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While policymakers and scholars often emphasise the significance of the rule‐making aspect when they discuss the benefits of negotiating free trade agreements (FTAs), we know little about the ways in which rules are actually made. We need impartial assessment of the status of rule‐making to draw any concrete policy implications. Moreover, “how international economic rules develop” in terms of enforceability has been a neglected but important research question for students of international economics and laws. International economic rules evolve through a series of FTAs that are signed by a different set of countries. By using the case study of e‐commerce chapters, this paper will specifically examine: (1) how earlier FTAs paved the way to the Trans‐Pacific Partnership (TPP) e‐commerce negotiations; (2) whether rule‐making achievements of TPP are substantial compared against earlier FTAs; and (3) whether rule‐making achievements of TPP, if any, are likely to have some impact on post‐TPP FTAs.  相似文献   

Retailers often face pressure from stakeholders to address social and environmental issues. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of retailer corporate social responsibility (CSR) on consumers' perceptions and behavior. Drawing on the theoretical foundations of social identity theory and signaling theory, this study presents and validates a unique model which examines the mediating effects of perceived consumer effectiveness and consumer trust on the relationship between retailer CSR and consumer citizenship behavior. Using a sample of 407 consumers in China, results of structural equation modeling show that retailer CSR is positively associated with consumer citizenship behavior. Additionally, perceived consumer effectiveness and consumer trust positively mediate this association. Taken together, these findings provide support for retailers to develop CSR programs that remind and reinforce consumers’ perceptions about socially responsible behaviors.  相似文献   

Many major consumer-driven companies have started to use augmented-reality (AR) technology and AR apps to enrich their customers' shopping experiences and engagement with their brands, and to ultimately increase sales. However, there is scant research discussing the application of AR in an advertising context. Thus, the major goal of this study is to explore how, why, and when augmented reality influences advertising effectiveness. A field experiment and two laboratory experiments demonstrate that an AR advertisement increases consumers’ attitude toward the ad through an increase in their curiosity toward the ad and attention toward the ad (i.e., measured by a physiological measure using eye-tracking). However, the effects only hold when consumers are unfamiliar with the AR ad technology. Overall, this study provides practical implications to advertisers who are considering integrating augmented reality technology in their advertising efforts.  相似文献   

A conceptual model of the effect of psychological contracts and associated fairness perceptions on customer service organizational citizenship behaviors (CSOCB) is presented. Psychological contracts, individually held beliefs regarding employer-employee reciprocal expectations and obligations, provide a basis for the comprehensive perception of organizational justice. In turn, justice perceptions result in CSOCB, or externally directed extra-role behaviors. When customer contact employees perceive violations, these behaviors are likely to be either negative or a reduction of positive behaviors. Future research is discussed.  相似文献   

Asian‐Basket‐type moving‐window contracts are an increasingly used risk‐management tool in the North American hog sector. The moving‐window contract is decomposed into a portfolio of a long Asian‐Basket put and a short Asian‐Basket call option. A projected break‐even price is used to determine the floor price, and then Monte Carlo simulation methods are used to price both a moving‐ and a fixed‐window contract. These methods provide unbiased pricing of fixed‐ and moving‐window hog‐finishing contracts of 1‐year duration. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:1047–1073, 2003  相似文献   

Utilizing the case‐based reminding theory in analogical reasoning, this research proposes that the evaluation of a brand extension can be improved by reminding consumers of a similar brand in the extension category. This effect is derived from a brand‐to‐brand similarity, in addition to the product‐to‐product and brand‐to‐product similarity identified in prior literature. Experiment 1 explores the idea that the effect of similar case reminders is most pronounced in moderately similar extensions than in highly similar or highly dissimilar extensions due to schema congruity. Experiments 2 and 3 distinguish the levels of similarity (i.e., product‐to‐product, brand‐to‐product, and brand‐to‐brand similarity) as a source of consumers' evaluations on a brand extension and further eliminate an alternative explanation of instantaneous learning in the advertisement setup of Experiment 1. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This research aims to examine the impact of intrinsic religiosity on counterproductive work behavior directed toward the organization (CWB-O) and the mediating role of Islamic work ethic in this impact. The data were collected from employees working in the hotel and restaurant industry (n = 684). The findings revealed that intrinsic religiosity had a positive and significant effect on Islamic work ethic. It was found that Islamic work ethic also had a negative and significant effect on CWB-O. Similarly, intrinsic religiosity had a negative and significant effect on CWB-O. In addition, it was identified that the Islamic work ethic had a mediating role in the impact of intrinsic religiosity on CWB-O. Taking into consideration that the relationship between intrinsic religiosity and CWB-O and the role of Islamic work ethic in this relationship has not yet been examined in literature, the theoretical contribution of the current research can be better understood. From the perspective of practical contribution, this research may help and guide managers to understand how intrinsic religiosity affects CWB-O.  相似文献   

