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We find the minimum probability of lifetime ruin of an investor who can invest in a market with a risky and a riskless asset and who can purchase a deferred life annuity. Although we let the admissible set of strategies of annuity purchasing process be the set of increasing adapted processes, we find that the individual will not buy a deferred life annuity unless she can cover all her consumption via the annuity and have enough wealth left over to sustain her until the end of the deferral period.  相似文献   


One of the acknowledged difficulties with pricing immediate annuities is that underwriting the annuitantis life is the exception rather than the rule. In the absence of underwriting, the price paid for a life-contingent annuity is the same for all sales at a given age. This exposes the market (insurance company and potential policyholder alike) to antiselection. The insurance company worries that only the healthiest people choose a life-contingent annuity and therefore adjust mortality accordingly. The potential policyholders worry that they are not being compensated for their relatively poor health and choose not to purchase what would otherwise be a very beneficial product.

This paper develops a model of underlying, unobserved health. Health is a state variable that follows a first-order Markov process. An individual reaches the state “death” either by accident from any health state or by progressively declining health state. Health state is one-dimensional, in the sense that health can either “improve” or “deteriorate” by moving farther from or close to the “death” state, respectively. The probability of death in a given year is a function of health state, not of age. Therefore, in this model a person is exactly as old as he or she feels.

I first demonstrate that a multistate, ageless Markov model can match the mortality patterns in the common annuity mortality tables. The model is extended to consider several types of mortality improvements: permanent through decreasing probability of deteriorating health, temporary through improved distribution of initial health state, and plateau through the effects of past health improvements.

I then construct an economic model of optimal policyholder behavior, assuming that the policyholder either knows his or her health state or has some limited information. the value of mortality risk transfer through purchasing a life-contingent annuity is estimated for each health state under various risk-aversion parameters. Given the economic model for optimal purchasing of annuities, the value of underwriting (limited information about policyholder health state) is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Theoretical expectations related to market discipline generally suggest a positive relationship between firm financial strength and price. We examine market discipline in the individual annuity market by measuring annuity contract yields during the accumulation phase and find that, among other results, firm financial strength is positively related to yield (i.e., negatively related to price). We argue that this apparent anomaly can be viewed as a form of market discipline itself, for at least four related reasons, the foremost reason being that in order to compete in the asset accumulation market, an insurer has an incentive to provide a track record of historically strong credited interest rates within the annuity. In addition, the credited interest rates within an annuity are only revealed ex post over time, thus diminishing consumer ability to impose traditional market discipline relating firm financial strength and price, and also enabling financially weaker insurers to impose higher ex post prices in the form of lower realized annuity yields.  相似文献   


Longevity risk has become a major challenge for governments, individuals, and annuity providers in most countries. In its aggregate form, the systematic risk of changes to general mortality patterns, it has the potential for causing large cumulative losses for insurers. Since obvious risk management tools, such as (re)insurance or hedging, are less suited for managing an annuity provider’s exposure to this risk, we propose a type of life annuity with benefits contingent on actual mortality experience.

Similar adaptations to conventional product design exist with investment-linked annuities, and a role model for long-term contracts contingent on actual cost experience can be found in German private health insurance. By effectively sharing systematic longevity risk with policyholders, insurers may avoid cumulative losses.

Policyholders also gain in comparison with a comparable conventional annuity product: Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we identify a significant upside potential for policyholders while downside risk is limited.  相似文献   


At, or about, the age of retirement, most individuals must decide what additional fraction of their marketable wealth, if any, should be annuitized. Annuitization means purchasing a nonrefundable life annuity from an insurance company, which then guarantees a lifelong consumption stream that cannot be outlived. The decision of whether or not to annuitize additional liquid assets is a difficult one, since it is clearly irreversible and can prove costly in hindsight. Obviously, for a large group of people, the bulk of financial wealth is forcefully annuitized, for example, company pensions and social security. For others, especially as it pertains to personal pension plans, such as 401(k), 403(b), and IRA plans as well as variable annuity contracts, there is much discretion in the matter.

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the question of when and if to annuitize. Specifically, my objective is to provide practical advice aimed at individual retirees and their advisors. My main conclusions are as follows:

? Annuitization of assets provides unique and valuable longevity insurance and should be actively encouraged at higher ages. Standard microeconomic utility-based arguments indicate that consumers would be willing to pay a substantial “loading” in order to gain access to a life annuity.

? The large adverse selection costs associated with life annuities, which range from 10% to 20%, might serve as a strong deterrent to full annuitization.

? Retirees with a (strong) bequest motive might be inclined to self-annuitize during the early stages of retirement. Indeed, it appears that most individuals—faced with expensive annuity products—can effectively “beat” the rate of return from a fixed immediate annuity until age 75?80. I call this strategy consume term and invest the difference.

