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美国政府以税收优惠促清洁能源发展 美国总统奥巴马1月8日宣布了一项规模为23亿美元的税收优惠措施,力促清洁能源技术的发展和创造就业岗位.此次税收优惠计划的资金来自奥巴马2009年2月签署的7870亿美元紧急经济刺激方案.美国40多个州的180个项目将从中受益,主要是生产风能、太阳能设备和高性能电池的企业.  相似文献   

投资与合作 埃克森美孚、卢克等分别 与伊拉克签署西库尔纳油田开发合同 由埃克森美孚和壳牌组成的国际财团与伊拉克石油部签署了西古尔纳油田1期(West Qurna 1)开发合同,计划稳产目标为232.5桶/日,服务报酬为1.9美元/桶,合同期20年.  相似文献   

6日土库曼斯坦输往伊朗的第二条天然气管道正式开通。土伊第一条天然气管道已运行10年,年输气能力为80亿立方米。第二条管道开通后,土库曼斯坦出口到伊朗的天然气可增加到每年200亿立方米。该输气管道全长190千米,其中在伊境内155千米,土境内35千米。  相似文献   

Benoit Dostie 《劳资关系》2015,54(2):240-255
Reacting to perceived market failures leading to under‐optimal levels of firm‐sponsored training, governments all over the world have stepped in with various policy instruments to alleviate this problem, using incentives such as regulation or co‐financed schemes directed at firms or at individuals. Despite the widespread use of these schemes, rigorous empirical evaluation of such policies is uncommon. In this paper, we provide a careful evaluation of a reform in a train‐or‐pay scheme used in Canada that exempted medium‐sized workplace from the training requirement. Our identification strategy involves comparing changes in training levels in medium‐sized workplaces, before and after the reform, to changes for both smaller and larger workplaces. We also compare relative changes in training intensities to those observed in a neighboring province in which no such changes took place. We find the policy had no impact on training levels but caused firms to change their human capital investments portfolio, substituting informal and formal training.  相似文献   

Using a comprehensive longitudinal dataset of prime‐age Dutch workers over the period 1980–2000, we examine how a previously held job with a fixed‐term contract influences both the likelihood and the duration of a future spell of unemployment. Analyses show that Dutch workers with fixed‐term contracts experience higher risks of future unemployment and have no shorter spells of unemployment compared to workers with regular contracts. Results also reveal that swifter employment re‐entries among men with fixed‐term contracts can be explained by their job search efforts before unemployment. Our study (partly) invalidates theoretical positions that claim that fixed‐term contracts foster employment security by shortening unemployment durations; suggesting that fixed‐term contracts are a short‐term blessing that could end, for some workers, in a recurrent unemployment trap.  相似文献   

Research summary : While alliance researchers view prior partner‐specific alliance experience as influencing firms' subsequent alliance or acquisition decisions, empirical evidence on the alliance versus acquisition decision is surprisingly mixed. We offer a reconciliation by proposing and testing an analytical framework that recognizes prior partner‐specific experiences as heterogeneous along three fundamental dimensions: partner‐specific trust, routines, and value certainty. This allows us to use a policy‐capturing methodology to rigorously operationalize and test our mechanism‐level predictions. We find that all three mechanisms can increase the likelihood of a subsequent alliance or acquisition, and in terms of the comparative choice between alliances versus acquisitions, partner‐specific trust pulls towards alliances, and value certainty pulls towards acquisitions. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and empirical implications of our approach and method . Managerial summary : This study focuses on an important corporate decision: When a firm has had an alliance with another firm, how would that experience affect the likelihood of a future alliance or acquisition with that same firm? We first suggest that it will depend on three factors: the level of trust that existed in that prior alliance, the extent to which specific work routines were developed, and the degree to which the firm was able to confidently assess the value of the partner firm's resources. We then find that trust is a particularly strong predictor of future alliances, while confidence regarding value more strongly predicts future acquisitions. In this way, we demonstrate more precisely how past corporate choices can affect (consciously or unconsciously) future ones . © 2017 The Authors. Strategic Management Journal Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Card and Krueger's meta-analysis of the employment effects of minimum wages challenged existing theory. Unfortunately, their meta-analysis confused publication selection with the absence of a genuine empirical effect. We apply recently developed meta-analysis methods to 64 US minimum-wage studies and corroborate that Card and Krueger's findings were nevertheless correct. The minimum-wage effects literature is contaminated by publication selection bias, which we estimate to be slightly larger than the average reported minimum-wage effect. Once this publication selection is corrected, little or no evidence of a negative association between minimum wages and employment remains.  相似文献   

