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本文将产品成型工艺过程系统和物料流成本会计理论结合起来,构建基于工艺系统的价值模型,按照模型标准计算成本价值,由成本价值确定采购价格,取代比价采购、招标采购的传统定价模式。价格的确定有了统一的数学标准,价格制定的效率得到了明显的提高,价格的科学性、一致性得到了最大限度的保证。  相似文献   

采购管理有效地监控整个采购计划的实施过程,分析采购价格的变动及供应商交货履约的情况,从而有效地管理整个企业的采购业务。在市场竞争日趋激烈的现代经济社会,物资供应部门如何保证企业大宗物料、设备配件的采购,并及时保质保量供应,提高企业的快速反应能力、适应力和竞争力,提高企业管理信息化水平,建立采购管理系统尤其重要。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的建立和完善,军队物资采购(含后勤装备)为适应其发展需要,逐步呈现出多元化、市场化的趋势。根据军队装备采购条件,装备采购同政府采购一样,也分为五种不同的采购方式。而且在不同的采购方式下,其价格也出现不同的特点。单一来源采购也称无竞争性谈判采购,通常在这种采购方式下,军方只能同唯一的承制单位签订合同,因而具有产品来源的单一性、采购价格的垄断性、采购方谈判地位的被动性等特点,决定了对其审价工作台的难度。  相似文献   

传统采购的目的就是为了填充库存,状态固定,方法简单。但是在实际的生产中,某些敏感性原物料,由于其状态的随机性,而使采购决策成为多阶段决策过程。文中以航空公司采购燃油为例展示针对敏感性物料的采购决策的确定。  相似文献   

本文对大宗商品定价机制和价格波动规律两个领域的相关研究进行了综述。目前学术界对定价机制的研究主要分新古典主义路线和新制度经济学及国际政治经济学三个流派;对大宗商品价格波动规律的研究主要从长期趋势、短期波动特点、价格变动影响因素三个角度进行研究。  相似文献   

临近年末,各种大宗资源产品的合同谈判即将拉开序幕,作为国内重点交易的大宗商品,煤炭价格的大幅上涨牵动着供需各方神经。根据国家发改委价格监测中心的监测,10月份主要煤炭中传港秦皇岛港的煤炭平仓价为419元/吨,  相似文献   

国有股转让定价的谈判与拍卖模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对国有股转让定价的公允性问题,本文运用谈判与拍卖模型进行分析,发现谈判与拍卖都可以产生国有股转让的市场公允价格。但谈判与拍卖相比是一种低效率的交易方式。引入利益相关者进行评标规则的国有股拍卖机制,是国有股转让定价的可行方法。  相似文献   

在企业集团内部各投资中心或利润中心间进行中间产品内部转移价格谈判协商的过程中,引入惩罚性质的负激励机制,可使各中心在该机制下进行理性的协商定价博弈。本文通过模型分析得出如下结论:在负激励机制下,若中间产品存在外部市场(包括完全外部市场和不完全外部市场),只要满足集团利益最大化的限定条件,协商型内部转移价格就是最佳定价;通过负激励机制的约束,理性的集团投资中心或利润中心经理人会更自觉地以集团利益最大化为目标出价,进而有效规避次优化决策,达到协商价格的最优化。  相似文献   

制定产品或服务的价格,是企业管理层面临的最重要也是最复杂的决策问题之一。定价决策不仅会直接关系到每一种产品和服务的可销售性,而且会对企业的生存和发展产生重要影响。虽然成本不是企业定价决策时考虑的唯一因素,但它却是企业定价决策时必须考虑的重要因素,企业管理者应该了解和认识成本在不同定价决策导向中扮演的角色,这是定价决策中最具挑战性的工作之一。 一、成本导向定价法:成本数据是定价的决定性因素 以成本为导向的定价决策,是按照卖方意图以产品成本作为定价主要依据所制定的价格决策。企业在定价时,既要考虑收回企业生产经营过程中的全部费用,也要考虑获得一定的利润,财务和会计部门提供的成本信息,是以成本为导向的定价决策的主要依据。管理者制定价格决策的目标则是基于产品“完全成本”的一个回报率。定价决策所考虑的关键因素包括:变动成本、固定成本以及用以核算费用摊销的计划销售量。定价决策的绩效是由单位产品的利润来评价的,通常描述为与计划销售收入、计划成本和计划利润的差异。  相似文献   

2010年,衢州市政府采购中心就市纪委监控系统项目进行了竞争性谈判采购。本项目采购预算为285,500元,采购单位设定的最高限价为280,000元,共有6家供应商参加了谈判采购活动。经过谈判,  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) purchasing is covering an increasing part of companies’ expenditure. Scholars mainly investigated IT purchasing in terms of make or buy drivers from an IT perspective. Similarly, companies have been focusing on make or buy decisions and specifications definition in relation to technological characteristics. This often resulted in failures related to the goods/services purchased due to e.g. lack of negotiation skills, contracting, and suppliers’ relationship management. Accordingly, IT purchasing might require new structures and processes management.The purpose of the paper is to investigate what are the possible configurations for IT purchasing, and how these configurations are characterized in terms of purchasing process (i.e., strategic purchasing, sourcing and supply) and organization (i.e., roles involved, level of centralization, and span of control). Furthermore, the paper asks how IT relevance and purchasing maturity might affect these configurations. Through 12 case studies of leading international companies, four main configurations of the organization and the purchasing process for IT purchasing were identified, namely neutral (no specific approach is in place), IT oriented (the IT department takes the lead over the purchasing department), purchasing oriented (the purchasing department manages the whole IT sourcing process) and IT strategic (IT and purchasing departments jointly manage the IT purchasing process). The choice of the configuration is driven by IT strategic importance (low for neutral and purchasing oriented) and purchasing maturity of the company (low for neutral and IT oriented).  相似文献   

