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国际铁矿石市场的各种契约安排呈现一条从纵向一体化向现货交易逐渐过渡、连续渐变的契约安排频谱,它使得铁矿石市场主体之间的契约安排成为一个连续变量。从频谱的左端到右端,相应价格机制的刚性逐渐增强。铁矿石市场主体的利润是外部环境和契约安排的函数,针对既定的外部环境,铁矿石买卖双方在利润最大化的动机驱使下围绕契约安排进行讨价还价。由于存在契约安排即价格决定方式,故当这种讨价还价达到纳什均衡状态时,均衡价格与交易数量同时被决定,铁矿石市场随即达到均衡状态。该理论能够解释自20世纪50年代以来国际铁矿石市场中契约安排重大变化的内在原因。  相似文献   

风险投资运作包括3个行为主体,即投资人、风险投资家和企业家。由于3个行为主体追求的目标并不完全一致且掌握的信息不同,构成了双重委托代理关系。风险投资家向投资人筹集资本是风险资本循环的起点,因此,风险投资机构的治理机制是决定风险资本运行效率的重要因素。自20世纪70年代以来,西方发达国家尤其是美国的风险投资业,在实践中形成了以有限合伙制及基于该制度创新性的契约安排为核心的治理机制,这对我国的风险投资机构而言,无疑是值得研究和借鉴的。  相似文献   

刘晓宏 《财经研究》2004,30(9):124-134
文章从风险资本价格机制的研究角度,依据契约理论提出了风险资本契约价格概念,并进一步探讨了风险资本市场均衡过程中价格的微观作用机制(价格从非均衡趋向均衡过程中,参与主体的博弈)和宏观作用机制(不同均衡价格水平下,市场总收益的变动趋势).为参与主体面临市场现行价格采取主动应对策略及政府面对市场不同博弈状态制定旨在提高市场总体收益水平和资源配置效率的有效政策制定了具体操作原则.  相似文献   

彭佳 《经济研究导刊》2012,(36):115-116
农产品交易模式依其激励强度、权力控制以及绩效特性等条件可以区分为市场型、混合型以及等级制三种类型。不确定性影响农产品产地交易模式的选择。不确定性程度越小,越宜采用市场交易模式;不确定性程度越大,越宜采用等级制交易模式;不确定性程度介于中间时,宜采用混合型交易模式。  相似文献   

中国多年来已成为世界铁矿石进口大国,高达50%以上,却一直掌握不了谈判话语权,利益受损巨大。为了建立铁矿石中国价格,应从以下方面着手:紧抓供求关系,压缩国内钢铁行业落后产能,扶持国内铁矿石企业,扩大国内铁矿石生产和供应。同时,抓住时机建立铁矿石国际供货渠道;从资源的金融属性出发,研究铁矿石价格的波动规律和周期性特点;政府和钢铁企业都需要改变思路,进行制度创新,共同促进钢铁行业可持续发展;重视商务谈判技巧和规则,这也是建立铁矿石中国价格的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

商业银行,本质上说是一种按照签约方谈判实力动态安排所有权的市场契约,所有权安排是商业银行治理的关键。本文分析了以股东为唯一所有者的治理机制的缺陷,并用契约理论分析了商业银行的性质,做出了商业银行所有权的最优安排,即以股东、管理者和存款人为核心,同时兼顾其他相关者的利益。依据所有权的安排,设计出商业银行的相关治理机制,并针对现行制度提出了一些改革的建议。  相似文献   

技术许可中道德风险问题的价格契约治理机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
岳贤平  顾海英 《经济学》2006,5(4):1275-1294
本文利用现代契约经济学基本理论,对同一技术条件下、由技术使用者替代性投入行为而产生的道德风险问题的价格契约治理机制进行了分析。分析结果表明,技术所有者总可以设计一种分离价格契约治理道德风险问题,其中,对自己偏好的高成本投入行为采用纯固定费用,而对低成本投入行为采用“固定费用+提成费”。本文进一步认为,价格契约中提成费比率对成本效率较高的投入行为所造成的扭曲程度,要大干成本效率较低的投入行为。  相似文献   

契约安排、谈判过程与讨价还价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在契约安排的讨价还价过程中,威胁点、风险态度、谈判实力起着重要作用;但契约安排的内容不仅包括讨价还价理论所讨论的作为结果的合作剩余分配,还包括作为过程的权利分配;而且,规则系统中的契约安排应遵循最优完全程度;而最优完全程度和契约调整问题,则要求我们考察契约背后的价值链、业务流程、资产配置和利益分配,并寻求四者与契约安排之间的匹配关系。  相似文献   

技术许可中道德风险问题的价格契约治理机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用现代契约经济学基本理论,对同一技术条件下、由技术使用者替代性投入行为而产生的道德风险问题的价格契约治理机制进行了分析。分析结果表明,技术所有者总可以设计一种分离价格契约治理道德风险问题,其中,对自己偏好的高成本投入行为采用纯固定费用,而对低成本投入行为采用“固定费用 提成费”。本文进一步认为,价格契约中提成费比率对成本效率较高的投入行为所造成的扭曲程度,要大于成本效率较低的投入行为。  相似文献   

关于地租推进型通货膨胀的价格传导机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,地租推进型通货膨胀是土地产品价格上涨推动的通货膨胀,是土地产品价值上升的结果,是土地产品价值实现的要求,不是传统意义上的通货膨胀。不同类型的货币政策下,尽管地租推进型通货膨胀的价格传导机制是不同的,其基本内容都是剩余产品在初次分配中向土地所有者的倾斜。因此,地租推进型通货膨胀的治理,核心不在于消灭地租推进型通货膨胀本身,而在于缓解收入分配带来的社会阵痛。地租推进型通货膨胀在投机资本的影响下往往呈现复合式发展的特征。地租推进型通货膨胀研究的新视角,为政府宏观调控应对土地产品价格上涨提供了全新的思路。  相似文献   

