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Existing research on supply chain relationships suggests that one of the underlying tensions between supply chain partners is that of opposing perspectives and goals in the customer?supplier relationship. In today's business world with requirements in constant flux, suppliers are often asked to accommodate “special” requests made by their customers, not part of the contractual agreement. Suppliers frequently fill requests to protect the relationship with the customer, even if they fall outside of what they consider their role as a supplier. Issues of supplier role conflict emerge when customers and suppliers have different views of what the supplier's role should entail. There is little research examining the potential for supplier role conflict in supply chains. Specifically, this research draws on literature from multiple disciplines to consider supplier role conflict that may stem from accommodation and the impact of this role conflict and supplier accommodation on the supply chain relationship and future accommodation behavior. Hypotheses are tested using two scenario‐based experiments. Results suggest that supplier adaptation and flexibility both have positive relational effects. If suppliers perceive accommodation requests as outside of their contracted role, supplier role conflict can have detrimental effects on the supplier's relationship perceptions and their willingness for future accommodation.  相似文献   

Existing literature suggests that the increasing concentration in the retail industry is allowing powerful retailers to exploit their weaker suppliers, which causes the suppliers’ performance to suffer. This study takes a collaborative perspective of resource dependency theory and suggests that when suppliers engage in supply chain relationships with key retail account (KRA) customers, their performance may improve, depending on the varying levels of the supplier's and KRAs’ market shares. The empirical analysis of data from two large retailers, Wal-Mart and Target, and a broad cross-section of their suppliers provides ample support for most of the hypotheses set forth in this paper: Suppliers that depend on KRAs for a significant share of their total revenues relinquish some of their leverage in the marketplace, but as the KRAs gain market share, their suppliers’ performance tends to increase. Cumulatively, these results provide evidence of collaborative supplier–KRA relationships, such that a supplier's dependency on KRAs may positively affect supplier performance. This finding supports a more positive, symbiotic view of dependency, resulting in important implications for key account management, supply chain management, and retail research and practice.  相似文献   

A supplier's development of a foreign market can be better understood when examined in the context of bridgehead business relationships between a supplier and a foreign customer. In addition to intrarelationship factors, the network of business relationships connected with a supplier and its foreign customer is also important in understanding the supplier's bridgehead relationships. The results from a LISREL analysis of 142 international business relationships show that the supplier's bridgehead relationships are conditioned by the personal relations with the foreign customer. The supplier's bridgehead relationships are also dependent on mutual commercial dependence between the supplier and the foreign customer. The results show that the supplier views the foreign customer as a conduit for foreign market development and will commit itself to the business relationship for this reason. A further finding is that the network of business relations connected with a supplier and its foreign customer constitutes an important setting for the supplier's bridgehead relationships.  相似文献   

When manufacturers purchase products from suppliers, the types of relationships they establish may depend on many factors. These relationships can range from formalized, extensive contractual obligations to discrete individual purchases. This study investigates the potential determinants of where on this continuum of commitment the relationship lies. These determinants include uncertainty in both the supplier market and the buyer's customer market, the investment in transaction specific assets by both buyer and supplier, and the investment in product specific assets. Results indicate that market diversity, supplier concentration, investment in product specific assets, and the supplier's investment in transaction specific assets are potential reasons for higher levels of buyer-supplier commitment.  相似文献   

When the ordering function is governed by administrative arrangements and sales are regulated by long-term contracts, managers may question the necessity and the tasks of the sales function within established customer relationships. The authors examine three issues related to the role of the salesperson in established industrial buyer-seller relationships: (1) appropriate measures of salesperson performance within a relationship, (2) behaviors and skills affecting salesperson performance, and (3) the effect of salesperson performance on the relationship. The results from a survey of industrial buyers suggest that the salesperson has a significant and substantial effect on relationship continuity. They also show that the salesperson contributes to perceptions of the supplier's reliability and supplier services. The key attributes of an effective salesperson are ability to resolve conflicts, ability to develop a personal relationship with customers, and ability to facilitate exchange of information between the supplier and buyer firms.  相似文献   

