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基于DEA方法的人力资本结构效率评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本对经济增长的促进作用不仅取决于其存量多少,而且取决于人力资本配置结构的有效性。运用DEA方法对全国各地区人力资本配置的有效性进行评价,可见人力资本配置无效的主要原因在于各地区从业人员中低受教育程度的人力资本的大量冗余。故各人力资本投入组合DEA无效的地区应努力提高其从业人员中低受教育水平的劳动力的受教育程度,通过提高这部分人的受教育程度能收到规模收益递增的效果。  相似文献   

我国各省在义务教育、医疗卫生、社会保障方面出现DEA有效、弱DEA有效、非DEA有效的情况并不相同,且在规模收益递增、规模收益不变及规模收益递减三者之间变化的路径也不相同,但从技术效率与纯技术效率来看,省与省之间的技术效率和纯技术效率差距较大,东部地区普遍高于中西部地区,且中西部地区一般低于平均水平。因此,在总体加大财政投入的同时,在基本公共服务供给结构、时间选择等方面应根据效率变化的不同情况采用不同的投入强度。  相似文献   


In this study, we apply the dynamic network slack-based measure data envelopment analysis model (DNSBM) to measure the efficiency of Taiwanese banks during the period 2005–11. Using the network structure, we define intellectual capital creation capability as one of the production stages. In order to capture the dynamics of the transformation process, the nonperforming loans and loan loss reserves are defined as carryover items. This study offers sufficient information for managers to understand not only the overall performance of their banks but also the efficiency of each production stage and the dynamic changes of the overall and divisional efficiencies.  相似文献   

Essentially, this study asks: Does the business risk audit (BRA) approach increase audit production efficiency? To answer this question empirically, direct and indirect tests are employed using proprietary, working paper data from the larger clients of a major Australian public sector audit provider and an efficiency frontier analytic methodology, data envelopment analysis (DEA). Results based on this proprietary, audit hours data for audit engagements carried out just after BRA approach implementation show that they have high levels of production efficiency and are risk-adjusted, with no significant difference in production efficiency between higher and lower business risk audit engagements. Results based on audit fees data for audit engagements carried out shortly before and after BRA approach implementation show that overall production efficiency significantly improves. Importantly, while this improvement is significant for lower-risk audit engagements, there is no significant improvement for higher-risk audit engagements. In the context of this study's research site, this is consistent with the BRA approach addressing inefficiencies created when lower-risk audit engagements are being over-audited. That is, the BRA approach can result in both risk-adjusted and more efficiently produced audits. With the re-emergence of the BRA approach in the literature and in practice, this study provides empirical evidence to support the claim that this audit approach can lead to ‘creating auditing efficiencies’ (Bell et al., 1997, p. 1).  相似文献   

通过将保险企业的经营活动进行分解,本文对外资进入可能引发的资本形成效应、市场竞争效应和技术外溢效应等三个假说进行了检验,首次探讨了外资进入对中国保险业效率可能产生的影响。研究发现:(1)外资进入所带来的资本形成效应是对中国保险业效率改善最为直接的经济效应,但它主要通过扩展保险业务来实现,保险资金运用的效率并没有明显提升;(2)外资进入引发的市场竞争效应确实对保险业的效率改进起到了一定的积极作用,而且外资机构数量的增加比资产和市场份额的增长对效率的影响更为明显;(3)保险机构的外资持股比例与其效率水平之间存在显著的U型关系,外资持股比例在达到一定程度后,技术外溢效应才会对中国保险业效率起到推动作用。  相似文献   

