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目前国际工程市场竞争越来越激烈,减少利润比率,降低报价,争取中标已成为承包商的无奈之举,同时,由于国际工程市场的高风险性,承包商将面临更大的财务风险,因此,如何进行有效的工程索赔就成为了承包商能否维护自身正当利益,降低财务风险进而盈利的关键。在国际工程项目管理中,引起工程索赔的原因大致有以下九个方面:一是对已完成工程的工程量所采取的计量方法不一;二是对合同的有关条款的理解不一;三是施工现场的实际条件与合同文件中的描述不一;四是社会条件与合同文件描述不一;五是工程量和设计标准变化;六是工程师及业主…  相似文献   

巴基斯坦佩虎(Pehur)水电站项目是中国机械设备进出口总公司(CMEC)于2005年11月通过国际竞标并中标承建的EPC总承包工程项  相似文献   

计算机的广泛使用,软件产品日新月异、层出不穷.如何合理核算软件生产企业的计算机软件费用,这是摆在我们面前的一个现实课题.  相似文献   

项目生命周期的不同阶段,风险管理侧重各有不同。本文以中国石化工程建设公司伊朗Esfahan EP(Engineering Procurement)总承包项目费用风险管理实践为例,重点阐述承包商如何在投标报价、项目策划和执行阶段,通过费用风险量化分析,建立风险储备金制度,以及如何在执行阶段监控风险储备的消耗。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的逐步深入和市场经济体制的完善,在工程项目建设中招标投标制度作为工程承包发包的主要形式。合理利用完善的市场机制,在招标投标过程中尊重公平、公开、公正的原则,帮助发包单位择选定,合理的设计单位、材料设备供应单、位施工单位。通过实践表明,在招标投标制度不断完善的情形下,逐渐形成科学合理的工程承包发包方式,不仅保证建设工程质量,而且加快工程建设进度,使发包单位与施工单位都获得效益。针对我国目前招标过程中存在问题加以说明,本人通过列举在新形势下工程招标管理成功的案例进行分析,为以后招投标工作积累成功的经验。  相似文献   

冯学锋 《生产力研究》2006,(2):153-154,182
公共资源尽管有社会成本,但是往往不被生产者所重视。人们会利用公共资源进入的经济成本为零的便利,达到收益最大化的目标。所以,公共资源经常被过度使用,造成“公共资源的悲剧”。文章以荣成市渔业资源的利用为例,对公共资源的利用及管理进行了分析,建议政府应该根据公共资源的市场需求弹性等特点采取不同管理政策。  相似文献   

2002年,某集团公司经过激烈的竞标,获得了由世界银行贷款的乌干达某排水渠更新改造项目。项目合同总额3180万美元(未计入增加和后续工程),工期730天,合同采用的是FIDIC合同条款。工程于2003年8月  相似文献   

工程变更贯穿工程全过程,会影响工程的造价和工期,是工程管理中的一个重点和难点,本文结合业主在行政基建项目中变更控制管理的实践,分析工程变更的因素并提出相应的对策,总结业主在工程项目中变更控制管理的一些成功经验,为业主单位科学管理工程变更提供一定的参考,从而保证项目的顺利实施.  相似文献   

工程项目管理是指通过一定的组织形式,用系统工程的观点、理论和方法对工程建设项目生命周期内的所有工作,包括项目建议书、可行性研究、项目决策、设计、设备询价、施工、签证、验收等系统运动过程进行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制,以达到保证工程质量、缩短工期、提高投资效益的目的。施工阶段各方面工作的好坏对工程建设产品优劣的影响是难以更改的,因此施工阶段的项目管理是非常重要的,本文针对建筑工程管理做了一些探讨。  相似文献   

李永福  章彤 《经济师》2005,(11):287-287
项目投资费用包括建筑工程费、安装工程费、设备购置费、工程建筑其他费用,以及工程建设预备费等,参考已建类似工程项目中技术与经济参数,选取恰当的计算方法,对其费用正确估算,从而科学决策,提高投资效益。  相似文献   

Conventional specifications of import demand in LDCs have commonly been plagued by implausible and unstable parameter estimates. This paper shows the importance of imposing long‐run income homogeneity and of including foreign exchange reserves when estimating import demand function for an LDC. Using several cointegration techniques, it is shown that there is one linear relationship among real imports, real income, relative import prices and real foreign exchange reserves. In addition, by employing stability tests for cointegrated systems by Hansen (1992a), the paper shows that only when foreign exchange reserves and long‐run unit‐income homogeneity are accounted for does a constant parameter, long‐run equilibrium relation emerge for Pakistan. Also, the ensuing short‐run dynamic model is constant and data‐coherent. Finally, the study provides information on the speed of adjustment to equilibrium and the median and mean time lags of adjustments of real imports to changes in their determinants. The results indicate a quick response of real imports to changes in their determinants.  相似文献   

