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This study examines the influence of intrinsic factors; financial and job-related factors; other factors such as parent and peer influence and work experience; exposure to high school accounting; and the students' perceived benefit-cost ratio to being a chartered accountant, on whether accounting students choose to pursue a chartered accountancy (CA) career or a non-accounting career. Based on a survey of 295 students from five universities in New Zealand, the results show that the students who intend to pursue a CA career place significantly greater importance on financial and job-related factors and perceived benefit-cost ratio than those who choose a non-accounting career. Intrinsic factors, other factors and exposure to high school accounting have no significant influence on the decision whether to select a CA career. A discriminant analysis revealed that financial and jobrelated factors have the highest explanatory power differentiating the two groups, followed by the students' perception of benefits and costs associated with a CA career. The results have important implications for recruitment into the accounting profession in New Zealand.  相似文献   

我们可以把SWOT模型应用到职场的决策中去,对自己的现状进行系统全面的了解,通过分析,从而制定未来的行动方案。  相似文献   


Quantitative analysis has rarely been used to assess the organizational culture of the British civil service. This paper matches a framework based on features of prominent theories against British Civil Service People Survey data for 2010–2018 for 71 organizations. The analysis shows a shift over that timescale to a culture giving significantly greater emphasis to personal development, with staff given more responsibility to achieve their organization’s mission come what may.  相似文献   


This article examines how civil servants’ career development was treated in the loan-driven EU reform recommendations for Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Ireland and Spain in the aftermath of the 2007–2008 global financial crisis. Neither the European Commission (EC), nor the ‘Troika’, made any proposals for reforming the career development of those countries’ civil services. This omission is dysfunctional given the otherwise ambitious reform agenda the EC required from these countries in order to grant them financial support.  相似文献   

This paper describes a series of coordinated and proactive recruitment and retention efforts within the accounting department of a southeastern university. Each semester, recruitment of successful students in Principles of Accounting classes is a departmental priority. The intention is to encourage Principles students to declare a major in accounting. For accounting majors in the junior and senior years, a series of programs is offered for professional development. Each year students are surveyed to gauge the perceived value of the time spent out-of-classroom. The results indicate that the time spent out-of-classroom is beneficial. Most important, the results of our efforts to recruit to the major from Principles classes correlate to previous research that indicates contacting potential majors in the introductory course is crucial.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the impact of student diversity on performance of first-year undergraduate accounting students. The paper is motivated by (i) increasing diversity amongst the accounting student cohort because of the trend to internationalise education services in industrialised countries; and (ii) inconsistent and inconclusive prior evidence on the determinants of accounting student performance. The major contribution of the present paper is to provide a theoretical framework from the published educational literature that can explain much of the variation in the findings of prior studies. We employ this framework to develop and test several propositions in relation to students’ prior content and metacognitive knowledge. The results indicate students studying on-campus significantly outperform students studying by distance education. On average, international students studying on-campus perform better than domestic students (studying either on- or off-campus), with international students studying off-campus performing worst of all. Prior high school accounting, tertiary entrance score and motivation (reflected by both major of study and tutorial attendance) also influence student performance.  相似文献   

This article explores the effectiveness of peer mentoring with accounting and finance students at the University of Dundee. The motives of such a mentoring scheme are to improve the participants' academic performance and to develop their transferable skills. In the context of this study, peer mentoring comprises third year students (mentors) mentoring first year students (mentees). Using a semi-formal tutorial setting and meetings during the latter part of the academic year, mentoring groups address issues such as academic writing skills, study techniques and examination preparation. The effects of mentoring are measured by a comparison of the pre- and post-mentoring examination performance of the mentees. In addition, focus group interviews are used to gather the opinions of the mentees and the mentors as to their impressions about the success of the project. The empirical results suggest that mentoring has had a positive effect on the academic performance of the mentees. The focus group interviews found that both the mentors and the mentees claimed to benefit significantly from their involvement in the project.  相似文献   

