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陈明映 《中外企业家》2016,(11):126-127
当前,互联网通信和应用技术的不断深入发展,为经济社会发展提供了新前景和新动力,传统的企业人力资源管理因此也出现了新变化和新趋势。以此为背景,结合对传统人力资源管理问题的研究,从可行性和可操作性等方面分析了"互联网+"背景下人力资源管理可采用的新模式。具体从"互联网+"背景下人力资源管理的发展方向、外部人力资源要素吸收、大数据分析等方面提出分析建议,明确了"互联网+人力资源管理"新模式的建构,以期为互联网时代的企业人力资源管理工作开展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

社区作为城市治理的"最后一公里",在当前"互联网+"大背景下,利用"互联网+"构建社区治理新模式,从而有效提升社区服务能力和便利居民生活,助推国家治理体系和治理能力现代化发展,已成为大势所趋。文章结合南宁市青秀区南湖街道社区公共服务综合信息平台——"智慧南湖"的构建,从平台构建背景、平台构建思路、平台构建亮点、平台推广价值四大方面,就"互联网+社区治理"新模式的构建进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过分析中老陆路磨憨口岸进出境植物检验检疫监管存在的问题与困难,创造性地提出了以检疫监管、安全监测和质量监控有机结合的"三监"管理新模式,通过在勐腊出入境检验检疫局的试点,新模式不仅有效地解决了勐腊口岸进出境植物检验检疫监管难题,还取得了较好的检验检疫监管效果。  相似文献   

培养大学生的创新精神和创业能力关系到我国经济社会的发展和中华民族的伟大复兴,"互联网+教育"是未来教育行业发展的趋势和必然选择。本文将在"互联网+"背景下,从理论课程体系平台、实践体系平台、信息平台建设等方面探索材料专业创新创业教育人才培养的新模式。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,习近平总书记提出了建设网络强国的战略思想和目标任务,李克强总理也提出了制定"互联网+"行动计划,互联网与各行业、各领域的融合发展已经成为不可阻挡的时代潮流.对此,最高人民检察院检察长曹建明在第十一届全国人民代表大会第二次会议上报告指出,各级检察机关要顺势而为,在检察工作中充分发挥互联网络的作用,切实加强检察工作与互联网的深度融合.文章通过对"互联网+检察工作"的相关思考,旨在探索、构建"互联网+检察工作"的新模式,做好互联网时代的检察工作.  相似文献   

"集市+互联网"产生了淘宝,"银行+互联网"开启了支付宝。"互联网+"是一种能力,而产生这种能力的能源是因"+"而激活的"信息能源"。文章从"互联网+"与创新创业的时代背景出发,考虑到"互联网+"融合传统服务行业的创新驱动,对社会工作创新创业的前景进行了分析,提出了"互联网+"融合社会工作的创新模式。  相似文献   

"互联网+"概念的出现无疑对各个产业产生了深远的影响,顺势而为则可扶摇直上,步入新境;犹豫迟缓则会错过机遇,贻误商机。"互联网+"作为一种通用工具,什么都可以加,无所限制。"互联网+金融""互联网+汽车""互联网+房产""互联网+餐饮""互联网+政务""互联网+社区",等等,只要你有创新思维,"互联网+"可以囊括你生活和工作的方方面面。这其中,互联网金融异军突起,互联网与金融的结合更是成为时代的宠  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,互联网技术已经渗透到了我们生活中的各个领域,应运而生的是"互联网+"的概念,党务工作也搭上这一信息技术的"快车"形成了——"互联网+党建"新模式。多数企业顺应时代潮流相应发展号召引入这一模式,从而拓宽企业自身的党建工作空间与渠道。虽然还是有较多的问题,但是可以通过丰富内容加强推广与普及、努力实现资源整合丰富内容。  相似文献   

当前,"互联网+"意味着与其他行业的融合,极大地促进了中国多种产业的创新。文章针对"互联网+社区"的内涵进行了分析,论述了当前常见的"互联网+社区"服务类型,并针对"互联网+"背景下企业如何更好地融入城市居住社区进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的飞速发展,互联网在社会上的诸多行业领域得到广泛推广,并在其中起到了十分重要的作用,极大地促进了我国电子商务的发展,也对我国国际贸易带来了极大的影响。文章通过阐述"互联网+"及"互联网+"国际贸易的内涵特征,分析"互联网+"对国际贸易的影响,对基于"互联网+"推进国际贸易发展提出"拓宽视野,推进贸易全球化""革新观念,适应国际贸易形式""推进国际交流互动,构建'互联网+'国际贸易标准""构建网络基础设施及国际物流体系,为'互联网+'国际贸易发展提供保障"等策略,旨在为促进我国"互联网+"国际贸易的有序健康发展提供一些思路。  相似文献   