运用投入导向型的DEA-BCC 模型,对东部沿海10省市36家样本城商行2008-2012年的技术效率进行实证研究。研究表明,近五年来样本城商行总体技术效率保持平稳,并呈较为平坦的“V型”变化趋势,样本城商行的技术效率并没有在规模持续扩张的背景下得到持续有效提升。进一步对技术效率的分解项目进行分析发现,纯技术效率是制约样本城商行总体技术效率提升的主导因素,表明,样本城商行的内部管理能力亟待提升。此外,无论是总技术效率、纯技术效率还是规模效率,都与样本城商行的规模具有显著的相关性,总体而言,大型城商行的技术效率及纯技术效率要优于中小型城商行,但是,中型城商行在规模效率方面略胜一筹,样本城商行存在较为明显的“倒V型”成本曲线。  相似文献   

我国商业银行的效率现状及生产率变动分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
庞瑞芝 《金融论坛》2006,11(5):10-14
本文运用数据包络分析方法和Malmquist指数对我国28家三类商业银行2000~2004年的技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率以及全要素生产率变动进行了测算。结果发现,三类商业性银行的效率存在差异:国有商业银行的规模效率最低,并且呈规模报酬递减;股份制商业银行效率略高于国有商业银行;城市商业银行效率由相对最低转为相对最高。总体上看,银行业全要素生产率呈上升趋势,技术效率呈下降趋势,规模效率无明显变化。本文的主要结论是:规模是影响国有商业银行和股份制商业银行效率差异的主要因素,银行全要素生产率的变动受信息技术发展的推动以及宏观环境的影响。  相似文献   

Recent Australian and Japanese second tier public sector performance measurement changes are compared and contrasted. The case analyses are presented within a theoretical structure derived from Hood's depiction of NPM which predicts an increased emphasis on explicit performance reporting. Significant differences and similarities are identified in terms of performance reporting effort and output; motivation for changed performance reporting; role of central agencies; and degree of resultant accountability discharge. NPM is a useful analytical framework and is enhanced by Luder's Contingency Model, epistemic community influence and governance. The explanatory factors identified reinforce views that NPM is a term best used solely in the context of the governmental traditions of each relevant public sector.  相似文献   

We identify fiscal policy shocks in the EU new member states using four different methods. We use panel data techniques to estimate the output response to these shocks. We find that investment and export growth increase after fiscal consolidation and decelerate after fiscal stimulus when the shocks are expenditure‐based. In contrast, private consumption does not respond to fiscal policy shocks. Expenditure‐based fiscal consolidations reduce wages, supporting the view that fiscal consolidation of such composition enhances the competitiveness and profitability of domestic enterprises. In contrast, we do not find evidence of fiscal shocks affecting households' confidence.  相似文献   

The background to the widespread adoption by Australian public trading enterprises of a deprival value variant of current cost accounting reflects successive efforts to establish demanding rate of return targets, or to legitimise price increases, or to monitor the financial performance of PTEs on a national basis. The experience of three public utilities in implementing CCA is reviewed. This experience suggests that CCA valuation of infrastructure (using deprival or optimized deprival values) is unable to deliver financial data to permit valid cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons of performance. Issues raised during the 1970s and 1980s debates about CCA were either ignored or overlooked.  相似文献   

Accounting by most New Zealand museums was subject to public sector reforms requiring private sector -style financial reporting, and service performance reporting. This study into the impact of the reforms on how museum managements pursue successful performance found museums adopting a more accounting-oriented approach to planning and evaluation. Service performance reporting has facilitated the periodic evaluation of non-financial targets by managements, but as currently constituted the reporting model is flawed, particularly in its implications for essential long-term resource capacity of museums. This threatens its effectiveness for promoting good performance. Non-accounting based professional practices also have a role in museum success.  相似文献   

When a public good is excludable it is possible to charge individuals for using the good. We study the role of prices for publicly provided excludable public goods within an extension of the Stern-Stiglitz version of the Mirrlees optimal income tax model.We show that for a public consumer good there is a range of circumstances in which charging a price for the public good decreases welfare. We find that a necessary condition for a positive price to be desirable is that the marginal valuation of the public good is increasing in leisure. However, even under this condition, welfare is initially decreasing in the price, implying that charging a lower than optimal price may be less efficient than setting a zero price. Thus, even when there is a case for charging a price for the public good, an attempt to implement the optimum in practice may be risky, as even setting a modest price to avoid overshooting the optimum may be Pareto inferior to charging no price at all. The policy case for a price may thus appear rather weak. We also find that producers using an intermediate excludable public good as an input should not be charged a price for using the good.  相似文献   

