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李明 《税收征纳》2008,(11):30-32
《金融工具确认和计量》准则规定,根据公司购买债券目的不同,可分为交易性金融资产、可供出售金融资产和持有至到期投资三类,由于公司投资债券的意图不同,因此投资期限与金额也会不同.下面分别就三种债券投资业务会计核算方法与新所得税法进行对比分析。  相似文献   

长期债券投资的核算是中级会计实务(二)考试的重要内容,应从吃透概念、分清种类、抠准日期、牢记规定、分别处理这五个方面入手准确把握。  相似文献   

为了适应我国证券市场的快速发展、严格规范投资企业长期股权投资的会计核算,同时也为了持续地保持能够和国际财务报告准则的同步,对于《企业会计准则第2号——长期股权投资》(CAS2(2014))方面,2014年3月13日我国财政部进行了修订和发布。本文通过对新旧长期股权投资准则进行了比较和解读,达到了解新会计准则的规定及深层次思想,把握国内长期股权投资准则的发展方向的目的。  相似文献   

刘胜忠 《财政监督》2011,(11):38-39
本文对比分析了我国的会计准则与国际会计准则在准则体系、财务会计概念框架、准则制定、准则导向等相关规定,并选取资产减值、关联方披露以及政府补助等具体准则进行了分析,研究表明,我国的会计准则在充分考虑了我国的特殊政治、经济、文化等因素的同时实现了与国际会计准则的实质性趋同,我国应该加强会计理论研究,尽快制定专门的财务会计概念框架,保持会计准则的连贯性、逻辑统一性和层次性,提高会计准则的质量。  相似文献   

刘胜忠 《财政监督》2011,(32):38-39
本文对比分析了我国的会计准则与国际会计准则在准则体系、财务会计概念框架、准则制定、准则导向等相关规定,并选取资产减值、关联方披露以及政府补助等具体准则进行了分析,研究表明,我国的会计准则在充分考虑了我国的特殊政治、经济、文化等因素的同时实现了与国际会计准则的实质性趋同,我国应该加强会计理论研究,尽快制定专门的财务会计概念框架,保持会计准则的连贯性、逻辑统一性和层次性,提高会计准则的质量。  相似文献   

在我国会计准则日益国际化的大背景下,中外会计准逐步趋同成为必然趋势.本文从国内外固定资产准则规范范围入手,结合具体相似点和差异,从与其有关的适用范围、确认条件、初始计量、后续计量、处置、信息披露等六个方面进行深入比较,说明我国固定资产准则与国际会计准则的异同  相似文献   

一、债券投资的主动与被动之分由于债券一般拥有较长的偿还期,债券投资被称为被动的投资。所谓被动的投资,也被称购买——持有策略。为采取这种策略,投资者只要简单地选择合适的债券就可以了。什么样的债券对投资者合适,不同的投资者有不同的回答。最保守的投资者选择没有任何违约风险的国  相似文献   

在会计准则国际化的大环境下,我国所得税的会计处理要与国际接轨仍存在很大差距,为了使企业提供的会计信息更具有可比性,我国的所得税准则也需要效法国际会计准则.  相似文献   

长期股权投资是新会计准则变化的亮点之一,其减值涉及到<资产减值>和<金融工具确认与计量>两个准则,会计实务处理的难度大,本文从新旧准则比较角度对长期股权投资减值问题进行了探讨,以期对长期股权投资的减值给出实务指导.  相似文献   

In countries where the use of financial statements is minimal and relative accounting debate less intense, domestic practices may gain benefit from being consistently applied. Comparison with foreign experience is crucial. It leads to questioning of the appropriateness of practices that might otherwise never be discussed, particularly where they are developed in such a way as to favour the stakeholders controlling the accounting process. A salient example evidencing the above claims is to be found in the Italian savings banks (hereafter 'banks') accounting for the cost of defined benefits pension plans. The Italian financial system is credit-based. While banks play a predominant role, the financial industry itself enjoys significant autonomy in setting its accounting standards. This is especially so in respect of the accounting for the cost of pensions as savings banks have offered the most significant and almost unique example of employees' defined benefit pension plans in Italy.
  The present article compares some aspects of the long debated international and Anglo-Saxon standards' recommendations with the infrequently questioned Italian domestic practice. The substantial deviations that emerge in the Italian system favour particularly management and proprietorship by allowing a significant degree of discretion regarding the labour cost figure, thereby enhancing the banks' salary bargaining strength.  相似文献   


This study provides a comparison between the preferred learning modes (traditional, interactive, group case-based lectures) of international and domestic students undertaking a new undergraduate accounting topic at an Australian university. A Likert-scale survey questionnaire was used to determine the differences and similarities between the two groups. When the results are analysed using the Hofstede model of societal cultural dimensions, they indicate significant differences between the two groups of students with regard to their preferences for formal versus interactive and group case-based lectures. The paper provides a discussion of the implications of these findings for teaching methods, assessment and curriculum development.  相似文献   

绿色债券符合环境友好的投资理念,享受税收优惠等鼓励政策,逐步受到投资机构的关注和青睐。以人民币计价发行的绿色债券,在行业宽度和发行深度上均存在广阔的发展前景。国内外绿色债券指数近两年均比综合类债券指数取得更高的回报,波动性也更低。绿色债券发行主体在企业社会责任方面的实践相对到位,规避了部分声誉风险及引致的潜在违约损失,或是其取得超额回报的原因。  相似文献   

