutions.  相似文献   

European policies imposed in the euro crisis have disabled democratic policy choices at the national level, while the present European euro-rescuing regime lacks democratic legitimacy. But policy choices might now become politicised in the Europe-wide competition of partisan candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission. In that case, voters might indeed be mobilised for or against radically opposed policy options — the continuation of the present austerity regime and the move to a transfer union. The risk is, however, that the escalation of transnational conflict might further divide rather than democratise Europe.  相似文献   

付丹丹 《商业研究》2011,(9):121-125
从21世纪初开始,FASB与IASB共同致力于会计制度的国际趋同研究,最终目的是建立一套高质量的全球化会计准则,其中很重要的一个联合项目就是对概念框架的重新审视,目标是建立一个联合概念框架。本文对FASB与IASB联合概念框架的阶段性研究成果进行阐述和分析,总结其特点并揭示出联合概念框架对商誉等无形资产会计处理的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we link the discussion on the differentiated multinational corporation (MNC) with organisational mechanisms for knowledge development and sharing. The aim is to explore the impact of different organisational mechanisms on knowledge development and sharing. Using case-study data—drawn from the same MNC—to explore two different organisational mechanisms, a Centre of Excellence and a transnational team, the findings illustrate how multifaceted knowledge development and sharing are. The organisational structure of the two organisational mechanisms partly determines whether knowledge development occurs locally or globally. This, in turn, has consequences for how knowledge sharing evolves. The sharing process is like a double-edged sword: how to share globally while allowing for local adaptations or how to share locally while developing global knowledge.  相似文献   

There is a lack of theoretical consensus on how multinational enterprises (MNEs) should implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) to build legitimacy, particularly those operating in the smaller Asian emerging market context, where current growth in the global economy is being felt more acutely than elsewhere. This paper argues for theoretical integration of business ethics (BE) and international business (IB) research to address this concern. Hence, we explore the management of CSR strategies by MNE subsidiaries with specific interest on their proactive adoption of strategic CSR to obtain legitimacy in a foreign host country. Drawing on the recent CSR literature and related theories, including stakeholder theory and institutional theory, propositions and a conceptual framework are developed and presented. The framework integrates BE and IB concepts on the different dimensions of CSR and provides a theoretical derived explanation of the process for strategic adoption of global through to more local CSR strategies by MNE subsidiaries to build legitimacy in an emerging market context. In addition, the framework provides valuable insights into the adoption of different ethical approaches or CSR strategies based on the level of ethical pressure in a host country and the degree of CSR ingrainedness in the parent company.  相似文献   

在司法过程中,基层法院主审法官扮演着法律问题解决者的角色,其在各个审判组织之间陈述观点和意见,谋求法律问题的解决。解决法律问题,做出司法裁判,其正当性和可接受性,不仅取决于法律本身的正当性,也取决于法律适用的程序正当性。合议、汇报、讨论、请示作为基层法官处理案件的通常程序,其不仅消解了基层法官对于法律的独断理解与解释,司法过程中正当程序的遵循,也构造了基层法官通过议论解决法律问题的整合解释模式。  相似文献   

Despite a growing literature exploring the impact of international standards on the long-term competitive position of large technology-based multinational enterprises and, as a corollary, how these firms participate in standard-setting, comparatively little attention has been given to these phenomena with regard to the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This is perhaps a reflection of a 'master storyline' that assumes international standard-setting activities are almost solely the purview of larger organisations. Accordingly, this paper explores how small and medium technology-based enterprises participate in international standard-setting processes and the strategic marketing advantages that may accrue through such participation, using a qualitative case-study approach involving six technology-based SMEs in Australia. Summary frameworks depicting different means of participation and marketing related benefits are presented. The findings suggest that innovative technology-based SMEs may use the international standard-setting environment and processes more strategically than often supposed.  相似文献   

The transformation in the structure of the world mining industry over the last decade has opened up enormous new regions for mineral exploration and development by transnational mining companies in countries in the South. This new access has inevitably brought mining companies into conflict with local communities. With the involvement of transnational advocacy networks and new global publics, these conflicts have prompted a growing transnational debate on the principles that ought to govern mining and community relationships. One effort to provide guidance on this question comes from the World Bank's Operational Directive 4.30 on Involuntary Resettlement. This paper examines the regulatory impact of this policy upon relationships between mining companies and communities, as well as its "legitimation effect" in providing standards which, once met, can serve to certify a degree of responsible behaviour on the part of the company. The analysis of the effects of the directive is taken up in the form a case study involving a transnational mining company operating in the Andes of Peru and the local communities impacted by its land acquisition project.  相似文献   

美国金融危机爆发后,公允价值的地位备受质疑,金融界以及一些国会议员与会计界就是否采用公允价值计量展开了激烈的争论。在强大的压力下,IASB和SEC、FASB并没有改变公允价值计价的基本原则和取向,但对公允价值的具体应用进行了修正。从IASB公允价值计量(征求意见稿)的视角,分析了公允价值计量模式的特点、适用条件以及金融危机对会计环境的影响,提出了金融危机环境下运用公允价值计量模式的思路与措施。  相似文献   

IASB与FASB公允价值计量准则趋同的困难和挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公允价值计量是世界性财务报告难题。2006年9月FASB发布"公允价值计量"准则(SFAS157),制定了新公允价值定义和计量指南;同年11月IASB将包含初步观点的征求意见书与SFAS157一同发布,作为"公允价值计量"准则讨论稿,其准则终稿将与SFAS157趋同。本文在研究SFAS157对IFRSs适用性的基础上,分析IASB向FASB趋同过程中可能遇到的困难和挑战。IASB的经验对我国相关会计准则国际趋同有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) are increasingly used as a default mechanism to address human rights challenges in a variety of industries. MSI is a designation that covers a broad range of initiatives from best-practice sharing learning platforms (e.g., the UN Global Compact) to certification bodies (e.g., the Forest Stewardship Council) and those targeted at addressing governance gaps (e.g., the Fair Labor Association). Critics contest the legitimacy of the private governance model offered by MSIs. The objective of this paper is (1) to theoretically develop a typology of MSIs, and (2) to empirically analyze the legitimacy of one specific type of MSI, namely industry-specific MSIs. We argue that industry-specific MSIs that set out to govern corporate behavior have great potential to develop legitimacy. We analyze two industry-specific MSIs—the Fair Labor Association and the Global Network Initiative—to get a better understanding of how these MSIs formed, how they define and enforce standards, and how they seek to ensure accountability. Based on these empirical illustrations, we discuss the value of this specific MSI model and draw implications for the democratic legitimacy of private governance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are exposed to substantial risks when operating abroad and effective risk management plays a key role in determining firms’ competitiveness and success in overseas markets. Integrating the notion of home-country government-created advantages with the legitimacy perspective, we look at a concrete manifestation of government-created advantages, the impact of home-country risk-safeguarding mechanisms on Chinese MNEs’ overseas subsidiary performance. Moreover, we examine their effect under the contingency of firms’ legitimacy in host countries. Using survey data, we find that Chinese MNEs’ overseas subsidiary performance is positively associated with the use of home-country risk-safeguarding mechanisms. The strength of this association depends on Chinese firms’ legitimacy in host countries. The low level of legitimacy of these firms with host-country government and business communities can generate a negative spill-over effect that compromises the role of home-country risk-safeguarding mechanisms.  相似文献   

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