Turkish banking sector went through a significant restructuring process in the aftermath of the country's financial crisis of 2000–2001. In this paper, we analyze the evolution of banking performance using a novel approach due to Ray [(2007). “Shadow Profit Maximization and a Measure of Overall Inefficiency.” Journal of Productivity Analysis 27, 231–236]. We derive ‘shadow unrealized profit scores’ as well as ‘shadow input–output prices’ for each year and bank in the sector from 2002 to 2011. We argue these scores operationalize the Hicksian concept of ‘monopolistic quiet life’. We provide some evidence the sector came closer to the ‘zero profit condition’ as well as displaying a closer approximation to the ‘law of one price’ over time. We show the variability of these ‘shadow prices’ essentially coincides with that of corresponding actual prices. We utilize shadow price information to show that business models and competitive choices of banks differ across ownership types with foreign banks competing on the broadest front compared to state-owned and privately owned Turkish banks.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Using the Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA), this study investigates the cost and profit efficiency effects of bank mergers on the US banking industry. We also use the non-parametric technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the production structure of merged and non-merged banks. The empirical results indicate that mergers have improved the cost and profit efficiencies of banks. Further, evidence shows that merged banks have lower costs than non-merged banks because they are using the most efficient technology available (technical efficiency) as well as a cost minimizing input mix (allocative efficiency). The results suggest that there is an economic rational for future mergers in the banking industry. Finally, mergers may allow the banking industry to take advantage of the opportunities created by improved technology.  相似文献   

The practices and norms of public budgeting have often been seen as a brake on the flexibility needed of government organisations. This remains true despite historically significant financial management reforms designed around budgetary devolution. Seeing flexibility as operating along two dimensions – devolution and discretion – this paper revisits the underlying features of traditional public budgeting to develop a taxonomy of six generic ‘budget rules’. By isolating key properties of budget control, the paper uses two of the more prominent rules – annuality and purpose – to illustrate how the rules interact to generate control capacity, as well as the scope for rule variability in promoting increased flexibility.  相似文献   

从产权结构多元态势这一视角分析公共产品的供给效率,不同产权安排形式在公共产品供给中存在着效率条件及非效率解,树立产权结构多元态势的经济发展观是实现公共产品有效供给的最佳路径选择.  相似文献   

Accrual Accounting and the Efficiency of the Core Public Sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper evaluates the 'microeconomic' case for the extension of accrual accounting to the core government for the purposes of performance measurement, competitive tendering and asset management. Having found the microeconomic case to be weak, it suggests that it is the potential role of accrual accounting as an indicator of the fiscal stance of the public sector (particularly in respect to intergenerational equity) which provides a convincing rationale for its introduction in core government, and that this has significant methodological implications.  相似文献   

本文利用数据包络分析法(DEA)对我国银行业1999-2008年的经营效率进行总体分析与评价,并利用Malmquist生产率指数对其效率变动进行了测算,研究结果表明,我国银行业生产经营效率呈现上升趋势,但整体水平仍然相对较低,商业银行存在与自身规模不相适应的管理能力。同时,银行业结构、区域分布、规模大小以及企业类型等因素会使银行业在综合技术效率、纯技术效率与规模效率方面存在差异。  相似文献   

In 2013, the Australian Public Service was subject to a process of governance, accountability and performance reform. The implications of these reforms for micro-level practices are unknown. The authors’ empirical findings show that the reforms developed in three stages, each of which has significant implications for embedding performance measurement and risk management within a broader management control system.  相似文献   

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