近年来,"慕课"、"微课"是教育领域最为热门的话题,独立学院是高等教育中的重要而特殊的组成部分,教学是独立学院的核心工作,那么,"慕课"、"微课"将怎么影响独立学院师生的教学行为呢?本文先对"慕课"的概念、特点、制作过程模型和优势,"微课"的概念、特征和开发过程模型,独立学院教学特点进行阐述,进而结合三者分析出"慕课"和"微课"将从教师的"教"和学生的"学"两个角度影响教学行为。  相似文献   

传热学课程来源于生活,是一门应用性的专业基础课。以往的教学模式与考核方式单一而枯燥,一些学习基础相对较差的学生上课的积极性相对较弱,学习效果较差。本文对"协同教学"及"教考分离"相结合的课程教育体系在传热学教学过程中的可行性进行了分析,最后指出该模式和制度存在一定的风险,然而它是一种先进的教学理念和主流的教学模式。只要不断地尝试、创新、磨练,一定能发挥其应有的效果。  相似文献   

The theory of financial markets is well developed, but before any of it can be applied there are statistical questions to be answered: Are the hypotheses of proposed models reasonably consistent with what data show? If so, how should we infer parameter values from data? How do we quantify the error in our conclusions? This paper examines these questions in the context of the two main areas of quantitative finance, portfolio selection and derivative pricing. By looking at these two contexts, we get a very clear understanding of the viability of the two main statistical paradigms, classical (frequentist) statistics and Bayesian statistics.  相似文献   

Programmes of organized, political violence have always been legitimized and sustained through complex imaginative geographies. These tend to be characterized by stark binaries of place attachment. This article argues that the discursive construction of the Bush administration’s ‘war on terror’ since September 11th 2001 has been deeply marked by attempts to rework imaginative geographies separating the urban places of the US ‘homeland’ and those Arab cities purported to be the sources of ‘terrorist’ threats against US national interests. On the one hand, imaginative geographies of US cities have been reworked to construct them as ‘homeland’ spaces which must be re‐engineered to address supposed imperatives of ‘national security’. On the other, Arab cities have been imaginatively constructed as little more than ‘terrorist nest’ targets to soak up US military firepower. Meanwhile, the article shows how both ‘homeland’ and ‘target’ cities are increasingly being treated together as a single, integrated ‘battlespace’ within post 9/11 US military doctrine and techno‐science. The article concludes with a discussion of the central roles of urban imaginative geographies, overlaid by transnational architectures of US military technology, in sustaining the colonial territorial configurations of a hyper‐militarized US Empire.  相似文献   

Olimpia Meglio and Annette Risberg investigate how researchers measure acquisition performance. I develop some complementary ideas that reinforce their conclusion: this issue is not another Quest for the Holy Grail; it simply highlights our research practices.  相似文献   

The article argues that the lack of convincing empirical evidence for the global economy as being subject to ‘command and control’ results from that contention being a neo‐Marxist myth. First, imagining the global economy as being subject to ‘highly concentrated command’ through the function of some major cities as ‘strategic sites’ for the production of ‘command and control’ is traced back through several neo‐Marxist authors to narrate its genesis, and to argue that the lack of evidence for that proposition is a consequence of those antecedents envisioning capitalism as a totalizing structure, thus making the assumption that it is subject to control and coordination from a distance. Second, Taylor's interlocking world city network model is forensically examined to explain that it is fallacious because it is a structuralism that, bedevilled by a sorites paradox, contains the further problem of containing no credible evidence for the existence of ‘command centres’. Finally, the article moves beyond neo‐Marxism's key concepts by juxtaposing their assumptions with ethnographic results from social studies of finance, a manoeuvre which forges an understanding of cities as socio‐technical assemblages and eventful multiplicities, beyond, inter alia, the baseless assumption that the global economy is subject to ‘command and control’.  相似文献   

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