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Located in the North Europe,Iceland is a very beautiful country. Although very small with an area of 103,000 sq.km and a population of 308,000, and quite different in most respects such as geographical location,size,history,climate and political structures,it has developed very good relations with China.For in- stance,Iceland was the first European coun- try to recognize China as a market economy. In many areas such as trade,investment, industrial cooperation,from fishing,food processing,tourism,information technol- ogy,geothermal,finance,etc.,Iceland has made pragmatic activities,for instance,last summer Icelandic and Chinese authorities concluded a feasibility study on negotiating Free Trade Agreement;in June an Iceland Business Forum was held,which groups to- gether over twenty Icelandic companies that have established offices in China;etc. In July,China's Foreign Trade inter- viewed H.E.Mr.Gunnar Snorri Gunnars- son,Ambassador of Iceland in Beijing. According to him,Iceland has developed diversified and active economic and trade cooperation with China in many areas.The following is a written interview with Mr. Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson.  相似文献   

宣布今年不出新专辑的S.H.E广告女王的位置立刻不保.广告收入暴跌九成.从两亿台币跌剩2000万台币。手机广告先被TWINS抢走.金饰广告.便利商店代言人位置紧接着被人取代,其他代言的产品也都悄悄易主。一连串的绯闻.也让玉女形象告急。除了Selina和小猪罗志祥传绯闻外.Hebe更惹出同性恋疑云。Ella不但传出有舞蹈员男友.还被拍到疑似和男人共度春宵的照片。看来从事这个行当还真是不能“随便食人间烟火”。  相似文献   

在煤化工工程项目施工过程中,成本管理非常重要。它与企业发展、经济效益有着直接联系,施工单位必须重视成本管理,充分认识到它的作用和意义,对成本进行科学管理,提高管理效率,从而保证施工顺利进行。基于此,本文通过GH 1000万吨/年煤炭分级提质综合利用项目一期工程项目施工的实际经历,简要分析施工过程中成本管理的策略,以此来供相关人士交流参考。  相似文献   

有这么一部剧,以网友关注的热点话题作为剧情走向的方向标,以时尚杂志社和T台为背景,通过炫目的画面效果,真实贴近的故事情节吸引了大量的受众。也是这部剧,打造了无数个创新,创新的商业模式,创新的营销推广,创新的内容制作,创新的全媒体传播。它究竟是一部什么样的剧呢?  相似文献   

古润金,1959年出生于马来西亚吉隆坡,祖籍中国中山市,系马来西亚杰出华裔企业家,也是马、中两国颇具知名度的慈善家,现任马来西亚中山会馆联合会会长、广肇联合总会副会长、华人剧艺研究会副会长、华人艺人公会荣誉会长、中国香港中山社团联合会荣誉会长、中国中山侨资企业协会会长、中山市总商会副会长等多个华人社团领袖职务。  相似文献   

This year marks the 35 anniversary of the establish- ment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran.Over the last 35 years,bilateral relations between the two sides have seen smooth progresses.In recent years,with active high-level leaders contacts,the two-way economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has been increasingly enlarged in depth and scope.Iran has be- come the second trade partner of China in West Asia and North Africa and the third largest oil supplier of China in the world. The main fields of Iran and China coopera- tion are energy,petrochemicals,chemicals, machineries,textile and steel industry.In 2006,Sino-Iranian two-way trade reached US$14.45 billion,a year-on-year increase of 43.3%.Among this total,about US$4.5 billion belonged to China's exports to Iran,and about US$10 billion came from imports from Iran,up 46.2% and 46.7% re- spectively over the last year.We imported about 16.8 million tons of Iranian oil in that single year.In the first half of 2007,a num- ber of agreements in various areas have been reached by the two countries.In spite of the close bilateral ties,there is still huge room for both sides to further strengthen their economic cooperation. At the invitation of the Iranian Em- bassy to China,China's Foreign Trade had an exclusive interview with H.E.Dr.Javad Mansouri,Iranian Ambassa- dor to China,on a number of issues relating to Sino-lranian economic and trade ties development. By Editor  相似文献   

Finland, Rotating Chair of the EU, has played an important role in the Partenariat event. H.E. Mr. Antti Kuosmanen, Ambassador of Finland attended the opening ceremony of the event and gave the first speech. On the eve of the event,China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Antti Kuosmanen.  相似文献   