? Variable immediate annuities (VIAs) combine equity market participation together with longevity insurance. This financial product is currently underutilized (and not available in certain jurisdictions) and can only grow in popularity.  相似文献   


This paper proposes an asset liability management strategy to hedge the aggregate risk of annuity providers under the assumption that both the interest rate and mortality rate are stochastic. We assume that annuity providers can invest in longevity bonds, long-term coupon bonds, and shortterm zero-coupon bonds to immunize themselves from the risks of the annuity for the equity holders subject to a required profit. We demonstrate that the optimal allocation strategy can lead to the lowest risk under different yield curves and mortality rate assumptions. The longevity bond can also be regarded as an effective hedging vehicle that significantly reduces the aggregate risk of the annuity providers.  相似文献   


Substandard annuities pay higher pensions to individuals with impaired health and thus require special underwriting of applicants. Although such risk classification can substantially increase a company's profitability, these products are uncommon except for the well-established U.K. market. In this paper we comprehensively analyze this issue and make several contributions to the literature. First, we describe enhanced, impaired life, and care annuities, and then we discuss the underwriting process and underwriting risk related thereto. Second, we propose a theoretical model to determine the optimal profit-maximizing risk classification system for substandard annuities. Based on the model framework and for given price-demand dependencies, we formally show the effect of classification costs and costs of underwriting risk on profitability for insurers. Risk classes are distinguished by the average mortality of contained insureds, whereby mortality heterogeneity is included by means of a frailty model. Third, we discuss key aspects regarding a practical implementation of our model as well as possible market entry barriers for substandard annuity providers.  相似文献   


We develop Bayesian multivariate regime-switching models for correlated assets, comparing three different ways to flexibly structure the correlation matrix. After developing the models, we examine their relative characteristics and performance, first in a straightforward asset simulation example, and later applied to a variable annuity product with guarantees. We find that the freedom allowed by the more flexible structures enables these models to more accurately reflect the actual asset dependence structure. We also show that the correlation structures inferred by the most commonly used (and simplest) model will result in significantly larger estimates of the cost of the annuity guarantees.  相似文献   


Many insurance products provide benefits that are contingent on the combined survival status of two lives. To value such benefits accurately, we require a statistical model for the impact of the survivorship of one life on another. In this paper we first set up two models, one Markov and one semi-Markov, to model the dependence between the lifetimes of a husband and wife. From the models we can measure the extent of three types of dependence: (1) the instantaneous dependence due to a catastrophic event that affect both lives, (2) the short-term impact of spousal death, and (3) the long-term association between lifetimes. Then we apply the models to a set of jointlife and last-survivor annuity data from a large Canadian insurance company. Given the fitted models, we study the impact of dependence on annuity values and examine the potential inaccuracy in pricing if we assume lifetimes are independent. Finally, we compare our Markovian models with two copula models considered in previous research on modeling joint-life mortality.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of adverse selection on the private annuity market in a model with two periods of retirement and two types of individuals, who differ in their life expectancy. In order to introduce the existence of time-limited pension insurance, we consider a model where for each period of retirement separate contracts can be purchased. Demand for the two periods can be decided sequentially or simultaneously. We show that only a situation where all risk types choose sequential contracts is an equilibrium and that this outcome is favourable for the long-living, but is unfavourable for the short-living individuals. JEL Classification D82 · D91 · G22  相似文献   


At retirement, most individuals face a choice between voluntary annuitization and discretionary management of assets with systematic withdrawals for consumption purposes. Annuitization–buying a life annuity from an insurance company–assures a lifelong consumption stream that cannot be outlived, but it is at the expense of a complete loss of liquidity. On the other hand, discretionary management and consumption from assets–self-annuitization–preserves flexibility but with the distinct risk that a constant standard of living will not be maintainable.

In this paper we compute the lifetime and eventual probability of ruin (PoR) for an individual who wishes to consume a fixed periodic amount–a self-constructed annuity–from an initial endowment invested in a portfolio earning a stochastic (lognormal) rate of return. The lifetime PoR is the probability that net wealth will hit zero prior to a stochastic date of death. The eventual PoR is the probability that net wealth will ever hit zero for an infinitely lived individual.

We demonstrate that the probability of ruin can be represented as the probability that the stochastic present value (SPV) of consumption is greater than the initial investable wealth. The lifetime and eventual probabilities of ruin are then obtained by evaluating one minus the cumulative density function of the SPV at the initial wealth level. In that eventual case, we offer a precise analytical solution because the SPV is known to be a reciprocal gamma distribution. For the lifetime case, using the Gompertz law of mortality, we provide two approximations. Both involve “moment matching” techniques that are motivated by results in Arithmetic Asian option pricing theory. We verify the accuracy of these approximations using Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, a numerical case study is provided using Canadian mortality and capital market parameters. It appears that the lifetime probability of ruin–for a consumption rate that is equal to the life annuity payout–is at its lowest with a well-diversified portfolio.  相似文献   


This article presents alternative models for modeling the dependence of the time of deaths of coupled lives and applies these to a data set from a life annuity portfolio. The data indicates a very high positive correlation in the time of deaths between coupled lives. The analysis concludes that a mixed frailty copula model with Gompertz marginals fits the data very well. Another model that fits the data well is based on a generalized Frank copula.  相似文献   


