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Labor's share fluctuations, biased technical change, and the business cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We extend the basic RBC model to allow for biased technical changes. One broad definition of biased technical changes is changes that directly affect factor elasticities. Given the link between changes in factor elasticities and factor shares, observed fluctuations in US labor's share are motivation for this study. We find that when the technology shock process is calibrated according to US labor's share dynamics, 93 percent of US GDP volatility is accounted for. The observed countercyclical nature of labor's share is accounted for, although the model correlation is too high. As well, the model exhibits business cycles that are qualitatively similar to those of the standard model with neutral technology shocks. These findings, while robust to the short-run properties of various measures of labor's share, are sensitive to the average labor's share used in calibration, e.g., departing from a baseline calibration value of 63 percent, for steady-state labor's shares of 50 percent and 70 percent the model accounts for 107 percent and 84 percent of US GDP volatility respectively.  相似文献   

The theory of endogenous money has tended to reduce to a debate over the slope of the LM. This is because endogenous money is a dynamic phenomenon, and its implications are masked in static models such as ISLM. This paper examines the role of endogenous money in credit-driven business cycles. A key distinction concerns that between bank and direct credit. The former is more expansionary because it involves creation of new money balances, whereas the latter involves transfer of existing money balances. The paper provides a simulation revealing instability emerges at a lower debt-income ratio as the share of bank debt in total debt rises.  相似文献   

The Austrian approach to business cycles has been seldom examined in econometric terms. This paper first reviews the essentials of that approach and the recent application of the Austrian business cycle theory in the economics literature. Quarterly data for Germany, USA, England and France, 1980:1 through 2006:1, are used to explore business cycle facts and relations between terms structure of interest rates, relative prices, composition of aggregate expenditure and real GDP. Results are consistent with the hypothesis of the Austrian business cycle theory that monetary policy shocks explain cycles. The changes in term structure of interest rates and composition of aggregate expenditure are large enough to explain changes in aggregate economic activity.
Christelle MougeotEmail:

Survey data are used to investigate the very long spending lags estimated in neoclassical studies of investment expenditures. Neoclassical investment theory has trouble explaining the length of these lags. By recognizing the Austrian concept of the capital structure and applying it to the problem, the present paper explains the length of these lags as proceeding from interactions between types of capital. Austrian arguments stemming from Austrian business-cycle theory seem to be needed to explain these lags. JEL Code E3, E4, C1  相似文献   

The distinctive line of argument in Hayek' business cycle theory can be characterized as a combination of the Cantillon effect monetary expansion on the price structure and the Ricardo effect of a shortage of consumption goods on the production of investment goods. This paper compares the original ideas of Cantillon and Ricardo with their adaptation and combination by Hayek. The differences help to expose fundamental problems in Hayek' theory and, more generally, in projects of integrating money and the business-cycle phenomenon with Walrasian general equilibrium theory.  相似文献   

The authors welcome criticisms emanating from neoclassical critics of Austrian economics. We congratulate Laidler for transcending the usual modes of macroeconomic analysis to take on praxeological considerations. This paper should be interpreted as a welcome for his efforts in the hope that they will be widely emulated within the profession.
William Barnett IIEmail:

Friedman's `plucking' model, in which output cannot exceed a ceiling level but is occasionally plucked downward by recessions, is tested using Kim and Nelson's formal econometric specification on output data from the G-7 countries. Considerable support for the model is obtained, leading us to conclude that during normal periods, output seems to be driven mostly by permanent shocks, but during recessions and high-growth recoveries, transitory shocks dominate. During these periods macroeconomic models that emphasise demand-oriented shocks, rather than real business cycle type models, may thus be more appropriate. First Version Received: September 2000/Final Version Received: May 2001  相似文献   

The article investigates the relationship between interest rates and loan amounts provided by commercial banks from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. Theoretically, some scholars belonging to the post Keynesian endogenous money tradition advocate that a decrease (increase) in interest rates leads to a positive (negative) effect on the amount of loans demanded by households and firms. On the other hand, some heterodox economists maintain that interest rates do not stimulate firms’ credit demand but that a certain degree of influence is allowed for loans provided to households. By applying a vector autoregression (VAR) and vector error-correction model (VECM) methodology to European Central Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development data for the eurozone, this article proposes an empirical validation of such theoretical premises by analysing the relationship between the different types of credit provided by commercial banks and the corresponding interest rates. The main results show a negative relationship between the interest rates and the credit provided for the purchase of houses. Conversely, no significant relationship is found between loans granted to enterprises and loans for the purchase of consumption goods and the corresponding interest rates.  相似文献   

