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This paper documents that firms face upward-sloping supply curves when they repurchase shares in a Dutch auction, and it analyzes the market reaction to these offers. The announcement price increase is highly correlated with the ultimate repurchase premium. Prices decline at expiration only for pro-rated offers. The cumulative return is positive and highly correlated with the repurchase premium, excepting pro-rated offers. Much of this price increase is consistent with movement along an upward-sloping supply curve. Trading volume around the Dutch auction parallels fixed-price repurchases. Supply elasticity is larger for firms with large trading volume, firms included in the S&P 500 Index, and takeover targets.  相似文献   

Using a sample of closed-end equity funds listed on the NYSE from 1994 to 1999, we investigate differences in spreads and adverse selection costs between the closed-end funds and a matched sample of common stocks. We find that spreads and adverse selection costs for the closed-end funds are significantly lower than those of control stocks. The results are consistent for the subperiods both before and after the minimum tick size change on NYSE on June 24, 1997. The differences of spreads and adverse selection costs cannot be attributed to the differences in the characteristics of the closed-end funds and the matched sample of common stocks. Lastly, we find that abnormal investor sentiment and adverse selection costs of closed-end funds are positively correlated over time.  相似文献   

In contrast to the negative average abnormal return associated with the announcement of a control‐related targeted repurchase (greenmail transaction), we find that the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is associated with a positive and significant average abnormal return. Cross‐sectional analysis indicates that the change in firm value at the announcement of a noncontrol‐related targeted repurchase is negatively related to the resulting changes in both insider ownership and outside blockholdings. We also find significant differences in announcement‐period stock price effects depending on the identity of the selling shareholder.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We examine the announcement stock returns and long-run performance of 352 targeted repurchases from 1979 to 1998. For those repurchases of blocks that are non-control related we find a positive announcement stock price response and positive long-run stock performance indicating that these repurchases are timed to occur when the company's shares are undervalued and that the market underreacts to this signal. In contrast, for those repurchases of blocks that are control related we find a negative announcement stock price response and insignificant long-run stock performance indicating that these repurchases occur for a different reason. We conclude that control related repurchases are utilized solely to dismiss potential takeover bids and are not timed when the stock is undervalued.  相似文献   

This paper provides out-of-sample evidence on the payout policy in Canada during the 1985–2003 period. First, we show that the proportion of nonfinancial firms paying dividends has decreased, while the proportion initiating repurchase programs has increased. We also show that Canadian firms paying dividends and repurchasing shares are extremely concentrated. Second, we focus on the factors that could affect the choice between repurchases and dividends. We find that dividends and repurchases are used by different types of firms. While we do not confirm the financial flexibility hypothesis, our results are consistent with the substitution hypothesis after controlling for selection bias and endogeneity.  相似文献   

Trading systems differ in their degree of transparency, here defined as the extent to which market makers can observe the size and direction of the current order flow. We investigate whether greater transparency enhances market liquidity by reducing the opportunities for taking advantage of uninformed participants. We compare the price formation process in several stylized trading systems with different degrees of transparency: various types of auction markets and a stylized dealer market. We find that greater transparency generates lower trading costs for uninformed traders on average, although not necessarily for every size of trade.  相似文献   

This article presents a model of repurchase tender offers in which firms choose between the Dutch auction method and the fixed price method. Dutch auction repurchases are more effective takeover deterrents, while fixed price repurchases are more effective signals of undervaluation. The model yields empirical implications regarding price effects of repurchases, likelihood of takeover, managerial compensation, and cross-sectional differences in the elasticity of the supply curve for shares.  相似文献   

Vested Interest and Biased Price Estimates: Evidence from an Auction Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study employs a new data set from art auctions to examine the relationship between auctioneer presale price estimates and the long‐term performance of artworks. We find that the price estimates for expensive paintings have a consistent upward bias over a long period of 30 years. High estimates at the time of purchase are associated with adverse subsequent abnormal returns. Moreover, the estimation error for individual paintings tends to persist over time. These results are consistent with the view that auction house price estimates are affected by agency problems and that some investors are credulous.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence on the determinants of swap spreads in Finland using four years of data. Spreads exhibit a significant negative relationship with the amount of fixed rate deposits with banks, which reflects the importance of banks in the Finnish capital markets. Spreads are positively linked to business cycle and market risk factors such as the slope of the yield curve and the volatility of interest rates. The influence of hedging costs has become increasingly important over time, especially in longer dated swaps. A relationship is also observed between swap spreads and the external value of the currency.  相似文献   

This paper examines intra-day variations in the bid-ask spread, volatility and volume for stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange. The data set used consists of quote and transactions data for a large sample of 835 stocks traded during the first quarter of 1991. The focus of the study is twofold; first, is to document a number of stylized facts regarding the intra-day behaviour of spread, trading volume, volatility etc. Second, the paper tests some predictions of two theoretical models of intra-day behaviour: the Admati and Pfleiderer and the Brock and Kleidon models. In addition, the paper also studies qualitatively the intra-day behaviour of several variables of interest including volume per transaction, transactions per fifteen-minute interval and spreads/trading volume for stocks of differing liquidity. The results suggest that the bid-ask spread is wide at the open, constant through the day and rises slightly at the close. Trading volume, in contrast is not highest at the open and the close. Volatility, based on the mid-point of the inside spread, shows a U-shaped pattern. Volume per transaction, in contrast, is fairly constant throughout the day. Further, the intra-day trading volume pattern differs for liquid and illiquid stocks. The results provide mixed support for current theoretical models of intra-day behaviour of spread, volume and volatility on the London Stock Exchange  相似文献   

