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耕地资源非市场价值及其评估方法分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
非市场价值是耕地资源无法忽略的重要组成部分,耕地资源过多向非农用途转变的根本原因在于人们对耕地资源的价值认识不足.文章在评析耕地资源价值理论的基础上,系统地分析了耕地资源的非市场价值及其构成,并讨论了耕地资源非市场价值的各种评估方法及其局限性,以促进我国耕地资源非市场价值评估理论和方法的进一步完善.  相似文献   

东北区县域耕地资源非市场价值测算及其空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以东北区典型粮食生产大县巴彦县为研究区,运用替代市场法及当量因子法测算研究区耕地资源非市场价值理论值,引入社会发展阶段系数测算不同耕地质量等级单位面积耕地资源非市场价值现实值,揭示其空间分布特征。结果表明:1研究区耕地资源非市场价值巨大,其中耕地资源社会保障价值在耕地资源非市场价值中占有较高比重。2研究区各乡镇耕地资源非市场价值差别较大,其中耕地资源非市场价值较大的乡镇多集中分布在地势平坦、土壤肥沃、农业基础设施比较完善的粮食高稳产区巴彦镇、兴隆镇、巴彦港镇、西集镇、红光乡、富江乡。3研究区耕地资源非市场价值分布总体趋势呈现西南和西北平原区向中部漫岗平原缓坡区和东北部丘陵坡岗地降低,具体表现为西南部和西北部较高,中部次之,东北部较低。  相似文献   

略论西方发达国家条件价值评估法WTP引导技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在简要介绍条件价值评估法基本原理之后,着重对重复投标博弈、开放式、支付卡、二分法等七种WTP引导技术的操作机理、技术优势与缺陷等技术特征展开全面的比较研究,并对连续型引导技术和离散型引导技术评估差异这一争论焦点进行了深入的探讨。最后针对当前国外WTP引导技术研究中存在的问题作了综合评价。  相似文献   

郭晶  马珍云 《海洋经济》2019,9(4):55-62
海洋生态系统服务非市场价值评估,将生态系统服务无法由市场直接体现的效用价值量化为货币价值,是实现生态资源可持续发展的重要手段,同时也为资源合理利用和补偿、环境价值核算等提供了必要的决策依据。本文基于我国现有研究,分别从生态系统类型、时空分布、评估类别、评估技术以及信度和效度检验五个方面,系统地分析了我国海洋生态系统服务非市场价值评估研究现状,识别出当前的研究特征。研究结果显示近年来我国海洋生态系统服务非市场价值评估研究增长迅速,尤其以上海、山东、辽宁等沿海区域为主要研究对象;湿地和海湾海滨生态系统的研究最为密集,其中对使用价值的研究远远超过非使用价值;条件价值法和旅行成本法是主要研究方法,两种方法都以游憩价值评估为主;评估结果的信度与效度检验是当前研究的薄弱环节,也是未来研究的重点发展方向。  相似文献   

意愿价值评估法在我国资源环境测度中的应用及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
意愿价值评估方法(CVM)作为一种计量和评价环境价值的方法,在国外发达国家已得到普遍应用,在发展中国家的应用也日益增多.作者回顾了CVM在我国研究与应用的发展进程,对我国CVM研究的现状和存在问题进行评析,对进一步推广CVM在我国的应用提出建议.  相似文献   

本文根据条件价值评估理论和方法,以黄河下游地区的重要城市之一—郑州为例,采用支付卡(PC)方式对郑州居民对改善黄河流域生态系统的平均支付意愿进行调查,并按照郑州实际家庭户数和人口数量指标对当地受访者支付意愿(WTP)进行测算,初步估算出郑州地区居民对黄河流域生态系统服务的总支付意愿值;然后,应用计量经济模型对受访者支付意愿值WTP及其影响因素进行了回归分析和比较研究;最后,对上述研究结果进行了理论性分析和假设性解释。  相似文献   

论耕地资源的生态价值及其实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以我国耕地资源的变化趋势分析为基础,认为耕地的生态价值必须通过相应的途径在耕地所有者与生产者身上体现。并重点进行了以下三个方面的讨论:①耕地资源生态价值的理论基础;②耕地资源生态价值的构成及其评估方法;③耕地资源生态价值实现的途径。  相似文献   

耕地作为人类最重要的自然资源,包括种植业用地、休闲用地、新开垦的荒地和三年以下的废弃地。它在提供人类生存条件方面发挥着不可替代的作用。因此,耕地价值的量化越来越受到人们的重视。以江苏省为例,对耕地农业资源的会计价值进行研究。在大量文献综述的基础上,从耕地资源的经济价值、社会价值和生态价值入手,选取相应的指标和计算方法,收集十年的数据,对结果进行比较并得出结论。  相似文献   

人力资本价值评估初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
舒晓楠 《经济管理》2003,(13):39-42

王喜刚  王尔大 《技术经济》2013,32(9):99-105
以大连市金石滩国家海洋公园为例,利用条件价值法,通过建立双边界二分式Logit模型,分别计算了居民和游客对改善和保护海岸带三种最重要环境资源(海水、沙滩、生物种群)的平均意愿支付,进而评估了金石滩国家海洋公园海岸带游憩资源的经济价值。结果显示:金石滩国家海洋公园的海水、沙滩和生物种群的经济价值分别为4.30亿元、3.92亿元和3.57亿元。最后指出:将这些信息纳入海岸带地区的综合管理成本效益分析,对于实现海岸带资源的可持续发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

