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迫于全球能源危机和国内雾霾污染的巨大压力,如何通过绿色投资以改善环境污染是当前各界关注的一个重要议题。本文以2008—2017年中国能源上市公司为研究样本,采用Probit模型考察了绿色投资对企业环境绩效的影响机制。研究发现:企业增加绿色投资能够显著改善其环境绩效,而环境规制有利于企业增加绿色投资。调节效应表明,环境规制、专利创新对绿色投资与环境绩效的积极关系具有正向调节作用,而媒体报道的正面倾向性则会减弱绿色投资对环境绩效的积极作用,但政府补贴和研发投入对绿色投资提升环境绩效的调节作用不显著。本文进一步分析发现,绿色投资提升企业环境绩效在国有企业、大规模企业和融资约束程度弱的企业表现得更为显著。  相似文献   

中美之间的贸易不平衡存在着内在的必然性,美国在华直接投资从替代效应和互补效应两个方面又加剧双边的贸易不平衡.美国在华投资企业可以成为减弱中美贸易摩擦的一股特殊力量.  相似文献   

袁欣  郑陶 《时代经贸》2007,5(8X):68-69
中美之间的贸易不平衡存在着内在的必然性,美国在华直接投资从替代效应和互补效应两个方面又加剧双边的贸易不平衡。美国在华投资企业可以成为减弱中美贸易摩擦的一股特殊力量。  相似文献   

近年来美国对中国采取经济和科技竞争压制的背景下,国内经济增长速度趋于放缓,很多企业就出现了脱实就虚趋向的风险问题。文章通过构建企业脱虚就实趋势的相关指标,基于2017—2022年国内各地区上市公司数据,采用双重差分模型研究2018年后中美贸易摩擦背景下国内各地区企业是否会改变原先脱实就虚趋势,从而更加聚焦实业发展。结果表明,中美贸易摩擦对涉及的上市公司企业脱虚向实有促进作用;同时,中美贸易摩擦这一事件对我国经济发达地区的企业脱虚向实影响更为显著。通过改变样本区间和变换被解释变量进行稳健性检验,发现上述结论仍然成立。进一步分析,中美贸易摩擦涉及行业中的企业会对未涉及行业的企业产生溢出效应,国有企业和机构持股的企业脱虚向实外溢效应明显。中美贸易摩擦同样也会对中国经济不确定性程度和企业研发能力产生影响,进而影响企业的脱虚向实程度,研究发现这两者作用机制都对企业脱虚向实程度显著。  相似文献   

以我国2007-2019年A股制造业上市公司为对象,实证分析产融结合对制造企业创新产出的影响,以及贸易摩擦对二者关系的调节效应。结果发现:产融结合及其模块广度、时间长度、股权深度均能够显著促进制造企业创新产出;在贸易摩擦严重时,产融结合及其模块广度、时间长度、股权深度对制造企业创新产出的促进作用更显著。结合贸易国、贸易行业和贸易量进一步研究发现,相较于发展中国家贸易摩擦,发达国家贸易摩擦对产融结合和制造企业创新产出的调节效应更显著;相较于低技术密集度行业、海外贸易量较低的制造企业,贸易摩擦对产融结合和中高技术密集度行业、海外贸易量较高的制造企业创新产出的调节效应更显著。从贸易摩擦角度,拓展产融结合与企业创新相关研究,可为进一步引导贸易摩擦背景下制造业上市公司开展产融结合实践,促进制造企业创新产出提供经验证据。  相似文献   

随着中美贸易的发展,两国的贸易失衡问题不断扩大,由此引发了许多贸易摩擦.本文介绍了美在华直接投资和中美贸易失衡的概况,重点分析了美在华直接投资时中美出口和进口贸易的影响,得出美在华直接投资加剧了中美贸易失衡,最终提出建立以"所有权"为基础的贸易差额统计体系;完善外资政策,加强对外资流向的正确引导;加强中国企业在美国市场的投资活动等措施采降低中美贸易顺差,从而缓解中美贸易摩擦.  相似文献   

"一带一路"倡议致力于维护和促进全球投资贸易体系和开放型世界经济,在当前国际投资贸易格局和多边投资贸易规则面临深刻调整背景下,研究"一带一路"倡议如何影响企业绩效有着重要的学术价值和政策蕴涵.基于2012-2018年236家制造业上市公司微观数据,对"一带一路"倡议如何影响我国企业经营绩效进行实证检验.研究发现,"一带一路"倡议能够提升企业绩效,提升效应在倡议实施后呈逐年上升趋势;进一步的异质性分析显示,"一带一路"倡议对改善国有和非国有企业绩效均有积极作用,"一带一路"倡议能够促进非新兴优势产业企业绩效,对新兴优势产业企业绩效影响不显著.因此,在"一带一路"倡议下,政府应根据企业类型特征实施精准政策,一方面,鼓励我国新兴优势产业企业发挥潜能,提升新兴优势产业企业绩效;另一方面,继续加强对国有企业和非国有企业的支持力度,打造国有企业和非国有企业协同发展新格局.  相似文献   

