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利用延迟策略优化大规模定制生产系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用零部件的标准化设计、通用化设计和工艺流程重组技术可以延迟大规模定制生产系统中定制点的发生,从而可以在降低最终产品的定制水平的前提下大大地降低生产成本和缩短交货期,但是否采取延迟策略必须综合考虑各种相关的成本和收益因素才能做出判断。  相似文献   


Governments are concerned about the future of pension plans, for which increasing longevity is judged to be an important risk to their future viability. We focus on human survival at age 65, the starting age point for many pension products. Using a simple model, we link basic measures of life expectancy to the shape of the human survival function and consider its various forms. The model is then used as the basis for investigating actual survival in England and Wales. We find that life expectancy is increasing at a faster rate than at any time in history, with no evidence of this trend slowing or any upper age limit. With interest growing in the use of longevity bonds as a way to transfer longevity risks from pension providers to the capital markets, we seek to understand how longevity drift affects pension liabilities based on mortality rates at the point of annuitization, versus what actually happens as a cohort ages. The main findings are that longevity bonds are an effective hedge against longevity risk; however, it is not only the oldest old that are driving risk, but also more 65-year-olds reaching less extreme ages such as 80. In addition, we find that the possibility of future inflation and interest rates could be as an important a risk to annuities as longevity itself.  相似文献   

资管新规的延期有利于处置存量资产,有助于减轻银行表内压力,有利于降低信用风险爆发概率,有利于平滑理财产品收益,也有助于实体经济应对疫情冲击。但是资管新规延期后,仍然面临着存量资产处置难、新产品发行接受度不高、机构转型动力不足等问题。为了避免资管新规一延再延,维护政策的严肃性、权威性,监管部门应提出退出路径、加强预期管理、明确奖惩措施、统一监管规则,并实行宽严相济、灵活有度的政策,保证资产管理行业转型真正落地生效。  相似文献   

本文通过数学推论和仿真实验,建立了人类生存函数的数学模型,对30多个国家20世纪以来编制的近1000张生命表数据进行模拟,拟合结果非常精确。这一模型能够较为精确地计算不同年龄的生存概率和平均预期寿命,可以对未来人口生存状态、人口结构及其数量作出科学预测。  相似文献   

We investigate the link between smartphone usage by drivers and increases in insurance premiums by using police accident reports and exploiting the introduction of the augmented reality game Pokémon GO as a natural experiment. We document a disproportionate increase in crashes, vehicular damage, injuries, and fatalities in the vicinity of locations where users can play the game while driving. Ignoring incremental lives lost, the lower bound estimate of the cost of users playing the game while driving translates to an increase in insurance premiums of 2.47 percent.  相似文献   

论国际金融业的产业融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球范围内兴起的信息化进程,国际金融业出现了包括与信息产业在内的产业融合,这种融合对金融体系、货币政策和金融监管产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

面对激烈的市场竞争,各大金融企业纷纷提高核心竞争力,以留住现有优质客户并吸引新客户。金融企业如需将复杂的硬件设备、应用系统、数据环境转变成为灵活的、及时响应的IT基础架构——SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture,面向服务的体系结构)来实现业务转型,就必须提高经营敏捷性以及适应市场环境变化的能力。目前,中国的金融企业迫切需要更快地研发和推广新产品,将多个孤立的业务系统整合为一个核心业务系统,严格遵守各项监管法规,减少对客户服务产生负面影响的响应时间延迟现象。  相似文献   

There are several theoretical reasons why globalization willhave a narrowing as well as a widening effect on the genderwage gap, but little is known about the actual impact, exceptfor some country studies. This study contributes to the literaturein three respects. First, it is a large cross-country studyof the impact of globalization on the gender wage gap. Second,it employs the rarely used ILO October Inquiry database, whichis the most far-ranging survey of wages around the world. Third,it focuses on the within-occupation gender wage gap, an alternativeto the commonly used raw and residual wage gaps as a measureof the gender wage gap. This study finds that the occupationalgender wage gap tends to decrease with increasing economic development,at least in richer countries, and to decrease with trade andforeign direct investment (FDI) in richer countries, but findslittle evidence that trade and FDI also reduce the occupationalgender wage gap in poorer countries.  相似文献   

Over the last few years there has been a significant increase in the acceptance of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) which are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Although numerous countries are adopting IFRSs, the approaches used for convergence continue to differ significantly across countries. Using selected countries from the South Pacific region, this paper investigates the relationship between country-specific characteristics and the selection of the appropriate approach used for the adoption of IFRSs. The country-specific attributes that have been found to influence convergence are (1) the set of accounting standards that was prevailing in the country at the time when the selection was made, (2) the availability and experience of professional accountants, (3) the relevant education and professional training, (4) the presence of the Big 4 accounting firms and (5) the accounting regulatory framework. The results of this study suggest that complete comparability in financial reporting may be difficult to achieve across all countries even after adopting the IFRSs. These findings are important because they indicate that attention should be concentrated on theorizing and empirically testing the effects of the country-specific attributes on convergence efforts across various jurisdictions.  相似文献   

