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The Multiple Listing Service, Commission Splits, and Broker Effort   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines the impact of split commissions on broker effort in MLS sales. The joint effort of brokers to find a buyer for a given listing is maximized when the broker who locates a buyer first receives the entire commission. In contrast, splitting the commission between the listing and finding broker (when they differ) maximizes the joint profits of brokers. When competition among brokers to acquire listings is considered, however, the split brokers most prefer entails a smaller (though still positive) share for the listing broker in order to reduce wasteful competition for listings. While sellers still prefer to pay only the broker who finds a buyer, brokers may not be willing to acquire and share listings under such an arrangement.  相似文献   

在中国入世一周年之际,电力体制改革进入了一个新的阶段。未来计划经济向市场经济转轨所面临的冲击与挑战,可能会带给中国电力行业前所未有的碰撞与思考。是在犹豫彷徨之中机会尽失,还是在开放与创新之中浴火重生?“它山之石,可以攻玉”,中海油的故事,对于如何明辨趋势,扬长弃短,只争朝夕地抓住发展机遇,应该是有启发性的。  相似文献   

创业板股票上市规则近期采纳社会各界意见作修订后,6月5日已由深交所正式发布,并将于今年7月1日起施行。深交所表示,意见内容有71.2%得到了采纳,或者进行了后续安排,有18.4%原已在《上市规则》中体现,仅有10.4%因故未予采纳。对《上市规则》的主要修改如下:  相似文献   

The Optimal Duration of Real Estate Listing Contracts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The length of the real estate listing contract is examined as a means of providing an incentive for brokers to act in the best interest of home sellers. A limitation on the duration of the contract accomplishes this objective by imposing a cost (namely, the foregone commission) on brokers who fail to complete a sale before the contract expires. The seller's optimal contract duration balances the benefits of improved incentives against the expected cost of renegotiating a new contract in the event of a failure bv the broker.  相似文献   

Unlike companies that produce tangible goods, service firms typically cannot rely on product advantage as a means for ensuring the success of a new service. Developing a competitive response to a tangible product may require significant investments of time and effort. In many cases, however, competitors can easily duplicate the core elements of a firm's new service. This fundamental difference between new products and new services means that managers who hope to find the keys to new-service success must look to factors other than sustainable product advantage. Chris Storey and Christopher Easingwood suggest that managers must understand the totality of the service offering from the customer's perspective. They explain that the purchase of a service is influenced not only by the service itself, but also by such factors as the service firm's reputation and the quality of the customer's interaction with the firm's systems and staff—in other words, by the augmented service offering (ASO). Using the results of a study they conducted in the consumer financial services industry in the U.K., they identify the components of the ASO, and they examine the relative contributions of these components to the success of new services. In their model, the ASO comprises three elements: the service product, service augmentation, and marketing support. The core of the ASO—the service product—includes such dimensions as product quality, product distinctiveness, and perceived risk. The study's results suggest that improvements in the service product open up new opportunities for the firm, but have only modest effects on sales and profitability. Rounding out the ASO model are service augmentation and marketing support. Service augmentation encompasses such dimensions as distribution strength, staff-customer interactions, and reputation. The customer recognizes and responds to these elements of the ASO, but they are not part of the product core. Marketing support involves those marketing and management actions that affect the quality of the product and its augmentation, even though customers typically are not aware of them. These elements include knowledge of the marketplace, training of contact staff, and internal marketing. Enhanced service augmentation has significant effects on profitability and sales for the firms in this study, but it does not offer enhanced opportunities. The marketing support elements contribute significantly to all aspects of performance for the firms in this study.  相似文献   

As is the case for many different goods and services, it is common practice in many real estate markets for sellers to offer properties for sale at listing prices just below some round number price ( e.g. , $99,900 instead of $100,000). The academic marketing literature refers to this practice as "charm" pricing and suggests that this strategy is an attempt by sellers to take advantage of buyers' cognitive processes in which charm prices affect buyers' perceptions about the seller or the item being offered for sale. Although numerous papers in the housing economics literature have addressed the impact of the magnitude of listing price on observed house transaction prices, no prior published study has considered the impact of the design of listing prices in housing markets. This paper presents an empirical investigation of the effects of charm pricing on house transaction prices using sample data. The results provide some evidence that houses listed at certain charm prices sell for significantly greater transaction prices than those listed at round number prices.  相似文献   

李敏 《山东纺织经济》2011,(12):9-10,16
我国服装企业主要以中小型企业为主,服装企业对我国经济的增长、促进就业、增加税收、创造外汇以及对国有经济战略性调整等方面做出了贡献。但是,目前存在融资难尤其是上市融资难的问题。本文首先对我国服装企业进行了概述,介绍了服装企业普遍的融资方式。然后,指出了服装企业上市融资面临的问题。最后,根据所提出的问题叙述了这些问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

电网企业的上市选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“厂网分开”后,电网建设资金主要依赖于银行贷款,电网企业巨大的现金流暂时掩盖了这种单一融资格局带来的发展中的财务危机,不可否认,这种单一融资格局越来越影响到企业的可持续发展。由于电网的“国家自然垄断”属性,上市——这种大家并不陌生的融资方式,对电网企业来说却好象有些遥远,在理论方面也少有探讨。上市——电网发展的必然选择巨大而持续的融资需求2001年,国家电力公司的电网投资达1038亿元,占公司当年固定资产投资的66%;2002年,电网项目投资依然高达1141亿元,占固定资产总投资的69.4%;2003年电网投资达到700亿元。根据原国家电…  相似文献   