国际投资保护是指东道国出于政治或经济目的,设置障碍和壁垒刻意限制外资企业发展的行为,在2008年全球金融危机之后有不断加剧的趋势,并对我国跨国企业海外子公司的生产经营活动产生了不利影响.文章以海外子公司绩效为视角研究企业社会责任提升能否有效应对国际投资保护.研究表明:(1)企业社会责任提升不仅能直接增加海外子公司绩效,还能间接应对国际投资保护对海外子公司绩效的不利影响,在使用企业涉诉案件作为社会责任的工具变量消除内生性后该结论仍然成立.(2)国有企业的社会责任提升能有效应对国际投资保护,但非国有企业则不具有此效应;企业社会责任提升有助于跨国企业在发达国家的子公司应对国际投资保护,但在发展中国家的子公司则不具有此效应.(3)社会责任提升应对国际投资保护的传导机制是增加具有海外背景的高管数量和抑制高管过度自信.因此,政府部门和跨国企业在海外子公司管理实践中均应重视并强化实施社会责任战略,以有效应对国际投资保护.  相似文献   

中国海外直接投资中的贸易保护因素实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贸易保护因素历来是企业进行海外直接投资的重要动因。研究表明,国外关税壁垒的升级导致了近年来中国海外直接投资的增加;反倾销、反补贴及特保措施等贸易救济措施均使得中国加大了对贸易壁垒较少的中低收入国家的直接投资;中国的对外直接投资与东道国市场规模、中国对东道国的出口规模成正比,但没有更多地流入欧盟、东盟及北美自由贸易区等区域贸易组织的成员国中。因此在当前中美及中欧等贸易摩擦频繁的背景下,中国企业应对欧美等发达国家加大直接投资的力度,借此化解国外的贸易保护压力。  相似文献   

张天桂 《生产力研究》2008,(19):151-153
生产要素的国际流动是经济全球化的基础特征,跨国公司的国际直接投资是生产要素国际流动的载体。随着生产要素在国与国之间流动的不断增强,国际分工由商品层次深入到生产层次,国际直接投资与国际贸易的互动成为当今世界经济的重要表现。国际直接投资对产业转移的独特作用和中国外商投资企业的加工贸易方式是中美贸易不平衡的主要原因。中国积极促进对外直接投资并主动参与区域经济合作,会在一定程度上有助于中美贸易摩擦的缓解。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the optimal product R&D investment policies of a developed and a developing country in an international Cournot duopoly where firms from these two countries compete through endogenous quality–quantity decisions. We explore a new international trade model by using demand functions derived from utility functions. We find that the optimal product R&D investment policies for both countries are subsidies. This study counters a finding that used Hotelling‐type demand functions and it partially modifies another result that adopted the same demand functions but with an international Bertrand duopoly.  相似文献   

Using firm-level R&D data with regional international talent data, we find that international talent increases the R&D investment of Chinese manufacturing firms, a result that is further confirmed with patent data and under a number of robustness checks. These findings stem from two mechanisms: international talent boosts human capital accumulation and provides a diversified labor force. Further, the R&D promoting effect is stronger if firms are located in eastern China rather than in other regions, of small and medium-sized rather than large-sized, of domestic ownership rather than foreign ownership. The policy implication is, the introduction of international talent can be a new way to promoting R&D investment, especially for skilled-labor constrained countries.  相似文献   

金融危机导致国际贸易萎缩,加剧国际市场竞争,也促使各国采取更为保守的贸易政策和措施,从而加剧国际贸易摩擦。最近发生的轮胎特保案就是由于美国奉行贸易保护主义产生的贸易摩擦。美国的贸易限制不仅直接影响到中国众多企业的生存发展,而且会对中国整个经济发展带来影响。因此,需要我们的政府、进出口企业和各种行业协会紧密配合,共同努力,这其中,政府的引导和协调起着不可替代的主导作用。  相似文献   

赵红  杨震宁   《技术经济》2017,36(8):9-17
以组织学习理论为基础,利用1408家中国制造业企业的调研数据,实证分析了环境不确定性和研发管理对中国企业技术创新绩效的影响。结果显示:中国制造业企业面临的技术不确定性和市场环境不确定性对企业技术创新能力的提升具有促进作用;企业研发管理对上述关系具有正向调节作用,即注重研发投入、开展产学研合作以及实施知识产权管理会对处于不确定环境的企业的技术创新绩效产生积极的调节作用。因此,企业在面临不可预测的境况时应持续进行研发管理,以丰富企业的技术创新知识积累。  相似文献   

