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欧盟在纺织品和服装领域主要标示两种绿色标签,即欧盟“生态标签”和“生态纺织认证”。前者是欧盟制定的,后者是国际纺织品生态研究检测协会制定的。“生态标签”的标准涉及纺织品原料、生产、产品本身和耐用性等多方面,“生态纺织品认证”主要关注纺织品本身,前者比后者的要求更严格。我国有关方面专家认为,申请获得这两种标签对我国纺织品、服装生产企业进入欧盟市场意义重大,我国企业应积极申请。据分析,获此标签加贴许可的企业在开拓欧盟市场时,至少拥有三大优势:一、可以拥有更广阔的客户群体。欧盟的进口商受消费者影响,越…  相似文献   

欧洲委员会根据3份关于皮革和纺织产品标签以及纺织制成品中致敏物质的评估研究结果,于2013年9月25日向欧洲议会和成员国理事会提交了报告。这份欧委会报告指出,大部分纺织品的标签都很足够,但是皮革产品却可能需要引入一些新标签。  相似文献   

为鼓励在欧洲地区生产及消费“绿色产品”,欧共体(现欧盟)于1992年出台了生态标签制度。因该标签呈一朵绿色小花图样,称为“欧洲之花”,获得生态标签的产品也常被称为“贴花产品”。2000年欧盟颁布法规1980/2000,对生态标签制度进一步修改补充,允许贸易商及零售商为自己品牌的商品申请生态标签。欧盟鼓励企业提供环保产品和服务,  相似文献   

健康和环保是当今最热门的话题之一,也是人类可持续发展的主要课题。近年来,在崇尚自然、倡导绿色消费的浪潮下,世界各国都在积极开发、生产有利于环境保护、有利于人体健康的产品。“衣食住行衣者先”,随着生活质量期望值的不断提高,消费者对服装材质的功能性也提出了更高的要求。健康、环保的生态纺织品逐渐成为服装行业的研究开发趋势。月生态纺织品的生态性涵盖三个方面,即纺织生产生态性、纺织消费生态性、纺织处理生态性。目前生态纺织品主要是指采用对环境无害或少害的原料和生产过程所生产的对人体健康无害的纺织品。随着生态纺织品…  相似文献   

近日,欧盟《官方公报》刊登关于欧盟纺织品名称的修订指令2009/121/EC和关于二组分纤维混纺产品定量分析的修订指令2009/122/EC。这是欧盟继1月份对纺织品名称指令作出一次较全面修订后对其进一步的修改,要求欧盟成员国须于2010年9月15日前实施两项新指令。  相似文献   

生态纺织品都在标签上印有生态纺织标识,这是购买生态纺织品最直接的识别方法。但通过检查发现,我国市场上很多贴有生态标签的纺织品并不是真正的生态纺织品。  相似文献   

2010年5月18日,欧洲议会通过了最新的欧盟纺织品标签计划。将来,纺织品包括服装有可能强制附上原产地标签。  相似文献   

2010年5月18日,欧洲议会通过了最新的欧盟纺织品标签计划。将来,纺织品包括服装有可能强制附上原产地标签。  相似文献   

出口欧盟食品接触材料风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2011年上半年欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统(RASFF)对我国出口欧盟食品接触材料的通报情况为依据,总结通报涉及的产品种类、进口国家的风险特征和水平,分析风险来源,探讨应对措施,旨在发挥风险预警作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the first two decades of Greece’s experience as a member of the European Union (EU). In evaluating the Greek experience within the EU, we derive three fundamental policy lessons that apply both to similar small peripheral countries now entering the EU and to the EU itself in terms of facilitating their integration in a large economic area. First, small peripheral countries that enter the EU must address the structural deficiencies of their economies before entry in order to minimize the impact of increased competition after the removal of trade protection, and follow domestic policies that maintain and promote their comparative advantage within the EU. Second, the Convergence Criteria have proven to be a successful mechanism for countries with a poor historical policy record to achieve macroeconomic stability, as shown by the case of Greece. Third, common EU policies can be very helpful in facilitating structural reforms in small peripheral economies. However, these policies must be continuously evaluated and improved so that their effectiveness is maximized.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine Turkey's changing economic relations with the European Union (EU) and the rest of the world during the past few decades. We argue that a combination of the EU's reluctance to accept Turkey as a member, internal economic and political developments, and the rise of economic and political opportunities elsewhere have shifted the country to diversify its economic relations around the world and reduced its reliance on the ties with Europe. This shift, which had started long before the 2008 global financial crisis and accelerated in its aftermath, seems to have helped Turkey weather relatively well the recent economic storms in Europe.  相似文献   

This paper argues the case for the right of secession in Western democracies. I suggest that the winners gain more than the losers may lose. Indeed, the external effects of secession may well be positive. However, the political economy of secession is highly problematic. Ideally, the rules for secession should be set at the international level but international organisations have a vested interest in preventing secession. It is easier to establish the right of secession at the national level. The opinion of the European Union institutions that Catalonia and Scotland, after seceding, would have to reapply for EU membership has no basis in the European treaties. Nor has this question been settled in any UN agreement or Vienna Convention. There are merely practices, and they vary among international institutions. The paper concludes with suggestions on how secessions from EU member states and withdrawals of member states from the EU might be implemented.  相似文献   

