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Growth in the current-dollar sales of agricultural machinery and equipment was almost six percent per annum during 2000-2005.1 This was much faster than the 2.6 percent growth for agricultural output and the 1.2 percent rate for population in the same period. JEL Classification L64  相似文献   

文章从产业组织理论的角度,把银行业的多产品性、产品的服务性等特征引入所建立的理论模型,得出了垄断银行的相应定价行为以及银行市场势力相应的表现形式.总体而言,银行市场势力仍然具有正负两面的双重效应.对中国银行业市场势力的特殊表现形式的分析表明:中国银行业的低效率的关键的因素可能不是市场结构的集中,而主要是国有银行的行政性市场势力所至.  相似文献   


The aims of this paper are to examine the constraints and potentials for Australian beef industry on world export markets, and to identify the implications for other beef exporting countries. The survey of beef export constraints suggested that the effect of world beef price and cost of feed grains reduced beef export returns. The relative importance of these variables was tested using a linear regression model. The coefficients of these variables are statistically significant at 10 and 1 per cent levels, and the results suggest that world beef price and cost of feed grains are important determinants of Australian beef exports. The findings of this study also reveal that Australia is highly restricted in its access to world beef markets by the impact of rigid import controls, tariffs and other trade barriers including export subsidies provided by foreign countries for their own exports. Australia needs to give priority to diversification of export markets, particularly in the emerging markets in Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East, where reduced tariff barriers are expected to improve market access. Australia also needs to increase productivity, improve cost efficiency, and undertake market research and promotion in order to be more competitive in the long run and to capture a sizeable market share from its major competitors.  相似文献   

我国电子信息业的国际市场势力:一个实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用Goldberg & Knetter(1999)的剩余需求弹性模型,选取SITC(Rev.3)76222这一典型电子信息产品,对其在美、日、德三国市场上的国际市场势力进行了检验。研究结果表明,受产品需求弹性和竞争对手供给替代弹性较大等因素影响,我国SITC(Rev.3)76222产品的出口企业未能形成价格加成能力,陷入了国际市场势力缺失的困境。基于实证研究结论,本文亦有针对性的提出了增强我国电子信息业国际市场势力的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国服装产业出口贸易市场势力研究——以美国市场为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以棉制T恤衫为例,运用剩余需求弹性模型,测度了我国服装产业在美国市场上的国际市场势力,结果表明,我国服装产业国际市场势力总体偏低,并受到墨西哥、印度等主要竞争对手的威胁。文章认为传统的成本优势受不再突出、不利的价值链环节以及过度的价格竞争行为是导致我国服装产业国际市场势力缺失的主要原因。要解决这些问题应从提高劳动力素质、促进产业转移、提高自主创新能力等方面着手。  相似文献   

葛文霞 《江苏商论》2012,(7):18-21,41
本文在回顾渠道权力理论相关文献的基础上,深入分析我国家具业内销渠道网络建设受阻的原因,并有针对性地提出了家具业内销网络建设的一般路径。本文的研究将为我国家具企业争取渠道权力、正确处理供销关系进而拓宽内销渠道网络、打开国内市场提供理论依据。希望对正徘徊在国门内外的家具企业有一定的启发,对于其他出口转内销的产业也同样能起到某种程度上的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The U.S. Market for Power Lawn and Garden Equipment equipment is expected to grow at 3.1 percent per year from 2004 to 2009, unchanged from the rate that prevailed from 1999 to 2004. JEL Classification L6  相似文献   

The global demand for water treatment products should rise at 6.6 percent per year between 2002 and 2007 and reach almost $35 billion by the end of that period. China will record the highest rate of growth among major markets with a 17 percent annual rise through 2007. Gains in the developing world will reflect ongoing efforts to deliver safe drinking water to the more than one billion people who currently lack access.JEL Classification L95  相似文献   

Power imbalance and the pattern of exchange in dyadic negotiation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We investigate how a key structural aspect of negotiation—power—combines with aspiration level to affect the interaction pattern of negotiators. Conflicting research findings have revealed that in most cases negotiators with anequal balance of power reach agreements of higher joint gain than negotiators with an unequal power balance, but in some instances the opposite result has been found. We suggest that it is important to consider the interaction between the negotiators to explain these varying findings. We propose that when unequal power negotiators are able to reach agreements of high joint gain it is due to the efforts of the low power party. In addition, we argue that the low power player will be most likely to drive the search for a solution of high joint gain when he or she also has high aspirations. We tested these proposals in a market negotiation with integrative potential. To examine the pattern of negotiation, all offers and counter-offers were written. The results indicated that overall, equal power dyads achieved higher joint outcomes than unequal power dyads. Under unequal power, the hypothesis that higher joint outcomes would be obtained when the low power player had high aspirations received partial support. In addition, support was found for the hypothesis that in unequal power dyads low power players would be responsible for driving solutions of higher joint gain.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assess and analyze the size and characteristics of the engineering consultancy market in select Western nations and worldwide. A secondary goal is two-fold: to look briefly at the training required for careers in this field and to evaluate the strategies of the participating firms. This sector has grown in the past half-century to about U.S.$550 billion revenue globally, with nearly 3 million establishments and about 500,000 employees. There are giant, multinational firms that span across regions; but the sector is still highly fragmented, and the top 10 firms have less than 15 percent of the global market share. The typical firm in the industry in most major countries consists of around five or six professional associates. The data problems in analyzing this sector are formidable. The paper offers guidelines to using these statistics. It also describes steps necessary for effective marketing.  相似文献   