We consider a risk averse retiree from a defined contribution plan who decides to purchase a onelife annuity with a guarantee period. Given the retiree has a bequest motive, we focus on the problem of determining the optimum length of the guarantee period. Assuming the retiree’s bequest function is proportional to his or her utility function, we determine necessary and/or sufficient conditions under which the retiree would choose an annuity with (i) no guarantee period, (ii) the maximum guarantee period, or (iii) an intermediate guarantee period.  相似文献   

V. E. Gamborg     

A glance at the numerous papers dealing with the influence of the rate of interest on the value of premiums will show that most authors aim at computing annuity values for a new rate of interest without first re-calculating the commutation columns, It is only in exceptional cases that they derive premiums or policy-values directly, i.e. without first finding annuity values.2 Apart from the fact, that both premiums and policyvalues are implicitly given by a set of annuity values, the reason for the usual procedure lies in the type of calculations which is contemplated, since they cannot conveniently be applied to such ratios as premiums and policy-values. In the following lines we show how the method developed by A. J. Lotka 3 for the calculation of the rate of increase of a stable population is capable of generalisation and of successful application to our problem; thus the detour via the calculation of annuity values can be avoided.  相似文献   

We illustrate how equilibrium screening models can be used to evaluate the economic consequences of insurance market regulation. We calibrate and solve a model of the United Kingdom's compulsory annuity market and examine the impact of gender-based pricing restrictions. We find that the endogenous adjustment of annuity contract menus in response to such restrictions can undo up to half of the redistribution from men to women that would occur with exogenous Social Security-like annuity contracts. Our findings indicate the importance of endogenous contract responses and illustrate the feasibility of employing theoretical insurance market equilibrium models for quantitative policy analysis.  相似文献   


Variable annuity contracts frequently include both guaranteed minimum death benefit (GMDB) options and options to transfer funds between fixed and variable accounts. We model the difference between fixed and variable rates as the primary determinant of policyholder transfer behavior. We find that people tend to transfer their money into variable accounts at about 39% of the rate that would be required to maintain constant percentage rebalancing, but with the opposite sign. If these transfers are not taken into account, the GMDB options on the variable accounts will be overvalued and overhedged. Ignoring this effect can have a substantial impact on the size of the futures portfolio needed to hedge this risk and a nonnegligible impact on the earnings of the variable annuity portfolio.  相似文献   


This paper uses the logistic regression model to examine private pension plan data for 1989–95 collected by the Retirement Plans Experience Committee of the Society of Actuaries. When only one explanatory variable, such as annuity class size, is used in modeling mortality rates, the model provides a reasonable fit to the data. Multiple explanatory variables give less satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Academics and practitioners alike have developed numerous techniques for benchmarking investment returns to properly adjust seemingly high numbers for excessive levels of risk. The same, however, cannot be said for liquidity, or the lack thereof. This article develops a model for analyzing the ex ante liquidity premium demanded by the holder of an illiquid annuity. The annuity is an insurance product that is akin to a pension savings account with both an accumulation and decumulation phase. We compute the yield (spread) needed to compensate for the utility welfare loss, which is induced by the inability to rebalance and maintain an optimal portfolio when holding an annuity. Our analysis goes beyond the current literature, by focusing on the interaction between time horizon (both deterministic and stochastic), risk aversion, and preexisting portfolio holdings. More specifically, we derive a negative relationship between a greater level of individual risk aversion and the demanded liquidity premium. We also confirm that, ceteris paribus, the required liquidity premium is an increasing function of the holding period restriction, the subjective return from the market, and is quite sensitive to the individual's endowed (preexisting) portfolio.  相似文献   


In some former contributions, the authors investigated actuarial quantities with stochastic interest rates. In a first model, the randomness is modelled by means of an ordinary Wiener process, and as a consequence negative interest rates are possible. A second model provides a tool to avoid these negative interest rates, which can be necessary in particular situations. This paper wants to present an alternative solution to the problem of negative interest rates. This new model will be implemented to the case of an annuity certain and of a perpetuity.  相似文献   


As many countries consider mandatory individual retirement accounts as their answer to a secure social security system, the question arises as to whether all workers can get true “market value” annuities when they retire. It is clear today that private-sector life annuities are priced assuming that the applicant is healthy—very healthy. Very little underwriting or risk classification now exists in the individual annuity marketplace. However, if a large percentage of the population were looking to annuitize their social security accounts upon retirement, there would be strong pressure for more risk classes in the annuity-pricing structure.

Even without the advent of individual accounts for social security, the authors of this paper feel there may be real market opportunities for more risk classification in the individual annuity market and the offering of “impaired life annuities.” Given that this pressure does or might soon exist, this paper reviews 45 recent research papers that look at factors that affect mortality after retirement. In particular, factors that seem to be important in predicting retirement mortality include age, gender, race and ethnicity, education, income, occupation, marital status, religion, health behaviors, smoking, alcohol, and obesity. for each factor, this paper gives highlights relative to the named factor of the impact expected from that variable as described in the 45 reviewed research papers.

The authors believe there is a wealth of information contained in the summaries that follow, and it is our sincere hope that this paper will cause an increased interest in a more broadly based risk classification structure for individual annuities.

Summaries of the 45 papers can be found at www.soa.org/sections/farm/farm.html.  相似文献   

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