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长期以来倡导并践行西方主流经济学的美国发生了金融危机并影响着全球经济,更加凸显对当代西方主流经济学范式及其危机予以剖析的重要性。西方主流经济学的范式危机体现于"现象经济学"倾向、方法论的形式化、环境假定的绝对化、"价值中立"的先天不足,以及均衡分析和静态分析的有限性等方面。西方主流经济学的范式危机,预示着其进一步演化的转换方向。  相似文献   

This article proposes a conceptual and theoretical institutional approach to the relations between the economy and economics and uses it to examine, through a structured survey of the literature, the relations between institutions in the economy and the institutions of mainstream economics, macroeconomics, and financial economics, highlighting issues related to the financial and macroeconomic crisis and focusing on the United States from the late 1970s to 2008. Institutions are socially shared systems of rules of behavior or of thought. Some systems of mental and behavioral rules are socially shared among economic agents and policymakers in part because they are socially shared among academic economists. They may exert on economic agents and policymakers some of the same types of influence they have on economists. On the other hand, there are important limits to the influence of the institutions of economics outside academia, and institutions in the economy also influence the institutions of economics.  相似文献   

The authors review and contrast the findings of a 1981 national survey of economic education at the precollege level and 15 state surveys conducted at about the same time. The picture that emerges is disturbing: instruction in economics tends to be minimal (or nonexistent) for many students, and teacher training in economics is limited. Curriculum structure, teacher training, and the development and use of materials are interrelated problems facing economic education.  相似文献   

赵清 《经济问题》2012,(7):106-110
美国金融危机在全世界范围引发了对金融领域发展尤其是20世纪下半叶以来的金融自由化的重新思考。在后危机时期,对金融自由化的反思仍显重要。采用研究金融自由化影响的标准化模型,加入主权债务风险等因素进行修正,进而获得启示,并对我国金融领域发展提出建议。  相似文献   

My purpose is to appraise the recent critique of theoretical economics by applying the methodological perspective. Therefore, I start by identifying the main lines of criticism raised against theoretical economics in the aftermath of the post-2008 global economic crisis: namely, the voices criticizing economics for its unrealistic models, excessive mathematization, and overconfidence in its theoretical claims. First, I show that these issues are interconnected and should be jointly analyzed. Next, I investigate these lines of critique from the perspective provided by the latest achievements in the philosophy of economics (e.g., studies on the epistemic role of economic models). Taking this perspective reinforces some allegations against economics (e.g., these voices accusing economists of treating economic laws as universal laws of nature) and makes some criticisms more nuanced (e.g., the issue of unrealistic assumptions). I conclude by stating that such a methodological perspective is necessary in critically apprising the recent critique of economics.  相似文献   

国际金融危机使得全球贸易与金融旧秩序被重新审视,新的变革即将开始。面对国际局势,我国必须立足国情,认真分析与反思当前一揽子经济刺激计划,在政策方针和微观经济活动之间建立有效的宏观政策传导机制,以政府投资引导和激发民间投资,改革阻碍发展的体制机制约束,尽早考虑大规模计划的退出机制,为获得长期发展战略竞争优势未雨绸缪,在国际政策博弈中牢牢争取把握主动。  相似文献   

基于Logistic回归模型,选取中国制造业上市公司作为样本对财务危机预测进行研究。从企业的盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力、成长能力、现金流量等方面出发,选取了10个财务预警指标,经过回归分析得出,总资产收益率、总资产周转率、资产负债率、主营业务增长率、经营活动现金净流量对负债的比率五项财务指标对上市公司发生财务危机有重要影响。从而提出要从提高盈利能力、提升营运能力、增强偿债能力、提高成长能力、保障现金流的充足几方面来应对财务危机。  相似文献   

美国金融危机引发全球金融市场动荡。这场金融危机从美国的房地产市场开始,以惊人的速度蔓延,波及至信贷市场、资本市场,封全球尤其是西方金融机构和金融市场造成重大冲击,短期内升级为全球金融风暴。中国目前正处于资产价格上涨、信贷投放过度的经济环境之中,美国的金融危机给中国敲响了警钟。本文通过描述此次危机的发展脉络,在分析美国金融危机背景的基础上,从强化房地产按揭贷款业务风险管理,审慎推进资产证券化等六个方面得出了对中国的警示。  相似文献   

A professor experienced in both the United Kingdom's and the United States' educational systems, the author describes and compares the two countries' economic education objectives and practices.  相似文献   

Development economics was the study of how to create the plumbing that would allow developing economies to become developed. The financial crisis leads us to question whether industrialized countries have the plumbing problem solved and thus leads us to question whether we need a development economics that is separate from macroeconomics. Indeed, it even leads us to question whether development economics should take as its goal the creation of the institutional plumbing that industrialized countries currently have. The consequence will be a blending of concerns that have been central in developing economies with the standard macro models. The blending can be seen as either the death of development economics or the hegemony of development economics.  相似文献   