从中国知网选取97篇相关论文作为样本,从研究领域、主要发表期刊、所属学科、具体研究内容、研究过程、关键技术等方面进行了统计分析,对使用CVM在遗产价值评价方面的研究进行了梳理、述评,并对当前研究中存在的问题进行评析,旨在明晰CVM在遗产资源价值评价中的研究现状及发展进程.  相似文献   

Existence Value and the Contingent Valuation Method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
People express concern about the possible extinction of animal species which they will never see, about damage to wilderness areas they will never visit, and so on. Such concerns are often interpreted by economists in terms of 'existence' or 'passive use' values. Three views have been proposed regarding the appropriate way of dealing with existence values in benefit-cost analysis. First, the existence values and concerns about environmental preservation that are not related to use may be disregarded. Second, concerns about environmental preservation may be taken into account, but not interpreted as existence values or evaluated in monetary terms. Third, the benefit-cost analysis may be modified to incorporate monetary estimates of existence values. Advocates of the third approach have developed a range of techniques for eliciting existence values, collectively referred to as the contingent valuation method. In this paper, the concept of existence value and the techniques of contingent valuation are surveyed, with the aim or providing a basis for comparisons of the three approaches described above.  相似文献   

CV studies rarely ask willingness to accept (WTA)questions, yet there are a range of environmentalprojects where there are likely to be potential losersas well as gainers. This paper presents evidence fromsix biodiversity projects that the inclusion ofcontingent compensation payments from thoserespondents who preferred the status quo cansubstantially reduce net project benefits, even whenthe proportion of losers is relatively small. Astatistical model for estimating the mean welfaremeasure from dichotomous choice data which allows forboth positive WTP, zero WTP, and WTA is described. Asmany environmental projects are likely to create bothgainers and losers, we recommend that CV analysts giveserious consideration to the collection and analysisof WTA data otherwise they risk generating biasedestimates of project benefits.  相似文献   

A longstanding interest from environmental economists on winter outdoor recreation has overlooked activities practiced outside the boundaries of winter resorts—e.g. ski mountaineering. This paper implements the Travel Cost Method to estimate consumer surplus per season derived from ski mountaineering and snowshoeing in Val Bedretto—a valley located in the Swiss Alps. In addition, the Contingent Behavior Method is used to estimate the changes in welfare associated with the construction of an alpine center that would provide services aiming to reduce the risk of injury and death associated with winter outdoor recreation. The data is analyzed by means of latent class panel on-site count models. The latent class approach allows us to identify subpopulations that benefit from the alpine center. The results show that 33% of visitors would experience an increase in their consumer surplus per season equivalent to €31 per visitor.  相似文献   

The economic value of preventing adverse health effects related to air pollution is estimated using contingent valuation in three diverse locations in China. Values are estimated for three health endpoints: cold, chronic bronchitis, and fatality. Alternative statistical models are tested to study their impact on estimated willingness to pay (WTP) and on the relationship between WTP and respondent characteristics. Using the official exchange rate, the sample-average median WTP to prevent an episode of cold ranges between US$3 and US$6, the WTP to prevent a statistical case of chronic bronchitis ranges between US$500 and US$1,000, and the value per statistical life ranges between US$4,000 and US$17,000. Estimated mean values are between two and thirteen times larger. Our estimates are between about 10 and 1,000 times smaller than estimates for the US and Taiwan using official exchange rates. Indoor air quality, measured for a subset of respondents, shows no consistent relationship with WTP.  相似文献   

资源价值流分析在循环经济“3R”原则中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在发展循环经济背景下,我国从宏观、中观、微观层面进行了创新性管理。目前,微观层面从清洁生产和工业生态链管理展开研究。事实上,循环经济是在价值流增长前提下的物质流循环,由于不同的资源流转在实物核算中不能直接合并,传统的物质流分析方法无法提供有利于管理决策的基本信息,因而出现了物质流—价值流融合的环境管理会计方法——资源价值流分析。循环经济的资源流转与价值流转相统一的方式与资源价值流分析方法具有逻辑上的一致性,而3R(Reduce,Reuse,Recycle)原则是循环经济的技术范式,因而,运用资源价值流分析方法,从资源输入、资源流转以及资源输出角度进行3R的经济绩效和环境绩效的分析,有助于判定循环经济开展是否达到既循环又经济的目的。  相似文献   

This paper provides a convergent validity test of two types of multinomial choice questions vis-a-vis a dichotomous choice question by formally testing whether these stated preference elicitation question formats provide comparable welfare estimates. In particular, a dichotomous choice question, a traditional multinomial choice question, and a modified multinomial choice question suggested by Carson and Groves (2007) were applied in split samples to assess the influence of the informational and incentive properties on the respondents' annual willingness to accept compensation for adopting costly conservation practices in agriculture that benefit the environment. Our findings suggest that the two multinomial choice question formats elicit a similar mean willingness to accept distributions, but they are both different from a standarddichotomous choice question. Further, the willingness to accept distributions derived from the multinomial choice question formats are more dispersed than those from the dichotomous choice question.  相似文献   

为适应社会经济发展对土地资源管理人才的需求,有必要对当前土地资源管理专业课程教学存在的问题进行剖析。以河南理工大学为例,通过对我校土地资源管理专业教学现状分析,认为在课程体系设置、教学内容、实践性教学以及双语教学等方面还存在不足。以"厚基础,宽口径,重能力,高素质"为主导,土地资源管理专业课程教学改革应从学科定位、明确培养目标,优化课程结构体系,对部分授课内容进行整合,革新教学模式和方法,加强师资队伍建设以及完善双语教学等方面进行加强和完善。  相似文献   

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