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田秋 《走向世界》2008,(23):12-13
又是一个三中全会. 30年前,中共十一届三中全会开辟了中国改革开放的新时代.全会决定,全党全国工作的着重点,应该从1979年起转移到社会主义现代化建设上来.这标志着中国经济建设开始了新的实践.  相似文献   

未来10年我国经济在改革开放道路上还须迈过哪些“大关”,还应作什么选择,这些问题值得密切关注和认真思考  相似文献   

一个国家要保持充满活力、持续向上的发展态势,关键是让经济发展方式始终与时俱进,找到符合时代潮流、契合自身发展阶段的现代化路径。中国的现代化,又到了一个攸关未来的路口。这一抉择,始于科学发展的时代要求,源于不变不行的现实忧患。  相似文献   

刚上班的时候,我的脸上大约是看不到脑门的。2004年秋天,神州各地洗剪吹的老师,都会翘着尖头皮鞋,用鼻音告诉任伺脸型的你:“偏刘海跟你很搭。”  相似文献   

刘志彪 《中国报道》2013,(10):28-29
之所以说上海自贸区建设的启动,是中国新一轮改革开放的支点,是因为这个看似局部的改革开放措施,却具有撬动中国发展全局的动能。  相似文献   

【美国《外交》11月8日】当人们讨论中国经济增长时,总充满敬畏。但对这个国家强劲经济表现的评估最终都以如下问题结束:如此快速的经济增长,中国能保持多久?这是个很明显,甚至很老套的问题。但这个问题问的并不对。因为提这个问题就意味着中国这个亚洲巨人自改革开放以来经济增长成绩卓越。然而,真正值得注意并不是中国经济发展得有多快,而是相反,它为何会发展得如此之慢。  相似文献   

于我,北京有些地方仍有记忆。也颇值留念。金台路,便是一处。地铁开通前,华茂也还在修建,漫步在滚滚沙尘中,曾多次目睹太阳往团结湖公园那头落下,尤其在寒冷的冬日,不暖的太阳更添些红色,染满周边高高低低、新新旧旧各色楼群,透露些苍凉之感。  相似文献   

一位被称为“社会活动家”的驻湘记者,居然有4天联系不上,急煞了大家。朋友猜测,“陈永洲事件”后,他一年多前写的一篇报道遭对方起诉,人或被“带走”了。几个人一合计,遂上他家寻人,没料想是寒夜笔耕感冒,来。  相似文献   

徐水乃  李龙 《魅力中国》2013,(28):97-97
As is known to all, the Song of Songs in Bible is of great artistic and literary value in western culture. Throughout these have been many academia researchers studied its various literary characteristics. One of the most interesting literary characteristics is the stylistic one. The Song of Sor its enthusiastic and open, as well as moving love stories. Similar to the initial Chinese poetry--Shi Jing, it contributes to the development of poetry, and has charactetistics. The author of this thesis analyzes the stylistic characteristics of Song of Songs from my own Understanding, in order to have a better understanding of poetry in Bible,  相似文献   

付艳丽  柯鑫初 《魅力中国》2013,(28):295-295
As we all know, presupposition is often related to semantics. This paper analyzes the relationship between pragmatlcs and presupposition, On the one hand, presupposition i just Eke an entailment, free of contextual effects. On the other hand, presupposition seems sensitive to facts about the context of utterance, In the proposed study, I will put file prupposition theory into the construction of campus culture from a pragmatic point of view.  相似文献   

孙妍明 《魅力中国》2013,(28):311-312
Language as an important activity, is not only a communication tool, but also the society and culture. However, in recent years, many disappearing and disappearing. In this pape, firstly, I study the existing state and the existing crisis of many small categories of languages: Linguists fimate that the alnount is However, at present, 95 percent oflangoages ate used oily by 4 percent of the population and 2 kinds of languages disappear in a monh. I analyze Lhe reson of the disappearing categories of Languages: Linguists half the world' s languages died out in the last 50G-year period. A of factors, such as social origin, historical origin, and so on, contributed to this wend of extinction. And at the end, I suggested the significance of language and some means to linguistic diversity.  相似文献   

Introduction: InThe Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway uses symbolism to portray the traits of the main characters in his stories. Many symbols are used to enable the reader to have a better look ond an easier understanding of what the book is about. The use of symbolism in his books provides deeper meaning like a lesson. Overall, Hemingway tends to place symbols, reader to look deeper into the obvious plot of the play.  相似文献   

赵艳敏 《魅力中国》2013,(28):317-317
Introduction: Policy borrowing in education has a long history, and it can be traced back as far as Plato, but from the early nineteenth century, educational borrowing began to be developed properly (Phillips, 1992). Educators had started to analyse the framework of policy borrowing and the press of international, borrowing;  相似文献   

李龙  付艳丽 《魅力中国》2013,(28):297-297
1.Collisions Between France and Other Countries Over the Territory As the French and Indian War concluded in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris, with the conquering of Canada by the British Empire, the French in Canada and their allied natiYe groups like the Pontiacs girded for political domination.  相似文献   

和着新年的脚步,新一期《中国经济周刊》如约来到您的身边。此时此刻,除了按例要向您致以诚挚的新年祝福,还要请您允许,让我们稍稍骄傲地邀您见证:本刊10年栉风沐雨,尽可能忠实地观察、记录、解读了中国当代史中璀璨的节段.而现在,我们用送览在您面前的500期纪念刊,作别前尘历历往事,追随时光再启新程。  相似文献   

刘云山  陈晓辉 《魅力中国》2013,(28):286-286
A strategy for attacking the local minimum problem of direct search method is developed for modeling a hydraulic actuator. The Nelder-Mead direct search method is combined with Ordinary Least Squares which can used to optimize the parameters which the model function is in linear with. The model fitting results show that this strategy can reach a solution more close to the global minimum than the Nelder-Mead direct search method used alone.  相似文献   

柯鑫初  陈兆东 《魅力中国》2013,(28):243-243
To be a qualified teacher in the new age, teachers of ESPEnglish for Specific their professional awareness: teachers are professionals and educators. A profession needs constant upgrade of the knowledge in the field. It requires continuous development for teachers who are engage in the field. It also takes a lot of research efforts to ensure is success and efficiency in operation. More than that, teachers of ESP the professionals in the near future, should also set another two criteria for themselves. They are occupation awareness and career success. To make it more accurate, the thesis tries to have a small discussian over the criteria and bring some acceleration to teachers ofES s professional development.  相似文献   

Ma Xiaona 《魅力中国》2013,(28):285-286
News headline translation is one of the most important types of news transhtion. As news headline is strongly purposeful, the tramhtion of it must be achieved by some special methods, The history of news headline tramlation is almost as long as that of newspapers, but it has not been attached enough attention to. In the last twenty years, Chinese scholars of this field have paid much greater attention to news headline transhtion. Concerned studies of principles of news headline translation have also been made remarkable progress.  相似文献   

陈兆东  李一婷 《魅力中国》2013,(28):294-294
Speech act theory was proposed by J, L, Austin and has bee. developed by J. R. Searle. They believe that language is not only used to inform or to describe things, it is often used to do things , to perform acts. A speech act consists nf three apects: locutionary ach llJocutlonary act and perlocudonary act. This paper attempts to give a brief review of the speech act theory and then presents my personal opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the theory.  相似文献   

2013年,当一批70后导演与演员开始“怀念青春”时,我的心绪也被拨动了一下——对我而言,青春似乎是一个久远的话题,但在内心深处,青春还是温热与澎湃的。  相似文献   

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