The problem of dating the business cycle has recently received many contributions, with a lot of proposed statistical methodologies, parametric and non-parametric. In general, these methods are not used in official dating, which is carried out by experts, who use their subjective evaluations of the state of economy. In this work we try to apply some statistical procedures to obtain an automatic dating of the Italian business cycle in the last 30 years, checking differences among various methodologies and with the ISAE chronology. The purpose of this exercise is to verify if purely statistical methods can reproduce the turning points detection proposed by economists, so that they could be fruitfully used in official dating. To this end parametric as well as non-parametric methods are employed. The analysis is carried out both aggregating results from single time series and directly in a multivariate framework. The different methods are also evaluated with respect to their ability to timely track (ex post) turning points.  相似文献   

This article analyses the importance of technology and non-technology shocks in the business cycles of European Union post-transition countries. Different assumptions of New Keynesian and Real Business Cycle theory are tested. The results demonstrate that a non-technology shock is more important in explaining business cycles in post-transition countries, although a technology shock is not trivial. The technology shock cannot replicate basic business cycle facts observed in the data: it produces a low or negative correlation between employment and GDP, and a strong negative correlation between labour productivity and employment. Technology and non-technology GDP components are analysed in the transition and post-transition period. The results show a non-technology shock was the dominant source of business cycles both during and after the transition period.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the plant-level entry and exit over the business cycle. We document basic patterns of entry and exit of U.S. manufacturing plants between 1972 and 1997. We find that the entry rate is more cyclical than the exit rate. We also find that the differences in productivity and employment between booms and recessions are particularly larger for entering plants than for exiting plants. Our new finding suggests that the selection at the entry margin may be more important than the selection at the exit margin in understanding the plant-level dynamics over the business cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to analyse the relationship between house price dynamics and the business cycle. Employing a time-varying transition probability Markov switching framework, we provide empirical evidence that house price growth may prove a useful leading indicator for turning point detection. Focusing on three countries, the US, UK and Spain, we furthermore provide evidence that although potentially informative from an overall perspective in business cycle modelling, the significance of signals contained in house prices may not be symmetric across the identified high growth and low growth states. In addition, we suggest a possible range of values for house price deflation which may trigger a recession the following period.  相似文献   

We study how producers of capital goods set shipments in response to fluctuations in new orders. We find that shipments respond more to orders when new orders fall below a certain level relative to shipments, usually after orders plunge in recessions. This cyclical change in producers’ behavior accounts for a considerable portion of the downturn in equipment investment in the 2001 and 2008–9 recessions. A simple model of production to order suggests that heightened persistence in new orders growth may explain the greater responsiveness of shipments, as may increases in the producers’ target delivery lag.  相似文献   

Theory can be helpful to policy makers by pointing out surprising relationships unlikely to be recognized by unaided common sense; by noting significant exeptions to principles widely accepted; and by offering generalizations of its own. The paper argues that theorists may not have done enough of the first two and may have overstressed the last, giving insufficient warnings of pitfalls. Examples of each of the three are provided. The first is illustrated by a theorem which shows that any new energy source, such as gasohol, which is supplied only because of a subsidy, prospectively uses up more energy than it creates. The important exception application is illustrated by showing that subsidies which reward reduced emissions by the firm tend to increase pollution by the industry. Finally, the paper discusses inadvertent bias in the empirical evidence reasserting the superior performance of fiscal incentives for reduced environmental damage as compared to direct controls, thus casting doubt on the allegedly universal superiority of incentives.Princeton and New York Universities. The author is extremely grateful to the C. V. Starr Center for Applied Economics at New York University for its support of the preparation of this paper and to Karl-Göran Mäler and an unidentified reviewer for very helpful suggestions. This paper was originally delivered as the keynote address of the 1991 meetings of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics held at the Stockholm School of Economics.  相似文献   