This research explores the interaction of motivation and ability to explain individuals' level of participation in state‐sponsored lotteries. The motivation–ability framework is considered from the perspective of perceived control wherein Rotter's (1966) locus of control serves as a perceived ability to influence lottery outcomes, and the Burger and Cooper (1979) desire for control serves as a motivation to play. With the use of a sample of adult consumers residing in a state with a government‐sponsored lottery, predicted results were found. Specifically, the consumers who played the lottery to the greatest extent were those with internal locus of control (high perceived ability) and high desire for control (high motivation). © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a chance and a boost for those retailers that develop their online profile. This new context can raise privacy issues on the consumer side. For this reason, here we explore the determinants of online self-disclosure, and its relationship with customer care. We collected the data through an online survey (n = 426) and tested a variance-based structural equations model. The findings unriddle the role of perceived customer care as an antecedent of both perceived control and trust, the latter emerging as a key mediator of the impact of both perceived customer care and privacy concern on self-disclosure. Moreover, in line with previous studies, perceived control was found to be positively related with trust, and negatively with privacy concerns. According to the findings, we draw several managerial implications and suggest future research paths.  相似文献   

This study examines the likelihood of cheating when consumers are offered with the option of using postponed payment plans after purchasing hedonic goods. It addresses how the nature of the good combined with payment timing affects its perceived psychological ownership, which in turn influences consumers’ cheating behavior. Three experimental studies indicate that when consumers mentally represent a hedonic (vs. utilitarian) good, they are more likely to cheat. This effect is greater with a postponed payment than with an immediate one. Findings also show that perceived psychological ownership is lower for hedonic goods and this explains different levels of cheating behavior. The paper offers managerial guidance on how to increase perceived psychological ownership for hedonic goods, with the goal of reducing cheating behavior.  相似文献   

Based on the Eurobarometer survey data, this study examined the roles of experience and cultural propensity to trust in consumer confidence in conducting e‐commerce. Compared with consumers in a low‐trust culture (France), consumers from a high‐trust society (West Germany) exhibit more confidence in conducting e‐commerce. This cultural difference is only evident among consumers with no prior e‐commerce experience but disappears among consumers with prior e‐commerce experience. There is no interaction effect of culture and experience. While consumer confidence in conducting e‐commerce declines with age within each culture, consumers of the same age groups tend to have higher confidence in conducting e‐commerce in West Germany than in France. Academic and practical implications were provided.  相似文献   

The impact of organic food corporate image on customers' surpassing purchasing behavior is absent in prior literature. Based on the S–O-R framework, the current study focuses on organic food member customers to explore the influence of corporate ability (CA) image and corporate social responsibility (CSR) image of organic food company on the consumption behavior and co-developing behavior of customers. The consumer samples came from 269 member customers of an organic food enterprise in southwest China. The results show that organic food company CA and CSR image positively affect consumer trust and co-developing behavior. CSR image enhances consumer trust and co-developing behavior than CA image does. Additionally, consumer trust and purchase intention play a multi-step mediating role in the relationship between corporate image (CA and CSR) and consumers' co-developing behavior. In conclusion, our findings provide new insights for understanding the relationship between the corporate image of organic food and the co-developing behavior of customers. The research results provide support for organic food companies that can effectively promote consumer trust, continuous purchase, and active engagement in the co-development of products and services by creating an image of ability and social responsibility.  相似文献   

