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This paper introduces some new elements to measure the skewness of a probability distribution, suggesting that a given distribution can have both positive and negative skewness, depending on the centred sub‐interval of the support set being observed. A skewness function for positive reals is defined, from which a bivariate index of positive–negative skewness is obtained. Certain interesting properties of this new index are studied, and they are also obtained for some common discrete distributions. We show the advantages of their use as a complement to the information derived by traditional measures of skewness. 相似文献
Inventory record inaccuracy (IRI) is a pervasive problem in retailing and causes non-trivial profit loss. In response to retailers’ interest in identifying antecedents and consequences of IRI, we present a study that comprises multiple modeling initiatives. We first develop a dynamic simulation model to compare and contrast impacts of different operational errors in a continuous (Q, R) inventory system through a full-factorial experimental design. While backroom and shelf shrinkage are found to be predominant drivers of IRI, the other three errors related to recording and shelving have negligible impacts on IRI. Next, we empirically assess the relationships between labor availability and IRI using longitudinal data from five stores in a global retail chain. After deriving a robust measure of IRI through Bayesian computation and estimating panel data models, we find strong evidence that full-time labor reduces IRI whereas part-time labor fails to alleviate it. Further, we articulate the reinforcing relationships between labor and IRI by formally assessing the gain of the feedback loop based on our empirical findings and analyzing immediate, intermediate, and long-term impacts of IRI on labor availability. The feedback modeling effort not only integrates findings from simulation and econometric analysis but also structurally explores the impacts of current practices. We conclude by discussing implications of our findings for practitioners and researchers. 相似文献
文章从实际出发,论述了会计信息失真的概念、行为性质及其表现形式,着重探讨了会计信息失真的原因和解决会计信息失真问题的对策。 相似文献
Recent studies of financial analysis' earnings forecast revisions following dividend announcements suggest that dividends
convey information regarding a firm's future prospects. In this study, we extend the analysis by explicitly controlling for
earnings information released during the forecast revision measurement period. Our results suggest that earnings forecast
revisions previously attributed to dividend announcements are driven primarily by earnings surprise. At best, dividends appear
to serve a corroborative role.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of I/B/E/S Inc. for providing earnings per share forecast data, available
through the Institutional Brokers Estimate System. 相似文献
Dr. P. N. Rathie 《Metrika》1973,20(1):122-130
Summary Some characterization theorems are given for the various generalized measures of information and uncertainty by using two types of functional inequalities. This paper unifies several existing results on the various measures of information and some special cases of interest are mentioned at appropriate places.The work of this paper was done while the author was a visiting postdoctoral fellow with the University of Waterloo. This paper was presented at the Meeting on Information Measures held at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada from April 10–14, 1970. 相似文献
An axiomatic characterization of non-additive measures of information associated with a pair of probability distributions having the same number of elements has been given. This quantity under additional suitable postulates leads to the non-additive Entropy, Directed-Divergence and Inaccuracy of one or more parameters. 相似文献
浅析会计信息失真之成因与防范 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,国内外会计信息造假事件屡见不鲜、层出不穷,如何避免和防范会计信息失真,成为会计理论界广泛关注的热点问题。文章从分析会计信息失真的原因入手,从强化政府及社会监督机制、推动会计法规准则和企业内部制度建设、创新会计工作运行机制、优化会计人员能力素质和执业道德教育等多个方面,有针对性地提出了治理对策。 相似文献
In the present communication we introduce a length biased past inaccuracy measure between two past lifetime distributions
over the interval (0, t). Based on proportional reversed hazard model characterization problem for the length biased inaccuracy measure has been
studied. An upper bound to the weighted past inaccuracy measure has also been derived, which reduces to the upper bound obtained
in case of weighted past entropy. 相似文献
The analysis of poverty measures has been receiving increased attention in recent years. This paper contributes to the literature by developing percentile ratio estimators based on the pseudo empirical likelihood method. In practice, variances of poverty measures could be not expressible by simple formulae and consequently other techniques should be used in the variance estimation stage. Assuming percentile ratios, resampling techniques are investigated in this paper. A numerical example based on data from the Spanish Household Panel Survey is taken up to illustrate how suggested procedures can perform better than existing ones. The effect of a model-misspecification on the proposed estimators is also evaluated by using simulated populations. 相似文献
本文论述了信息化与流通业的关系;信息化时代流通业发生的变革:1,信息化使商品流通的方式发生变革;2,信息化使流通过程不断地向“虚拟化”的方向演进;3,信息化使许多实物商品流通范畴之外的物流活动由手工向自动化、同步化发展;对深圳目前流通业信息化水平进行了深刻的剖析,并在此基础上提出了深圳流通业对信息化主动适应策略。 相似文献
D. P. Mittal 《Metrika》1975,22(1):35-45
This paper deals with the characterizations of some measures of entropy, inaccuracy and directed—divergence by means of functional equations. 相似文献
大城市副中心建设理论与实践 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
城市副中心是位于城市边缘区的次级商业商务中心.国外成功的副中心往往有合理的区位、便捷的交通系统、多样化的商务空间、完善的配套设施,以及良好的景观文化环境.这为我国城市副中心建设提供了可资借鉴的经验. 相似文献
作业区、处理厂分别在各站点安装了分液罐,使天然气在放空前实现了进一步气液分离,并且在安装后做了现场性能测验及效果评价。结果表明:分液罐在放空解堵应用过程中有一定的分液能力,运行较为平稳,但由于天然气放空速度与其分离液量存在矛盾,分液效果不明显,在水化物堵塞阻火器或井站故障紧急放空情况下运行存在严重的安全隐患,文章对分液罐及其辅助设备进行改进,提出了合理化的建议。 相似文献
In the present communication we introduce a dynamic measure of inaccuracy between two past lifetime distributions over the interval (0, t). Based on proportional reversed hazard rate model (PRHRM), a characterization problem for this dynamic inaccuracy measure has been studied. An upper bound to the dynamic measure of inaccuracy H*(f, g; t) has also been derived. 相似文献
We study here the topology of information on the space of probability measures over Polish spaces that was defined in Hellwig (1996). We show that under this topology, a convergent sequence of probability measures satisfying a conditional independence property converges to a measure that also satisfies the same conditional independence property. This also corrects the proof of a claim in Hellwig (1996, Lemma 4). Additionally, we determine sufficient conditions on the Polish spaces and the topology over measure spaces under which a convergent sequence of probability measures is also convergent in the topology of information. 相似文献
Two types of generalizations ofChaundy andMcLeod's functional equation have been proposed in the paper. One generalization includes parameters and leads to a new measure of entropy, which includesDaroczy's entropy of type as a particular case. Such a generalization for functions of two variables leads to new quantities whose particular cases areKullback's information andKerridge's inaccuracy.The second generalization is obtained by adding a symmetric term multiplied by a constant and gives alternative characterizations of quantities studied earlier. 相似文献