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张日新  黄钢 《特区经济》2003,(10):34-35
1.交易--市场经济运行的基本单位 市场表示交易关系的集结,当市场把所有的个体经济连接在一起时便获得了经济的意义.故经济学把市场定义为:市场是商品交易关系的总和.在市场里通过交易关系把所有的个体经济连接在一起而形成的市场经济,自然以交易关系为最显著的特征.在市场经济条件下,人们的生产离不开交易,商品的流通离不开交易,信息流通离不开交易,技术的流通离不开交易,交易是市场经济的核心.在经济活动中,人们想通过交易的途径互通有无,相互获取各自的经济利益,实现经济良性循环.  相似文献   

People seem to want to make many similar uses of similar levels of affluence, wherever they stand in their local class structures. But class position, government, and market methods of allocating capital resources can frustrate their wishes in various ways, chiefly by barring them from access to the capital they need. capital markets are efficient when commercial production (in proportion to its efficiency) earns the means of bidding for the capital it needs. But domestic production cannot do that—it is the commercial wage-income of the domestic entepreneur, not the productivity of the domestic use, which has to bid for domestic capital. So there is no reason why open capital markets should arrive at optimal (i.e., most-productive) allocations either between the two systems of production, or within the domestic one. The problem is familiar to many economists of undeveloped societies. This article (by a non-economist) explores it in relation to developed societies, and concludes that socialists would do well to revise some traditional beliefs about public, private and domestic ownership.  相似文献   

This article contains the first systematic discussion of Edward II's response to the famine of 1315–17, the most severe of the middle ages. While there had been earlier famines, that of 1315–17 produced the earliest surviving evidence of official attempts at remedial actions. Those included the enforcement of traditional regulatory measures such as the assizes of ale and weights and measures, and efforts to regulate brewing by preventing the use of wheat and limiting the amount of barley used. In addition, the government acted to encourage the import of grain and imposed prohibitions on export that were explicitly justified by scarcity and high prices. English bishops were urged to encourage those who were hoarding grain to hold only enough for themselves and their families and sell the rest. While it is unclear whether government actions had much effect, it is difficult to imagine under fourteenth‐century conditions that any government had the means or measures to respond effectively to famine. Nonetheless, some of the measures taken by Edward II's government, especially export prohibition and attempts to persuade or compel those with supplies of grain to sell it, had a long future ahead of them.  相似文献   

In this paper I first review the amazing progress that free market economic reforms have brought to the Chinese people after years of central control and suppression of markets. Thanks to greater economic freedom, economic growth increased sharply and hundreds of millions of people have been removed from poverty. By all accounts, however, economic freedom in China has a long way to go. The U.S. perspective should be that these market reforms continue. These further reforms toward economic freedom and economic growth in China will be beneficial to the United States. Such reforms would include a greater transparency about the monetary policy strategies, more openness of the capital accounts and less exchange rate and stock market intervention. Such economic reforms should be welcomed and encouraged by the United States and other countries.  相似文献   

Negishi (1962) suggested that price adjustment was a means of attaining a particular optimum rather than an equilibrium; this provides the starting point for the present paper. Using a gradient process to arrive at an optimum, the paper shows that with proper distribution of endowments, this process may be considered to be an actual price adjustment process. The role of a proper distribution is investigated further and related to the existing published literature. It is also shown that if the distribution of endowments satisfies certain regularity features then the equilibrium will be globally stable under the classical price adjustment rule where price adjustment is proportional to excess demand.  相似文献   

顾列铭 《上海经济》2011,(4):66-66,68,69
3月11日,日本发生史上最强地震,除了大量死伤,地震和海啸对苦苦挣扎试图摆脱“失去的十年”经济衰退期的日本来说,影响可能更为深远。  相似文献   

The problem of future labor shortage under the demographic crisis in Russia is posed and considered. Its quantitative estimation for the all-Russia labor market is made, and the results are compared with regard to different scenarios of socioeconomic development. The scale of the future labor shortage in aggregative regional (federal districts) and sectoral labor markets is estimated. Qualitative characteristics of the main aftereffects of the onset of labor shortage and ways of mitigating it are discussed.  相似文献   

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