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基于2005—2020年中国省级面板数据,采用固定效应模型实证检验了外商直接投资对中国出口技术复杂度的影响。研究发现,外商直接投资对中国出口技术复杂度有显著的正向影响,且在之后的稳健性检验中此结论仍然成立。结合研究结论,提出以下建议:注重发挥外商直接投资的作用,优化外商直接投资结构,注重引资质量;制定好相关的政策提高地区的经济发展水平,完善产业结构和基础设施建设,吸引优质外商来华办厂;依法保护外商的投资权益,营造市场化、法制化、国际化一流营商环境,最大化发挥外资积极的技术溢出效应,提高我国出口技术水平。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会揭开了我国对外开放的序幕。此后,我国先后制定了一些积极鼓励外商来华投资的优惠政策。我国引进的外资不断增加,尤其是1992年年初小平同志南巡讲话后,外商来华投资尤其踊跃。据不完全统计,该年前10个月引进的外资数量超过了过去13年引进的外资总额。应当指出,外商来华投资对我国国民经济的发展起了积极的促进作用。但同时,  相似文献   

吸引外商来华直接投资是我国对外开放战略的一个基本组成部分。中国从20世纪70年代末开始吸引外商直接投资(FDI),目前,外商直接投资在中国经济中已经占据一定的地位。外商直接投资总量的持续大幅度增长,为我国经济发展增添了活力,产生的正面效应有目共睹。在经历了量的扩张后,人们不得不关注利用外资的质量问题。在结构上,我国外商直接投资地区结构和产业结构以及投资来源国/地区结构等不是很合理,在出口总额中,外商投资企业所占份额较高。本文结合外商直接投资的发展趋势和现状的分析,针对一些关于外商直接投资的负效应提出了中国进一步更加充分、有效、合理地引进外商直接投资的对策建议。  相似文献   

对外商直接投资的优惠政策,直接影响了外资的流向与流量,因此,在整个外资立法中,有关优惠制度的法律规定,占据着重要位置。自1979年以来,为改善我国投资环境,提高吸引外商直接投资的竞争力,我国陆续制定了一系列对外商直接投资的优惠政策。这些政策曾起到过重要作用,但随着客观情势的变化,重估我国对外商直接投资的优惠政策已成必然。 一、当前投资环境的重大变化 进入到九十年代。利用外商直接投资的国际国内环境和条件,发生了许多变化,这主要表现在:  相似文献   

论完善我国海外直接投资的法律制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论完善我国海外直接投资的法律制度厦门大学张春林改革开放十几年来,学术界对我国要不要、可不可能发展海外直接投资一直争论不休,实践中我国也一直把引进外资作为利用外资的重中之重,由此导致我国的外资立法偏重于对外商来华投资的规范而轻视了对我国海外直接投资的管...  相似文献   

当前外商直接投资在我国的投资规模、投资形式和投资布局都发生了变化,而随着外商直接投资的不断深入,它所带来的诸如挤出内资、技术溢出效应不明显、侵吞国有资产和环境污染等负面效应日益凸显,已引起人们广泛关注。鉴于此,我国在吸引外商直接投资方面,应该完善产业政策、优化外资结构,坚持自主创新,完善引进外资的法律法规等。  相似文献   

黄鹤 《现代商业》2012,(15):126-127
近年来由于金融危机引发的全球经济衰退对中国外商直接投资有着一定的影响。广东作为长期吸引和依赖外资的重要地区,在外资进入模式、产业构成等方面都出现了重要的变化。本文运用相关的经济数据,分析金融危机对广东省吸收外商直接投资的影响,分析目前其吸引外商直接投资的相关政策,探讨如何在世界经济不景气的情况下,进一步促进外资在省内的产业升级和地区经济均衡发展中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的不断发展,国际各个国家在华投资不断扩大,外商直接投资力度增大,污染问题速演变成一个全球性的问题。近年来中国吸引的外资越来越多,外资的投入在一定程度上推进了我国经济的迅速发展,同时把污染问题带到了国内。本文在现有研究的基础上较系统地分析了工业行业中外商直接投资对我国环境污染的影响,着重分析了外商在华投资造成污染的原因,并进一步提出相应的解决对策,为提高利用外资质量提供方向。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国不断加大招商引资的力度,吸引了大量的外商来华投资,极大地推动了我国经济的发展。然而,随着我国经济的发展,原有的"人口红利"却开始逐步消失,导致劳动力的成本不断攀升。再加之近些年来国内物价的不断上涨,原材料成本也显著增加,这在一定程度上挫伤了外商来华投资的积极性。尤其是自2008年以来,受金融危机的影响,欧美经济逐步开始下滑,极大地削弱了外资企业对外投资的能力。于是,部分外资开始选择撤离中国,要么将资本回流至母国,要么迁移至新兴经济体国家。外资的撤离虽然能为国内同类企业带来难得的发展机遇,但其产生的消极影响也是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

本文利用单位根检验、协整检验以及格兰杰因果检验对外商直接投资与江苏省经济增长之间的关系进行了实证分析,结果表明江苏省外商直接投资和经济增长互为因果关系。江苏省应该采取相应措施,促进本省经济增长吸引更多的外资;同时改善本省的投资外资让外资更多的进入以此来促进经济增长。  相似文献   

