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科技论文是科学和技术进步的科学记录和历史性文件,如何高质量、快速地发表科技论文近年来备受关注。文章根据笔者在期刊社从事多年审稿和编辑工作的积累和总结的经验,向科技论文作者介绍科技论文出版流程、审稿方式、用稿与退稿原因,以及作者投稿时应考虑的因素,以期帮助作者高质量、快速地发表科技论文。  相似文献   

本刊投稿以中文为主;境外作者投稿也可用英文,如被录用,本刊负责组织翻译。我刊拥有中文版权,来稿在本刊发表后,稿件仍可在中国境外用外文发表。每篇来稿中文字数原则上不超过15000字。作者的中英文投稿应是未在其他任何期刊或论文集中公开发表过的作品,请在来稿中明确说明所投论文系专投稿,不存在一稿多投问题。  相似文献   

本刊投稿以中文为主;境外作者投稿也可用英文,如被录用,本刊负责组织翻译。我刊拥有中文版权,来稿在本刊发表后,稿件仍可在中国境外用外文发表。每篇来稿中文字数原则上不超过15000字。作者的中英文投稿应是未在其它任何期刊或论文集中公开发表过的作品,请在来稿中明确说明所投论文系专投稿,不存在一稿多投问题。  相似文献   

本刊投稿以中文为主;境外作者投稿也可用英文,如被录用,本刊负责组织翻译。我刊拥有中文版权,来稿在本刊发表后,稿件仍可在中国境外用外文发表。每篇来稿中文字数原则上不超过15000字。作者的中英文投稿应是未在其他任何期刊或论文集中公开发表过的作品,请在来稿中明确说明所投论文系专投稿,不存在一稿多投问题。  相似文献   

科技论文的传统发表模式存在着版面有限、发表周期长、评审制度存在一定缺陷等诸多制约科技论文发表的因素。借助于网络技术和信息技术的发展而出现的科技论文网络发表模式,不仅通过发表容量的扩大、发表周期的缩短提高科技论文的发表机会,更通过对发表模式的重新设计,重新界定了作者、读者、同行评议专家以及出版商之间的相互关系,有助于作者研究成果的展示、论文发表周期的缩短和研究水平的提高。同时,由于科技论文网络发表模式刚刚兴起,也存在着一些将会对作者产生一定负面影响的因素。  相似文献   

通过对《会计研究》1980年创刊号始至2009年末期30年间发表的学术论文总体被引用状况的统计,描述了该刊三十年发表论文被引状况的分布及在不同时期的变化规律;通过对发表论文被引频率的排名及统计分析,获得在该刊发表的本学科优秀论文和活跃作者及任职机构;通过对论文作者单位的分析,发现该刊论文作者分布服从Lotka分布。结论表明,《会计研究》30年来发表的论文总体上反映了中国会计研究的历史发展,代表了各个年代中国会计研究的相应学术水平。  相似文献   

关于投稿问题答热心作者的提问经常有热心作者打来电话或者来信询问:我投的稿件收到了吗?我的稿件能发表吗?如果发表会给邮寄样刊吗?在《乡镇论坛》上发表文章需要交版面费吗?如此等等。我们非常感谢所有给本刊投稿的作者。投稿之后惦记着能否发表,这反映了作者对自己劳动成果的关注,其心情我们非常理解。为避免给作者造成时间和精力上的负担,我们感觉有必要就上述问题和读者集中作一个交流。本刊处理稿件的周期为两个月,即所有稿件在投递到编辑部之后,需要一个月之后才能确定是否发表,再过一个月才能发出稿费和样刊。所以,作者在把文章投给…  相似文献   

互联网的普及和信息技术的发展推动了基于网络的服务平台的兴起,创新型国家的建设使得基于网络的科技服务平台快速发展,但目前这类平台大多在政府的支持下运行,还很少形成有效的盈利模式,本文对网络科技服务平台的盈利模式进行了初步探讨。首先,论文分析了平台的参与主体,构建了平台的逻辑结构模型,明确了平台所提供的主要功能和特点;其次,论文分析了平台的盈利对象、盈利点、盈利源、定价方式和盈利活动等盈利模式要素,并进一步在应用的层次上,从服务提供方式、定价方式、平台在服务中充当的角色、付款方式等维度讨论了平台盈利模式的分类。  相似文献   