The paper investigates price dynamics under market liberalization, with a focus on the effects of lowering price floors. We analyze price dynamics by specifying and estimating a dynamic Tobit model under time-varying volatility, where the market price is censored by a government-set support price. The model is applied to the U.S. butter market over the last three decades. The econometric results show how the price support program affects both expected prices and the volatility of prices. It is found that the censoring effects of a price support program can be significant and large even if the price support is set relatively low.
Jean-Paul ChavasEmail:

This paper analyzes the effects of the introduction of the mini-futures contract in the Spanish stock index futures market. The objective of the paper is twofold: (a) to analyze the potential destabilizing effect of the mini futures trading activity on the distribution of spot returns, and (b) to test whether the mini futures contract significantly contributes to the price discovery process. A non-parametric approach is used to estimate the density function of spot return conditional to both spot and futures trading volume. Empirical findings using 15-min intraday data reveal that the mini futures trading activity enhances the price discovery function of the derivative market and does not destabilize spot prices. A preliminary version of this paper has been previously published as a working paper of the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, WP-EC 2004-13. M. Illueca and Juan A. Lafuente acknowledge financial support from Spanish ministry of Science and Technology through grants SEJ-2005-02776, and both SEJ2006-14354 and BEC-2003-03965, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper explores the rebalancing of prices for voice service in the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) from conceptual and empirical perspectives. We determine the overall cost and structure of a standardized basket of residential and business services. Our data indicate that during the 1994–2000 period the degree of rate rebalancing was significantly higher in the EU than in the US. While the developments at the level of EU Member States are more heterogeneous and the process of rate rebalancing is not completed, these findings correspond to the predictions derived from our comparative institutional analysis.  相似文献   

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has given birth to an international carbon trading market prosperity, which provides developing countries with valuable opportunities to address climate change issues together with economic development and environmental improvement to achieve the sustainable goal. China, as the biggest carbon market, has caught worldwide attention. However, most studies of CDM focus on economics and environmental science, few on its legal problems. Transaction activities are the essence of market mechanism. To protect the benefits of market participators and regulate the market orders, the Contract Law takes this important role along with development of market mechanism. Therefore, this paper only focuses on the carbon market in China, with the assessment of the risks in the CDM development first. The involved contracts will be identified and analyzed to point out the major contract legal issues in Chinese carbon market. In the meantime, this paper further discusses that measurements at both private level and governmental level should be taken to protect and realize the utility and equality of contract in the carbon market.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of a price limit change on the volatility of the Korean stock market’s (KRX) intraday stock price process. Based on the most recent transaction data from the KRX, which experienced a change in the price limit on 15 June 2015, we examine the change in realized variance after the price limit change to investigate the overall effects of the change on the intraday market volatility. We then analyse the effects in more detail by applying the discrete Fourier transform to the data set. We find evidence that the market becomes more volatile in the intraday horizon because of the increase in the amplitudes of the low-frequency components of the price processes after the price limit change. Therefore, liquidity providers are in a worse situation than they were prior to the change.  相似文献   

This article aims at exploring the performance of the price discovery function of cornstarch futures market in China. In order to test the stationarity of the cash and futures prices of cornstarch, the augmented Dickey–Fuller test is applied. Both prices are integrated of order one. Then, the Johansen cointegration test is conducted to test the cointegrating relationship between those two prices. Finally, the Granger causality test is performed to observe the direction of causality. The evidence shows that there is a long-run relationship between cash and futures prices and the futures price Granger causes cash price. As a whole, price discovery of cornstarch market in China is present although it is a newly emerged market.  相似文献   

A positive equilibrium price of size exists when size is a scarce productive resource. This paper articulates a costly-state-verification model of financial contracting with heterogeneous lender sizes. We find that in a non-rationing direct lending equilibrium, (1) Financial contract is nonlinear in that expected rates of return on loans increase with loan sizes; (2) Endogenous asset indivisibility arises; (3) The total social surplus under a nonlinear contract is less than that under a linear structure; (4) Average debt size affects the market value of a firm. We also extend analysis to the case of credit rationing and financial intermediation.I thank James A. Mirrlees, Yi Jin, Charles Ka Yui Leung, and seminar participants in the 2004 Royal Economic Society Conference and the Chinese University of Hong Kong for helpful comments. Suggestions from Stephen D. Williamson (the co-eidtor) and an anonymous referee are especially acknowledged.  相似文献   

孟加拉国位于南亚次大陆,面积14.75万平方公里,人口1.4亿,是世界人口密度最大的国家之一.孟加拉国目前仍是全世界50个最不发达国家之一,整体经济基础非常薄弱,人民生活贫困,2006财年人均GDP仅456美元.  相似文献   

This paper examines strategic competition behavior in heterogeneous market structure where both conventional offline and online firms coexist in equilibrium and draws strategic implications with some remarks on welfare. Research on the price competition between conventional offline and online firms has been done through empirical approaches; however, the results are conflicting. This paper reconciles the existing conflicting empirical findings on price levels between conventional offline and online firms through a theoretical approach. We find that as the online market matures, prices in both conventional and online firms drop, and the price in the online firm can be higher than that in a conventional offline firm. Furthermore, if convenience associated with the online increases, the online price tends to exceed the conventional offline price.  相似文献   

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