Collaboration between buyers and their suppliers often requires both parties to dedicate specialized investments to the relationship. These bilateral idiosyncratic investments serve as mutual hostages and signal commitment to the relationship, yet they are susceptible to expropriation. Drawing on research in social psychology and transaction cost economics, we argue that the nature of the bilateral idiosyncratic investments influences perceptions of a supplier's opportunism that in turn influences retailer opportunism and relationship outcomes. Data collected from 120 Norwegian managers of consumer electronics retail stores provide an assessment of the proposed model. The results indicate that the total and asymmetrical nature of the bilateral idiosyncratic investments influence perceptions of supplier opportunism and these perceptions, in turn, influence the retailer's opportunism and commitment to the relationship. Implications of these findings and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Although several interfirm cooperation studies have expanded the unit of analysis from dyads to triads (networks), there is scant literature focusing on whether and how a supplier’s relationship with a customer influences its relationships with other customers. Individual relationship dyads are not isolated but interact with one another. Particularly, mutual trust in a supplier–customer relationship dyad may influence other customers’ cooperative behavior. This cross-dyadic influence is called the “trickle-down effect of trust.” A hypothesis for the mechanism by which this effect occurs was generated, focusing on the customers’ demand information offerings as a cooperative behavior. The results of an empirical analysis indicate that (1) a supplier’s mutual trust with its primary customer encourages nonprimary customers to offer their demand information to the supplier and (2) the quality of information from customers helps the supplier to make their new product more meaningful.  相似文献   


The predictive ability of trust, satisfaction, and commitment regarding a customer's intent to retain professional service providers is explored. Trust, in business relationships, is typically perceived as a consequent of satisfaction and experience. However, professional service customers may be unable to commence relationships without trusting their providers; thus, the stance that trust leads to commitment may not hold. Given the difficulty that professional service customers have regarding their ability to assess their providers' trustworthiness, customers may take trust for granted once the relationship begins. Regression analyses suggest that professional service customers utilize satisfaction and commitment, rather than trust, to determine repurchase intentions.  相似文献   

The basic premise of this study is that suppliers, in order to compete successfully in the marketplace, have to develop certain innovative capabilities that, in turn, depend on the type of relationship that is established with customers (in other words, the strategic role assumed by the supplier in the supply chain). Based on a study of 198 suppliers operating in the food packaging machinery industry, structural equation modelling has revealed that customers actually assign suppliers different roles and give them varying levels of responsibility in the product development and manufacturing stages. These roles are correlated to the supplier's distinctive innovation capabilities. Clustering analysis is used to divide the suppliers into homogeneous groups. Innovative capabilities are not only associated with traditional competencies in R&D and product/process innovation but also in supportive capabilities in the form of absorptive capacity, technological scanning, innovation-oriented culture, skills and know-how of individuals and managerial practices. The impact of different innovative capabilities (both technological and managerial) on critical performance factors such as price, quality, time and flexibility is measured for each type of supplier in turn. The research findings lend support to the hypothesis that the level of investment in technology and the acquisition of specific managerial capabilities are, to a large extent, a determinant of supplier–customer interdependence.  相似文献   

Purpose: The authors developed a model framework for buyer–supplier relationships and used it to extend theory in 4 areas: (a) maintenance of long-term relationships; (b) conversion of relationships from adversarial to cooperative; (c) changes in relationships over their lives; and (d) levels of commitment and trust between partners.

Methodology/approach: The authors analyzed existing research on buyer–seller relationships and theoretical concepts in various disciplines to develop a 3-stage temporal relationship model consisting of pre-deal (t–1), deal enactment (t), and deal continuation (t+1) stages. From the model and existing research, the authors drew propositions for relationships in the areas of buyer and seller power, several forms of commitment and trust, intellectual capital, and financial performance.

Findings: Briefly, the authors proposed that (a) at the pre-deal stage, increased buyer power may instigate supplier input commitment or vice versa; (b) at deal enactment, both parties may commit to a written contract and build contractual trust through a low degree of relational commitment; and (c) in the deal continuation stage, contractual trust, and attitudinal commitment of one of the parties is likely to foster attitudinal commitment in the other party. The authors found that buyer's and supplier's total commitment fosters goodwill trust and helps build intellectual capital and financial performance, and that the weaker party in the relationship likely gains more from the partnership than the stronger party.

Research implications: In addition to existing research, the authors used several actual situations to provide support for our propositions. However, more research should be done in all areas to additionally confirm our propositions and otherwise add to theory development.

Practical implications: By looking at buyer–seller relationships in three stages, the authors developed several implications for both parties. These included long-term results of short-term actions, importance of industry factors on buyer and seller commitment, and the role of commitment in determining whether long-term relationships are developed.