Outshopping has been studied in the marketing literature for years, and research has identified some compelling reasons for people to shop out of their home country. Outshoppers literally go extra miles to outshop for better quality and assortment of merchandise, higher quality of personal service, more pleasant shopping atmospherics, and more competitive prices. In this study, we propose that outshopping enjoyment is not only directly related to outshopping, as are the earlier outshopping determinants, but mediate the relationships between those cognitive determinants and outshopping behaviour. In addition, we explore how patriotism and terror would affect people's outshopping frequency. Managerial and research implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Professional salespeople are often placed in situations where role conflict and ambiguity are prevalent. They are generally expected to sell a firm's products and services to generate immediate profits, while simultaneously building customer satisfaction and promoting lifetime customers and the long‐term economic viability of the firm. The concept of customer‐oriented selling illustrates the conflict, as salespeople are required to forgo immediate benefits in lieu of long‐term rewards. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships existing between customer‐oriented selling, emotional intelligence, and organizational commitment. The results indicate that a salesperson's customer orientation level is significantly related to emotional intelligence. Implications of the findings indicate that managers should consider using emotional intelligence as a selection and human‐resource development tool, as improvements in emotional intelligence are correlated with greater levels of customer orientation. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigates the simultaneous influence of personality and personal values on attitude toward self‐production, and how self‐production attitude influences use of time and depth of self‐production behavior in home meal preparation. The results show that self‐control and agreeableness personality traits positively influence attitude toward self‐production, while the resultant self‐enhancement value dimension has a negative effect. Moreover, self‐control negatively moderates the influence of resultant self‐enhancement on self‐production attitude. Attitude toward self‐production has positive influences on both dimensions of self‐production behavior, with a stronger effect on the depth dimension than on the time use dimension. The results support the proposed hierarchical model that personality and personal values relate to more specific self‐production attitude and behavior in a food preparation context.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research on the impact of past behavior on decision making over the past two decades, little is yet known about how past experience moderates decision theoretic factors within models of behavioral intent. This research explores the implications of past behavior within the theory of planned behavior (TPB), and how it influences key decision‐making variables. A theoretical model of how past behavior can induce deliberative versus heuristic processing of information is developed and tested. Consumer implications of the impact of past behavior on behavioral intentions are discussed, highlighting the importance of addressing one's experience when making a decision. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the interest in organic groceries has increased, actual buying behavior falls short for reasons that are mostly unknown to researchers and practitioners. This paper addresses this so‐called intention–behavior gap by investigating the impact of point‐of‐sale (POS) information on the perception of purchase barriers and behavior. While behavior and interest differ for various product categories, the organic groceries most frequently bought worldwide are differentiated on the basis of product category involvement in a pilot study. A laboratory experiment and a field experiment containing actual purchase behavior and market data revealed the possibility of enhancing organic purchases within low‐ and high‐involvement categories, while exposed to POS information. In low‐involvement product categories, POS information should reveal new product category‐specific organic features. In high‐involvement product categories, the perceived addition of value for money is crucial for purchasing organic groceries. While the effect of POS information on perceived trust and knowledge is higher for health conscious or green consumers in low‐involvement product categories, it is the converse in high‐involvement product categories.  相似文献   

We consider a modeling setup where the volatility index (VIX) dynamics are explicitly computable as a smooth transformation of a purely diffusive, multidimensional Markov process. The framework is general enough to embed many popular stochastic volatility models. We develop closed‐form expansions and sharp error bounds for VIX futures, options, and implied volatilities. In particular, we derive exact asymptotic results for VIX‐implied volatilities, and their sensitivities, in the joint limit of short time‐to‐maturity and small log‐moneyness. The expansions obtained are explicit based on elementary functions and they neatly uncover how the VIX skew depends on the specific choice of the volatility and the vol‐of‐vol processes. Our results are based on perturbation techniques applied to the infinitesimal generator of the underlying process. This methodology has previously been adopted to derive approximations of equity (SPX) options. However, the generalizations needed to cover the case of VIX options are by no means straightforward as the dynamics of the underlying VIX futures are not explicitly known. To illustrate the accuracy of our technique, we provide numerical implementations for a selection of model specifications.  相似文献   

In this study the influence of topic involvement on mail‐survey response rate and speed was experimentally investigated. The results show that response rates for topics that are generally considered as high involvement were higher than for topics that are generally considered as low involvement. However, the speed of response did not differ between the two levels of topic involvement. Moreover, in terms of response rates an interesting interaction effect was observed: For the high‐involvement topic, the response rate showed a further positive and significant correlation with the within‐topic level of involvement, but this was not the case for the low‐involvement topic. The implications of these findings to nonresponse bias in mail survey research are discussed. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigate intraday bid‐ask spreads (BAS), volatility, and trading activity of thinly traded equity index futures contracts on the Singapore Exchange. Contrary to previous findings, we find a rather flat BAS pattern during the trading day. However, consistent with past findings, an increase in risk widens the spread and a higher trading activity reduces it. When trading occurs in a day, spreads are reduced. No significant difference in volatility between days with and without trades was detected. When trades occur, quote revisions increase, and it is positively related to the number of trades. An increase in the number of quote revisions increases the likelihood of a transaction, and when quotes are current, revisions that are accompanied by trades carry new information. We provide evidence that contracts that are thinly traded may possess liquidity attributes as long as their price quotes remain current. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:455–486, 2003  相似文献   

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