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考察了芬兰和瑞典的山地生态建设和环境保护。其环境立法主要包括环境许可制度、环境效益评估制度和环境税费制度。考察表明,其在生态环境保护与建设方面的做法值得我国借鉴。主要借鉴:法律体系完备,行政管理协调有效,环保教育普及,公众广泛参与,环境产业发达,林业发展环境宽松。  相似文献   

公众参与是环境影响评价中的重要内容.针对当前在环境影响评价中公众参与形式、内容和效果,提出了公众参与存在的信息公开不足、形式范围有限及广泛性不够等问题.立足从事环境影响评价的工作经验和实际需要,从健全环境信息公开制度、扩大并完善公众参方式、加强媒体参与等方面提出了改善公众参与工作的一系列对策建议.  相似文献   

环境问题与人类生活息息相关,人们对环境的关注度日益加强,环境信息公开已成为公众的迫切需要。政府环境信息公开的目的是保障公众的环境知情权,促使政府履行环境保护职责,提高环境管理效率,为公众参与环境保护提供保障。由于政府和公众之间的信息不对称,因此,公众需要委托审计部门对政府环境信息公开进行审计。  相似文献   

环境问题与人类生活息息相关,人们对环境的关注度日益加强,环境信息公开已成为公众的迫切需要。政府环境信息公开的目的是保障公众的环境知情权,促使政府履行环境保护职责,提高环境管理效率,为公众参与环境保护提供保障。由于政府和公众之间的信息不对称,因此,公众需要委托审计部门对政府环境信息公开进行审计。  相似文献   

当前,农村环境问题越发难以解决,治理环境迫不及待。在治理环境中,公众参与尤为关键,但结合实际情况来讲,当前公众参与治理农村环境中不但缺少顶层设计,并且公众缺乏浅薄的生态意识、不完善的公众参与机制、不健全的法律制度等等因素对公众参与治理农村环境积极性起到严重的影响。所以,我们需要加大力度进行顶层设计,更大范围上进行宣传教育,健全参与机制,完善法律制度建设,以不断强化农村生态环境中公众参与,进而提高治理质量。  相似文献   

环境信息公开作为公众参与环境保护的前提和基础,在农村环境保护中起着重要的作用.有鉴于此,本文在阐述农村环境信息公开内涵的基础上,从我国农村环境信息公开现状出发,探讨了我国农村环境保护中环境信息公开的必要性,提出了我国农村环境保护立法中环境信息公开制度化的几点建议.  相似文献   

环境行政公众参与的目的在于达到结果理性,即提升环境行政的民主性、正当性和科学性。结果理性的实现要求公众参与满足过程理性,即有序参与和有效参与。环境行政公众参与活动乃是各主体行为互动的过程,法律通过权利义务的配置对各主体的行为进行控制,实现参与的有序化和有效化。现行参与机制政府保障公众参与的义务,而忽视公众的环境行政参与权利,使得权利义务的互动机制失灵,影响公众参与的效果。公众参与制度的完善需要重视权利和义务两个维度,一方面要确认并保护公众的环境行政参与权,另一方面要扩大政府保障参与的义务,强化政府的法律责任。  相似文献   

农业非点源污染治理政策变革:美国经验及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国农业非点源污染治理政策是法律和管制机构交互作用内生决定的结果。《国家环境政策法》等法律安排和环保局的创设,促使其政策目标从维护航道和公共健康安全、到恢复水体美学和休闲价值、再到维护生态系统完整性;《清洁水法》和《水质法》推动了环境政策从点源污染治理、到点源与非点源污染总量控制、再转向生态一体化保护。美国完备的法律体系和行政机构的协调促进,一定程度上促进了政策目标与政策措施的协调发展,但联邦与州政府管理权分散引致的政策目标碎片化和农业部与环保局政策目标差异遏阻了生态一体化目标的实现,基于农户自愿参与基础上的非点源污染与点源污染排污权交易无效,导致日最大负荷总量控制政策实施困难。如何通过正式和非正式制度协调发展促进环境保护集体合作联盟的发展是美国农业非点源污染政策设计面临的最大挑战。中国农业非点源污染治理政策设计必须与环境管理体制改革协调互动,通过完善社会管理职能和创新公众参与渠道的顶层制度设计,实现从污染治理到生态保护的彻底变革。  相似文献   