《Accounting Forum》2017,41(2):57-76
The profile of the accounting academic has changed in recent years. The earliest academics were often recruited from the accountancy profession. Now the typical accounting academic recruit has a profile similar to the rest of the university, with the PhD being the qualification of choice. The reasons for this trend are examined using a cultural and institutional logics framework. The recruitment context and the institutional changes impacting on recruitment in accounting in academia are explored through the views of heads of department who have knowledge of both their institution’s recruitment policies and of the requirements of their discipline. As the research assessment process appears to be a driver of changing recruitment patterns, recruitment is considered in contrasting contexts: Scotland, where periodic research assessment takes place in both old and new universities, and the Republic of Ireland which does not have such a process. Despite differences in the views expressed by heads in these different contexts and differences in their research environments, the trend in all sectors is towards the recruitment (Scotland) or development (Republic of Ireland) of PhD holders rather than professionally qualified staff. The consequences for the nature of the discipline are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper evaluates gender differences in the achievement of accounting students using data from students at a large public institution in the USA. Whether one gender outperforms the other is a question that has remained open in the literature, primarily because measures have been confounded by rewards for effort. This paper finds that in an environment where effort is not materially rewarded per se, but serves as a significant means to prepare for grade-bearing evaluations, females do not significantly outperform males. Female student do, however, exert a greater amount of effort. Measures used in this study were assembled by the computer software that managed the student interface, providing practice questions, quizzes, and examinations. Implications for educational choices made by accounting instructors are offered.  相似文献   

This article seeks to initiate research around the potential roles of the accounting profession for tackling the challenges of the vulnerable. Its backdrop is the current consideration of the profession’s public interest role. The importance of dialogue around the public interest role is evidenced by the increasing levels of vulnerability, even within developed countries. Accounting underpinned by broader values has potential to provide knowledge of issues relating to the vulnerable. However, the accounting profession has only engaged with such potential to a limited degree. The article overviews existing knowledge and areas within which more research is required. In order to illustrate the potential for such research, initial findings from two case studies of homelessness (an example of the vulnerable) provide evidence as to the importance, and challenges, of accounting for the vulnerable. This article highlights the need to: take a principles-based approach in defining the vulnerable, undertake an accounting that reflects the lives they value, acknowledge that there are different ways for addressing these issues, recognise that an absence of perfect numbers should not become a barrier to action, and that accounting for the vulnerable is one way that the accounting profession may discharge their public interest roles.  相似文献   

This research assesses what knowledge upper-level accounting students possess about the distinctions between the public and private branches of accounting, as well as the influence such knowledge might have on their accounting branch choice. Overall, the study concluded that, before they were aware of the pros and cons of each career path, students preferred a career in public accounting over private accounting. But upon learning the pros and cons of each career path, however, students showed a slight preference toward private accounting. The study suggests research on accountant personality be supplemented by research on the impact of practical knowledge about private versus public accounting work environments on accounting career choice. It suggests greater importance be placed in accounting education on instilling such knowledge.  相似文献   

Today's challenging economic situation means that it is no longer sufficient for a new graduate to have knowledge of an academic subject; increasingly it is necessary for students to gain those skills which will enhance their prospects of employment. For over a decade, a number of employers have been sounding warnings to the higher education sector that a ‘skills gap’ was emerging at the employer/graduate interface. This paper highlights one strategy that attempts to facilitate the development of transferable and managerial skills in an undergraduate accounting degree. Using a stakeholder approach the adequacy of current in-house provision, and a comparison of this with best practice in the sector, was undertaken. Analysis of the findings resulted in the conclusion that skills development using an embedded delivery approach was insufficient. Likewise, a dedicated skills module in Year 1 was also inadequate and an appropriate course needed to be developed and incorporated as a core module in Year 2 of the programme. The result of this has been the creation of a module entitled Business Enterprise Skills.  相似文献   

This paper examines the attitudes of members of the business community toward faculty residency programs by surveying top financial executives in Fortune 500 companies. The results of the study show that 31 percent of the 175 respondents either have a residency program in place or are interested in starting such a program. Conversely, 69 percent of the respondents stated they had little or no interest in a residency program.  相似文献   