一、我刊在网上发现,有多家网站(页)声称,"可以联系《沿海企业与科技》等同类期刊发表论文",甚至有人冒充我刊编辑对外征稿,为此,我刊声明如下:1.我刊没有委托任何机构和个人对外组稿,各位作者向我刊投稿,请直接发邮件到我刊唯一投稿邮箱:yhqj@263.net或来电话询问,我刊电话:0771-5856631。  相似文献   

<正>《企业技术开发》由湖南省科学技术厅主管,湖南省科学技术信息研究所主办,国内外公开发行,湖南省一级期刊。《企业技术开发》是中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库、中文科技期刊数据库的收录期刊。为方便作者投稿,现将要求规定如下:(1)所投稿件需具有自有知识产权,要求重点突出、层次分明、符合本刊宗旨。(2)欢迎通过在线投稿系统、编辑部邮箱等方式投稿,编辑部将于5个工作日内给予答复。(3)凡获省部级以上基金资助项目的论文,请加注资助项目编号,并附单位证明。文中一律采用法定计量单位,量纲(量的符号)用斜体或加线表示。论文发表后获奖情况,请及时反馈,并提供复印件。(4)论文题目不超过20个字,需附中英文对照的题目和作者及其单位名称。论文均需中、英文摘要(200字以内)、中英  相似文献   

As the preponderance of journal rankings becomes increasingly more frequent and prominent in academic decision making, such rankings in broad discipline categories is taking on an increasingly important role. The paper focuses on the robustness of rankings of academic journal quality and research impact using the widely‐used Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science citations database (ISI) for the Statistics & Probability category. The paper analyses 110 ISI international journals in Statistics & Probability using quantifiable research assessment measures (RAMs), and highlights the similarities and differences in various RAMs, which are based on alternative transformations of citations and influence. Alternative RAMs may be calculated annually or updated daily to determine when, where and how (frequently) published papers are cited (see Chang, McAleer and Oxley (2011a, b, c) , Chang, Maasoumi and McAleer (2012) ). The RAMs are grouped in four distinct classes that include impact factor, mean citations and non‐citations, journal policy, number of high quality papers, and journal influence and article influence. These classes include the most widely used RAMs, namely the classic 2‐year impact factor including journal self citations (2YIF), 2‐year impact factor excluding journal self citations (2YIF*), 5‐year impact factor including journal self citations (5YIF), Eigenfactor (or Journal Influence), Article Influence, h‐index, PI‐BETA (Papers Ignored – By Even The Authors), 5YD2 (= 5YIF/2YIF) as a measure of citations longevity, and escalating self citations as a measure of increasing journal self citations. The paper highlights robust rankings based on the harmonic mean of the ranks of RAMs across the 4 classes. It is shown that focusing solely on the 2YIF of a journal, which partly answers the question as to when published papers are cited, to the exclusion of other informative RAMs, which answer where and how (frequently) published papers are cited, can lead to a distorted evaluation of journal quality, impact and influence relative to the more robust harmonic mean of the ranks.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the articles published in the Journal of Management Studies since its inception to assess to what extent JMS has: maintained its leading international ranking; maintained its founding mission as a broad based management journal; and remained a broad based management journal compared to other general management journals. In terms of its impact factor and citations despite reaching a low point in 2001, we find that JMS today ranks higher than it has ever done throughout its 50‐year history. From our content analysis covering the life‐cycle of JMS, we find four areas have been the most frequently represented, although their relative importance varies between decades: Organizational Management/Behaviour, Strategy, Human Resource Management, and General Management, accounting for 67 per cent of articles published over the period. JMS has strengthened its international author distribution through the increase in authors from the EU especially; the period 2000–04 which saw the predominance of UK authors was an anomaly. There are marked differences between type of article and author country of origin. Our comparative analysis of the word networks between the journals JMS, AMJ, ASQ, and HRM shows that over each decade the papers in the first three normally form a single cluster, indicating that the words used in the papers in the different journals are similar, while papers from HRM often form an outlining group. Notably, in the early 2000s papers in JMS form a distinct cluster, with papers from HRM paralleling the anomaly identified in the content analysis. Overall, JMS has regained its distinctiveness as a broad‐based international management journal, not favouring any particular theoretical or empirical approach.  相似文献   