This review article surveys accounts of the recent global financial crisis by ten leading economists – nine in the US and one, Martin Wolf, in the UK – all of whom are critical of mainstream economic thinking. Since their explanations of the crisis are very similar, the review concentrates on their differing views on three questions: the reform of the financial sector; the state of academic macroeconomics; and the global economic imbalances. Some of the writers have also considered recent austerity policies and their opinions on this topic are also discussed. The article closes by referring to some of the gaps in these accounts.  相似文献   

2008年全球金融海啸使得发达国家面对自上世纪30年代以来最大的衰退,但是发展中国家如金砖四国却依然持续发展。许多经济学家严厉地警告,家计单位及企业的消费支出减少,而对产出的影响更为严重,此举迫使台湾不得不通过扩大消费的方式,来挽回疲弱的经济力。本文针对此次全球金融危机对于台湾当局在因应策略上,关于全球金融体制的崩溃分析、有关当局的处理布局、国际经济组织及先进国家处理经验及建立新的清算机制等因应之道做分析与探讨,提供政策建议,希望封尔後的金融布局有所帮助。  相似文献   

为了深入探究全球性金融危机的根本原因并对转型的中国经济以有益的启示,在自由与制度辨证关系的基础上提出金融自由化的本质是自由与制度结合的理论观点。在这个观点的基础上提出金融危机是“错误金融自由化”的假说,并以理论和实际数据验证这个假说。验证的结论是,此次源于美国的全球性金融危机是错误金融自由化的结果,而非金融自由化制度的问题。  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的发展,组织面临着不断变化的内部和外部环境以及复杂的内外公众,危机事件的发生是不可避免的。正确运用危机公关预防危机、解决危机、转变危机,就显得很重要。本文借助经济学模型,对模型进行分析,基于经济学视角探讨危机公关。  相似文献   

马克思经济学比现代主流经济学更容易发现经济危机,主要源于两个基本特征:一是在社会哲学观上坚持矛盾冲突论,从而发现个人理性与集体理性之间的不一致性;二是在研究方法论上采用平均主义分析,从而更适合使用统计材料和历史材料来考察宏观经济的周期性波动。正因如此,马克思经济学能够充分认识到自由市场经济内含的冲突性,并从收入分配角度揭示了经济危机的内在根源;相应地,解决经济危机的根本措施就是,改变不合理的收入分配制度。  相似文献   

This article statistically tests the impact of the financial crisis and of Dodd-Frank on the decade-long trends in banking consolidation in developed countries. The results show that though the trends have been consistent, widespread and powerful, the financial crisis was significant enough to increase the rate of decrease in commercial banks. However, the crisis seems to have moderated the trend towards greater concentration as measured by the Herfindahl Index. The identification of the global nature of these trends and their recent changes is critical in directing future research targeted to resolving the debate over the social good of bank concentration.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the effects of a massive displacement of workers from a war‐torn economy on the economy of a neighbouring country. Applying a general equilibrium approach to the Lebanese economy, we explore effects from various components of the crisis on the labour market, the production apparatus and macroeconomic indicators. Along with previous literature, our findings suggest limited or no adverse effects on high‐skilled native workers, but a negative impact on the most vulnerable Lebanese workers. When aid takes the form of investment subsidies, significantly better growth and labour market prospects arise, recalling the necessity of complementing humanitarian aid with development aid to succeed in achieving long‐term objectives. This may however not be politically viable in a context where refugees are considered as temporary.  相似文献   

本文用VAR系统检验金融危机的传染.通过对5国摩根史丹利MSCI指教的Granger因果关系检验和脉冲响应函数检验分析金融危机的传染效应,得出结论:金融危机前的平稳期美国与其他4国间保持单向因果关系;金融危机爆发后美国与这些国家建立双向因果关系,危机传染存在反馈机制;金融危机在国家间的交叉传染导致危机程度不断加深;脉冲响应函微检验验证了危机传染的动态效应即美国全融市场对其他国家的冲击强度加大,持续时间增加.  相似文献   

The economics of information allows one to distinguish within the national product the real production from the costs of organization. It reveals a continuous inflation of these costs which, per employee and since 1900, has been twice as fast as the increase of productivity. From this, one can conclude that the growth of productivity comes up against a real ‘wall’ when the costs of organization approach 50% of the national product. This is the essential cause of the present crisis. The author subsequently designs an economy of organization structures applicable to complex systems, such as physical, biological or social systems. He shows how the 50% wall is characteristic for centralized structures. Most economic structures are those where social forces and solidarities are distributed justly among all levels of organization, from local to global ones. They tend to establish themselves by self-organization, but a new political economy applying these principles would, aided by information and communication technologies, accelerate this process.  相似文献   

针对财务学的“经济人”假设进行了探讨,认为正是由于公司财务理论研究前提假定的非真实性,导致了当前主流财务学在研究导向、研究方法和研究对象上的失效。马克思经济学人本主义思想为财务学研究如何贴近社会现实提供了一个很好的借鉴思路。财务学本身具有社会属性,在此基础上,财务学研究的领域可以扩展到制度财务学、财务社会学、财务心理学、财务伦理学等方面。  相似文献   

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