We investigate the drivers of excess interbank liquidity in Pakistan, using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach on weekly data for December 2005 to July 2011. We find that the financing of the government budget deficit by the central bank and nonbanks leads to persistence in excess liquidity. Moreover, we identify a structural shift in the interbank market in June 2008. Before June 2008, low credit demand was driving the excess liquidity holdings by banks. After June 2008, banks’ precautionary investments in risk-free securities drive excess liquidity holdings. Monetary policy is less effective if banks hold excess liquidity for precautionary reasons.  相似文献   

本文主要分析了国内新出现的工程项目管理模式--B-R项目管理模式,并对项目参与方职能的重新定位和产生的背景进行了介绍,同时,还将其与D-B项目管理模式和EPC项目管理模式进行了对比分析.作为一种新型的工程项目管理模式,B-R模式具有自身的优势,能够满足特定项目中业主的特殊需求,具有较强的适用性.最后,本文分析了目前在国内使用B-R项目管理模式可能存在的问题及其应用前景.  相似文献   

It is observed that technical information presented in aformalized way is used as ‘rational’ evidence to suport one particular point of view during the process of project selection. This ‘political’ action increases the chances of a favoures course of action being carried through provided that its output lends support to the actor's prior viewpoint. It is argued that the framework provided that its output lends support to the actor's prior viewpoint. It is argued that the framework provided by the rational actor model gives a biased and unrealistic view of the selection process because this political dimension is ignored. In the evidence presented here, and attempt is made to identify the discriminating factors associated with the supportive use of technical information at the level of the individual, the organization and the project. The data indicate that technical information is most likely to be used in a political manner by mature managers working in relatively small, low-tech companies. It is concluded that the supportive role played by technical information is political and symbolic in nature.  相似文献   

It is observed that technical information presented in aformalized way is used as 'rational' evidence to suport one particular point of view during the process of project selection. This 'political' action increases the chances of a favoures course of action being carried through provided that its output lends support to the actor's prior viewpoint. It is argued that the framework provided that its output lends support to the actor's prior viewpoint. It is argued that the framework provided by the rational actor model gives a biased and unrealistic view of the selection process because this political dimension is ignored. In the evidence presented here, and attempt is made to identify the discriminating factors associated with the supportive use of technical information at the level of the individual, the organization and the project. The data indicate that technical information is most likely to be used in a political manner by mature managers working in relatively small, low-tech companies. It is concluded that the supportive role played by technical information is political and symbolic in nature.  相似文献   

Innovation has becomes the basis for creating and sustaining competitiveness. While planning strategy, it is necessary to have an excellant fit between globalization, alliances, diversification and innovation in a firm. Only such a process can help the firm to obtain synergy. The case study of Hitachi Ltd illustrates the strategic management process through which Hitachi Ltd has been able to generate and commercially exploit innovation.  相似文献   

“三全管理”是中国有色金属建设股份有限公司的项目管理人员通过不断总结、提炼公司执行国际工程的管理经验,在公司长期发展过程中结合当前国际工程承包的发展趋势,进而形成的国际工程项目管理模式。何谓“三全管理”1.“三全管理”的产生认识来源于实践,“三全管理”源于公司国际工程项目的管理实践。1987年公司在实施伊朗铁合金项目时,没有认识到对成套设备分包商管理的重要性,忽视了对其的监控,也没有对设备采取驻厂监理的控制手段,致使设备在加工制造、验收和运输过程中出现了设备本身与图纸不完全一致、主要技术指标达不到合同…  相似文献   

外资并购在中国   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
<正> 我国《国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》中明确提出把吸引外商直接投资作为利用外资的重点,“鼓励外商特别是跨国公司参与国有企业的改组改造,鼓励有条件的企业对外发行股票,积极探索采用收购、兼并、风险投资、投资基金等各种方式,促进利用外资和国有企业产权制度改革。”2002年,中国加入WTO,中国经济与世界经济全面接轨,为应对经济全球化下的全球竞争,我国政府自去年开始就大幅度放宽了金融、电信、能源等领域对外资并购的限制,2002年国家又将国企500强中的部分企业向跨国公司开放,致使跨国集团纷纷选择并购方式实施在华投资战略。自2001年下半年以来,一些全球知名跨国公司已成功收购了中国的大型名牌企业,如法国阿尔卡特收购上  相似文献   

一个国际工程承包项目的现场施工管理是由项目总承包商对项目工程现场施工全过程进行的管理,其宗旨是使施工各方明确目标、统一步调、紧密配合,努力工作,确保施工质量和施工进度,使整个工程项目能够按时顺利完成。总承包商要对整个项目的质量和工程进度负责,而项目施工是实现工  相似文献   

Using the framework of an endogenous growth model, this study empirically analyses the relationship between trade policies and industrial growth in Pakistan during the period 1973–1995. The cointegration and error correction modelling approaches have been applied. The empirical results suggest that there exists a unique long-run relationship among the aggregate growth function of industrial value added and its major determinants of the real capital stock, the labour force, real exports, the import tariff collection rate and the secondary school enrolment ratio. The short-term dynamic behaviour of Pakistan's growth function of industrial value added has been investigated by estimating an error correction model in which the error correction term has been found to be correctly signed and statistically significant.  相似文献   

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