正核心提示澳大利亚在矿山开采中,坚持生态环境保护、低影响开发、可持续土地利用的理念,建立较为完备的法律体系,实施全过程动态监测和公众参与,实行灵活的土地复垦保证金和风险金制度等,为我国矿山土地复垦与生态修复提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

生态资源及环境保护是推进农业可持续发展的首要问题。农村生态环境脆弱,现行自然资源法律制度存在局限性,无法实现农村生态环境的恢复和资源的可持续发展。本文以西部农村为视角,重新审视我国的自然资源法律,完善生态环境立法,建立生态资源宏观调控法律制度,制定环境保护目标责任制,制定生态补偿机制,建立公众参与制度等,实现农村生态资源及环境保护的可持续发展,加大农村生态文明建设。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the extent of institutionalization of public participation in environmental governance in the Philippines using the three-pillar framework of the Aarhus Convention and Principle 10 Guidelines: access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters. It analyzes the shifting demarcations of public engagement and how these are defined by the interplay of institutional-legal structures with the country's political economy constraints. It argues that while the country appears to have a strong institutional design for public participation, there is a decisively low level of institutionalization of actual participatory processes that could not achieve substantive autonomy from power structures. A critical factor to this is the weakness in public deliberations and interactions among civil society groups in the country that constrain legitimacy of representation, coherence and necessary consolidation in engagements with government institutions. While pluralism is a key tenet of public participation, the situation in the Philippines shows the limitations of its application, particularly amid a patrimonial political context. Such weakness amid complexities in aggregating public interest allows particular interests to predominate in reconfigurations of the boundaries of involvement in environmental matters, displacing otherwise legitimate groups in the margins of collaborative governance.  相似文献   

欠发达地区社区参与是生态农业旅游发展的一个重要内容,它不仅能够增加居民的经济收入,且对于进行民主化的生态农业旅游开发也具有极其重要的意义。南充村地处广东西部山区,社区参与龙湾生态农业旅游已有一定的雏形,但在社区参与的过程中存在参与的程度不高、缺乏参与机制和其他产业体系配套等问题。因此需要强化社区参与意识,构建南充村社区参与生态农业旅游发展的决策、利益分配、环境保护和技能培训等模式,引导他们在参与实践中不断探索、积极进取,最终朝着成熟参与层次方向迈进。  相似文献   

This study attempts to investigate the potential to develop a regional framework of public participation (PP) in environmental assessments (EA) within Asia. In so-doing, this paper examines the status quo of public participation in EA within Asia from a legislative point of view. The existing situation of EA in Asia is first examined, followed by an analysis on the status and challenges of PP within the region’s environmental assessments. Eight Asian countries subject for this research have all implemented EA at different degrees, yet challenges of enforcement remain. Possible solutions to these challenges are to first improve and standardize the legal framework and implementation mechanism in each individual country, as a first step leading to a transboundary framework in Asia. PP within EA is legally defined in some countries, but it is not widely practiced. Multi-stakeholder process is suggested as a potential tool that comprehensively covers the components necessary for PP promotion. There are information gaps between countries, which could be improved by creating a regional agency governing information exchange. Limited collaboration among countries, likewise, could be improved by bilateral or multilateral environmental agreements.  相似文献   

郑江丽  杨川  张康  王森  黑亮 《水利经济》2023,41(1):84-88
基于生态补偿具有经济效应和公众参与效应的特征,通过引入博弈理论,系统研究上下游区域间进行环境保护和生态补偿时的特征,通过定义影响博弈双方行为选择的具体变量,建立上下游环境保护与生态补偿成本收益的博弈模型。研究结果表明:若上游区域实施的策略为保护环境进而延缓经济发展,将不实施保护环境策略;若下游区域需要给与的补偿较大,将不实施生态补偿的措施;上游区域实施环境保护策略且下游区域采取生态补偿措施,需要建立在一定的条件基础上;上游初始经济状况越弱,上游区域倾向于进行环境保护的意愿度更小;下游对上游的补偿越大,下游区域采取补偿措施的意愿度将有所减少;下游区初始经济状况越好,下游区域采取补偿措施的意愿度越高;对上下游利益相关体进行生态补偿博弈研究时,必须考虑各利益体的自身发展状况。  相似文献   