We present a simple stock-flow consistent (SFC) model to discuss some recent claims made by Angel Asensio in a paper published in this journal regarding the relationship between endogenous money theory and the liquidity preference theory of the rate of interest. We incorporate Asensio’s assumptions as far as possible and use simulation experiments to investigate his arguments regarding the presence of a crowding-out effect, the relationship between interest rates and credit demand, and the ability of the central bank to steer interest rates through varying the stock of money. We show that in a fully-specified SFC model, some of Asensio’s conclusions are not generally valid (most importantly, the presence of a crowding-out effect is ambiguous), and that in any case, his use of a non-SFC framework leads him to leave aside important mechanisms which can contribute to a better understanding of the behavior of interest rates. More generally, this paper once more demonstrates the utility of the SFC approach in research on monetary economics.  相似文献   

It is argued that the debate between “structuralist” and “horizontalist” has long been obscured because of inadequate treatment, in both approaches, of the credit-money supply and of the total money supply. As a result, endogenous money models still have serious limitations today. On the one hand, the bank loan markup and the loan interest rate are exogenous in the horizontalist model, which supposes that they do not depend on the money/liquidity market conditions (as if bank loans did not compete with the existing liquidity). On the other hand, although interest rates are endogenous in the structuralist model, they result from inappropriate treatment of the loan supply and money/liquidity supply. This article aims to remove these shortcomings. It offers a theoretical framework and formal modeling where the creditworthy demand for loans determines the bank loan supply, given the central bank refinancing interest rate, while the total supply and demand for liquidity-money determines the markup and the market rate of interest in accordance with Keynes’s liquidity preference theory. In this framework, the post Keynesian theory of endogenous money and Keynes’s “verticalist” view prove to be analytically complementary.  相似文献   

Using ideas from the endogenous growth literature, we present a model of the endogenous determination of productivity growth based on individual worker decisions about human capital investment. We calibrate a version of the model to match long run growth facts from the US and study the business cycle properties of this model. This approach offers improvements along several dimensions over standard exogenous growth methodologies. Most importantly, our stochastic endogenous growth model generates much greater serial correlation in output growth and labor supply volatility relative to its real business cycle counterpart. We conclude that using the extra discipline of reproducing the trend productivity growth features of the data endogenously constitutes an important missing component from the real business cycle approach.  相似文献   

Alan Greenspan claims that modern financial innovations, especiallyfinancial derivatives, were major contributors to a Schumpeterianprocess of ‘creative destruction’ which produceda high-growth ‘New Economy’ and opposes their regulation.A different perspective emerges when it is recognised that the‘New Economy’ followed the general contours of aSchumpeterian business cycle, and the role of modern financialinnovations is examined in that context. The authors argue thatthe primary role of financial derivatives has been in contributingto ‘reckless finance’ and speculative excesses inthe second phase of that cycle, and that Schumpeter would favoursubjecting the use of derivatives to more regulation.  相似文献   

Measuring business cycles: A wavelet analysis of economic time series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motohiro Yogo   《Economics Letters》2008,100(2):208-212
Multiresolution wavelet analysis is a natural way to decompose an economic time series into trend, cycle, and noise. The method is illustrated with GDP data. The business-cycle component of the wavelet-filtered series closely resembles the series filtered by the approximate bandpass filter.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new category of influential factors on business cycle synchronization (BCS), so far hardly regarded in the BCS literature. It provides an empirical assessment of the impact of macroeconomic imbalances, as monitored by the European Commission by the scoreboard indicators since 2011, on BCS in the Euozone. We use a quarterly data set covering the period 2002–2012 and estimate the direct and indirect effects of macroeconomic imbalances in the pre- and post-crisis period in a simultaneous equations model. Business cycle correlation between EA members is measured by the recently proposed dynamic conditional correlation of Engle (2002) which can better identify synchronous and asynchronous behaviour of BC than the commonly used measures. We find that appearing differences between EA members in current account, in government deficit and public debt, in private debt and unit labor cost developments have reduced BCS in the EA, even more in the post-crisis period than before. Moreover, these explanatory factors of BCS, generally reinforce each other and are also influenced by other critical macro imbalances. Since BCS is essential in a monetary union, this paper provides clear support that a stronger, common economic governance would be important for the functioning and survival of the Eurozone.  相似文献   

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