I. The basic means of China's absorption of foreign investments
The foreign investments are basically divided into direct investment and other means of investment. The direct investment, which is widely adopted, includes Sino-foreign joint ventures, joint exploitation and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, foreign-funded share-holding companies and joint development. The other means of investment includes compensation trade and processing and assembling.  相似文献   

This paper examines how foreign direct investments influence the performance and entrepreneurship of domestic firms, a crucial question for economies driven by incursion of exogenous factors and especially transition economies. The intent is to investigate the way foreign direct investments shape the capabilities of domestic firms; hence, for this purpose, we take Macedonia, a Southeast European economy, as a case study. We find that (i) foreign ownership has helped restructure and enhance the productivity of domestic firms, (ii) FDI has positive influence in reinforcing the creation of new firms, and (iii) in line with the established literature, a foreign investment is likely to influence the job seeker to get employed rather to start their own business. Overall, the results confirm the influence of foreign firms in assisting entrepreneurial activity. The impact of foreign investment is, in general, positive and tends to influence the restructuring process of domestic enterprises.  相似文献   

This paper explores the problems experienced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions in gaining access to debt and equity finance for foreign direct investment (FDI) projects. We develop several arguments for why such small businesses are expected to face severe financing constraints for foreign investments and provide an explorative empirical study with both the demand and supply side of FDI finance. We have interviewed thirty-two Belgian SMEs that carry out FDI, five banks and five venture capitalists. Based on the SME discussions, we have composed a questionnaire that was sent to the interviewed SMEs. The information problems and lack of collateral that often characterize international investment, the home bias of financiers and the capital gearing method used by banks to evaluate small firms’ foreign projects give rise to financial constraints for SMEs’ FDI projects. The reported finance gap hinders small firms’ (international) development and leads to suboptimal home and FDI host country development.  相似文献   

跨国公司与中国企业产业关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,为了实现产业梯度转移和增强核心竞争力,跨国公司为中国企业提供了产业关联的契机;如何有效吸引跨国公司直接投资,促进产业关联,实现技术进步和产业升级是中国企业的当务之急;针对跨国公司与中国企业产业关联不够紧密,跨国公司在华投资项目国产化率普遍较低的现状,中国企业要通过自身技术创新和聚集效应的获取,努力提高与跨国公司的产业关联度。  相似文献   

Who financed the great expansion of the Victorian equity market, and what attracted them to invest? Using data on 453 firm-years and over 172,000 shareholders, we find that the largest providers of capital were rentiers, men with no formal occupation who relied on investment income. We also see a substantial growth in women investors as time progressed. In terms of clientele effects, we find that rentiers invested in large firms, whilst businessmen were the venture capitalists of young, regional enterprises. Women and the middle classes preferred safe investments, whilst financiers and institutional investors were speculators in foreign companies. Our results may help to explain the growth of new types of assets catering for particular clienteles, and the development of managerial policies on dividends and share issues.  相似文献   

Expropriation and direct investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper considers a model in which private foreign investors make direct long-lived capital investments in a small developing country that is subject to stochastic shocks to production. Depending upon the preferences of the host country, we find that expropriation can occur because of either 'desperation or ‘opportunism’. We show that under reasonable assumptions increased investment makes expropriation less likely to occur, and that the level of investment chosen by atomistic foreign investors may be non-optimal.  相似文献   

本文利用1984-2007年的时间序列数据,对我国外国直接投资(FDI)通过资本供给和知识溢出两种渠道影响产业结构的变动进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:我国引进外国直接投资所带来的资本供给效应、技术溢出效应促进了产业结构高级化、高效化的发展;然而,受当前引资结构和质量的影响,外国直接投资强化了我国三次产业结构发展的不均衡,并且外国直接投资引致的国际知识溢出对我国产业发展和结构优化的作用也有限。在此基础上,本文对我国引进外资和调整产业结构的战略提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of public financial support to the internationalization of small and medium enterprises. We analyze the growth performance of firms that conducted outward foreign direct investments in the period 1994–2008, comparing firms that benefited from public support (380) with a sample of firms that also internationalized their activity in the same period but without any incentive (508). The econometric results, stemming from a two‐step treatment effect model, reveal that incentives are effective in enhancing firms' performance in terms of domestic turnover and productivity growth, especially when they are targeted at smaller and younger firms. Moreover, the effect of the incentives is enhanced for firms that have accumulated international experience.  相似文献   

The 1980s have witnessed the globalization of markets and an intensified international competition. The rise of the newly industrializing countries and the growth of multinational enterprises—developing parallely to foreign direct investments—have contributed considerably to this trend. However, there are factors suggesting that the intensification of market competition might be only a transitory phenomenon.  相似文献   

在国际投资理论中,传统观点认为具有产品创新的优势企业有更大的动机进行对外直接投资,而近年来发展中国家的实践则表明劣势企业出于获取创新资源的目的也有较大的动机进行对外直接投资,文章从产品创新和企业对外直接投资速度视角对此进行检验。文章匹配《中国工业企业数据库》和《境外投资企业(机构)名录》构建微观实证研究数据库,并对企业对外直接投资速度和产品创新进行度量。在此基础上,文章的实证研究发现,一方面在产品创新倾向维度,无产品创新的企业比有产品创新企业有更快的对外直接投资速度;另一方面,在有产品创新企业内部,创新程度的提升则能加快企业对外直接投资速度。进一步地,文章利用倾向得分匹配对产品创新倾向如何影响企业对外直接投资速度进行反事实估计,验证了实证研究结果的稳健性。  相似文献   

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