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随着环境问题的不断恶化和备受关注,绿色供应链管理日益成为供应链管理的新趋势。作者在探讨建立绿色供应链给企业和社会带来利益的基础上,分析了企业构建绿色供应链所面临的困难,同时为我国企业实施绿色供应链管理提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Supply chains are changing their business paradigm as they strive for sustainability and not just for increasing profits. Sustainability, however, is a concept that is open to interpretation since it is based on societal and organizational values. Little is known about what companies actually mean when referring to sustainability, and how this contrasts with the understanding at different echelons of the supply chain. Diverging interpretations and translations of sustainability among stakeholders, termed wicked problems, affect the progress of sustainable supply chain management. This paper aims to contribute to closing the gap between our common sense expectations and the actual evidence from sustainability reports of how sustainability evolves from abstract ideas to operational practices across the supply chain. To this end, this study employs a computer‐aided content analysis of 142 corporate sustainability reports across 12 industries. Building on the findings, and using the lens of wicked problems, this paper provides guidance to practitioners on how to develop strategies that are effective across the whole supply chain. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

田源 《物流技术》2004,(6):43-44
在资料综述的基础上,对我国2002年与2003年的供应链管理发展状况进行了总结与分析。  相似文献   

罗卫 《物流技术》2011,(17):168-174
通过案例研究,引入了生命周期管理的概念,分析了不同情况下的生命周期管理协议,比较了目前使用的不同生命周期管理工具的优势和劣势,对比传统环境管理工具,强调了生命周期管理工具在改进供应链中产品和材料的可持续性方面是一个重要的替代办法。基于上述讨论,发现不同的供应链成员会选择不同生命周期管理工具,尽管其在较长的供应链中已取得很大进展,现在仍需要对各种生命周期管理的管理协议加以完善。  相似文献   

当前的市场环境已发生很大变化,市场竞争已从企业间的竞争转化为集团联盟间、供应链间的竞争。处于弱势地位的中小企业如何在供应链的竞争中求得生存和发展是广大中小企业面临的重要课题。文中通过对传统供应链与绿色供应链两种结构模型进行比较分析,阐明了绿色供应链管理结构模式的先进性,并结合中小企业实际状况,从可持续发展角度提出了中小企业实施绿色供应链管理的动因及对策。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) strategies and to select the best GSCM strategy using fuzzy analytical network process (ANP) methodology. The ANP helps in analyzing the interdependence and interrelations among the various determinants and dimensions of GSCM strategy selection. Fuzzy set theory is applied to avoid the vagueness and uncertainty in human preference judgement. This study uses an empirical case study of an Indian automobile organization to validate the applicability of the proposed model. The results show that the resource based strategy is in first position, having the maximum impact on each determinant. The case organization should improve the green management system with the assistance of a suitable GSCM strategy, i.e. the resource based strategy. This study may help managers to make decisions, and to analyze and standardize their environmental advantages dynamically. The robustness of the projected model is checked by conducting a sensitivity analysis. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

曹佳  王志坚 《物流科技》2011,34(10):87-90
作为供应链管理的重要组成部分,供应链伙伴关系成为越来越多企业关注的焦点,能否建立长期稳定的伙伴关系成为决定供应链是否成功实施的关键。通过对影响供应链伙伴关系长久持续的各种因素的对比分析,发现信任关系、企业声誉、长期目标、供应链文化、组织结构和欺骗成本是其中最主要的影响因素。这些因素无论在软件还是硬件上都对供应链伙伴关系的稳定有着重大的影响,通过格力、海尔和国美的案例可以充分证明。  相似文献   

This paper explores the green supply chain management (GSCM) of companies based in the Yangtze River Delta, China. The companies' overall GSCM practice level (LGSCM) is measured by using the data from 165 valid respondents in a questionnaire survey conducted during April and May 2009. The relationships between LGSCM and the classified determinant factors are analyzed. It is indicated that Chinese companies are still at a preliminary stage of GSCM practices. Their environmental management in cooperation with external members of the supply chain is very marginal. A company's LGSCM is significantly and positively associated with the external pressures from regulatory, domestic clients and business competitors. As an internal factor, a company's learning capacity greatly determines LGSCM. We also confirm that the internal factors function as intermediate variables of external pressures in influencing a company's GSCM. A company's environmental management capacities will be strongly enhanced by frequent internal training of employees to increase its involvement in GSCM practices. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

应用生命周期评估法(LCA)对食品链的经济、社会和环境三个方面的可持续性进行评估,构建了食品链可持续发展的指标体系,并建立了对该指标体系进行评价的层次分析法。  相似文献   

