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Co-production, the involvement of clients in the delivery of public services, is believed to foster trust. However, there is insufficient research on this topic to prove what is at present merely an assumption. This article gives theoretical insights into this relationship. First, it is identified that co-production relates to identification-based trust. Second, the most important theoretical mechanisms are identified that link the two concepts: increasing self-efficacy and the creation of trust networks. A third step is to move towards a more contingent perspective. This involves not only favourable conditions, but also obstructions to trust-building, such as crowding-out motivations and free-riding.  相似文献   

Long-run and sustainable development is a main source of concern for contemporary cities. To address this issue, strategic plans have been introduced in several cities. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of strategic plan adoption in Italian cities by relying on the institutional collective action theory which predicts that collaboration among institutions is more likely to occur in areas with larger social capital stock and where public bodies share a common history of collaboration. Our econometric evidence shows that a larger stock of social capital and a history of past institutional collaboration increases the probability of adopting a strategic plan, confirming the central prediction of the institutional collective action theory.  相似文献   

Co-production is associated with the expanding role that citizens and other third-party actors assume in the development and delivery of public services. While there are benefits to co-production, there are also challenges. This study draws from the marketing literature on value co-destruction to describe the processes in co-production of public services that can negatively affect public values from regular producers and users. We refer to this public value failure as co-contamination. Two case studies are used to explore some of the ‘dark sides’ of co-production. Our analyses reveal the co-contaminating aspects of this process and offer implications for public managers.  相似文献   

Research and practice have observed a shift towards service-oriented approaches that depend on input from citizens as co-producers of services. Yet in the delivery of public infrastructure the focus is still on managing assets rather than services. Using a Policy Delphi approach, we found that although experts advocate service-centric approaches guidelines and policies lack a service-centric perspective. Findings revealed a range of impediments to effective stakeholder involvement. The paper contributes to co-production and new public governance literature and offers directions for public infrastructure decision-makers to support and reconnect disengaged government–citizen relations, and determine ways of understanding optimal service outcomes.  相似文献   


This article presents a systematic review of 122 articles and books (1987–2013) of co-creation/co-production with citizens in public innovation. It analyses (a) the objectives of co-creation and co-production, (b) its influential factors and (c) the outcomes of co-creation and co-production processes. It shows that most studies focus on the identification of influential factors, while hardly any attention is paid to the outcomes. Future studies could focus on outcomes of co-creation/co-production processes. Furthermore, more quantitative studies are welcome, given the qualitative, case study, dominance in the field. We conclude with a research agenda to tackle methodological, theoretical and empirical lacunas.  相似文献   

面对作业工作量居高不下、成本紧张、原油产量不足等现实,人们正在努力寻求一种以提高作业质量,减少无功低效作业井,确保完成原油产量,实现采油、作业双赢的运行新机制。文章阐述了通过采用“联产联保”创新管理方式,使得采油与作业单位双方找到最大利益结合点,达到双赢的目的。  相似文献   

Owner-managers make decisions and manage their firm as governed by the manner in which they conceptualize or ‘conceive’ performance for themselves and their firm, rather than being governed by researchers' and experts' conceptualizations of small business performance. On the basis of survey data obtained from 433 Canadian small businesses, this study aims at a deeper understanding of what owner-managers conceive performance to be, and to what extent this conception is determined by their objectives and social influences.  相似文献   

高天山 《价值工程》2012,31(35):307-308
农民上访问题和集体经济的缺失之间有着内在关系。集体经济缺失造成基层政府化解农村社会矛盾的能力丧失,农民的各种诉求在基层不能有效满足,农村各种社会矛盾不能有效化解,乡村传统政治权威失去了应有的作用,农民只好把解决问题的希望寄托给县级以上权力机关。解决农民大量上访问题的关键是在新的时代条件下重构集体经济,使得农村社会矛盾能够在基层能够有效化解。  相似文献   

目前有许多企业的管理人员和认证机构的审核人员认为对不合格必须采取纠正措施或预防措施进行整改,在不合格报告中也都设置了纠正措施和预防措施栏目,要求必须都要填写纠正和纠正措施或预防措施并实施相应措施。但是即便如此也不能保证同样的不合格不再出现,我们应该根据不同情形采取纠正和纠正措施或预防措施,本文对此问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

农村集体产权制度改革完成后,农村集体资产管理成为下一步的工作重点。但是当前农村集体资产管理还存在制度不健全、主体不明确等问题,严重制约了农村集体经济的发展。论文针对这些问题,提出了相应的建议,期望对农村集体经济组织提高农村集体资产管理水平有所帮助。  相似文献   

高云鹏 《价值工程》2014,(21):328-329
本文将通过对提起诉讼的不同形式以及同一诉讼的不同结案方式来详细探讨提起诉讼对诉讼时效的影响,以期对诉讼时效的中断有一个明确的认识。  相似文献   