Measurement Biases in Consumer Price Indexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the cost of purchasing a fixed basket of goods at a fixed sample of outlets over time, and can be thought of as a practical approximation to a "true" cost-of-living index, and a measure of general inflation for the economy. In more recent times, concerns over the possibility that the U.S. CPI overstates the rate of inflation have grown. Annual changes in the CPI are used to adjust social security benefits, and wage contracts are often indexed to CPI changes. To the extent that the CPI overstates the rate of inflation individuals are being compensated for changes in the cost-of-living that have not occurred–with enormous implications for government fiscal budgets. This paper presents an up-to-date survey of the principal sources of measurement error or bias in the CPI. A number of sources of bias are examined, including the commodity substitution bias , the outlet substitution bias , and the elementary index bias . Traditional bilateral index number theory assumes that the number of goods remains constant over the pricing period and furthermore, that the goods are of unchanging quality. Changes in either of these give rise to two further biases: the new goods bias and the quality bias .  相似文献   

期权定价模型及在技术商品定价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈学军 《价值工程》2005,24(1):24-26
本文在介绍期权定价理论和分析技术商品期权特性的基础上,提出了技术商品的期权定价法,从而为技术商品的定价提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

When purchasing a ticket to a performance good, such as a movie or sporting event, the consumer does not actually buy the product, but simply access to viewing the product. Although the performance is the primary impetus for the ticket purchase, many performance goods offer complementary products such as concessions to their patrons. This paper suggests that when the price setter receives a share of revenues from concessions, overall profits will be maximized when tickets are priced in the inelastic section of demand. The model can be used to explain inelastic point estimates for ticket pricing found in other performance good studies. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of a reduction of anonymity on consumers' purchase decisions (whether to buy, and if so how much to pay) at an online music store with Pay‐What‐You‐Want (PWYW)‐like pricing and in an Internet experiment mimicking the real world situation. Revealing the customer's name, e‐mail, and payment to the artist (seller) led to insignificantly higher payments, although it drastically reduced the number of customers purchasing. Overall, the regime led to a revenue loss of 25%. In the online experiment, revenue drops by 35%. These results suggest that the positive effect of reduced anonymity, previously established for donation or public goods contexts, does not extend to a consumption environment. Instead, the substantial opt‐out of customers is likely to be motivated by concerns about privacy.  相似文献   

制造企业采购成本控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着市场竞争的加剧,采购成本的降低已成为制造企业迫待解决的问题。然而目前还没有形成系统地降低采购成本的方法。本文正是从货物总成本的角度出发,在考虑采购引起的质量成本的情况下,对制造型企业的采购成本先做了界定,然后通过系统研究采购成本的各项构成来降低采购成本,从而提高企业的利润和市场份额。  相似文献   

A curious phenomenon in the retail pricing of many product categories (e.g., tuna, frozen orange juice, and tomato paste) is the existence of quantity surcharges. A related curiosity is the existence of both discounts and surcharges within the same product category. To explain the former phenomenon, extant research invokes heterogeneity in consumption parameters, heterogeneity in search costs, or concern for retail price image. To the best of our knowledge, there is no received explanation for the latter phenomenon. We add to this rich stream of work by proposing a novel explanation for quantity surcharges. Our explanation is based on the notion of consumption hassle. We analyze a market that is heterogeneous in a hedonic parameter that influences valuations as well as the effective cost of the consumption hassle. We then derive consumer choices (small pack, large pack, or two small packs) taking into account Individual Rationality (IR) and Incentive Compatibility (IC) constraints. In the absence of consumption hassle, we obtain two segments with one purchasing the small pack and the other purchasing the large pack. Moreover, the optimal pricing for the seller involves quantity discounts. However, with the introduction of consumption hassle, the market potentially splits into three segments: one purchasing the small pack, another purchasing two small packs, and the third purchasing the large pack. Moreover, the optimal pricing for the seller involves quantity surcharges. Overall, our analytical findings offer an additional explanation for the phenomenon of quantity surcharges. More importantly, they offer a rationale for the existence of multiple pricing schedules within the same product category by explicitly recognizing variations in consumption hassle. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吴香兰  涂崇武 《价值工程》2012,31(1):123-124
文章让集团的下属单位和部门的采购、进销存、结算等数据信息在一个集中的数据库内平台上运行,集团通过该平台进行集中管理采购商品,对整个采购环节进行管理和监控,为集团及时准确的掌握采购行为,及时作出采购决策,极大的发挥了规模优势,降低采购成本,提升企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

按我国现行规定,企业借壳上市过程中形成反向购买的,若构成业务则需确认商誉,否则按权益性交易处理。若壳公司保留少量业务,上市公司要么确认巨额商誉,要么不得不放弃这些少量业务,使上市公司陷入两难的处境。本文从企业整体价值出发,将借壳方的购买行为划分为取得上市地位的买壳和购买留存少量业务两部分。对于买壳行为,按权益性交易处理,不确认商誉;对于购买留存少量业务的行为,按照购买法确认商誉。对于壳资源价值计量,本文通过对华源股份的案例分析,建议采用协商定价的方法以化解壳公司留存少量业务情况下的壳资源和商誉计量问题。  相似文献   

文章运用不完全信息动态博弈理论分析软件外包项目中接包商和外包商的定价博弈过程,从而推导出双方在软件外包项目谈判过程中能够实现项目交易利润最大化的简易模型,最后对软件外包项目定价策略做出相关建议。  相似文献   

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