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This paper analyzes the traditional unidimensional, two‐party electoral competition game when parties have mixed motivations, in the sense that they are interested in winning the election, but also in the policy implemented after the contest. In spite of having discontinuous payoffs, this game, referred to as the hybrid election game, is shown to be payoff secure and reciprocally upper semi‐continuous. Conditional payoffs, however, are not quasi‐concave. Hence, the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium (psne ) is ensured only if parties have homogenous interests in power. In that case, an equilibrium not only exists, but it is also unique. Instead, if parties have heterogeneous motivations, depending upon the relationship between the electoral uncertainty, the aggregate opportunism, and its distribution across parties, a psne may or may not exist. The mixed extension, however, is always better reply secure. Therefore, a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium does indeed exist.  相似文献   

In this paper we present necessary and sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of ordinal Nash outcomes. These outcomes are derived from the ordinal Nash solution—a reinterpretation and an extension of the Nash bargaining solution that allows bargainers to have preference relations that are more general than expected utility. Our task is undertaken by the construction of a new notion called “induced utilities”. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: C78.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a set of sufficient conditions under which recursive competitive equilibrium exists and is unique for a large class of distorted dynamic equilibrium models with capital and elastic labor supply. We develop a lattice based approach to the problem. The class of economies for which we are able to obtain our existence and uniqueness result is considerably larger than those considered in previous work. We conclude by applying the new results to some important examples of monetary economies often used in applied work. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C62, D51, D90, E10.  相似文献   

In an average surplus sharing game, such as a Cournot oligopoly, a group of agents share a production process. Each contributes an amount of input to the process, and output is divided in proportion to the amount of input contributed. Uniqueness of the equilibrium is needed for any type of comparative static analysis. However, general uniqueness results for concave games have restrictive assumptions on preferences and technology; specifically, the conditions needed for uniqueness become more difficult to meet as the number of players increases. A new theorem for uniqueness with easily interpretable conditions is given which is independent of the number of players.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: C70, C72, D43.  相似文献   

In this paper the existence problem of undominated Nash equilibrium in normal form games is analyzed. It is shown that an undominated Nash equilibrium exists, if (a) strategy sets are convex polytopes inRnand (b) utility functions are affine with respect to each player's own strategy. It is shown by counterexamples that, first, it is not sufficient to have concave utility functions instead of affine under condition (b) even when condition (a) is satisfied, and, second, it is not sufficient to have just compact and convex strategy sets instead of polytopes in condition (a) even when condition (b) is satisfied.  相似文献   

This paper presents a proof for existence and uniqueness of a Nash equilibrium of a public good model that exploits a simple contraction mapping. The proof establishes both existence and uniqueness in a single exercise that provides intuition about sufficiency. The method of proof is applied not only to the basic pure public good model but also to the impure model. In the latter model, income normality does not play the same pivotal role for existence and uniqueness.  相似文献   

Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
If A is a set of social alternatives, a social choice rule (SCR) assigns a subset of A to each potential profile of individuals' preferences over A , where the subset is interpreted as the set of welfare optima. A game form (or mechanism) implements the social choice rule if, for any potential profile of preferences, (i) any welfare optimum can arise as a Nash equilibrium of the game form (implying, in particular, that a Nash equilibrium exists) and, (ii) all Nash equilibria are welfare optimal. The main result of this paper establishes that any SCR that satisfies two properties—monotonicity and no veto power—can be implemented by a game form if there are three or more individuals. The proof is constructive.  相似文献   

东北亚自由贸易区三方博弈的纳什均衡解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过可计算一般均衡模型,对中、日、韩三国间建立自由贸易区的各种可能形式进行模拟分析,在博弈分析框架下得出包含中日韩三国的自由贸易区三方博弈的纳什均衡解;三国中任何一国通过与其他两国分别建立双边自由贸易区所建立的轴心-边陲型FTA是不可行的;建立中日韩FTA不仅能使三国的福利得到提高,而且能促进部分产业在区域外市场上的竞争力提升。  相似文献   

Summary. Given a map whose roots are the Nash equilibria of a game, each component of the equilibrium set has an associated index, defined as the local degree of the map. This note shows that for a two-player game, every map with the same roots induces the same index. Moreover, this index agrees with the Shapley index constructed from the Lemke-Howson algorithm. Received: May 30, 1996; revised version June 25, 1996  相似文献   