加强环境保护 构建和谐社会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现人与自然的和谐是构建“和谐社会”的重要组成部分。人与自然的关系 ,本质上反映了人与人的关系。调整人和人的关系 ,最有力的武器是法律。为实现构建和谐社会的目标 ,在环境保护问题上应加强以下工作 :一是建立绿色GDP核算体系 ,以新的指标体系来衡量社会经济的发展、考核各级干部 ;二是完善法规体系 ,通过各种政策措施推动循环经济体系的建立 ;三是加快建立生态补偿机制 ;四是保障公众参与  相似文献   

Since the adoption of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) in 2000, greater importance has been given to citizen participation in landscape policies and, specifically, in defining landscape quality objectives (LQO). Although the task of identifying and defining LQO is undertaken by professionals, the ELC provides for a compulsory public consultation. In most cases, no clear relationship between the results of public participation and the resulting definition of LQO and planning scenarios has been found. The objective of the present study is therefore to propose a methodology for designing landscape planning scenarios and defining LQO by the systematic, objective and quantified analysis of the results of a public participation process and taking advantage of the capacity of a Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) to capture public perception of landscape. The results of a picture-based survey and of the assessment of more than two thousand landscape scenes through the PPGIS allowed us to calculate indices of satisfaction and of the level of intervention required for each landscape type and area. From the values of these indices, four types of landscape planning scenarios were identified (protection, planning and management focused on protection and on planning), and the LQO for each landscape type and area were determined according to the resulting scenario. Application of the proposed methodology to the Landscape Guidelines for Galicia revealed information about the public perception of each landscape type and the preferred measures for landscape improvement involving protection, management and planning.  相似文献   

Declining populations in rural and regional areas have become a high political priority in Australia. Calls for measures to support rural communities have been prompted by substantial population declines in some country areas. In Europe and the USA, similar political pressures to halt population losses in rural and regional areas are also apparent; often as a component of the multifunctionality of agriculture. The question addressed in the present paper is whether or not the Australian tax‐paying public would be willing to pay to avoid losses of people from rural and regional areas that may result from environmental protection measures. As an integral component of two recent non‐market, environmental valuation exercises using Choice Modelling, the value of the benefits associated with the maintenance of rural populations has been estimated. The results demonstrate that a positive existence value is held primarily by urban dwellers for rural population levels.  相似文献   

我国的森林生态效益补偿制度在法理上存在明显的法律冲突问题。在这种情况下,地方如何因地制宜完善森林生态效益补偿制度是一个值得研究的问题。介绍福建省在完善森林生态效益补偿制度方面的一些具体做法,如下游补上游的创新,超前的分级保护,补偿类别的细分。对这些做法进行法律评价:下游补上游是市县政府履行一部分补偿基金筹集职责的好办法;比国家早四年多提出对公益林的保护分三个等级;分析存在的不足,如没有补偿标准的增长机制,补偿标准大幅落后于相邻省份;模仿中央财政管护补偿的模式,使得征用补偿落空;国有公益林得到了不应得的征用补偿(即产权损失补偿);没有专门的公益林补偿管理机构;公益林补偿基金管理办法的位阶不合法。  相似文献   

Agricultural support is increasingly flowing into the maintenance and improvement of landscape quality. While variations in the demand for landscape protection have been successfully attributed to variations in socio‐economic characteristics, the effect of the local landscape setting as a potential determinant of environmental preferences has received less attention. A framework is formulated that describes public support for regional landscape protection as a function of socio‐economic variables and land use patterns. Models are then estimated using detailed local land use statistics and voting records from a referendum on increasing public funding for local landscape amenities protection in the Swiss canton of Zurich. The land use variables represent proportions of open landscape and landscape features that are viewed as particularly valuable for aesthetic and other reasons. Cross‐sectional estimation results suggest that attitudes towards public landscape protection are indeed strongly associated with the local landscape. Approval for protection programmes increased with local scarcity of open space and with the presence of high‐amenity landscape features. Comparison with referendum outcomes on a national‐level environmental issue suggests that the positive association with high‐amenity landscape features may be partly attributable to individuals' self‐selection of residency.  相似文献   

国内土地利用规划中公众参与的研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、归纳综合法、对比法,对国外土地利用规划中公众参与的理论研究和经验借鉴、土地利用规划公众参与的现状研究、完善土地利用规划公众参与的对策研究等方面进行综述,并相应地提出几点建议:对国外研究要多结合我国实际情况,多借鉴国外成功经验;现状研究要更多体现特殊性以及规划的层次性;对策研究应以相应理论为支持,并对某一方面多加深入、重视实证。  相似文献   

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