The study investigates changes in Israeli accounting students' career aspirations during their course of studies, and the relationship between these and their perceptions of professional accountancy firms. We employed a cross-sectional analysis of students across consecutive educational levels from the first year to the end of their formal education. We assumed that revealed differences between the accounting student cohorts, in terms of their perceptions of professional accountancy firms and their career aspirations, could be interpreted as reflecting changes over time in students' attitudes. Results from the sample show that accounting student' aspirations to pursue a career with a professional accountancy firm decline significantly between the first and postgraduate years, while their desire to work in the business sector increases. The results show the same trend with regard to the student's positive perceptions of the above firms as future workplaces. Non-parametric tests demonstrate significant relationships between students' career aspirations and their perceptions of professional accountancy firms. We suggest that the change in students' perceptions and aspirations is a symptom of something similar to a ‘reality shock’, and that it results from the students' exposure to the accounting profession. Professional accountancy firms need to implement innovative policies to meet the challenge.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of career growth opportunities in explaining turnover intentions of junior auditors in public accounting firms via a survey of them. Prior studies in applied psychology and organisational behaviour argue that employees and their organisations have a social exchange relationship in which employees and organisations provide reciprocal benefits to each other. Extending this research, this paper proposes that career growth opportunities represent a critical benefit to lower level employees in accounting firms. When these employees believe that their firm provides this benefit, they reciprocate with stronger commitment to the firm which, in turn, leads to lower turnover intentions. This study also seeks to identify the causes or antecedents of employee beliefs about career growth opportunities. Two antecedents are proposed: the effectiveness of the firm's training programmes; and, the organisational prestige of the firm. Results of path analysis suggest that both training effectiveness and organisational prestige enhance employee beliefs about the career growth opportunities offered by the public accounting firms, which, in turn lead to higher commitment and lower turnover intentions.  相似文献   

Based on the Kirton Adaption-Innovation theory and recent studies, this exploratory study examines the relationship between the Adaptor-Innovator style and accounting under-graduates' subject interests and career preferences. Results provide some preliminary evidence that there is a relationship between adaptor-innovator style and accounting undergraduates' subject interests and career preferences.  相似文献   

A Student Response System (SRS), often referred to as a “clicker,” enables students to individually answer instructor questions on a real-time basis using individual mobile devices, and have the aggregate responses displayed as feedback to the class at the instructor’s discretion. A mobile device can be a proprietary, vendor-specific remote, or a multi-purpose item such as a smartphone or computer. While SRSs have been used in education for some time, we perceive the adoption rate in accounting classes as still being quite low. This paper is a “how to” and “why” guide for accounting faculty who are considering using SRSs, and for experienced users who seek to refine or expand their SRS use.  相似文献   

A rapidly growing emerging economy such as Indonesia has an increasing need for qualified accountants to service the many needs of business. However, the current dearth of qualified accountants is becoming critical, and this situation will only get worse as Big 4 firms, mid-tier firms and local firms struggle to recruit enough trainees to qualify as professional accountants. This study examines the plight of the Indonesian accounting profession by investigating why accounting students are shunning the profession, possibly leading to the demise of the Indonesian profession as we know it today.The study shows that although career intention constantly changes as new experiences are encountered, background factors matter. Ethnicity, living in an urban or rural environment, and where one is educated all matter to career intention. Further, one's own self-efficacy, such as English language ability, and other people's views are all influential in where we want to work.To address this looming crisis in the profession the Indonesian government needs to implement policies that ensure that the education curriculum addresses English language literacy, especially in rural areas; and the profession needs to engage more with remoter universities in rural locations to recruit high achieving students to provide greater diversity in the profession.  相似文献   

1 诉讼会计的涵义及在西方国家的发展 诉讼会计(Forensic Accounting),也译为法务会计,是西方国家于二十世纪八十年代初,为适应市场经济的发展和法律制度的日趋完善而产生的一个会计新领域.它既不同于以往的一般会计工作,又异于一般的政府审计、独立审计及内部审计,是界于一般会计和审计之间、涉及司法领域的特殊会计工作,可以说,是一门新兴的边缘会计学科.  相似文献   

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