Information about price changes during a home's marketing period is typically missing from data used to investigate the listing price, selling price, and selling time relationship. This paper incorporates price revision information into the study of this relationship. Using a maximum-likelihood probit model, we examine the determinants of list price changes and find evidence consistent with the theory of pricing behavior under demand uncertainty. Homes most likely to undergo list price changes are those with high initial markups and vacant homes, while homes with unusual features are the least likely to experience a price revision. We also explore the impact of missing price change information on estimating a representative model of house price and market time. Our results suggest that mispricing the home in the initial listing is costly to the seller in both time and money. Homes with large percentage changes in list price take longer to sell and ultimately sell at lower prices.  相似文献   

The seller of a real estate property and his broker have two primary goals: to sell the properly for as high a price as possible and as quickly as possible. While these are separate objectives, they are closely related through the listing price of the seller. The listing price affects how long it takes to find a buyer (i.e., Time On the Market = TOM), and TOM influences the price that results from the bargaining between the seller and the buyer. This leaves the seller and his agent with an important question: What is the optimal price to be asked for the property? The objective of this research is to provide a theoretical and empirical analysis of the impact of listing price on TOM and the transaction price.  相似文献   

国务院国有资产监督管理委员会指出:“要通过规范上市、中外合资、相互参股、并购重组等多种途径对中央企业进行股份制改革,实现投资主体多元化。”“具备条件的中央企业要加快重组上市步伐,集团一级能够上市的应积极上市。”因此,军工企业(集团)实施资本运营,充分利用资本市场加快军工企业发展,通过改制、整体上市等方式,走混合所有制经济的道路,是做强做大、建立现代企业制度、实现科学发展的自然选择。  相似文献   

选取资源条件、经营规模及生产运输条件相近的山西省4大煤炭上市公司作为样本,结合这些企业2008年以来发布的相关财务资料,通过对其财务能力和收益质量方面相关指标的比较,系统介绍了上市公司经营业绩比较的技术途径。  相似文献   

This article reports a study of the differences between ATM cardholders and nonholders in terms of demographic, attitudinal, social, computer-related product experience characteristics. The findings reveal differences between cardholders and nonholders which can be useful in the refinement of banks' marketing strategies for ATM.William R. Swinyard, a visiting faculty member at National University of Singapore when this research was conducted, is a Professor of Business Management at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. Leow Ger Ghee is a B.B.A (Honours) graduate of the National University of Singapore.  相似文献   

We use data from the Relations Professionnelles et Négociations d'Entreprise survey of 2004 and the Workplace Employment Relations Survey of 2004 to analyse how far approaches to human resource management differ according to whether an establishment is part of a company with a stock exchange listing. In both countries we find that listing is positively associated with teamworking and performance‐related pay, while in France, but not in Britain, it is also linked to worker autonomy and training. Our findings are inconsistent with the claim that shareholder pressure operates as a constraint on the adoption of high‐performance workplace practices. The pattern is similar in the two countries, but with a slightly stronger tendency for listing to be associated with high‐performance workplace practices in France.  相似文献   

郭宏 《工业技术经济》2016,35(12):76-83
本文以创业板355家上市公司为研究样本,结合创业板公司自身特点,从基本指标和发展指标视角设计创业板公司发展能力评价模型,基本指标包括营运能力指标、盈利能力及偿债能力指标,发展指标包括创新研发能力、企业管理技术阶层和全体职工基本素质水平,企业发展前景和企业创利能力等。依据所建模型采用因子分析法对创业板公司的发展能力进行综合评价,并根据因子分析结果将样本公司分为发展能力高低两组,分别从所属行业、资本结构、公司业绩因素、公司创新能力影响因素方面对两组样本公司进行对比分析。研究的主要结论:(1)创业板的355家样本公司总体发展能力较弱,主要原因是我国创业板上市公司两级分化现象较为严重,其中创新能力、营运能力和行业发展能力相对较差。(2)我国创业板上市公司中第一大行业信息技术行业集中度较高并且成长持续性效果较好,而第二大行业新材料与新能源行业成长持续性较差,究其原因是我国新材料与新能源是新兴起行业,行业总体水平较差,需要加强研发。  相似文献   

介绍了采用贴现现金流量法评价煤炭上市公司资源价值,从而进一步实现对上市公司价值的评价的方法。同时使用该方法对靖远煤电公司的资源价值以及上市公司价值进行了评估。  相似文献   

Localization of knowledge flows has been extensively examined in the literature on innovation. However, almost all previous research has focused on technological knowledge. This study examines why knowledge of demand can also be tacit and localized. We provide a detailed empirical study of the global pharmaceutical industry and find not only that demand is as important as technological knowledge in determining the pattern of innovation in this industry but also that innovation is a locally determined phenomenon. These findings contribute to research regarding determinants of innovations and provide an explanation for geographic patterns of innovation that is distinct from technological knowledge spillovers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国有发电企业只有重视和采用资本市场对企业内在价值的估值方法和重视各个因素,才能增加企业的赢利能力和可持续发展能力,才能满足整体上市趋势的要求——  相似文献   

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