王明星 《价值工程》2013,(30):232-234
欧式家纺产品的设计开发要经过三个重要的阶段,即:市场调研、图案和款式的设计以及产品的工艺实现。产品的市场调查决定了家纺产品开发的风格定位、消费定位、设计方向等内容。产品的设计要遵循艺术设计审美与产品的功能需要,要在考虑配套的情况下进行设计的创新。产品的实现包括面料的生产和成品的制作两大部分内容。简言之,对于市场的把握度决定设计开发的方向,设计的创新体现产品的审美价值,工艺与成本控制决定产品的功能和品质。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(2):100985
We revisit the relation between budget deficits and current account deficits for 28 European Union countries from 1996 to 2019. We find that an increase in budget deficit of 1 pp of GDP results in a deterioration of the current account deficit of 0.318 pp of GDP, which supports the Twin Deficits Hypothesis. On the other hand, dynamic panel estimates partially corroborate the Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis in the presence of a fiscal rules index. In addition: i) the relation between the two deficits is asymmetric and the negative impact of the recent Eurozone banking and sovereign debt crisis on the current account balance is observed; ii) with right-wing governments, the impact of the budget balance on the current account balance is mitigated; if the government is on the left, the impact of the budget balance on the current account balance is amplified; iii) after 2010, the budget balance positively affects the current account balance; and iv) the positive impact of the budget balance on the current account balance is higher in the cases of non-Eurozone countries, high budget deficit countries, and low exports countries, whereas it is lower in the cases of Eurozone countries, low budget deficit countries, and high exports countries.  相似文献   

Creation of the climate-smart agriculture requires efficient resource use and mitigation of the environmental pressures among other objectives. Therefore, it is important to assess the energy efficiency and productivity growth in the European Union's agriculture. This paper analyses the sample of the selected European Union member states. The productive technology including the energy consumption and the resulting greenhouse gas (GHG) emission is constructed. The measurement of the energy efficiency and productivity change relies on the slacks-based measure and Luenberger productivity indicator. The productivity growth was decomposed with respect to the input/output variables and the sources of growth (i.e., efficiency change and technical progress). The average annual productivity growth of 0.79% was obtained for the selected countries during 1995–2016. The highest productivity gains were observed in Lithuania, Denmark, Belgium and Romania (1.27%–1.94% per year). The productivity growth related to GHG emission dominated the contributions by the input/output variables in Lithuania, Denmark, Belgium, Romania, Poland, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Hungary and Estonia.  相似文献   


Over the years, European leaders have proudly waved a social flag as one of the European Union’s (EU) constituent and differentiating elements. This commitment is assessed here through the social footprint of the European 2007–2013 multiannual financial framework among the EU countries and, worldwide, using an extended multiregional input–output model. The focus is on the quantity and the quality of income and jobs generated. We find that well-known differences among its northern, southern and eastern regions threaten the EU’s intentions for high social standards, enabling first- and second-class winners. Core EU countries account for the most of the Funds and, thus, most of the positive economic and social impacts, mainly through spillovers from peripheral regions. Beyond the EU borders, Funds expenditures induce capital compensation boosts in emerging countries not balanced by a similar labor compensation impulse. Indeed, China captures the bulk of low-skilled and temporary employment.  相似文献   

Companies are responding to the effects of climate change by reducing CO2 emissions as a way of managing stakeholder interests and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. In Europe, the emissions trading system is consolidated as a limiting market and control scheme to support business climate change management through a collaborative relationship between government and industry. This work focuses on the economic accounting field, analysing carbon management accounting and its impact on financial performance in scenarios attached to that trading system. The methodological approach used is quantitative, empirically testing the hypotheses through a multiple regression analysis with a sample of 350 European companies. The results attest to the importance of carbon management accounting (CMA) control and its effects on financial performance. Compared with European emission trading, the results failed to display significant differences in the relationship studied between those that make up this type of market and those that do not.  相似文献   

Urban entrepreneurialism and neoliberal urban governance are assuming new forms under finance‐dominated accumulation. We examine and contribute to theorizing the mechanisms through which urban governance is financialized, taking as a case study JESSICA, one of the European Union's initiatives to implement an ‘urban sensitive’ policy for sustainable and integrated development. Like other initiatives promoting financialization, JESSICA deploys the logic of finance to select and fund urban social initiatives and development projects on the basis of their potential return on investment (ROI). Understanding this process requires placing questions of political economy—how urban governance is shaped by the broader political‐economic context—with questions of governmentality—how stakeholders are enrolled in and come to take for granted new governance initiatives. Following the multi‐scalar institutional infrastructure is crucial to understanding how this works. Taking a relational multi‐scalar approach, we trace how changes at the supranational scale filter down to shape urban policy selection and performance in Sofia, Bulgaria, where we document how ROI calculations conflict with social welfare priorities. Contrasts between the trajectory of financialization of urban governance in the European Union and the United States demonstrate how this is geographically variegated, shaped by the broader context/conjuncture within which such financialization is embedded.  相似文献   

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