The paper examines global impact of 2010 German short sale ban on sovereign credit default swap (CDS) spreads, volatility, and liquidity across 54 countries. We find that CDS spreads continue rising after the ban in the debt crisis region, which suggests that the short selling ban is incapable of suppressing soaring borrowing costs in these countries. However, we find that the ban helps stabilize the CDS market by reducing CDS volatility. The reduction in CDS volatility is greater in the eurozone than that in the non‐eurozone. Furthermore, we find that the CDS market liquidity has been impaired during the ban for the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain) countries. In contrast, there are no dramatic changes in the market liquidity for non‐PIIGS eurozone and non‐eurozone samples. The findings suggest that the short sale ban is ineffective to reduce sovereign borrowing costs in the debt crisis region if the underlying economy has not been significantly improved.  相似文献   

This paper examines liquidity externalities by analyzing trading costs after hours. There is less than 1/20 as many trades per unit time after hours as during the trading day. The reduced trading activity results in substantially higher trading costs: quoted and effective spreads are three to four times larger than during the trading day. The higher spreads reflect greater adverse selection and order persistence, but not higher dealer profits. Because liquidity provision remains competitive after hours, the greater adverse selection and higher trading costs provide a direct measure of the magnitude of the liquidity externalities generated during the trading day.  相似文献   

This paper analyses investment strategies of three types of Dutch institutional investors - pension funds, life insurers and non-life insurers - over the period 1999-2005. We use balance sheet and cash flow data, including purchases and sales of equity, fixed income and real estate. We trace asset reallocations back to both active trading and revaluations and link investment decisions to firm-specific characteristics and macroeconomic variables. Overall, our results indicate that all three investor types tend to be contrarian traders, i.e. they buy past losers and sell past winners. Especially pension funds showed this behaviour in the most turbulent part of the sample - the crash of 2002 and early 2003 - implying that these institutions have a stabilising impact on financial markets when this is needed most. Life insurers tend to be contrarian traders when they have a high proportion of unit-linked policies, while non-life insurers are contrarian when they have a more risky business model.  相似文献   

Capital gains taxes are conjectured to explain upward sloping supply curves in tender offers. This paper analyzes expiration day returns in Dutch auction tender offers to examine this conjecture. A proxy measure for the capital gains of the marginal tendering stockholder is constructed, based on tender offer size and daily price-volume history for one year. Cross-sectional regressions suggest that the tender price increases with the capital gains of the marginal tenderer, but only for firms with low institutional holdings. This is consistent with capital gains tax effects being relevant only when tax-exempt holdings are low.  相似文献   

Credit Default Swap (CDS) spreads on Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) have been extremely volatile since the onset of 2008 financial crisis. To have a better understanding of it, we examine the CDS spreads on REITs for both pre- and post-crisis with a particular focus on the effects of geographic concentration and local economic conditions on CDS spreads on REITs. We document that, above and beyond the factors of commonality suggested in the literature, a REIT’s geographic concentration has strong explanatory power for the behaviors of CDS spreads on REITs and the magnitude of this impact depends on the state of the local economy. Our findings suggest there is a potential local-to-private risk transfer through which market participants incorporate their expectations about the future economic health of the region into asset prices. This channel leads to significant co-movement between CDS spreads on REITs and the performance of local economy.  相似文献   


Nonlinear effects of debt on investment are investigated using an unbalanced panel of 94 Dutch listed nonfinancial firms during the period 1985–2000. Evidence shows that the nonlinear relation between debt and investment can be represented by a U curve, which contradicts the financial constraints theory. One possible explanation of the U curve relation between debt and investment may be the debt capital gain in the presence of inflation.  相似文献   

Foreclosure properties sold at Japanese judicial auctions are delivered to buyers with an unclear title when occupants exist, because the foreclosure laws protect occupants from compulsory execution of auctions. The existence of occupants theoretically affects the auction price through two channels. First, it affects the reserve price, and this changes in auction price. Second, the number of bidders changes in response to changes in the reserve price that is controlled by occupants, and this changes the auction price. Using data from the Osaka District Court, we empirically find that the existence of occupants in properties reduces the auction price through two channels.  相似文献   

We use the information in credit default swaps to obtain direct measures of the size of the default and nondefault components in corporate spreads. We find that the majority of the corporate spread is due to default risk. This result holds for all rating categories and is robust to the definition of the riskless curve. We also find that the nondefault component is time varying and strongly related to measures of bond‐specific illiquidity as well as to macroeconomic measures of bond market liquidity.  相似文献   

What does the general public know about banking supervision? What objectives does the public think bank supervisors should pursue? We investigate these issues using a survey among Dutch households. First, we find that the public's knowledge about banking supervision is far from perfect. We also find that respondents often expect more from supervisors than they can realistically achieve. Finally, our findings suggest that better-informed people have more realistic views on banking supervision. Realistic views on banking supervision lead to more prudent financial behavior, which, in turn, contributes to financial stability. Therefore, the communication policies of banking supervisors should aim to improve the public's knowledge about banking supervision.  相似文献   

We test for the differences in information asymmetry across two organizational forms (external and internal) in the REIT industry. We find significant differences with external REITs being significantly more transparent relative to internal REITs, and these differences are reflected in the loan contract terms and loan syndicate structure of loans made to these two types of REITs. We find that the relatively more transparent externally advised REITs are offered more favourable loan contracts in terms of lower loan rates and lower likelihood of collateral requirement. Further, loans to external REITs have syndicates that are larger in size and the lead lender retains a smaller portion of the loan, reflecting lower information asymmetry.  相似文献   

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