Originality/value/contribution: The authors extended and coordinated existing theory by consolidating the implications of previous research into a cohesive buyer–supplier relationship model. This model should enable both researchers and managers to better comprehend the dynamics of vertical relationships with a multi-dimensional, reciprocal approach. The results should also provide managers an additional tool to gauge and forecast the fate of a relationship by analyzing levels of trust and commitment as the relationship progresses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to define and discuss the core-customer concept. This concept examines how a company develops its operations around a single or only a few customers. The customer steers what products and services the supplier develops, which means that it is the customer that dictates the supplier's operations. The core-customer concept may be one method for designing a company's operations, but the paper also aims to challenge companies to consider how they think about customers. The paper contributes to research on customer value and extended service offerings by indicating a business-development strategy based on the customer rather than the supplier's operations. Building a company around a single customer, requires flexibility and competences in finding collaboration partners or in adjusting the organisation to new requirements. The paper refers to these as secondary/supporting competences, while the core competence upon which the company builds its operation is the customer.  相似文献   


As all customers are not created equal (Hallberg & Ogilvy, 1995), the different contributions of customers to a supplier's goals have to be evaluated to grant efficient relationship marketing. Furthermore, a handling system has to be developed for unprofitable customer relationships. This is a hitherto neglected field, as marketing researchers and practitioners are generally rather interested in attaining and keeping customers, not in the ending of relationships. The article aims at integrating the concepts of customer equity and profitability with approaches of relationship dissolution, which have recently emerged in the literature. Different aspects of calculating the value of customer relationships and value-based criteria that focus on monetary and non-monetary components of a customer's value are discussed. In an exploratory study undertaken in the German mechanical engineering industry, the relevance of customer valuation to dissolution decisions is analyzed.  相似文献   

Practitioners and researchers describe inventory service level with metrics that communicate the likelihood of demand fulfillment without considering the ongoing capabilities of the supplier, for example, in‐stock and fill rate. We develop a method for measuring inventory service level that incorporates such supplier capabilities, namely consistency (the ability of a supplier to fulfill orders repeatedly) and recovery (the ability of a supplier to fulfill orders after a lapse in service). Using data from two retail supply chains, we illustrate our approach. To demonstrate the impact of consistency and recovery on supply chain performance, we model a retailer purchasing from competing suppliers with different levels of consistency and recovery. The model incorporates the retailer's uncertainty about demand and the retailer's uncertainty about its suppliers' service levels. We characterize how the retailer's orders and profitability change with a supplier's delivery performance through numerical experiments calibrated with field data. We find notable differences in market share across suppliers with similar traditional inventory service level metrics but differences in consistency and recovery. Further, we observe that a retailer can increase its profitability by determining orders via consistency and recovery in lieu of common metrics like in‐stock. Given the influence of consistency and recovery on supply chain outcomes, we discuss implications for practice and future research.  相似文献   

Supplier development is defined as any effort of a buying firm with its supplier to increase the performance and/or capabilities of the supplier and meet the buying firm's supply needs. From the buying firm's perspective, effective two-way communication, top management involvement, teams, and purchasing a relatively large percentage of the supplier's output are critical to the supplier development effort. This article (1) discusses the importance of supplier development, (2) reviews literature to identify potential critical elements of supplier development, and (3) reports the results of an analysis of survey data from US buying firms that explored these critical elements.  相似文献   

Applying concepts from the behavioral complexity literature ( [Ashby, 1952] and [Denison et al., 1995]) we examine if supply managers' multiple roles (behavioral repertoire) and the ability to shift among these roles (behavioral differentiation) are related to their interpersonal relationships with account executives of key suppliers. A series of interviews identified four roles that are enacted when managing supplier relationships: negotiator, facilitator, supplier's advocate, and educator. Survey data were gathered from 70 matched pairs of supply managers and key suppliers' account executives. Results show that a broader behavioral repertoire is positively related to interpersonal relationship quality but behavioral differentiation is negatively related to interpersonal relationship quality.  相似文献   


This study examines the significance of supplier's expectation of continuity of its relationship with a manufacturer, perception of manufacturer's reputation, trust in manufacturer's credibility, trust in manufacturer's benevolence, and dependence on manufacturer as determinants of its willingness to invest in supporting a manufacturer's line. Data collected from Malaysian and Korean auto suppliers indicate that expectation of continuity of relationship, manufacturer reputation, and trust in manufacturer's credibility are significant determinants of supplier willingness to invest, while supplier dependence and trust in manufacturer's benevolence are not.  相似文献   

