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除了先进的医疗设备,良好的培训教育也是基层医疗机构极为看重且又普遍短缺的。2013年9月初,飞利浦基础医疗"蒲公英工程"培训及示范基地,在黑龙江省漠河县人民医院正式揭牌。继2012年底在广东省深圳市第三人民医院建立影像培训中心之后,飞利浦基层医疗在位于中国版图最北端的漠河县撒下"蒲公英"的种子。这是飞利浦基层医疗战略实施以来的一次里程碑式进展。2012年10月,飞利浦发布基础医疗战略。以"传递健康、惠及大众"为主旨的"蒲公英工程"集产品、融资、服务、培训教育及信息平台为一体,旨在为基层医疗机构提供针对医疗设备和服务可及性、可负担性的合理化解决方案。坐落于以旅游资源闻名的漠河县,漠河县人民医院除为10余万本地百姓服务,还担负着每年数万游客的医疗服务重任。漠河县人民医院院长杨艳霞表示,与众多基层医院一样,  相似文献   

正据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,国家卫生计生委近日表示,禁止远程医疗服务冠以"中国、中华、全国"等名称。国家卫生计生委近日发布《关于推进医疗机构远程医疗服务的意见》,提出未经核准,任何开展远程医疗服务的医疗机构,不得冠以"中国、中华、全国"等其他指代、暗含全国或跨省(自治区、直辖市)含义的名称。《意见》强调,若存在医疗质量和医疗安全隐患,必须立即停止远程医疗服务。《意见》首次明确了远程医疗服务的定义和内容。它是指一方医疗机构邀请其他医疗机构  相似文献   

针对中国医疗服务是否市场化的问题,本文在明确区分"政府责任市场化"和"服务提供市场化"的前提下,论证中国医疗服务提供是否市场化.本文提出了基于医疗服务竞争性角度的研究方法,通过理论演绎出竞争性是医疗服务提供机制市场化的充分必要条件,并从宏观和微观两个层面证明中国医疗服务是非竞争性的.从医疗服务的需求弹性和供给弹性角度,用对数线性回归模型对1978~2007年中国医疗服务的相关数据进行了实证分析,从宏观层面上证明了医疗服务不具有竞争性;从医生提供医疗服务的成本收益分析角度,从微观层面上证明了医疗服务不具有竞争性.研究表明:中国医疗服务提供机制是非竞争性的,因而是非市场化的;医疗服务在中国属于必需品,有相当部分需求没有得到满足;医疗费用的上涨是在不增加供给的情况下,通过改变需求曲线函数来实现的.  相似文献   

当前,我国医疗服务的"无序"与"错位"日渐突出,使构建分级医疗模式再次成为医改的重点。由于我国"看病难、看病贵"问题集中体现在医疗服务行政化供给体制上,从而改革医疗服务行政化供给体制,建立起竞争性医疗服务体系,不仅是发挥市场配置医疗资源决定性作用的基本体制要求,更是引导医疗资源合理流动,从而加强基层医疗服务有效供给,构建分级医疗服务递送新格局的基本改革取向。  相似文献   

丁月 《新远见》2013,(12):82
以患者需求为导向的销售模式将替代原有被动发现式的销售模式,以期实现产品信息全覆盖,为更多患者提供优质医疗服务。2013年5月11日,飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司在河南省三门峡市召开名为"百年创新,百城同行"的大型市场活动启动仪式。此次活动旨在将先进的医疗设备信息及服务推广至二三线城市,为更多患者提供优质医疗服务。飞利浦医疗保健全球副总裁、大中华区影像系统业务总经理武少杰介绍,此次活动选取三门峡市为起点,逐  相似文献   

正房企进军医疗产业8月16日,泰禾集团宣布与佳平医疗签约,将"中国首家高端家庭医生服务社区"引入旗下"院子系"产品。根据计划,未来泰禾"院子系"业主将能享受以专业家庭医生服务为主,涵盖了高端医疗诊所服务、海外就医安排服务、就医绿色通道服务、企业健康管理服务、医疗紧急救援服务、医疗保  相似文献   

张凌 《新远见》2015,(5):63
医疗的核心是人,一头系着患者,一头牵着医生,而患者安全是医疗服务的核心目标。医疗的核心是什么?当2014年移动互联网企业高调挺进医疗圈并宣称"颠覆医疗"时,北京大学人民医院院长王杉提出的这个问题,让这些大鳄们暂时冷静下来。"医疗的核心是人,一头系着患者,一头牵着医生,而患者安全是医疗服务的核心目标,这永远无法被颠覆。"这是王杉院长的答案,  相似文献   