We analyze the role of international market size differences in determining the investment in process R&D (and thus firms?? competitiveness) in a trade model with oligopolistic market structure, non-homothetic production technology and costly trade. We show that the R&D effort is higher (or even disproportionately so) for firms in the larger market, which causes endogenous asymmetries across countries. As a result, firms in the larger market have higher competitiveness, which increases their market shares in international markets. Furthermore, and contrary to what is predicted by Krugman (Am Econ Rev 70:950?C959, 1980) ??home market effect??, in equilibrium the larger country does not need to host a disproportionately higher share of the world??s industry than of the world??s demand. Despite this, the larger country can still continue to run a trade surplus in the oligopolistic sector, since it hosts firms with higher competitiveness than firms in the smaller country.  相似文献   

In the framework where the channel of international transmission of technology is trade in intermediate inputs, this paper investigates the role of heterogeneities across countries. In particular, this paper analyzes how cross-country differences in production structure, national innovative capacity, and absorptive capacity affect the scope and magnitude of international R&D spillovers on productivity. The study is based on the industry-level data set that covers eight OECD countries from 1970 to 1995. It finds that accounting for cross-country differences in each of production structure (using country-specific input–output relations) and national innovative capacity (using patents granted per R&D investment) yields significantly different spillover effects than previous studies. This suggests that the effect of international R&D spillovers depends on both production structure and the pattern of international trade. Further, it finds the absorptive capacity of a country is positively related to spillovers.  相似文献   

The paper explores factors that lead to accumulation or decumulation of firms' cash reserves. In particular, the paper empirically examines whether additional future fixed capital and R&D investment expenditures induce firms to change their liquidity ratio while considering the role of market imperfections. Implementing a dynamic framework on a panel of US, UK, and German firms, it is found that firms in all three countries make larger adjustments to cash holdings when they plan additional future R&D rather than fixed capital investment expenditures. This behavior is particularly prevalent among financially constrained firms.  相似文献   

唐晨曦  杜晓君  冯飞  张铮 《技术经济》2023,42(4):125-136
从来源国合法性溢出视角,探讨“一带一路”倡议对中国企业对外投资绩效的影响,并基于中国上市公司对外投资数据,采用渐进双重差分模型进行实证检验。研究发现:“一带一路”倡议对中国企业投资绩效有显著正向影响,在利用倾向得分匹配、工具变量等方法缓解可能存在的内生性问题之后,上述结论依然稳健;与非基础设施行业相比,“一带一路”倡议对基础设施行业企业投资绩效的正向影响更加明显;与非国有企业相比,“一带一路”倡议对国有企业投资绩效的正向影响更加明显;在作用机制上,“一带一路”倡议通过改善来源国合法性进而正向影响中国企业投资绩效。研究结论对企业“一带一路”投资实现互利共赢有重要启示。  相似文献   

The paper considers the role of technology diffusion and trade liberalization for the catching‐up of structurally backward countries. A New Economic Geography model is presented that accounts for firm entry/exit and international mobility of skilled labor employed in public R&D sectors. This raises the traditional agglomeration effects in a core–periphery setting as firms and mobile factors usually cluster within spatial agglomerations. With international technology diffusion, however, there is a counteracting effect on the traditional agglomeration effects as firms in the periphery also benefit from increasing R&D expenditures in the core lowering entry costs for firms. It is found that the catching‐up of structurally backward countries is spurred not only as a result of trade integration but also because of technology diffusion.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between firm’s R&D intensity, expressed as R&D expenditure over sales, and investment intensity in tangible assets. It is commonly acknowledged that R&D requires additional physical investment to be implemented. R&D increases a firm’s productivity and return to tangible investments, thus, providing to the firm incentives to bear high tangible capital costs and to invest more. This represents a crucial issue for a firm’s growth, particularly considering the strong interaction between physical capital accumulation and technological progress. The analysis is based on a large sample of manufacturing firms across seven European countries in the period 2007–2009. Since the sub-sample of firms performing R&D might not be random, there may potentially be an endogeneity issue. The analysis also considers that firms may decide to spend on R&D and investment in physical capital simultaneously. The questions of both endogeneity and simultaneity are dealt with by employing an instrumental variable two-step procedure. We find a positive and significant impact of R&D intensity on firms’ tangible investment intensity. The econometric results highlight the importance of financial factors, particularly with respect to firms’ internal resources. Exposure to international trade has a negative impact on investment, possibly depending on the time-span of the sample used.

Abbreviations: Technological Innovation and R&D; Investment Capital; Industry Studies; Firm Behavior; Empirical Analysis  相似文献   

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