We investigate (1) whether the variation in accounting standards across national boundaries relative to International Accounting Standards (IAS) has an impact on the ability of financial analysts to forecast non-U.S. firms' earnings accurately, and (2) whether analyst forecast accuracy changes after firms adopt IAS. IAS are a set of financial reporting policies that typically require increased disclosure and restrict management's choices of measurement methods relative to the accounting standards of our sample firms' countries of domicile. We develop indexes of differences in countries' accounting disclosure and measurement policies relative to IAS, and document that greater differences in accounting standards relative to IAS are significantly and positively associated with the absolute value of analyst earnings forecast errors. Further, we show that analyst forecast accuracy improves after firms adopt IAS. More specifically, after controlling for changes in the market value of equity, changes in analyst following, and changes in the number of news reports, we find that the convergence in firms' accounting policies brought about by adopting IAS is positively associated with the reduction in analyst forecast errors.  相似文献   

任壮 《银行家》2005,(9):68-72
倘若缺乏科学的管理以及对风险清醒的认识,商业银行今天的“大餐”难保不变成明天的“鸡肋”。债券投资始终是商业银行资产组合的重要组成部分。近年来商业银行的债券投资更有逐年上升趋势, 2005年3月央行下调超额准备金利率使得商业银行投资债券市场的热情高涨,大量资金由信贷市场抽回转而投向债券市场,情形有愈演愈烈之势,是何种原因促使商业银行如此热忠于投资债券市场呢?债券投资对于商业  相似文献   

德国,英国和加拿大等采取二元论的国家一般认为税收协定的效力位阶与国内税法相同,因此一般允许国内税法推翻税收协定。法国,日本,西班牙和荷兰等采取一元论的国家一般认为税收协定优先于国内税法适用,国内立法不应当凌驾于税收协定之上,因此一般反对国内税法推翻税收协定。折衷理论认为,与其完全禁止推翻税收协定,不如有限度地允许并加强对其的规制。随着税基侵蚀与利润转移问题的加剧,我国在处理税收协定与国内税法的关系时应采取辩证和务实的态度,完善国内税法和税收协定中的反避税规则,同时也要加强对协定伙伴国滥用推翻税收协定的应对。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades numerous organizations have been actively participating in the efforts to improve the comparability of financial reporting. Many studies have discussed the benefits and drawbacks of comparability. This study investigated the affect on the harmonization, or comparability, of accounting practices when a sample of companies choose to use international accounting standards (IASs) when preparing financial reports.This study analyzed trends in the I index, a measure of concentration for the use of a particular accounting practice introduced by van der Tas, to determine if the choice of accounting methods by a sample of Swiss companies became more aligned with a sample of companies from three other countries. The study included a control sample of Swiss companies that did not switch from reporting using local Swiss standards during the same time period, 1988 through 1995. Four accounting practices were included; depreciation, inventory, financial statement cost basis, and consolidation practices. The practices used were compared with a sample of companies from three countries; Japan, the UK, and the US.The results indicated that across the 8-year period, the majority of the I indices comparisons were positive and statistically significant. However, the results did not support that these increases were due primarily to the adoption of IASs.  相似文献   

会计师事务所国际扩张:四大与非四大的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对四大和非四大在不同市场的扩张动因和进入模式进行了比较研究,发现(1)从国际化的不同阶段看,在初始国际化阶段,四大主要受客户国际化的需求拉动,非四大主要受市场竞争的压力推动;在后续国际化阶段,四大和非四大都受市场需求的拉动。(2)从国际化的不同方向看,四大和非四大向发达市场扩张主要受竞争压力的推动,向发展中市场扩张主要受市场机会的拉动。(3)在国际化模式方面,四大和非四大都以联盟的方式进入发达市场,但四大的联盟更为紧密;在向发展中市场扩张时,四大偏好于设立分支机构和合并当地所,非四大则主要采用联盟的方式。  相似文献   

陈忠民 《新金融》2005,(7):48-50
上半年债券市场持续大幅上扬,市场利率全面下跌。市场非常宽松的资金面是造成这波债市行情的首要原因,而央行3月17日下调超额准备金利率,则加剧了市场利率的下跌。尽管CPI有所回落,但宏观经济增长强劲,固定资产投资增速不减,中长期通胀压力依然存在,而债券市场的急剧扩张,缺乏坚实的物质基础,再加上债券发行逐渐加速,债券供不应求的局面有望改观,这一切都预示着债券市场虽然在短期内仍有上升的可能,但其不断上涨的趋势将难以为继,下半年债券市场反转,利率反弹的可能性在增加。投资者一方面可以在短期内顺市而为,获取实利,另一方面要密切关注市场变化,一旦发现市场反转苗头,及时抛售持有债券。  相似文献   

官方出口信用的国际规则和经验及其借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协定》和OECD君子协定是规范各国官方出口信用活动的主要国际规则。官方出口信用经历了近80年的发展,近些年出现了一些新的变化和趋势。这些规则和发展变化对我国官方出口信用的改革具有重要的借鉴意义。我国目前的国情还需要官方支持的出口金融发挥更大的作用,建议采取分账户经营等政策措施,将中国进出口银行改造为国际经济合作银行。  相似文献   

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