汪礼波 《价值工程》2010,29(10):111-111
本文根据辽宁省林权改革的情况和特点,归纳总结了目前我省林改中存在的突出问题,提出我省林权改革必须要加大纠纷调处力度、进一步完善或制定林业金融和保险、生态效益补偿等制度。  相似文献   

工资集体协商是当前调整劳动关系、深化企业分配制度改革的重要手段。文章为基层工会推行工资集体协商,实现劳资双赢献策,以期促进企业劳动关系和谐发展。  相似文献   

This article is focused on public service innovation from an innovation management perspective. It presents research experience gained from a European project for managing social and technological innovation in the production and evaluation of citizen-centred internet-enabled services in the public sector. It is based on six urban pilot initiatives, which sought to operationalise a new approach to co-producing and co-evaluating civic services in smart cities – commonly referred to as open innovation for smart city services. Research suggests that the evidence base underpinning this approach is not sufficiently robust to support claims being made about its effectiveness. Instead evaluation research of citizen-centred internet-enabled urban services is in its infancy and there are no tested methods or tools in the literature for supporting this approach. The paper reports on the development and trialing of a novel Co-evaluation Framework, indicators and reporting categories, used to support the co-production of smart city services in an EU-funded project. Our point of departure is that innovation of services is a sub-set of innovation management that requires effective integration of technological with social innovation, supported by the right skills and capacities. The main skills sets needed for effective co-evaluation of open innovation services are the integration of stakeholder management with evaluation capacities.  相似文献   

随着我国社会的发展,人们对农村集体经济组织财务管理工作越来越重视。农村集体经济在财务管理工作当中存在很多问题,如财务管理不透明,资金管理不规范,债权及债务化解迫在眉睫,财务审批及收支结报管理问题较多等。这些问题对农村建设带来了很严重的影响,同时也给广大人民群众的利益造成了一定的损害。  相似文献   

王婷 《价值工程》2014,33(33):165-166
随着传统能源价格不断上涨,各国对温室气体排放要求更加严格,近年来,航空生物燃料得以快速发展。然而,使用生物燃料并不意味着它的生产、转化和使用就是可持续的。生物燃料的发展使得不同生态系统间的矛盾不断显现。如何平衡不同生态系统成为生物燃料发展中值得关注的问题。本文综述了航空生物燃油生产和使用的可持续要求以及社会、经济和环境三个方面的判定标准。  相似文献   

There is a rising trend among companies to publish their sustainability or corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports. Assurance of these reports is a valuable voluntary tool to provide them with higher credibility. Nonetheless, the quality of assurance reports differs in practice and the objective of this paper is to provide evidence in this new area of research. Indeed, we are pioneers in developing an index to measure the quality of assurance reports. We choose the Spanish setting because it is the worldwide leading country as regards CSR reporting (KPMG, 2011; Sierra et al., 2012). We have found evidence on the determinants for CSR reporting posited by existing literature that have an impact on (a) the decision of companies to publish their CSR reports, (b) the decision to assure the CSR report or not and (c) the decision to hire the assurance services from an auditor or a consultant and the subsequent quality of the assurance report. Last but not least, our results from a sample of 161 CSR assurance reports evidence that assurance reports are of fairly acceptable quality, according to the index proposed. Furthermore, the value of the quality index is significantly higher if the assurance services are provided by an auditor (as opposed to a consultant) and if the CSR reporting company is larger. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

本文对重庆市地票价格的定价进行了探讨,分析了现有定价方式无法为市场双方提供合理价值基础,对地票交易市场的培育和完善不能起到很好的促进作用,在此基础上作者提出了以现有的价格为基础,开展重庆市集体建设用地定级与基准地价研究工作,出台集体建设用地评估的技术规范,培育中介机构专门从事评估等建议,以期对保障农民权益,培育和完善城乡统一的建设用地市场的发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

汪洁  李刚伟 《价值工程》2021,40(2):64-65
为响应大众创业的号召,我国中小企业不断发展,为社会提供就业岗位也为经济发展添砖加瓦.然而,在市场竞争压力不断增强的当下,中小企业要重视推进人力资源管理质量提升.通过薪酬福利的有效应用来激发工作人员的工作积极性和创造力,以此为中小企业的发展贡献出更高水平的价值.本文在分析中小企业薪酬福利现状的同时,提出相关对策思考.  相似文献   

Markets value superior corporate sustainability performance in part because investors use a firm's environmental performance as a signal of desirable but difficult-to-observe attributes, such as the firm's integrity capacity. Yet a signaling conflict can arise when a firm belongs to an organizational form that has a collective reputation for being unethical. In such circumstances, the firm's environmental performance may no longer credibly signal its underlying integrity capacity, leading markets to adjust downward the value they would otherwise place on the firm's environmental performance. Using longitudinal data on South Korean firms, we find that improvements in firm environmental performance lead to smaller increases in market values for firms belonging to a poorly reputed organizational form. However, firms can partially recover lost value by adopting firm features that reduce the signaling conflict, thereby restoring the notion of corporate sustainability performance driving firm market values.  相似文献   

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