Fifty years ago, a few countries in Western Europe accounted for virtually all world exports of wine and most of its production and consumption. This has changed dramatically: now every continent has major producing and/or consuming countries. Much of this change has been driven by technology and science, resulting in increasing quality, bringing new countries into the ranks of global winemakers, and increasing the productivity of traditional countries. Much of it has also been driven by economics, in particular the rising income and changing tastes of consumers throughout the world, and by public policy that has created surpluses in Europe. This paper shows the magnitudes of the shifts in consumption and production and discusses the economic and social factors that drive them.  相似文献   

采用经济学实验研究方法研究资本市场,可以解决实证研究方法所无法解决的问题。资本市场实验的设计除了要满足经济学实验设计的一般准则之外,还需考虑资本市场实验的具体要求。必须从交易制度的选择、实验室资产的设计、被试个数的确定、共同知识设计等四个方面探讨资本市场实验的若干具体的设计准则。  相似文献   

Emerging markets (EMs) are increasingly becoming significant in income growth for Multinational corporations (MNCs). Therefore, what affects the consumer perceptions and behaviors toward global brands in EMs is a fundamental question to answer for MNCs. There is a remarkable literature on global brands in EMs however there is little evidence specifically upon bandwagon effects. This study aims to fulfil this gap and examines the effects of bandwagon consumption, conspicuous value and social value on consumer attitudes towards the global brands. In the study, data were collected via face-to-face questionnaire from a sample of 458 university students, and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses. As a result, it was found that bandwagon consumption, conspicuous value, and social value have positive impacts on brand attractiveness, purchase intention and willingness to pay more for global brands.  相似文献   

World demand for refractory products—heat-resisting ceramic materials used in metal refining, glass making, and other high-temperature industrial applications—will be slowing down considerably from an annual rate of 10.8 percent during 2002–07 to 3.5 percent during 2007–12. Such slower growth reflects many factors, but is due primarily to: unsettled economic conditions; better efficiencies in steelmaking (which accounts for about half of all end uses of refractories); and the preference of end-users for maintenance rather than new facilities. The four key markets or end uses for refractory materials are: iron and steelmaking; other metal-making; nonmetallic materials such as glass; and an all-other category. In 2007, world refractory demand was 38.1 million metric tons valued at $22.9 billion; the corresponding figures for 2012 are projected at about 45.2 million metric tons valued at $28.5 billion. The Asia-Pacific region accounted for about 45 percent of total weight in 2007; its share by 2012 should rise to about 69 percent, with China becoming the dominant producer and consumer of refractory materials.  相似文献   


Globalization has created significant opportunities of cost reductions for players to take advantage of location specific benefits. Simultaneously, it has presented significant opportunities for countries, such as China, to actively participate in global trade, attract foreign direct investment, and improve the economic wealth of their nations. However, literature cautions marketers about consumers’ biased evaluations of products based on their country of production. Moving production to low-cost countries could potentially harm brand trust, quality evaluations, and purchase intentions due to unfavorable biases for the country of production. The objective of this study is to investigate country of production biases of Turkish consumers for two global brands, Philips and Adidas. Data for the study (N = 1,608) were collected using mall-intercepts from the 17 largest cities of Turkey. Study findings show that brand trust, perceived quality, and purchase intentions declined sharply for both brands when consumers learned that the product was manufactured in China.  相似文献   

电力产业是国民经济发展的基础性产业,也是关乎国计民生的重要产业。由于电力产业的自然垄断性特点,各国都长期严格管制电力各个环节的运营。当前,我国电力行业规制过程中存在着现有法律滞后,规制机构职能分散,规制成本过高,规制效率偏低,行政垄断现象严重等问题。我国电力行业在运用激励性规制方面,应完善电力法律法规体系,对输配电实行最高限价的价格规制,实行差别电价激励性措施,在发电端引入竞争机制,使用特许投标竞争规制,从而充分发挥市场有效竞争对资源配置的作用,建立更高效率的电力产业。  相似文献   

金融市场中的机构投资者行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机构投资者作为金融市场中的主要参与者 ,是推进证券市场市场化的核心。成熟的资本市场经验表明 :资产管理机构化趋势越来越强 ,机构投资者的重要性不断增长。对于我国证券市场来说 ,超常规、创造性地培育和发展机构投资者是我国证券市场不断完善和深化、最终同国际化接轨的重要推动力量  相似文献   

Business Economics - The global demand for autobuses reached the 286,000-unit mark in 2005 and should rise to 352,000 units by 2010. This represent s a growth rate of 4.2 percent compared to a rise...  相似文献   

中小型民营企业如何走向全球市场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐金发  魏勇 《商业研究》2002,(21):71-73
在加入WTO后,我国大量中小型(制造业)民营企业如何应对经济全球化,使企业稳步发展,开拓全球市场,减少经营风险,将成为一个严峻的现实问题。企业要实施“走出去——引进来——再走出去”三阶段国际化经营战略,注意战略实施过程中各阶段的支撑要素以及问题,以此作为中小型民营企业顺利走向国际市场的借鉴。  相似文献   

我国汽车产业国际竞争力分析与研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈伟  刘秋  刘冬 《商业研究》2005,(13):92-94
加入世贸给我国汽车产业带来了从来未有的机遇与挑战,运用显示比较优势指数,相对贸易竞争优势比较,贸易竞争指数和市场占有率等方面对我国汽车产业国际竞争力进行分析,对我国汽车产业国际竞争力进行系统分析评价,测度我国汽车产业国际竞争力水平,以求提升我国汽车产业国际竞争力。  相似文献   

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