"健康中国"建设正当时,人民对保障生命健康的需求日益增长,而基层医疗服务高质量发展水平有待提升,疫情冲击凸显短板弱项.本研究对基层医疗相应政策和考核指标展开研究,关注基层场域中基本医疗服务高质量发展的问题和政策执行偏差,对"健康中国"战略背景下基层治理和医疗卫生服务高质量发展困境和出路进行的回应,找到基层医疗管理和政策不同关注点,从家庭医生的建设、互联网+基层医疗和党建基层中发现差异,为基层医疗管理高质量发展找寻出路.  相似文献   

陈峰  汤少梁 《价值工程》2011,30(18):308-310
当今中国老百姓"看病贵、看病难"的问题受到了社会各界广泛关注,其中医疗服务市场的核心因素——医疗服务价格直接决定了医疗费用高低和医疗服务利用程度。医疗服务价格规制政策不合理或国家对医疗服务规制不到位是造成目前我国医疗服务市场突出问题的重要原因。本文根据我国基本国情,采用最新的二手数据构建计量回归模型,并在多元回归分析中使用了Prais-Winsten AR(1)迭代法。通过实证的方法证明了医疗服务价格规制是影响医疗费用的重要因素,并得出价格规制出现了内部结构性扭曲的结论。  相似文献   

张玉兰 《价值工程》2014,(10):193-194
医疗绿卡服务工作自开展以来,为广大医疗绿卡持卡者提供了优质的医疗保健服务。为更好地服务于昆山的经济建设,为在昆山工作的外企高层管理者及各类高级人才提供快速、便捷、优质的全程医疗服务,让他们无后顾之忧,安心工作,及时成立了"医疗绿卡服务中心",完善了"医疗绿卡"服务制度,切实提升医疗绿卡的服务水平,牢固树立"人人都是投资环境"的观念,增强大局意识,增强服务意识,从而优化昆山的投资软环境。  相似文献   

This article examines the transfer of NPM strategies by comparing Service Charter initiatives in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia. These three countries, together with Canada and New Zealand,are partofwhathas beendescribedas the ‘core’ new public management (NPM) policy community (Common 1998). Service Charters are an NPM strategy intended to change the culture of public service delivery to focus on the needs of the users, identified as ‘clients’ or ‘customers’. The objectives are to make service providers more responsive to users by guaranteeing specific standards for service delivery, providing a substitute for competition and a benchmark for measuring service quality. The first section examines the historical and political context of the development of the Citizen's Charter and Service First programmes in the UK, customer service plans in the USA and Government Service Charters in Australia. The second section explores the similarities and differences between these charter initiatives based on analysis of public documents. There is evidence of convergence at the ideological level as managerial values underpin the service charter frameworks in all three jurisdictions (Walsh 1994; Pollitt 1995; Kettl 1997). Despite drawing from a similar toolkit influenced by private sector techniques, significant differences between the country contextshaveresultedindivergent strategies. Timing in the three countries examined suggests that national politics rather than global policy convergence is more significant in explaining the development of service charters. This case study provides evidence of policy transfer rather than policy convergence (Common 1998). The final section considers the limitations of the customer service model. Monitoring quality iscentral to theprogrammes in all three countries. Performance monitoring is essentially a quantitative methodology that requires criteria and indicators for measuring the quality of service delivery and programme outcomes. Two problems are considered. The first is the difficulty of specifying and measuring service quality. The second is that quality indicators derived from services marketing and management research do not take into account the characteristics of public services.  相似文献   

One area of health services in the UK which has been neglected by commentators is the supply of skilled medical staff within a nationalised health service. This is a surprising omission because in the UK we have a labour market for doctors which exhibits the worst aspects of monopoly. Furthermore, the combination of monopoly control by the medical profession on the supply side and the nationalised National Health Service on the demand side has resulted in a lower number of doctors per head than in other Western European countries. Overseas doctors are recruited to make up some of the shortfall but the deficiency in numbers is such that government plans to deliver more healthcare more quickly cannot be met in the short term without importing overseas firms with their staff, and in the long term require an expansion in medical education.  相似文献   

Developing countries often suffer from high corruption, high income inequality and poor institutional arrangements that give rise to large shadow economies. Earlier evidence shows that shadow economies moderate the negative effects of corruption on income inequality in highly unequal South American countries. For Asia, we show that the persistence of shadow economies raises inequality even if corruption control is strong. Supported by static and dynamic panel data analyses of 21 countries in Asia between 1995 and 2015, we show that in order to combat rising inequality, corruption control must be complemented by the ability to translate secondary and tertiary school enrolment into industrial and, more importantly, service sector jobs. Countries with low corruption but high inequality can reduce inequality by committing to higher public consumption expenditures. Further, combining greater trade openness with low corruption lowers inequality, except for countries in South Asia.  相似文献   