供应链中知识管理的实施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘蓉  张毕西 《价值工程》2005,24(2):46-48
本文对供应链中知识管理的概念进行了合理的扩展,认为知识管理的核心包含七个组成部分;介绍了供应链上实施知识管理的前提,并以供应链业务流程为出发点分析了实施知识管理的方法步骤。  相似文献   

The need to integrate environmental and social aspects into the supply chain has created a debate amongst academicians and researchers on two topics: sustainability and the supply chain. A large number of journals and special volumes are publishing research that carries out a case study or survey, develops a mathematical model or builds a conceptual model/framework on sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). However, classified analysis of articles that develop a framework on SSCM has not been carried out by any researcher. The study thus aims to review SSCM framework articles to identify the major contributions and gaps. A total of 92 framework articles on SSCM from the sample of 349 over a period of 19 years (1998–2016) are structurally analyzed to meet the objectives. The selected literature is categorized by novel or adapted framework, source of framework, framework verification, method used for framework verification and identifying the constructs/elements that build the structural framework. Analyzing the literature sample using these categories reveals that framework development in the context of SSCM is still an area with ample future opportunities. The findings of the study are especially interesting for academicians and practitioners to investigate the critical gaps in the field of sustainable supply chain management frameworks (SSCMFs). Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

孙功苗 《物流科技》2008,31(10):127-129
通过分析我国企业实施绿色供应链管理的障碍,研究基于核心企业和供应商角度实施纵向绿色供应链管理的具体策略,以期解决供应链的纵向绿色化问题,从而促进我国经济社会的可持续和协调发展,构建环境和谐型社会。  相似文献   

绿色供应链管理模式下的企业环境管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国企业环境管理中存在的环境管理目标与职能虚置、管理方式落后以及绿色需求不足等问题,依据绿色供应链管理的基本思想,指出我国企业在环境管理过程中应通过采取确立环境管理在企业中的战略地位,实施源头控制的环境管理方式和增强绿色意识、引导绿色消费等措施来降低环境管理成本,取得经济竞争优势,从而提高企业的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

供应链协同管理作为供应链发展的一种全新模式,已经成为供应链管理领域研究的热点问题,文中在对供应链协同管理的概念的分析基础上,从战略协同、策略协同和技术协同三个层次对供应链协同管理的研究现状进行综述,并分析了供应链管理协同的内在动因.提出了供应链协同管理发展的趋势。  相似文献   

康灿华  洪丹 《物流科技》2007,30(12):90-92
对于已建立的供应链,需要有效机制的管理才能稳健发展。供应链的结构是由各个节点复杂而紧密的连接在一起,任何影响各个节点之间的稳定的因素也就是影响供应链稳定的因素。同时我们从供应链的形成历史背景着手,探索供应链形成的必要因素。在此基础上分析并建立相应的管理组织,采取一定的决策方法与激励机制,来稳定供应链以保障其持续有效的而且富于竞争力的发展。  相似文献   

基于供应链视角,深入分析我国体育产业集聚的现状和问题,并基于此提出改善对策。分析发现,我国体育产业集聚存在以下问题:我国体育产业集聚缺乏显著的特色,缺乏品牌意识;我国体育产业集聚较为混乱,不能很好的为供应链管理服务,市场较为无序;我国体育产业集聚区域的资源优势不显著,缺乏集聚优势;我国体育产业集聚中服务性企业集聚偏少。  相似文献   

食品供应链管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
斯樊锋 《物流科技》2006,29(1):77-79
本文主要概括了当前中国食品供应链中存在的主要问题,并指出了如何把供应链思想应用于食品供应链。  相似文献   

刘伯超 《物流技术》2012,(13):349-351
从供应链风险管理的内容入手,分析了供应链风险管理与传统企业风险管理的区别。对供应链风险进行了系统的辨析,构建了风险指标体系,选取了评估方法计算供应链的风险情况,并建立了风险管理效果反馈机制。  相似文献   

苏筱玲  刘俊芳 《物流科技》2006,29(11):21-23
第三方物流是供应链中的关键环节.在供应链条件下,为了增强竞争优势,越来越多的企业选择只做自己擅长领域的业务,而将其他相关业务外包出去,这促使第三方物流的力量逐日强大.随着第三方物流企业逐渐参与供应链的各种业务,其在供应链中的地位也日益重要.另一方面企业越来越重视从战略全局的角度来规划供应链,这预示着以第三方物流企业为核心的供应链模式的出现,也预示着企业将以战略的角度来匹配这种供应链管理模式.  相似文献   

供应链战略绩效管理的实施是一项系统工程,需要经过精心的统筹规划,科学合理的安排才能发挥出最佳的效果。文中对供应链战略绩效管理实施中包含的8个因素进行了较详细的阐述。同时,也对影响其全局发展的关键因素的主要内容、相关关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

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