赵韬  陈富 《价值工程》2011,30(27):275-276
利用清华同方《中国学术文献网络出版总库》的数据,运用文献计量法对2000—2009年《教育研究与实验》载文被国内中文期刊引用频次分布、选题分布、被引论文年代分布、引用核心期刊等情况进行系统梳理和分析,揭示我国教育科学研究领域的学者对该刊载文的借鉴和利用情况,为该刊今后的发展研究奠定一定的基础和提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

The paper discusses how the Journal of Econometrics started and has grown over the years. It analyzes a trend in the research areas of the published articles and reviews some of the important papers that have been published. It concludes with an assessment of the future of the journal.  相似文献   

It is important that the first issue of a new journal devoted to research in a given subject area examine the general nature of research in the field at present, and indicate what type of research might be beneficially undertaken in the field in the future. It is also desirable for a new journal to consider the ways in which it will judge the general quality of its articles in the aggregate, relative to established journals in similar disciplines. That is, what criteria can and should be used, say five years hence to determine if the journal is a strong one? It is the purpose of this paper to consider these distinct, but interrelated questions. This will be done by classifying some recent OM research, commenting on what appear to be broad areas where more work might be done, and then suggesting some measures we might want to think about for evaluating papers published by the JOM in the future.  相似文献   

从1994年至2002年发表的税务会计研究论文有180多篇,本文通过对其内容、作者、发表时间、作者单位、发表期刊等方面进行实证分析,试图发现我国税务会计研究的一些规律,以期对我国今后的税务会计研究得出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper analyses what makes a great journal great in economics. Alternative research assessment measures (RAM) are discussed, with an emphasis on the Thomson Reuters Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science database. ISI RAM that are calculated annually or updated daily are defined, including the classic 2‐year impact factor (2YIF), 5‐year impact factor (5YIF), immediacy (zero‐year impact factor (0YIF)), eigenfactor score, article influence, citation performance per paper online, h‐index, Zinfluence, PI‐BETA (papers ignored ‐ by even the authors) and two new RAM measures, self‐citation threshold approval rating and impact factor inflation. The data are analysed for the most highly cited journals in economics, management, business and business–finance on the basis of 2YIF. In addition to evaluating research in the most highly cited journals in economics, management, business and business–finance, the paper evaluates alternative RAM, highlights similarities and differences in RAM criteria, finds that several RAM capture similar performance characteristics, and finds that immediacy and PI‐BETA are not highly correlated with other RAM. Harmonic mean rankings of the 12 RAM criteria are also presented. Emphasizing 2YIF to the exclusion of other useful RAM criteria can lead to a distorted evaluation of journal performance and influence.  相似文献   

张春军  董凯  董琦 《价值工程》2011,30(15):193-193
本文简述了医学期刊的发展,医学期刊的出版现状、前期的评价工具指标,医学期刊的网传方式及电子网络版生物期刊的服务方式。探究高等医学院校如何对医学期刊进行综合管理。为医学科研人员及医务工作者提供更有利的医学信息服务。  相似文献   

Care should be taken in the writing of papers in mathematical statistics for two reasons. First this enhances a paper's chances to be accepted for publication in a top journal. Second the contributions of a paper will reach a wider audience if the main ideas are easily accessible. This paper gives suggestions for improvement in two directions: presentation of mathematics and organization of papers.  相似文献   

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