The study of public health policy in the less developed countries (LDCs) is handicapped by both lack of adequate data and gaps in conceptual apparatus. A new conceptual model is proposed that would be used for future policy analyses to assess what changes in health status of population in LDCs can be expected as direct functions of increased health service resources, and of improved environmental and econosociocultural conditions.While direct policy analysis is ill-advised at this time due to data inadequacy, the model is illustrated using data presently available for twenty-five relatively homogeneous sub-Sahara African countries. Within the limitations of available data, the findings suggest that reductions in mortality in the region might best be achieved by making appropriate health resources available to the populations. Study findings also suggest that physicians contributed more during the study period to the variance in physical health status than did medical assistants.  相似文献   

An effective emergency medical service (EMS) response to emergency medical calls during extreme weather events is a critical public service. Nearly all models for allocating EMS resources focus on normal operating conditions. However, public health risks become even more critical during extreme weather events, and hence, EMS systems must consider additional needs that arise during weather events to effectively respond to and treat patients. This paper seeks to characterize how the volume and nature of EMS calls are affected during extreme weather events with a particular focus on emergency preparedness. In contrast to other studies on disaster relief, where the focus is on delivery of temporary commodities, we focus on the delivery of routine emergency services during blizzards and hurricane evacuations. The dependence of emergency service quality on weather conditions is explored through a case study using real-world data from Hanover County, Virginia. The results suggest that whether it is snowing is significant in nearly all of the regression models. Variables associated with increased highway congestion, which become important during hurricane evacuations, are positively correlated with an increased call volume and the likelihood of high-risk calls. The analysis can aid public safety leaders in preparing for extreme weather events.  相似文献   

本文利用省级面板数据实证研究了公共服务供给对新型城镇化发展质量的作用机理及其空间效应。研究结果表明,公共服务供给和新型城镇化发展质量存在显著的空间相关性,且公共服务供给对新型城镇化发展质量的空间溢出效应日趋增强。教育具有显著的正向空间溢出作用,交通基础设施的空间溢出效应为负但并不显著,医疗具有较为明显的空间抑制作用。进一步进行区域异质性分析发现,公共服务供给对新型城镇化的直接效应和空间效应在三大地区存在明显的差异性。因此,不同区域要基于公共服务供给及其空间溢出效应的特点制定新型城镇化高质量发展政策措施,包括优化公共交通基础设施服务功能、提高人力资源配置效率、改善区域性医疗卫生条件等。  相似文献   

Localities in developed countries often enact regulations to deter low-income households from moving in. In developing countries, such restrictions lead to the emergence of informal housing sectors. To deter low-income migrants, localities in developing countries withhold public services to the informal housing sector. Using a large sample of Brazilian localities, we examine migration and exclusion, focusing on the public provision of water to small houses where low-income migrants are likely to live. Withholding water connections reduces the locality growth rate, particularly of low-education households. In terms of service provision, during dictatorship in Brazil, we find evidence of strategic exclusion, where localities appear to withhold services to deter in-migration. We also find evidence of strategic interactions among localities within metro areas in their setting of service levels: if one locality provides more services to migrant households, other localities respond by withholding service.  相似文献   

In all OECD countries, populations and workforces are ageing, with public services generally being older than broader labour markets. Governments are concerned at the looming capacity crisis and identifying policy responses. However, they have generally identified the problem as a simple change in demographics. This article adds a new perspective to this policy debate. Using a study of an Australian state public service, it identifies an association between changes in public employment policies and changes in the workforce age profile. It suggests that current employment policies, which replaced the traditional focus on youth recruitment with a more open public sector labour market, have made it inevitable that public workforces would age and be older than the general labour market. Policy responses to the older public workforce need to go beyond demographic explanations, to accept the older public workforce as the new norm, and align public employment policies accordingly.  相似文献   

As external debt servicing has increased, developing countries have been forced to re-evaluate programs in an effort to curtail government spending. This paper attempts to examine the character of the sectoral adjustments that have taken place (1961–1982) in the main functional areas of Argentinean government expenditures. In general, it appears that social services, particularly education and health along with public administration, have borne the brunt of the government's rising debt service problem. The social sectors have suffered further due to regime changes, with military regimes tending to cut back even more severely allocations to the social sectors than normal debt service constraints would have warranted.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(1):101010
In several developing countries, high and rising public debt is an important source of vulnerability. Strengthening debt management is a priority, but its effects on domestic economies have been hardly analyzed. This paper asks whether better public debt management could have spillover effects on the private sector, leading to more (and more stable) private capital flows and domestic credit. This is a relevant question in a context of financial deepening and increasing private capital inflows, which could be prone to episodes of bonanza, sudden stops and crises. Our results, based on a sample of developing countries, show positive spillover effects from better public debt management to private capital inflows and domestic financial deepening.  相似文献   

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