Research summary : Prior literature drawing on the behavioral theory of the firm has not considered how resource constraints impact the direction of organizational change in response to performance shortfalls relative to aspirations. We argue that decreasing financial resources resulting from substantial performance shortfalls and the absence or availability of slack resources together affect the emphasis on different types of organizational change in response to performance shortfalls. Using data on the acquisition and divestment behavior of 530 companies in the information and communications technology sector from 1992 to 2014, we find that the frequency of resource‐consuming acquisitions and of resource‐freeing divestments are affected differently by performance below aspirations and that these relationships are moderated by the level of financial slack. Managerial summary : This paper examines whether firms respond to performance shortfalls with acquisitions or divestments. We argue and show that the closer the firm is to the aspired level of performance, the more likely it is to respond with resource‐consuming acquisitions to close the performance gap, whereas the further it is from aspired performance, the more likely the firm is to respond with divestments to free resources. Financial slack weakens these relationships between performance relative to aspirations and acquisitions or divestments such that it increases the likelihood of a response through acquisitions while it reduces the likelihood of a response through divestments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ning Technical University127-130TD528B021;4;BB021_4;于英华0006000400060002381-384非线性科学在矿山开采沉陷中的应用(1)于广明,杨伦,王永岩,沈连山,苏仲杰辽宁工程技术大学,辽宁工程技术大学,辽宁工程技术大学,辽宁工程技术大学,辽宁工程技术大学 123000,123000,123000,123000,123000非线性科学;;开采沉陷;;损伤;;协同;;突变论述了引进非线性科学对开采沉陷进行研究的重要性和可行性.对损伤岩体的采动沉陷规  相似文献   

为贯彻《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划和2010年远景目标纲要》,提高我国产品质量、工程质量和服务质量的总体水平,指导质量工作,特制定《质量振兴纲要(1996年一2010年)》。一、现状与形势(一)改革开放以来,我国的质量工作取得了很大进步。广大企业依靠技术进步,改善技术装备水平,加强管理,推行科学管理方法,为提高质量打下了一定的物质基础;加强规章制度和职业道德建设,普遍开展质量宣传教育,全民质量意识和职工素质有了较大提高;质量法律、法规不断完善,质量工作逐步走上法制化轨道,促使企业提高质量的…  相似文献   

达利(中国)公司的面料产品开发以原创为主。公司每2个月约有20个左右新开发的印花花型推向市场,主体系列产品有100~150个,早春、春夏系列产品各50个。  相似文献   

支持单位:第67届全国汽车配件交易会组委会主办单位:中国汽车工业配件销售公司中国汽车配件用品市场协会承办单位:中国汽车行业品牌推展工作委员会华夏思创国际咨询(北京)有限公司时间  相似文献   

2009年11月2日,中国(大朗)毛针织服装春夏趋势发布在针织产业集群地大朗召开,为针织产业界带来2010春夏毛针织服装流行趋势。本次活动阵容强大,由国内著名毛针织设计师罗亚平等指导,中国流行色协会趋势研究中心、中国流行色协会毛织专业委员会、中国毛衫流行趋势发布基地等机构的专家研究设计,表现经历了危机的消退与回暖的观望,用柔软和有弹力的针织产品体现出的人们渴望自由和平静的心情。  相似文献   

For many years, the employment relations (ER) literature took the perspective that employee voice via trade unions could channel discontent and reduce exit, thereby improving productivity. In organizational behaviour (OB) research voice has also emerged as an important concept, and a focus of this research has been to understand the antecedents of the decision of employees to engage or not engage in voice. In OB research, however, voice is not viewed as it is in ER as a mechanism to provide collective representation of employee interests. Rather, it is seen as an expression of the desire and choice of individual workers to communicate information and ideas to management for the benefit of the organization. This article offers a critique of the OB conception of voice, and in particular highlights the limitations of its view of voice as a pro‐social behaviour. We argue that the OB conception of voice is at best partial because its definition of voice as an activity that benefits the organization leaves no room for considering voice as a means of challenging management, or indeed simply as being a vehicle for employee self‐determination.  相似文献   

轴承行业是机械基础件最大的门类,轴承产品是机械出口的拳头产品。为迎接我国加入WTO,扩大轴承产品出口,中国轴承工业协会等有关单位共同主办了中国轴承行业网专业网站(cnbearing.com)。该网站是垂直型的企业对企业(B2B)的商务网站。网站提供的服务包括:行业信息发布,国内外轴承产品检索,国内轴承及相关产品、专用设备及测试仪器生产厂家检索,国内国际市场轴承产品经销商和最终用户名录,国内外市场供求信息,企业形象宣传、产品展示、产品库存,网上交易工具,网上公告牌(BBS),免费E-mail等。   中国轴承商务网站将根据用户需要提供全方位乃至其他个性化的服务,以最大程度地满足用户需求,包括机床工具行业广大客户对轴承产品的需求。   〔北京中轴百联科技有限公司王建设供稿 北京市北辰东路立康饭店大院3号院北院 100029〕②  相似文献   

How do workers make wage comparisons? Both an experimental study and an analysis of 16,000 British employees are reported. Satisfaction and well‐being levels are shown to depend on more than simple relative pay. They depend upon the ordinal rank of an individual's wage within a comparison group. “Rank” itself thus seems to matter to human beings. Moreover, consistent with psychological theory, quits in a workplace are correlated with pay distribution skewness.  相似文献   

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