We define a class of games with discontinuous payoffs that we call shared resource games and establish a pure strategy Nash equilibrium existence theorem for these games. We then apply this result to a canonical game of fiscal competition for mobile capital. Other applications are also discussed. Our result for the mobile capital game holds for any finite number of regions, permits general preferences over private and public goods, and does not assume that production technologies have a particular functional form, or are identical in all regions, or satisfy the Inada condition at zero.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problems of emission rights auctions, and presents a uniform price auction mechanism based on three assumptions, i.e., all buyers are asymmetric, every buyer submits a nonincreasing continuous demand function, and every buyer's valuation to per unit of the emission rights is common value information. It focuses on solving the asymmetric Nash equilibrium for this auction mechanism. It concludes that there exist multiple Nash equilibria in our auction mechanism, but the arbitrary low equilibrium prices cannot emerge. We also give several suggestions on how to induce the auction to a desired ideal equilibrium state in mechanism design of emission rights auctions.  相似文献   

本文在霍姆斯特姆所做贡献的基础上认为团队生产问题在本质上等同于囚徒困境问题,并指出霍姆斯特姆的实施强制契约的解决方法存在逻辑漏洞,在现实社会中一般是无效的.本文依据社会经济人个人效用最大化的条件定义了团队生产的合作战略博弈空间,合作战略博弈空间的均衡极点(即个人效用最大化点)就是团队生产收益分配博弈的纳什均衡解.如果个人收益的总和等于集体收益的最优值,那么个人理性与集体理性之间就达到统一,处于帕累托最优状态,即不存在道德风险;反之,则说明存在道德风险.并给出了在团队生产中通过改变合作战略博弈空间达到帕累托最优的一个特例,指出了科学合理地改变合作战略博弈空间在社会经济发展中的重要作用  相似文献   

Existence of Nash networks in one-way flow models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the existence of Nash equilibria in one-way flow models in a number of different settings. In these models players form costly links with other players and obtain resources from them through the directed path connecting them. We find that heterogeneity in the costs of establishing links plays a crucial role for the existence of Nash networks. The paper also provides conditions for the existence of Nash networks in models where costs and values of links are heterogeneous. We would like to thank an anonymous referee for useful suggestions. We would also like to thank Hans Haller and participants at the AEA Meetings 2007 for helpful comments. Sudipta Sarangi acknowledges the support of NSF grant HSD-0527315 and the hospitality of CREUSET, Jean Monnet University.  相似文献   

Uniqueness of Stationary Equilibrium Payoffs in the Baron-Ferejohn Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider a multilateral sequential bargaining model in which the players may differ in their probability of being selected as the proposer and the rate at which they discount future payoffs. For games in which agreement requires less than unanimous consent, we characterize the set of stationary subgame perfect equilibrium payoffs. With this characterization, we establish the uniqueness of the equilibrium payoffs. For the case where the players have the same discount factor, we show that the payoff to a player is nondecreasing in his probability of being selected as the proposer. For the case where the players have the same probability of being selected as the proposer, we show that the payoff to a player is nondecreasing in his discount factor. Journal of Economic Literature Classification numbers: C72, C78, D70.  相似文献   

This paper considers uniqueness and comparative statics of Nash equilibrium of a tariff retaliation model. The approach to the problem is geometrical and reminiscent of the analysis for the free trade competitive equilibrium. If the countries have constant elasticity of substitution utility functions, some simple conditions can be used to prove uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium of the tariff retaliation game. The welfare effects of endowment changes are analyzed in terms of the standard terms of trade and volume of trade effects. If the elasticity of substitution of one of the countries is sufficiently high, immiserizing growth will not occur.   相似文献   

The paper formulates a simple two-person model of learning with pattern recognition and discusses its implications. In particular, it focuses on the asymptotic behavior of players' beliefs when the game has a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium.Journal of Economics LiteratureClassification Numbers: C72, D83.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the symposium on existence of Nash equilibria in discontinuous games.  相似文献   

Learning to Learn, Pattern Recognition, and Nash Equilibrium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper studies a large class of bounded-rationality, probabilistic learning models on strategic-form games. The main assumption is that players “recognize” cyclic patterns in the observed history of play. The main result is convergence with probability one to a fixed pattern of pure strategy Nash equilibria, in a large class of “simple games” in which the pure equilibria are nicely spread along the lattice of the game. We also prove that a necessary condition for convergence of behavior to a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium is that the players consider arbitrarily long histories when forming their predictions.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: C72, D83.  相似文献   

The notion of a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium suffers from three inherent difficulties. First, given the equilibrium strategies of other players, there are many best replies. Second, the equilibrium is unstable. Third, comparative statics results are counterintuitive. We demonstrate that these difficulties all have their origin in von Neumann and Morgenstern′s expected utility. In contrast, players with "quadratic utility" have unique best replies and the Nash equilibrium appears to yield intuitive comparative statics results. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Number: C72.  相似文献   

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