在全球化的国际大背景下,经济依存性的日益加深到底会对各个国家保持其独特的社会、政治、文化以及经济组织的能力产生怎样的影响,再一次引起人们的争论。本文将从马克思主义经济学方法论的视角,传承马克思多样性统一的理论,对趋同化假说进行再次探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines the location and status of women professionals in the public services, noting their small numbers in the élite sectors and at the highest levels. It also charts the rise in managerialism in the public sector, particularly in those areas where women dominate, and argues that the rise in managerialism is a gendered phenomenon which ensures that women remain in roles and occupations subordinate to men. Equal opportunities policies will have little effect while occupations numerically dominated by women remain devalued and continue to be controlled by men from outside the profession.  相似文献   

2006年2月15日颁布的《企业会计准则——基本准则》,把创新与趋同结合起来,是协调、连贯和内在一致的规则。基本准则暗含着若干会计基本假设,明确了财务报告的目标和会计信息质量要求。它把会计要素的定义同确认结合起来表述。它使我国会计界耳目一新,并在国际会计惯例趋同方面前进了重要的一步。  相似文献   

This paper differs from past research by examining the issue of whether regime changes have broken down the stability of the ripple effect. The endogenous two-break LM unit test, derived in Lee and Strazicich (Review of Economics and Statistics 85: 1082–1089, 2003), is used to execute the ripple effect tests. Being different from the empirical results of the conventional unit root tests without structural breaks, the empirical results of the endogenous two-break LM unit root test support the existence of ripple effects for each city in Taiwan except Taipei City. Shocks to regional house prices of Taipei City cannot “ripple out” across the nation, because Taipei City is a regional global city which has resulted in higher house prices, but does not affect the house prices of the entire area. Furthermore, the empirical evidence demonstrates the breakpoints and presents real estate policies, financial crises, and natural disease that can cause structural breaks of regional house prices.  相似文献   

Previous authors have raised the concern that there could be serious survival bias in the observed U.S. equity premium. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we argue that the survival bias in the U.S. data is unlikely to be significant. To reach this conclusion, we introduce a general framework for modeling survival and derive a mathematical relationship between the ex ante survival probability and the average survival bias. This relationship reveals the fundamental difficulty facing the survival argument: High survival bias requires an ex ante probability of market failure, which seems unrealistically high given the history of world financial markets.  相似文献   

社会性别预算在中国,已进入纵深演进与技术难题攻坚的重要阶段。在社会性别预算的焦作试验中,面临长期与短期改革成效的协调、公共政策与性别预算的整合、妇联组织项目执行力、地区间横向推广等挑战。就改革的关键节点而言,需要构建性别预算全周期管理体系,强化相应的公民基础,实行具体支出项目边际改进和公共政策增量调整的"双元推进策略",最终完成其制度规则与运行模式的"顶层设计"。  相似文献   

区域金融作为金融结构与运行在空间上的分布状况,通过聚合区域经济发展的各种因素而影响区域经济成长及其差异演变。中国各省、区、市金融结构趋同与分化现象并存,区域金融发展呈非均衡格局,但这一格局不同于传统的沿海与内地或东、中、西部之区划,区域金融成长与区域经济发展之间并不是平行一致的。相当多省、区、市的金融结构主要体现为银行、保险业的主导地位,资本市场不发达;同时,金融开放在省区市的差异总体较小。因此,推进资本市场发展,统筹金融开放,充分发挥金融发展在统筹区域发展、统筹城乡发展中的支撑作用,构成了今后我国区域金融发展的重点。  相似文献   

马正兵 《金融论坛》2007,12(10):19-22
区域金融作为金融结构与运行在空间上的分布状况,通过聚合区域经济发展的各种因素而影响区域经济成长及其差异演变.中国各省、区、市金融结构趋同与分化现象并存,区域金融发展呈非均衡格局,但这一格局不同于传统的沿海与内地或东、中、西部之区划,区域金融成长与区域经济发展之间并不是平行一致的.相当多省、区、市的金融结构主要体现为银行、保险业的主导地位,资本市场不发达;同时,金融开放在省区市的差异总体较小.因此,推进资本市场发展,统筹金融开放,充分发挥金融发展在统筹区域发展、统筹城乡发展中的支撑作用,构成了今后我国区域金融发展的重点.  相似文献   

2005年12月2日,中国农业银行山东省分行(以下简称山东农行)MPLSVPN骨干网改造项目经验交流会在泉城济南召开。40余位来自其他一级分行的科技部门代表参加了此次会议。据会议组织者介绍,由于会议比原定时间推迟了一周,在原定日期11月25日,便有10多位分行代表自发前来参观过了。  相似文献   

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