Since manager's decisions impact organizational goals and organizational ethical behavior, this researcher investigated the degree to which there are differences in the moral reasoning ability of business managers of selected industries and whether there are significant differences between top, middle, and first-line management levels. To determine the relationship between managers' locus of control and their moral reasoning ability, this study considered three independent variables: reported organizational ethical climate, locus of control, and selected demographic and institutional variables. For a foundation, this researcher relied on Kohlberg's theory of moral development, Victor and Cullen's ethical work climate theory, and Rotter's theory of internal—external locus of control (which evolved from Carl Jung). The short form of Rest's DIT instrument measured the moral reasoning abilities of the participants. The selected demographic and institutional variables (age, work tenure, education, gender, management level and industry category) provided the useful information to investigate these relationships of moral reasoning ability of individual managers. A survey questionnaire was sent to 400 managerial and executive level employees at a random sample of Fortune 500 firms throughout the United States: Dun and Bradstreet provided the researcher with a proportional stratified random sample of these 400 managerial and executive level employees at a variety of organizations. Interestingly, women in this study exhibited slightly higher (more external) mean I—E scores and (more principled) higher mean “P” score than men. While both of these results were anticipated, neither was significant. However, one major finding of this study was the statistically significant relationship between age and perceived organizational ethical climate types (Caring, Law and Code, Rule, Instrument, and Independence). Another major finding revealed a statistically significant relationship between management levels and organizational ethical climate.  相似文献   

The label ‘green electricity’ is commonly used to refer to power generated from various renewable natural sources (e.g. wind). The present article develops hypotheses on the effects of eight attitudinal and perceptual characteristics of residential electricity consumers on their propensity to adopt a green electricity supplier. The hypotheses are tested empirically with data generated by means of a standardized telephone survey of 267 household electricity customers of a German regional power supplier. Questionnaire answers are augmented with information derived from the supplier's billing system on a participant's actual annual electricity consumption. Measurement and structural relationship models are obtained via Partial Least Squares analysis. Regardless of a person's level of actual power consumption in the recent past, propensity to adopt green electricity is most strongly influenced by general consumer attitudes towards environmental protection issues and social endorsement of green power use by close social contacts. In the subsample of participants with low actual electricity consumption, the propensity to purchase green energy is significantly positively affected by the weight an individual attaches to electricity prices in supplier selection decisions and the person's belief that his current electricity supplier takes over social responsibility. In contrast, in the subsample of respondents with high actual electricity consumption consumer's willingness to adopt green electricity is significantly enhanced by the degree of perceived dissimilarity among power company offerings. The identification of factors influencing the adoption of green electricity offers both practical implications for marketers of utilities and contributes to the academic knowledge base of a service domain characterized by increasing societal importance.  相似文献   

This study develops a research model that explains the interorganizational system (IOS) network development process in the buyer-supplier relationship. Particular attention is paid to the antecedents and consequences of two types of influence strategies— exercising power and offering IOS support—that a buyer firm often uses in increasing IOS usage with its suppliers. The research model is empirically tested with data obtained through a field survey from a sample of 233 suppliers, each exchanging electronic data interchange (EDI) documents with a nationally known retailing buyer in the United States. We find that the buyer's decision to offer EDI-related support to a supplier is negatively associated with the transaction volume with the supplier but positively with the supplier's IT capabilities as well as the supplier's transaction-specific investments made toward the relationship with the buyer. On the other hand, the buyer's decision to exercise power to a supplier is found to be negatively associated with the transaction volume between the trading partners. Our findings also indicate that offering EDI support, rather than exercising power, is more effectual in inducing greater EDI usage between the trading partners. Finally, the buyer's EDI support is found to be positively associated with suppliers' perceived benefits of using EDI in the relationship that, in turn contributes to more voluntary use of EDI with the buyer.  相似文献   

Limited research exists on the effect of environmental uncertainty on inter-organisational relationships and export performance improvement in supply chains that transcend national boundaries, especially in developing markets such as sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the dominance of the economic perspective in export performance literature, increased attention over the last decade has turned to the Resource Base View (RBV) and the relational perspective. Highlighting this theoretical gap, we develop an approach that argues export market buyers gain advantage by leveraging internal resources and draw upon RBV and relational exchange theory. Data from 262 fresh-produce export suppliers in Zimbabwe was used to investigate the effect of perceived environmental uncertainty on inter-organisational relationships and supplier export performance. Results indicate that perceived environmental uncertainty dimensions have varied influence over inter-organisational relationships. Results support the relational theory's tenet that commitment to future exchanges is associated with export performance improvement, and driven by a reciprocal pattern of each partner's perception of the other's commitment, relationship-specific investments and dependence. These inter-organisational relationships are seen as complementary resources of the firm, which export market buyers can rely on through power to coerce developing export suppliers to cooperate in conditions of perceived market turbulence and high competitive intensity. Market turbulence emerged as a complex factor and is negatively linked to commitment and cooperation. Contrary to prior research, cooperation had a negative effect on export performance improvement.  相似文献   

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