Finland, Rotating Chair of the EU, has played an important role in the Partenariat event. H.E.Mr. Antti Kuosmanen,Ambassador of Finland attended the opening ceremony of the event and gave the first speech. On the eve of the event, China‘s Foreign Trade interviewed Mr, Antti Kuosmanen. ……  相似文献   

China, a Top Priority Market for Portugal I would start by saying that the political relations between our two countries are very friendly and robust.Premier Wen Jiaobao visited Portugal in December 2005, and we have established a Global Strategic Partnership between China and Portugal. So we believe that the contact between the leaders of both sides in December last year has boosted decisively our relations in general and our trade relations in particular.  相似文献   


The “green gap” is traditionally thought of as the gap between how consumers intend to behave regarding green living and how they actually behave. We extend the idea of the green gap by demonstrating a different kind of disconcerting green gap. There are three levels of green advertising—with tensions embedded in their differing agendas. An ethnographic content analysis and phenomenological interviews reveal that there is a macro agenda of saving the planet associated with nonprofit green advertisers. There is a meso agenda associated with for- profit enterprises. These commercial approaches do not appear to be aligned with consumers' micro agendas of saving one's own part of the planet (or at the very least, of not wasting one's part of it, as perpetuated by consumers). We then provide solutions for green advertisers in bridging this unsettling green gap among for-profit advertisers, nonprofit advertisers, and consumers who want to make being green and less wasteful easier in their everyday lives.  相似文献   

《新巴塞尔协议》要求银行加强内部评级,企业信用评级是内部评级的重要组成部分。鉴于国内定量分析方法的缺点而提出来M.H.DIS(多准则层次判别法)模型,此模型通过求得描述属于某一信用级别的所有企业特征的效用函数,从而实现对企业的分类。这是一般的判别分析所没有考虑的。  相似文献   

In recent years, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe has witnessed a rapid growth and is showing a more and more remarkable tendency of market integration, this is why the Chinese market and west-em European countries are being comprehensively opened to one another. Portugal, at the western point of Europe which has a territory of 92152 sq. meters and a population of 10.54 million, is ready to accelerate its integration into the Chinese market. In 2005, according to Chinese statistics provided by the Custom's Office, the bilateral trade between China and Portugal was only US$1.236 billion. When interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in November, H.E. Mr. Rui Quartin-Santos, Ambassador of Portugal in China stressed: "Among the countries in Europe, Portugal has one of the longest historical relations with China. China is regarded as a top priority market for Portugal and the Portuguese business community." His comments are as follows: By Editor  相似文献   

作为继短信之后,无线增值服务的又一座金矿,手机游戏产业在憧憬美好前景的同时,也存在一些需要解决的问题。本文结合产业现状,通过对产业链各个环节存在的问题进行分析,得出手机游戏产业正积蓄着力量,等待3G 到来时爆发。  相似文献   

"3G只是一个美丽的谎言。"虽然手机之父马丁·库珀曾如此预言,但却并不能阻挡经济危机中,中国对于3G的热切期望,因为这是一场多米诺骨牌游戏。"在政府、运营商、制造商及炒3G概念的股民和投资者眼里,3G是一只能下金蛋的大母鸡,启动之后,必将带来滚滚财富,连4月末,访华的日本首相麻生太郎也瞄准了中国的3G市场。  相似文献   

文芳 《电子商务》2009,(7):14-14
<正>上网本从诞生之日起,就被定位为无线互联的移动终端载体,2008年逆市爆发式的增长,也被很多厂商当作市场的救星,不遗余力地推进上网本的发展,上网本新市场的兴起更是让一些徘徊在笔记本电脑领域外围的企业,有了进入该领域的契机。  相似文献   

<正>2008年5月23日,第3次电信重组方案正式公布,电信运营商拆六合三。中国移动一家独大的龙头之势土崩瓦解,新一代电信运营商三足鼎立之势呼之欲出。2009年1月7日,工信部正式发布3G牌照,此举标  相似文献   

说起网络购物,作为富客斯控股的CEO,年仅33岁的陆强强列举了一连串的数据,"根据艾瑞监测数据显示,08年上半年参加网上购物的人群已经达到1.2亿,同时根据淘宝数据显示,其注册用户规模也呈现直线上升趋势,6月份已达7200万人.  相似文献   

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